Example #1
        //  Read the first analog value on a Wago PLC 750-8xx
        public static void TestReadLoop()
            IPEndPoint       ep      = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 0xAF12);
            EnIPRemoteDevice WagoPlc = new EnIPRemoteDevice(ep);

            // class 103, instance 1, attribut 1
            // could be class 4, Instance 104 (with status) or 107 (wihout), attribut 3 for all Input data
            EnIPClass    Class103         = new EnIPClass(WagoPlc, 103);
            EnIPInstance Instance1        = new EnIPInstance(Class103, 1);
            EnIPAttribut FirstAnalogInput = new EnIPAttribut(Instance1, 1);

            WagoPlc.autoConnect         = false;
            WagoPlc.autoRegisterSession = true;

            for (; ;)
                // Connect or try re-connect, could be made with a long delay
                if (!WagoPlc.IsConnected())
                if (!WagoPlc.IsConnected())

                // all data will be put in the byte[] RawData member of EnIPInstanceAttribut
                if (FirstAnalogInput.ReadDataFromNetwork() == EnIPNetworkStatus.OnLine)
                    Console.WriteLine((FirstAnalogInput.RawData[1] << 8) | FirstAnalogInput.RawData[0]);

Example #2
        //  Read 4.104.3 on an Eurotherm Epack
        public static void TestReadLoop()
            IPEndPoint       ep    = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 0xAF12);
            EnIPRemoteDevice EPack = new EnIPRemoteDevice(ep);

            // class 4, Instance 100, attribut 3 for all Input data
            EnIPClass Class4 = new EnIPClass(EPack, 4);
            // here we gives the decoder class (subclass of CIPObject) in the 3rd parameter
            EnIPInstance Instance100 = new EnIPInstance(Class4, 100, typeof(InstanceDecoder));
            EnIPAttribut AllInputs   = new EnIPAttribut(Instance100, 3);

            EPack.autoConnect         = false;
            EPack.autoRegisterSession = true;

            for (; ;)
                // Connect or try re-connect, could be made with a long delay
                if (!EPack.IsConnected())
                if (!EPack.IsConnected())

                // all data will be put in the byte[] RawData member of EnIPInstanceAttribut
                // ... but decoded in the DecoderMemeber
                if (AllInputs.ReadDataFromNetwork() == EnIPNetworkStatus.OnLine)
                    // rawdata basic technic
                    // Console.WriteLine((AllInputs.RawData[1] << 8) | AllInputs.RawData[0]);
                    InstanceDecoder decoded = (InstanceDecoder)AllInputs.DecodedMembers;
                    Console.WriteLine(decoded.Frequency / 10.0);
                    // and so on


                // If a Forward Open is done such as in Class1Sample application sample,
                // the decoder is always called : a first ReadDataFromNetwork is mandatory
                // before that.
Example #3
        private void devicesTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            if (client == null)

            EnIPNetworkStatus ReadRet = EnIPNetworkStatus.OnLine;

            Cursor Memcurs = this.Cursor;

            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // It's a Device : top level
            if (e.Node.Tag is EnIPRemoteDevice)
                EnIPRemoteDevice device = (EnIPRemoteDevice)e.Node.Tag;

                propertyGrid.SelectedObject = device;

                popupAddCToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                popupAddIToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = false;
                popupAddAToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = false;
                decodeAttributAsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false;

                popupDeleteToolStripMenuItem.Text = deleteToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Delete current Device";

                if (device.SupportedClassLists.Count == 0) // certainly never discovers
                    if (device.IsConnected() == false)
                        if (device.IsConnected() == false)
                            propertyGrid.Enabled = false;
                            this.Cursor = Memcurs;

                    // never discovers
                    if (device.DataLength == 0)

                    propertyGrid.Enabled = true;

                // change the Text maybe
                String txt = device.IPAdd().ToString() + " - " + device.ProductName;
                if (e.Node.Text != txt)
                    e.Node.Text = txt;

                foreach (EnIPClass clId in device.SupportedClassLists)
                    bool alreadyexist = false;
                    foreach (TreeNode tn in e.Node.Nodes)
                        if ((tn.Tag as EnIPClass).Id == clId.Id)
                            alreadyexist = true;

                    if (!alreadyexist)

            // It's a Class
            else if (e.Node.Tag is EnIPClass)
                // Read it from the remote devie
                EnIPClass EnClass = (EnIPClass)e.Node.Tag;
                ReadRet = EnClass.ReadDataFromNetwork();
                LastReadNetworkStatus = EnIPNetworkStatus.OffLine; // to avoid periodic reading
                // In the Grid
                propertyGrid.SelectedObject = EnClass;
                // Popup menu adaptation
                popupAddCToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                popupAddIToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                popupAddAToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = false;
                decodeAttributAsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false;
                popupDeleteToolStripMenuItem.Text         = deleteToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Delete current Class";
            // It's an Instance
            else if (e.Node.Tag is EnIPInstance)
                // Read it from the remote devie
                EnIPInstance Instance = (EnIPInstance)e.Node.Tag;

                LastReadNetworkStatus = ReadRet = Instance.ReadDataFromNetwork();

                // remove properties litse filter based on CIPAttribut
                // in order to show all atrbiuts in the property grid
                if (Instance.DecodedMembers != null)

                LastReadNetworkStatus = ReadRet = Instance.ReadDataFromNetwork();
                // In the Grid
                propertyGrid.SelectedObject = Instance;
                // Popup menu adaptation
                popupAddCToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                popupAddIToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                popupAddAToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                decodeAttributAsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false;
                popupDeleteToolStripMenuItem.Text         = deleteToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Delete current Instance";
            // It's an Attribut
            else if (e.Node.Tag is EnIPAttribut)
                // Read it from the remote devie
                EnIPAttribut Att = (EnIPAttribut)e.Node.Tag;

                LastReadNetworkStatus = ReadRet = Att.ReadDataFromNetwork();

                // filter properties list for only the given attribut
                // remove instance undecoded bytes if exist
                if (Att.DecodedMembers != null)
                    Att.DecodedMembers.Remain_Undecoded_Bytes = null;

                // In the Grid
                propertyGrid.SelectedObject = Att;
                // Popup menu adaptation
                popupAddCToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                popupAddIToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                popupAddAToolStripMenuItem.Visible        = true;
                decodeAttributAsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true;
                popupDeleteToolStripMenuItem.Text         = deleteToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Delete current Attribute";

            propertyGrid.Enabled = (ReadRet == EnIPNetworkStatus.OnLine);
            this.Cursor = Memcurs;