public ActionResult SendEmail(FormCollection form)
            string managerID = form["manager"].ToString();
            int    year      = Convert.ToInt32(form["year"].ToString());
            int    period    = Convert.ToInt32(form["period"].ToString());

            var formModel = (from f in timesheetDb.TimeRecordForms
                             where f.Year == year
                             where f.Period == period
                             where f.UserID == User.Identity.Name
                             select f).FirstOrDefault();

            if (formModel == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { message = 1 }));
                formModel.ManagerIDs    = managerID;
                formModel.status        = _status.submited;
                formModel.SubmittedTime = DateTime.Now;
                timesheetDb.Entry(formModel).State = EntityState.Modified;

                //do not wait for the async task to complete
                Task.Run(() => EmailSetting.SendEmail(managerID, string.Empty, "TimesheetApplication", formModel.TimeRecordFormId.ToString()));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { message = 2 }));
 private ActionResult ApproveTimeSheet(TimeRecordForm form, string decision)
     if (decision == "Approve")
         form.status = _status.approved;
     else if (decision == "Reject")
         form.status = _status.rejected;
     form.ApprovedBy             = User.Identity.Name;
     form.ApprovedTime           = DateTime.Now;
     contextDb.Entry(form).State = EntityState.Modified;
     Task.Run(() => EmailSetting.SendEmail(form.UserID, string.Empty, "TimesheetApproval", form.TimeRecordFormId.ToString()));
        // Convinence function: Approve/Reject an application
        private async Task ApproveApplication(LeaveApplication application, string decision)
            if (application.status != _status.approved && application.status != _status.rejected)
                List <LeaveBalance> userLeaveBalances = (from l in contextDb.LeaveBalances
                                                         where l.UserID == application.UserID
                                                         select l).ToList();
                List <TimeRecord> appliedTimeRecords = application.GetTimeRecords();

                string[] originalBalances = application.OriginalBalances.Split('/');
                double[] takenLeaveTimes  = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                if (decision == "Approve")
                    string closeBalances = String.Empty;
                    // Calculate taken leaves
                    foreach (var timerecord in appliedTimeRecords)
                        int index = (int)timerecord.LeaveType;
                        if (index < 3)
                            takenLeaveTimes[index] += timerecord.LeaveTime;
                        else if (timerecord.LeaveType == _leaveType.compassionatePay)
                            takenLeaveTimes[(int)_leaveType.sick] += timerecord.LeaveTime;
                        else if (timerecord.LeaveType == _leaveType.flexiHours)
                            takenLeaveTimes[(int)_leaveType.flexi] -= timerecord.LeaveTime;
                    // Record closed leave balances
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        double originalBalance = double.Parse(originalBalances[i] ?? "0");
                        closeBalances += string.Format("{0:0.00}", originalBalance - takenLeaveTimes[i]);
                        if (i != 2)
                            closeBalances += "/";
                    application.CloseBalances = closeBalances;
                    application.status        = _status.approved;
                    application.status = _status.rejected;
                    // Undo leave record in each time record
                    foreach (var record in appliedTimeRecords)
                        var entry = contextDb.TimeRecords.Find(;
                        entry.LeaveTime = 0;
                        entry.LeaveType = null;
                        contextDb.Entry(entry).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    // Undo leave balances for the user
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        LeaveBalance balance = contextDb.LeaveBalances.Find(application.UserID, (_leaveType)i);
                        balance.AvailableLeaveHours = double.Parse(originalBalances[i] ?? "0");
                    // Record closed leave balances
                    application.CloseBalances = application.OriginalBalances;
                // Record approval info
                application.ApprovedTime           = DateTime.Now;
                application.ApprovedBy             = User.Identity.Name;
                contextDb.Entry(application).State = EntityState.Modified;

                // Send an email to manager
                    await Task.Run(() => EmailSetting.SendEmail(application.UserID, string.Empty, "LeaveApproval",;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
        public async Task <ActionResult> Leave(LeaveApplicationViewModel applicationVM)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    double[] takenLeaves = new double[3];
                    foreach (var l in applicationVM.TimeRecords)
                        int index = (int)l.LeaveType - 1;
                        takenLeaves[index] += l.LeaveTime;

                    // Transfer attachments to ViewModel
                    if (applicationVM.Attachments.Count > 0)
                        List <LeaveAttachment> files = new List <LeaveAttachment>();
                        foreach (var file in applicationVM.Attachments)
                            if (file.ContentLength > 0)
                                var attachment = new LeaveAttachment
                                    FileName    = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName),
                                    ContentType = file.ContentType
                                using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(file.InputStream))
                                    attachment.Content = reader.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength);
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.Attachments = files;

                    // Try to fetch Leaveapplication from DB if it exists
                    applicationVM.LeaveApplication.UserID = User.Identity.Name;
                    var application = (from a in contextDb.LeaveApplications
                                       where DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.StartTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.StartTime.Date &&
                                       DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EndTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.EndTime.Date &&
                                       a.UserID == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.UserID
                                       select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    foreach (var r in applicationVM.TimeRecords)
                        // Configure time record if it's not a full day off
                        if (r.LeaveTime != 7.5)
                            r.SetAttendence(9, 17 - r.LeaveTime, 0.5);

                        // Sum up total leave time
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.TotalTime += r.LeaveTime;

                        // Try to fetch TimeRecord from DB if it exists
                        var timeRecord = (from a in contextDb.TimeRecords
                                          where DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.RecordDate) == r.RecordDate.Date &&
                                          a.UserID == r.UserID
                                          select a).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Update TimeRecord if exists, Add if not
                        if (timeRecord == null)
                            int index = (int)timeRecord.LeaveType - 1;
                            takenLeaves[index]  -= timeRecord.LeaveTime;
                            timeRecord.LeaveTime = r.LeaveTime;
                            timeRecord.LeaveType = r.LeaveType;
                            contextDb.Entry(timeRecord).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // Update LeaveApplication if exists, add if not
                    if (application == null)
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.status = _status.submited;
                        application.status    = _status.modified;
                        application.leaveType = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.leaveType;
                        application.ManagerID = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.ManagerID;
                        application.Comment   = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.Comment;
                        application.TotalTime = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.TotalTime;
                        contextDb.Entry(application).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // Update user leaves data in Db after submitting if it's leave application
                    if (applicationVM.LeaveApplication.leaveType != _leaveType.none)
                        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                            var LeaveBalance = contextDb.LeaveBalances.Find(User.Identity.Name, (_leaveType)i);
                            if (LeaveBalance == null)
                                LeaveBalance                      = new LeaveBalance();
                                LeaveBalance.LeaveType            = (_leaveType)i;
                                LeaveBalance.UserID               = User.Identity.Name;
                                LeaveBalance.AvailableLeaveHours -= takenLeaves[i - 1];
                                LeaveBalance.AvailableLeaveHours   -= takenLeaves[i - 1];
                                contextDb.Entry(LeaveBalance).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // Send an email to manager
                    var applicationModel = (from a in contextDb.LeaveApplications
                                            where DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.StartTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.StartTime.Date &&
                                            DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EndTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.EndTime.Date &&
                                            a.UserID == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.UserID
                                            select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (applicationModel != null)
                        Task.Run(() => EmailSetting.SendEmail(applicationModel.ManagerID, string.Empty, "LeaveApplication",;
            catch (RetryLimitExceededException /* dex */)
                //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log.
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator.");
            catch (Exception e)
Example #5
        public ActionResult Casual(TimeSheetContainer model)
                TempData["model"] = model;
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    double workingHours = 0;
                    string userId       = User.Identity.Name;
                    for (int i = 0; i < model.TimeRecords.Count; i++)
                        // Add/Update each TimeRecords
                        DateTime recordDate = model.TimeRecords[i].RecordDate;
                        var      record     = contextDb.TimeRecords.Where(t => t.UserID == userId &&
                                                                          t.RecordDate == recordDate).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (record == null)
                            record.StartTime              = model.TimeRecords[i].StartTime;
                            record.EndTime                = model.TimeRecords[i].EndTime;
                            record.LunchBreak             = model.TimeRecords[i].LunchBreak;
                            contextDb.Entry(record).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        // Calculate total working hours
                        workingHours += model.TimeRecords[i].WorkHours;
                    model.TimeRecordForm.TotalWorkingHours = workingHours;
                    model.TimeRecordForm.SubmittedTime     = DateTime.Now;

                    // Add/Update TimeSheetForm data
                    var form = contextDb.TimeRecordForms.Where(t => t.UserID == userId &&
                                                               t.Year == model.TimeRecordForm.Year &&
                                                               t.Period == model.TimeRecordForm.Period).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (form == null)
                        model.TimeRecordForm.status   = _status.submited;
                        model.TimeRecordForm.UserID   = User.Identity.Name;
                        model.TimeRecordForm.UserName = contextDb.ADUsers.Find(User.Identity.Name).UserName;
                        form.status                 = _status.modified;
                        form.TotalWorkingHours      = model.TimeRecordForm.TotalWorkingHours;
                        form.ManagerIDs             = model.TimeRecordForm.ManagerIDs;
                        form.Comments               = model.TimeRecordForm.Comments;
                        contextDb.Entry(form).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // send email to manager
                    form = (from f in contextDb.TimeRecordForms
                            where f.Period == model.TimeRecordForm.Period
                            where f.Year == model.TimeRecordForm.Year
                            where f.UserID == model.TimeRecordForm.UserID
                            select f).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (form != null)
                        foreach (var mangerId in form._managerIDs)
                            Task.Run(() => EmailSetting.SendEmail(mangerId, string.Empty, "TimesheetApplication", form.TimeRecordFormId.ToString()));
                    return(RedirectToAction("PostRequest", new { status = postRequestStatus.success }));
                //TempData["ErrorModel"] = ModelState.Values;
                return(RedirectToAction("PostRequest", new { status = }));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> Leave(LeaveApplicationViewModel applicationVM)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // Initialise variables
                    double[] appliedLeaveTimes = new double[3];
                    string   originalBalances  = String.Empty;

                    // Record Submitted Time
                    applicationVM.LeaveApplication.SubmittedTime = DateTime.Now;

                    // Calculate applied leave times and group by leavetype
                    foreach (var l in applicationVM.TimeRecords)
                        // Compassionate pay will take Sick leave balance
                        if (l.LeaveType == _leaveType.compassionatePay)
                            appliedLeaveTimes[(int)_leaveType.sick] += l.LeaveTime;
                        // Subtract balance for Sick Leave, Flexi Leave, and Annual Leave
                        else if ((int)l.LeaveType < 3)
                            appliedLeaveTimes[(int)l.LeaveType] += l.LeaveTime;
                        // Flexi hours will increase Flexi leave balance
                        else if (l.LeaveType == _leaveType.flexiHours)
                            appliedLeaveTimes[(int)_leaveType.flexi] -= l.LeaveTime;

                    // Update TimeRecords in Db
                    foreach (var r in applicationVM.TimeRecords)
                        // Configure attendance of a TimeRecord
                        if (r.LeaveType == _leaveType.flexiHours ||
                            r.LeaveType == _leaveType.additionalHours)
                            if (r.LeaveTime < 14.5)
                                r.SetAttendence(9, 9.5 + r.LeaveTime, 0.5);
                                r.SetAttendence(12 - r.LeaveTime / 2.0, 12 + r.LeaveTime / 2.0, 0);
                            if (r.LeaveTime <= 7.6)
                                r.SetAttendence(9, 17 - r.LeaveTime, 0.5);

                        // Sum up total leave time
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.TotalLeaveTime += r.LeaveTime;

                        // Try to fetch TimeRecord from Db if it exists
                        var timeRecord = (from a in contextDb.TimeRecords
                                          where DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.RecordDate) == r.RecordDate.Date &&
                                          a.UserID == r.UserID
                                          select a).FirstOrDefault();

                        // Update TimeRecord if exists, add if not
                        if (timeRecord == null)
                            // Record the difference of applied leave time and the balance in Db
                            if (timeRecord.LeaveType != null)
                                // Compassionate pay will take Sick leaves balance
                                if (timeRecord.LeaveType == _leaveType.compassionatePay)
                                    appliedLeaveTimes[(int)_leaveType.sick] -= timeRecord.LeaveTime;
                                // Flexi hours will increase Flexi leave balance
                                else if (timeRecord.LeaveType == _leaveType.flexiHours)
                                    appliedLeaveTimes[(int)_leaveType.flexi] += timeRecord.LeaveTime;
                                // Subtract balance for Sick Leave, Flexi Leave, and Annual Leave
                                else if ((int)timeRecord.LeaveType < 3)
                                    appliedLeaveTimes[(int)timeRecord.LeaveType] -= timeRecord.LeaveTime;

                            timeRecord.LeaveTime = r.LeaveTime;
                            timeRecord.LeaveType = r.LeaveType;
                            contextDb.Entry(timeRecord).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // Transfer attachments to ViewModel
                    if (applicationVM.Attachments.Count != 0)
                        List <LeaveAttachment> files = new List <LeaveAttachment>();
                        foreach (var file in applicationVM.Attachments)
                            if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
                                var attachment = new LeaveAttachment
                                    FileName    = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName),
                                    ContentType = file.ContentType
                                using (var reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(file.InputStream))
                                    attachment.Content = reader.ReadBytes(file.ContentLength);
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.Attachments = files;

                    // Update user leaves balance in Db after submitting
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        var LeaveBalance = contextDb.LeaveBalances.Find(User.Identity.Name, (_leaveType)i);
                        if (LeaveBalance == null)
                            originalBalances += "0.00";
                            LeaveBalance      = new LeaveBalance()
                                LeaveType           = (_leaveType)i,
                                UserID              = User.Identity.Name,
                                AvailableLeaveHours = 0
                            originalBalances += string.Format("{0:0.00}", LeaveBalance.AvailableLeaveHours);
                            LeaveBalance.AvailableLeaveHours   -= appliedLeaveTimes[i];
                            contextDb.Entry(LeaveBalance).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        if (i != 2)
                            originalBalances += "/";

                    // Try to fetch Leaveapplication from DB if it exists
                    applicationVM.LeaveApplication.UserID = User.Identity.Name;
                    var application = (from a in contextDb.LeaveApplications
                                       where DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.StartTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.StartTime.Date &&
                                       DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EndTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.EndTime.Date &&
                                       a.UserID == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.UserID
                                       select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Update LeaveApplication if exists, add if not
                    if (application == null)
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.status           = _status.submited;
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.UserName         = contextDb.ADUsers.Find(User.Identity.Name).UserName;
                        applicationVM.LeaveApplication.OriginalBalances = originalBalances;
                        application.status                 = _status.modified;
                        application.leaveType              = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.leaveType;
                        application.ManagerIDs             = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.ManagerIDs;
                        application.Comment                = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.Comment;
                        application.ApprovedBy             = null;
                        application.ApprovedTime           = null;
                        application.TotalLeaveTime         = applicationVM.LeaveApplication.TotalLeaveTime;
                        contextDb.Entry(application).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    // Send an email to manager
                    var applicationModel = (from a in contextDb.LeaveApplications
                                            where DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.StartTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.StartTime.Date &&
                                            DbFunctions.TruncateTime(a.EndTime) == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.EndTime.Date &&
                                            a.UserID == applicationVM.LeaveApplication.UserID
                                            select a).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (applicationModel != null)
                        foreach (var mangerId in applicationModel._managerIDs)
                            await Task.Run(() => EmailSetting.SendEmail(mangerId, string.Empty, "LeaveApplication",;

                    return(RedirectToAction("PostRequest", new { status = postRequestStatus.success }));
                //TempData["ErrorModel"] = ModelState.Values;
                return(RedirectToAction("PostRequest", new { status = }));
            catch (RetryLimitExceededException /* dex */)
                //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log.
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator.");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
            return(RedirectToAction("PostRequest", new { status = }));