Example #1
 private async void ComposeEmail()
     var email = new EmailMessage();
     var recipient = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**", "Janerson Douglas");
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(email);
Example #2
        private async void App_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;
            var unhandledException = e.Exception;

            var dialog = new MessageDialog($@"Homebased crashed :(
                {Environment.NewLine}Please close the application and try again.
                {Environment.NewLine}But before you do, do you want to mail us the crash report, to see if there's anything we can do?", "Homebased crashed #!$*");
            dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Yes", new UICommandInvokedHandler(async cmd => 
                var sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                    Name = "Homebased",
                    Address = "*****@*****.**"

                var mail = new EmailMessage();
                mail.Subject = $"Homebased crashed :(";
                mail.Body = unhandledException.ToString();


                await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);

            dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("No", new UICommandInvokedHandler(cmd =>

            await dialog.ShowAsync();
        private async void ReportButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var rec = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**");
            var mes = new EmailMessage();


            var result = "";

            foreach (var l in _paragraph.Inlines)
                if (l is Run)
                    result += (l as Run).Text;

            var cachedFolder = ApplicationData.Current.TemporaryFolder;
            var file         = await cachedFolder.CreateFileAsync("network_diagnosis.txt", CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, result);

            var stream     = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(file);
            var attachment = new EmailAttachment(file.Name, stream);

            mes.Subject = $"【Network】MyerSplash for Windows 10, {App.GetAppVersion()} feedback, {DeviceHelper.OSVersion}";
            mes.Body    = ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView().GetString("EmailBody");
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mes);
        public async Task <ActionResult> ContentSources(RegistrationIndexViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var registration = await _repo.ContentSourceRegistrationRequests.AddOrUpdateAndSaveAsync(new ContentSourceRegistrationRequest()
                Email = model.Email

            var recipient = new EmailRecipient(model.Email);

            var content = new EmailContent()
                          .Title("Fanword Content Sources")
                          .Paragraph("Thank you for your interest in being a content source on Fanword.  Click the link below to complete your registration.")
                          .Button(Url.Action("ContentSourceRegistration", "Registration", new { id = registration.Id }, Request.Url.Scheme), "#32c5d2", "#FFF", "Register");

            var email = new Email(recipient, "Fanword Content Source Sign-Up", content.ToHtml());


        public async void SendEmail(PetModel pet, string vetName, string vetEmail)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Address = vetEmail

            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();

            mail.Subject = "Petmergency - " + ParseUser.CurrentUser["nameSurname"] + " size bir soru sordu !";

            if (pet == null)
                mail.Body = "Merhaba " + vetName + " !" + "\n\n" +
                            "Size aşağıdaki soruyu sormak istiyorum." + "\n\n" +
                            "Sorunuz : " + "\n\n" +
                            "Bu e-posta Petmergency uygulaması aracılığı ile iletilmiştir." + "\n\n";

                mail.Body = "Merhaba " + vetName + " !" + "\n\n" +
                            "Size aşağıdaki soruyu sormak istiyorum." + "\n\n" +
                            "Sorunuz : " + "\n\n" +
                            "Küçük dostumun bilgileri:" + "\n" +
                            "Adı:" + pet.Name + "\n" +
                            "Doğum Tarihi:" + pet.BirthDate.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "\n" +
                            "Irkı:" + pet.Kind + "\n" +
                            "Cinsi:" + pet.Breed + "\n\n" +
                            "Bu e-posta Petmergency uygulaması aracılığı ile iletilmiştir." + "\n\n";

            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #6
        private async void App_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
            e.Handled = true;
            var unhandledException = e.Exception;

            var dialog = new MessageDialog($@"Homebased crashed :(
                {Environment.NewLine}Please close the application and try again.
                {Environment.NewLine}But before you do, do you want to mail us the crash report, to see if there's anything we can do?", "Homebased crashed #!$*");

            dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Yes", new UICommandInvokedHandler(async cmd =>
                var sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                    Name    = "Homebased",
                    Address = "*****@*****.**"

                var mail     = new EmailMessage();
                mail.Subject = $"Homebased crashed :(";
                mail.Body    = unhandledException.ToString();


                await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);

            dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("No", new UICommandInvokedHandler(cmd =>

            await dialog.ShowAsync();
Example #7
 public void Update(EmailRecipientViewModel item)
         EmailRecipient emailRecipient = mapper.Map <EmailRecipient>(item);
         Email          email          = unitOfWork.Emails.Get(filter: e => e.EmailAddress == item.EmailAddress).FirstOrDefault();
         if (email == null)
             email = new Email();
             email.EmailAddress = item.EmailAddress;
             emailRecipient.Email = email;
             emailRecipient.EmailId = email.Id;
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
        public async Task TestActivateDripCampaignAsyncWithAllParameters()
            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("POST /drip_campaigns/{0}/activate with all parameters", DEFAULT_CAMPAIGN_ID));

            // Build the drip campaign object
            var recipient    = new EmailRecipient(DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS, DEFAULT_EMAIL_NAME);
            var dripCampaign = new DripCampaign(recipient);

            dripCampaign.cc.Add(new EmailRecipient(DEFAULT_CC_EMAIL_ADDRESS_1, DEFAULT_EMAIL_NAME));
            dripCampaign.cc.Add(new EmailRecipient(DEFAULT_CC_EMAIL_ADDRESS_2, DEFAULT_EMAIL_NAME));
            dripCampaign.bcc.Add(new EmailRecipient(DEFAULT_BCC_EMAIL_ADDRESS_1, DEFAULT_EMAIL_NAME));
            dripCampaign.bcc.Add(new EmailRecipient(DEFAULT_BCC_EMAIL_ADDRESS_2, DEFAULT_EMAIL_NAME));
            dripCampaign.sender.address  = DEFAULT_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
            dripCampaign.sender.name     = DEFAULT_SENDER_NAME;
            dripCampaign.sender.reply_to = DEFAULT_REPLY_TO_EMAIL_ADDRESS;
            dripCampaign.locale      = DEFAULT_LOCALE;
            dripCampaign.esp_account = DEFAULT_ESP_ACCOUNT_ID;
            dripCampaign.email_data.Add("amount", "$12.00");

            // Make the API call
                var dripCampaignResponse = await dripCampaign.ActivateAsync(DEFAULT_CAMPAIGN_ID);

                // Validate the response
            catch (AggregateException exception)
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a single email recipient to db
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emailRecipient"><see cref="EmailRecipientDomain"/></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int Add(EmailRecipientDomain emailRecipient)
            var emailRecipientDb = new EmailRecipient().FromDomainModel(emailRecipient);

        public async Task SendThankYouMail(SchedulerContext db, EmailRecipient item, EmailTrack track)
            await SendThankYouMail(item, track);

            track.IsThankYouMailSent = true;

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
Example #11
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            EmailRecipient emailRecipient = db.EmailRecipients.Find(id);

 public void AddEmailRecipient(EmailRecipient emailRecipient, string userId)
     using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext())
Example #13
        public async static Task ShowAsync(EmailRecipient to, String subject)
            var email = new EmailMessage();

            email.Subject = subject;
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(email).AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
Example #14
        private static void AssertAddresses(MockEmail email, EmailRecipient from, EmailRecipient ret, EmailRecipient[] to, bool assertCc, EmailRecipient[] cc, bool assertBcc, EmailRecipient bcc)
            // From. Address should actually be the return address and the ReplyTo field is set to what it is the from address.

            Assert.AreEqual(ret.Address, email.From.Address, "'From' email address differs");
            Assert.AreEqual(from.DisplayName, email.From.DisplayName, "'From' display name differs");

            Assert.AreEqual(from.Address, email.ReplyTo.Address, "'ReplyTo' email address differs");
            Assert.AreEqual(from.DisplayName, email.ReplyTo.DisplayName, "'ReplyTo' display name differs");

            // To.

            Assert.AreEqual(to.Length, email.To.Count);
            for (int index = 0; index < to.Length; ++index)
                Assert.AreEqual(to[index].Address, email.To[index].Address, "'To' email address differs");
                Assert.AreEqual(to[index].DisplayName, email.To[index].DisplayName, "'To' display name differs");

            // Cc.

            if (assertCc)
                if (cc == null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, email.Cc.Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(cc.Length, email.Cc.Count);
                    for (var index = 0; index < cc.Length; ++index)
                        Assert.AreEqual(cc[index].Address, email.Cc[index].Address, "'Cc' email address differs");
                        Assert.AreEqual(cc[index].DisplayName, email.Cc[index].DisplayName, "'Cc' display name differs");

            // Bcc.

            if (assertBcc)
                if (bcc == null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, email.Bcc.Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, email.Bcc.Count);
                    Assert.AreEqual(bcc.Address, email.Bcc[0].Address, "'Bcc' email address differs");
                    Assert.AreEqual(bcc.DisplayName, email.Bcc[0].DisplayName, "'Bcc' display name differs");

            // Sender.

Example #15
 public static EmailRecipientDomain ToDomainModel(this EmailRecipient obj)
     return(obj == null ? null : new EmailRecipientDomain()
         Id = obj.EmailRecipientId,
         EmailAddress = obj.EmailAddress,
         EmailRecipientTypeId = obj.EmailRecipientTypeId,
Example #16
        public void When_Address_And_Name_Are_Set()
            var email          = "*****@*****.**";
            var name           = "John Doe";
            var emailRecipient = new EmailRecipient(email, name);

            Assert.AreEqual(email, emailRecipient.Address);
            Assert.AreEqual(name, emailRecipient.Name);
Example #17
        private async void ContactMeButtonClickHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var recipient = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**", "Djvu Reader developer");
            var message   = new EmailMessage();

            message.Subject = "DjVu Reader";
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(message);
        public async Task SendReminderMail(SchedulerContext db, EmailRecipient item, EmailTrack track)
            await SendReminderEmail(item, track);

            track.LastRemindedDate = DateTime.Today;

            await db.SaveChangesAsync();
Example #19
 private EditEmailRecipientViewModel PrepareEmailRecipientVm(EmailRecipient emailRecipient, string userId)
     return(new EditEmailRecipientViewModel
         EmailRecipient = emailRecipient,
         Heading = emailRecipient.Id == 0 ? "Dodanie Adresata Wiadomości" : "Edycja Adresata Wiadomości",
         Addresses = _addressRepository.GetAddresses(userId)
Example #20
 public Variables()
     AppName = "Hearthstone Cards";
     AppNameShort = "HS Cards";
     TwitterHashtag = "#hs-cards";
     FeedbackEmailBody = string.Format("Hey Chris,\n\nI wanted to provide some feedback about the '{0}' app:\n\n", AppName);
     FeedbackEmailRecipient = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**", "Christian Lüthold");
     BugReportEmailBody = string.Format("Hey Chris,\n\nI wanted to let you know that I found a bug in the '{0}' app:\n\n", AppName);
     BugReportEmailRecipient = FeedbackEmailRecipient;
Example #21
        private async void ComposeEmail(string recipient, string subject)
            var emailMessage = new EmailMessage();
            emailMessage.Subject = subject;

            var emailRecipient = new EmailRecipient(recipient);

            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(emailMessage);
        private async void BtnSendOneRecipient_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailMessage   message   = new EmailMessage();
            EmailRecipient recipient = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**", "Marcin Jamro");

            message.Body    = "It is a message sent from a universal application.";
            message.Subject = "Subject of the message";
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(message);
Example #23
        public async void SendEmail()
            EmailRecipient to = new EmailRecipient(AppInfo.Email, AppInfo.PublisherName);
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = "About " + AppInfo.Name;
            mail.Body = "";

            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
        private async Task SendThankYouMail(EmailRecipient item, EmailTrack track)
            StringBuilder contructMail = new StringBuilder();

            contructMail.AppendLine("<p>Hi, </p>");
            contructMail.AppendLine("<p>Thank you for clicking the link in our previous mail.</p>");

            await MailClient.SendMailAsync(item.Email, item.Name, "Welcome mail", contructMail.ToString());
Example #25
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "EmailRecipientID,FirstName,LastName,Email,CollegeId,Active")] EmailRecipient emailRecipient)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(emailRecipient).State = EntityState.Modified;
Example #26
 public SendEmailDto(long id, EmailRecipient fromAddress, EmailRecipient toAddress, string messageBody, string subject, string host, int port)
     Id          = id;
     FromAddress = fromAddress;
     MessageBody = messageBody;
     Subject     = subject;
     Host        = host;
     Port        = port;
     ToAddress   = toAddress;
Example #27
        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "EmailRecipientID,FirstName,LastName,Email,CollegeId,Active")] EmailRecipient emailRecipient)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

Example #28
        protected void To(Name name, EmailAddress address)
            var recipient = new EmailRecipient {
                Address = address,
                Name    = name,


Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an email object with only the required parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An email object with only the minimum required parameters set</returns>
        private static Email BuildBarebonesEmail()
            // Construct the template data
            var templateData = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // Construct the recipient
            var recipient = new EmailRecipient(DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

            // Construct and return the email
            return(new Email(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_ID, templateData, recipient));
Example #30
        private async void ComposeMail_OnTap(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            var sendTo = new EmailRecipient
                Address = Strings.SupportMail

            var mail = new EmailMessage {Subject = Strings.FeedbackLabel};
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #31
        private async void HyperlinkButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Windows.ApplicationModel.Email
            EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage();
            // Mail subject
            EmailRecipient emailRecipient = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**");


            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(message);
Example #32
        public async void sendEmails(string To, string Subject, string Body, Page page)
            EmailMessage msg = new EmailMessage();

            msg.Body    = Body;
            msg.Subject = Subject;
            EmailRecipient msgTo = new EmailRecipient();

            msgTo.Address = To;
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(msg);
Example #33
        public virtual async Task <Response <string> > ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordRequest request)
            IList <ValidationFailure> errorMessages = new List <ValidationFailure>();

            var user = (await _UserRepository.FindByCondition(x => x.UserName.ToLower() == request.UserName.ToLower()).ConfigureAwait(false)).AsQueryable().FirstOrDefault();

            if (user == null || user.UserStatuses.StatusValue != "Active")
                errorMessages.Add(new ValidationFailure("UserName", "Please check your email for password reset instructions"));

            if (errorMessages.Count > 0)
                throw new ValidationException(errorMessages);

            var generatedPassword = this._PasswordService.GeneratePassword(8);

            string passwordhash, passwordSalt;

            _PasswordService.CreatePasswordHash(generatedPassword, out passwordhash, out passwordSalt);

            user.PasswordHash = passwordhash;
            user.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt;

            await _UserRepository.UpdateAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false);

            EmailTemplate emailTemplate = (await this._EmailTemplateRepository.FindByCondition(x => x.EmailTemplateName.Equals("ForgotPasswordNotification")).ConfigureAwait(false)).AsQueryable().FirstOrDefault();

            if (emailTemplate != null)
                EmailRecipient emailRecipient = new EmailRecipient()
                    EmailTemplateID  = emailTemplate.EmailTemplateId,
                    RecipientEmail   = user.UserEmail,
                    ToBeProcessedOn  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    EmailLabel       = emailTemplate.EmailLabel,
                    EmailSubject     = emailTemplate.EmailSubject,
                    EmailSenderEmail = emailTemplate.EmailSenderEmail,
                    EmailContent     = emailTemplate.EmailContent.Replace("[Username]", user.UserName).Replace("[password]", generatedPassword),
                    EmailSignature   = emailTemplate.EmailSignature,
                    EmailSentOn      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedDate      = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    CreatedBy        = user.CreatedBy,
                    IsPending        = true,
                    RecipientUserID  = user.UserId

                await this._EmailRecipientRepository.AddAsync(emailRecipient).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(new Response <string>($"Please check your email for password reset instructions"));
        private async void email_stack_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Address = Email.Text

            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();

            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #35
 private void EnsureSenderSpecified()
     if (!this.WasSpecifiedByUser("Sender"))
         EmailRecipient from = this.message.From;
         if (from == null || from.SmtpAddress == null || !SmtpAddress.IsValidSmtpAddress(from.SmtpAddress))
             base.WriteError(new LocalizedException(Strings.SenderNotSpecifiedAndNotPresentInMessage), ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, null);
         this.Sender = (SmtpAddress)from.SmtpAddress;
Example #36
        public static async void Send(Exception e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Address = "*****@*****.**"
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();

            mail.Subject = "Feedback for BookMyBook :Error Occurred";
            mail.Body    = e.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Write your feedback here...";
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #37
        protected ConstantsBase(
            string appName,
            string appNameShort,
            string twitterHashTag
            AppName = appName;
            AppNameShort = appNameShort;
            TwitterHashtag = twitterHashTag;

            FeedbackEmailBody = string.Format("Hey Chris,\n\nI wanted to provide some feedback about the '{0}' app:\n\n", AppName);
            FeedbackEmailRecipient = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**", "Christian Lüthold");
            BugReportEmailBody = string.Format("Hey Chris,\n\nI wanted to let you know that I found a bug in the '{0}' app:\n\n", AppName);
            BugReportEmailRecipient = FeedbackEmailRecipient;
Example #38
        private async void SupportTapped(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Name = "Homebased",
                Address = "*****@*****.**"

            var mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = $"Homebased help me out";
            mail.Body = "Hi, I would like some help with the following issue:";


            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #39
        public static void SendPredefinedEmail(this ISendMailService svc, string contentDomain, string contentID, string subject, string sender, EmailRecipient[] recipients)
            var req = new SendPredefinedEmailRequest
                Body = new SendPredefinedEmailRequestBody
                    contentDomain = contentDomain,
                    contentID     = contentID,
                    subject       = subject,
                    sender        = sender,
                    recipients    = recipients

        private async void txtemail2_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Address = "*****@*****.**"

            //generate mail object
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = "Feedback";

            //add recipients to the mail object

            //open the share contract with Mail only:
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #41
        private async void SendEmail()
            //predefine Recipient
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Address = "*****@*****.**"

            string FirmwareVersion = "";//DeviceStatus.DeviceFirmwareVersion;
            string DeviceName = "";// DeviceStatus.DeviceName;

            //generate mail object
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = @"关于《微博江湖1.0》应用的反馈";
            mail.Body = "\n\r\n\r\n\r我的手机:" + DeviceName + "\n\r系统版本:" + FirmwareVersion;

            //add recipients to the mail object

            //open the share contract with Mail only:
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
 private async void AdpEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Krishna Chaitanya",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
     EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
     mail.Subject = "OASIS 2015";
     mail.Body = "";
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
        private async void Send_Email(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient() { Address = "*****@*****.**" };

            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = "Feedback on Split/Second app";
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #44
 private async void GenSecEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Shivani Mittal",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
     EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
     mail.Subject = "APOGEE 2015";
     mail.Body = "";
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #45
        private async void PrezEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Name = "Anubhav Gupta",
                Address = "*****@*****.**"
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = "APOGEE 2015";
            mail.Body = "";
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);

 private async void StageEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Akshansh Deva",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
    /* EmailRecipient sendTo1 = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Archit Gadhok(Guest Lectures)",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
     EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
     mail.Subject = "OASIS 2015";
     mail.Body = "";
    // mail.Bcc.Add(sendTo1);
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
 private async void DvmEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Siddhant Tuli",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
     EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
     mail.Subject = "OASIS 2015";
     mail.Body = "";
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
        private async void Comment_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient() { Address = "*****@*****.**" };
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();

            mail.Subject = "Feedback for League Season 5 Counters";
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
        private async void _notificationService_OnNotify(object sender, Notification.Notification e)
            if (e is SendEmailNotification)
                var notification = (e as SendEmailNotification);
                EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                    Address = (await _configService.GetConfigAsync()).SupportEmail
                //generate mail object
                EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
                mail.Subject = notification.Subject;
                mail.Body = notification.Body;

                //add recipients to the mail object
                //open the share contract with Mail only:
                await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);

            if (e is GoToPageNotification)
                var notification = (e as GoToPageNotification);


            if (e is RefreshFailureNotification)
                var message = e as RefreshFailureNotification;
                await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, async () =>
                    await _dialogService.ShowMessage(message.Body, message.Subject,
                        buttonConfirmText: "Ok", buttonCancelText: "Contact us",
                        afterHideCallback: (confirmed) =>
                            if (!confirmed)
                                _notificationService.Notify(new SendEmailNotification()
                                    Subject = $"Download city: unable to download {message.ContractName}",
                                    Body = $"Hey folks ! I'm unable to get information from {message.ContractName}" +
                                    $"Message: { message.Exception.Message } Inner: {message.Exception.InnerException} Stack: {message.Exception.StackTrace}",
 private async void SponzEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Ojas Malpani",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
     EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
     mail.Subject = "OASIS 2015";
     mail.Body = "";
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
 private async void PcrEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Maheep Tripathi",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
     EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
     mail.Subject = "OASIS 2015";
     mail.Body = "";
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #52
        public void SendOptInMail(CustomerModel model)
            if (!_appSettings.GetValue<bool>("Feature.ExactTarget.DoubleOptIn"))

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.EmailAddress))

            var consultant = _consultantContext.Consultant;
            if (!consultant.Subscription.IsActive())

            var culture               = _appSettings.GetValue("GMF.EmailCulture");
            var emailCulture          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.PreferredLanguage) ? culture : model.PreferredLanguage;
            var contentDomain         = string.Format(_appSettings.GetValue("GMF.EmailContentDomain"), consultant.SubsidiaryCode);
            var contentID             = string.Format(_appSettings.GetValue("GMF.OptInInviteContentId"), emailCulture);
            var subject               = string.Empty;
            var sender                = consultant.PrimaryEmailAddress;
            var consultantMoniker     = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(consultant.PrimaryMoniker) ? "/" + consultant.PrimaryMoniker : string.Empty;
            var consultantPhoneNumber = (consultant.PrimaryPhoneNumber != null) ? consultant.PrimaryPhoneNumber.Number : "";
            var consultantLevel       = consultant.ConsultantLevel.HasValue ? consultant.ConsultantLevel.Value : 0;

            var recipient = new EmailRecipient
                Recipient = model.EmailAddress,
                Attributes = new[]
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "CustomerId",             Value = model.CustomerId.ToString("N") },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantMoniker",      Value = consultantMoniker },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantFirstName",    Value = consultant.FirstName },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantLastName",     Value = consultant.LastName },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantEmailAddress", Value = sender },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantPhoneNumber",  Value = consultantPhoneNumber },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantCareerLevel",  Value = consultantLevel.ToString() },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "CustomerFirstName",      Value = model.FirstName },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "CustomerLastName",       Value = model.LastName },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "PWSDomain",              Value = _appSettings.GetValue("GMF.PWSDomain") },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "InTouchDomain",          Value = _appSettings.GetValue("GMF.InTouchDomain") },
                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "EmailAddress",           Value = model.EmailAddress }

            _emailService.SendPredefinedEmail(contentDomain, contentID, subject, sender, new[] { recipient });
        private async void mailButton_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Address = (await _configService.GetConfigAsync()).SupportEmail

            // string version = XDocument.Load("ms-appx:///WMAppManifest.xml").Root.Element("App").Attribute("Version").Value;

            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = (await _configService.GetConfigAsync()).ApplicationName; //+ version;
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
 private async void RecEmail_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
         Name = "Saketh Boddu",
         Address = "*****@*****.**"
     EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
     mail.Subject = "OASIS 2015";
     mail.Body = "";
     await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
        private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Name = "Developer",
                Address = "*****@*****.**"

            // Create email object
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = "Error in app Hackr Marks";
            mail.Body = exc+"\n what prompted this kindly explain along with your phone model. Thank you\n";

            // Add recipients to the mail object

            // Open the share contract with Mail only:
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
        private async void sendEmail(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var emailMessage = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessage();

            Contact c = new Contact();
            c.Emails.Add(new ContactEmail() { Address = "*****@*****.**" });

            var email = c.Emails.FirstOrDefault<ContactEmail>();
            if (email != null)
                var emailRecipient = new EmailRecipient(email.Address);

            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(emailMessage);

Example #57
        private async void ListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (ratee.SelectedIndex == 0)
                ratee.SelectedItem = null;
                if (signintext.Text == "Sign In")
                         ((App)Application.Current).OneDriveClient = OneDriveClientExtensions.GetUniversalClient(this.scopes);
                     if (!((App)Application.Current).OneDriveClient.IsAuthenticated)
                         await ((App)Application.Current).OneDriveClient.AuthenticateAsync();
                     Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
                         localSettings.Values["signin"] = "yes";
                         signintext.Text = "Sign Out";
            //        await AuthenticateUser(false);

                else {
                else if(signintext.Text == "Sign Out"){
                    ((App)Application.Current).OneDriveClient = OneDriveClientExtensions.GetUniversalClient(this.scopes);

                    await ((App)Application.Current).OneDriveClient.SignOutAsync();
                    Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;

                    localSettings.Values["signin"] = "no";
                    signintext.Text = "Sign In";
            if (ratee.SelectedIndex == 1)
                ratee.SelectedItem = null;
                if (ratee.SelectedIndex == 2)
                Tracker myTracker = EasyTracker.GetTracker();
                myTracker.SendEvent("Feedback", "Send Feedback", null, 4);
                ratee.SelectedItem = null;
                EmailMessage objEmail = new EmailMessage();
                string version = "Version: " + String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", Package.Current.Id.Version.Major,
                objEmail.Body = "Enter Your Feedback here...";
                objEmail.Subject = "PDF Me Universal - Feedback - " + version;
              EmailRecipient em = new EmailRecipient("*****@*****.**");
                await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(objEmail);

Example #58
		public static async Task SendEmailWithLogsAsync(string recipient, string appName)
			EmailRecipient emailRecipient = new EmailRecipient(recipient);

			EmailMessage emailMsg = new EmailMessage { Subject = string.Format("Feedback from {0} with logs", appName) };
			//emailMsg.Body = await ReadAllLogsIntoStringAsync(); // LOLLO this only works with a short body...

			string body = await ReadAllLogsIntoStringAsync();

			using (var ms = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
				using (var s4w = ms.AsStreamForWrite())
					using (var sw = new StreamWriter(s4w, Encoding.UTF8))
						await sw.WriteAsync(body);
						await sw.FlushAsync();

						// LOLLO NOTE the emails are broken with Outlook, they work with the mail app tho
						// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/xaml/mt269391.aspx
						// the following brings up a preview with only the beginning of the body, at least with Outlook.
						// it truncates the body if it is too long, like with mailto:
						// emailMsg.SetBodyStream(EmailMessageBodyKind.PlainText, RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(ms0));

						// the following instead does not work at all, at least with Outlook: no attachments are attached; the email app works fine
						emailMsg.Body = "I have attached the logs";

						var att = new EmailAttachment("Logs.txt", RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromStream(ms)); //, "text/plain");

						//await s4w.FlushAsync();
						//await ms.FlushAsync();

						emailMsg.Attachments[0].EstimatedDownloadSizeInBytes = ms.Size;

						await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(emailMsg); //.AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false);
Example #59
        //app feedback
        private async void AppBarButton_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Define Recipient
            EmailRecipient sendTo = new EmailRecipient()
                Name = "MOHAMED EL_SAQER",
                Address = "*****@*****.**"

            // Create email object
            EmailMessage mail = new EmailMessage();
            mail.Subject = "this is the Subject";
            mail.Body = "this is the Body";

            // Open the share contract with Mail only:
            await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(mail);
Example #60
        public void SendConfirmationEmail(ConfirmationEmailViewModel confirmationEmailViewModel)
            var consultant = _consultantContext.Consultant;
            if (!consultant.Subscription.IsActive())

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(consultant.PrimaryEmailAddress))
                var queryService = _quartetClientFactory.GetCustomersQueryServiceClient();
                var order = queryService.GetOrderById(confirmationEmailViewModel.OrderId);
                if (order != null)
                    var customer = queryService.GetCustomer(order.CustomerId);
                    if (customer != null && customer.EmailAddress != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.EmailAddress.Address))
                        var webUiCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
                        var preferredLanguage = customer.ContactPreferences.PreferredLanguage;
                        var emailCulture = preferredLanguage != null ? new CultureInfo(preferredLanguage) : webUiCulture;

                        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = emailCulture;
                            var contentDomain         = string.Format(_appSettings.GetValue("GMF.EmailContentDomain"), consultant.SubsidiaryCode);
                            var contentID             = string.Format(_appSettings.GetValue("GMF.ConfirmationEmailContentId"), emailCulture.Name);
                            var customerEmailAddress  = customer.EmailAddress.Address;
                            var subject               = Resources.GetString("ORDERCONFIRMATIONEMAILSUBJECT");
                            var consultantMoniker     = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(consultant.PrimaryMoniker) ? "/" + consultant.PrimaryMoniker : string.Empty;
                            var consultantPhoneNumber = (consultant.PrimaryPhoneNumber != null) ? consultant.PrimaryPhoneNumber.Number : null;
                            var consultantLevel       = consultant.ConsultantLevel.HasValue ? consultant.ConsultantLevel.Value : 0;
                            var customerId            = customer.LegacyContactId.HasValue ? customer.LegacyContactId.Value.ToString() : customer.CustomerId.ToString("N");
                            var hasPws                = consultant.Subscription.IsActive();
                            var freeShipping          = false;

                            if (hasPws)
                                var freeShippingAttributeKey = Guid.Parse(_appSettings.GetValue("PwsSubscription_AttributeKey_FreeShipping"));
                                var freeShippingAttribute    = consultant.Subscription.SubscriptionAttributes.Where(a => a.AttributeKey == freeShippingAttributeKey).FirstOrDefault();
                                freeShipping                 = freeShippingAttribute.IsSelected();

                            var statementsXml = StatementsXml(confirmationEmailViewModel);
                            var productsXml   = ProductsXml(confirmationEmailViewModel.OrderId);

                            var recipient = new EmailRecipient
                                Recipient = customerEmailAddress,
                                Attributes = new[]
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "CustomerId",             Value = customerId },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantMoniker",      Value = (consultantMoniker != null)? consultantMoniker: string.Empty },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantFirstName",    Value = consultant.FirstName },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantLastName",     Value = consultant.LastName },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantEmailAddress", Value = consultant.PrimaryEmailAddress },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantPhoneNumber",  Value = (consultantPhoneNumber != null)? consultantPhoneNumber: string.Empty },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ConsultantCareerLevel",  Value = consultantLevel.ToString() },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "CustomerFirstName",      Value = customer.ContactInformation.FirstName },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "CustomerLastName",       Value = customer.ContactInformation.LastName },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "EmailAddress",           Value = customerEmailAddress },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "FreeShipping",           Value = freeShipping ? "1" : "0" },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "HasPws",                 Value = hasPws ? "1" : "0" },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "Message",                Value = statementsXml },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "OrderID",                Value = order.ConfirmationNumber },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "PWSDomain",              Value = _appSettings.GetValue("GMF.PWSDomain") },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "InTouchDomain",          Value = _appSettings.GetValue("GMF.InTouchDomain") },
                                    new EmailAttribute { Name = "ProductTable",           Value = productsXml }

                            _emailService.SendPredefinedEmail(contentDomain, contentID, subject, consultant.PrimaryEmailAddress, new[] { recipient });
                            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = webUiCulture;