public void SendHTMLFormattedEmailWithAttachment()
            var pipeline  = PipelineFactory.CreateEmptySendPipeline();
            var component = new EmailCustomizer
                Enabled             = true,
                FileNames           = "BodyPartASFileName.xml",
                XSLTFilePath        = TestFiles.EmailFormatterFilePath,
                ApplyXsltOnBodyPart = true// if it is true the XSLT file be aplied on the

            pipeline.AddComponent(component, PipelineStage.Encode);
            //adding MIME encoder component to the sendpipeline so we can view the structure of the output message.
            var mime = new MIME_SMIME_Encoder();

            pipeline.AddComponent(mime, PipelineStage.Encode);
            //create a message with body part only.
            var message = MessageHelper.Create(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(TestFiles.BodyPart_FilePath),
            var output = pipeline.Execute(message);

            System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(output.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream());
            var ret = reader.ReadToEnd();
        public void SendPlainTextWithAttachment()
            var pipeline  = PipelineFactory.CreateEmptySendPipeline();
            var component = new EmailCustomizer
                Enabled   = true,
                FileNames = "BodyPart.xml",
                EmailBody = "This is a plain text e-mail with body part as attachment.\nRegards"

            pipeline.AddComponent(component, PipelineStage.Encode);
            //adding MIME encoder component to the sendpipeline so we can view the structure of the output message.
            var mime = new MIME_SMIME_Encoder();

            pipeline.AddComponent(mime, PipelineStage.Encode);
            //create a message with body part only.
            var message = MessageHelper.Create(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(TestFiles.BodyPart_FilePath));
            var output  = pipeline.Execute(message);

            System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(output.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream());
            var ret = reader.ReadToEnd();
        public void SendPlainTextAndAttachParts()
            var pipeline  = PipelineFactory.CreateEmptySendPipeline();
            var component = new EmailCustomizer
                Enabled   = true,
                FileNames = "BodyPart.xml||Part2.xml",// string array for parts' filenames separated by |, adding empty text results in skipping the corespondant part from being attached.
                EmailBody = "This is a plain text e-mail with several parts attached.\nRegards"

            pipeline.AddComponent(component, PipelineStage.Encode);
            //adding MIME encoder component to the sendpipeline so we can view the structure of the output message.
            var mime = new MIME_SMIME_Encoder();

            pipeline.AddComponent(mime, PipelineStage.Encode);
            //create a message with body part only.
            var message = MessageHelper.Create(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(TestFiles.BodyPart_FilePath),
            var output = pipeline.Execute(message);

            System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(output.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream());
            var ret = reader.ReadToEnd();