Example #1
        private async Task EmailAvailableRequest(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            if (!settings.EnableUserEmailNotifications)
                await Task.FromResult(false);
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                $"Ombi: {model.Title} is now available!",
                $"Hello! You requested {model.Title} on PlexRequests! This is now available on Plex! :)",
            var body = new BodyBuilder {
                HtmlBody = html, TextBody = $"Hello! You requested {model.Title} on PlexRequests! This is now available on Plex! :)"

            var message = new MimeMessage
                Body    = body.ToMessageBody(),
                Subject = $"Ombi: {model.Title} is now available!"

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.EmailSender, settings.EmailSender));
            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(model.UserEmail, model.UserEmail));

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #2
        protected override async Task Test(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                "Test Message",
                "This is just a test! Success!", "", Customization.Logo);
            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"Ombi: Test",

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", "This is just a test! Success!");

            await SendToAdmins(message, settings);
        protected override async Task Test(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                "Test Message",
                "This is just a test! Success!",
            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"Ombi: Test",
                To      = settings.RecipientEmail,

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", "This is just a test! Success!");

            await Send(message, settings);
        protected override async Task RequestApproved(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                "Ombi: Your request has been approved!",
                $"Hello! Your request for {model.Title} has been approved!",

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"Ombi: Your request has been approved!",
                To      = model.UserEmail,

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! Your request for {model.Title} has been approved!");

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #5
        private async Task <NotificationMessage> LoadTemplate(NotificationType type, NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var parsed = await LoadTemplate(NotificationAgent.Email, type, model);

            if (parsed.Disabled)
                Logger.LogInformation($"Template {type} is disabled for {NotificationAgent.Email}");
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(parsed.Subject, parsed.Message, parsed.Image, Customization.Logo);

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = parsed.Subject,

            if (model.Substitutes.TryGetValue("AdminComment", out var isAdminString))
                var isAdmin = bool.Parse(isAdminString);
                if (isAdmin)
                    var user = _userManager.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == model.UserId);
                    // Send to user
                    message.To = user.Email;
                    // Send to admin
                    message.To = settings.AdminEmail;
                // Send to admin
                message.To = settings.AdminEmail;

        protected override async Task NewRequest(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                $"Ombi: New {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} request for {model.Title}!",
                $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested the {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} '{model.Title}'! Please log in to approve this request. Request Date: {model.DateTime.ToString("f")}",

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"Ombi: New {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} request for {model.Title}!",
                To      = settings.RecipientEmail,

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested the {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} '{model.Title}'! Please log in to approve this request. Request Date: {model.DateTime.ToString("f")}");

            await Send(message, settings);
        protected override async Task AvailableRequest(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                $"Ombi: {model.Title} is now available!",
                $"Hello! You requested {model.Title} on Ombi! This is now available on Plex! :)",

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"Ombi: {model.Title} is now available!",
                To      = model.UserEmail,

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! You requested {model.Title} on Ombi! This is now available on Plex! :)");

            await Send(message, settings);
        protected override async Task AddedToRequestQueue(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                "Ombi: A request could not be added.",
                $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested {model.Title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying",

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"Ombi: A request could not be added",
                To      = settings.RecipientEmail,

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested {model.Title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying");

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #9
        private async Task EmailTest(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                "Test Message",
                "This is just a test! Success!",
            var body = new BodyBuilder {
                HtmlBody = html,
            var message = new MimeMessage
                Body = body.ToMessageBody()

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.EmailSender, settings.EmailSender));
            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.RecipientEmail, settings.RecipientEmail));

            await Send(message, settings);
        protected override async Task Issue(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                $"Ombi: New issue for {model.Title}!",
                $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has reported a new issue {model.Body} for the title {model.Title}!",

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"Ombi: New issue for {model.Title}!",
                To      = settings.RecipientEmail,

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has reported a new issue {model.Body} for the title {model.Title}!");

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #11
        private async Task <NotificationMessage> LoadTemplate(NotificationType type, NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var parsed = await LoadTemplate(NotificationAgent.Email, type, model);

            if (parsed.Disabled)
                Logger.LogInformation($"Template {type} is disabled for {NotificationAgent.Email}");
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(parsed.Subject, parsed.Message, parsed.Image, Customization.Logo, parsed.DetailsUrl);

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = parsed.Subject,

Example #12
        private async Task EmailRequestApproved(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                "Ombi: Your request has been approved!",
                $"Hello! Your request for {model.Title} has been approved!",
            var body = new BodyBuilder {
                HtmlBody = html, TextBody = $"Hello! Your request for {model.Title} has been approved!",

            var message = new MimeMessage
                Body    = body.ToMessageBody(),
                Subject = $"Ombi: Your request has been approved!"

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.EmailSender, settings.EmailSender));
            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(model.UserEmail, model.UserEmail));

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #13
        private async Task EmailAddedToRequestQueue(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                "Ombi: A request could not be added.",
                $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested {model.Title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying",
            var body = new BodyBuilder {
                HtmlBody = html, TextBody = $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested {model.Title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying"

            var message = new MimeMessage
                Body    = body.ToMessageBody(),
                Subject = $"Ombi: A request could not be added"

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.EmailSender, settings.EmailSender));
            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.RecipientEmail, settings.RecipientEmail));

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #14
        private async Task EmailIssue(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                $"Ombi: New issue for {model.Title}!",
                $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has reported a new issue {model.Body} for the title {model.Title}!",
            var body = new BodyBuilder {
                HtmlBody = html, TextBody = $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has reported a new issue {model.Body} for the title {model.Title}!"

            var message = new MimeMessage
                Body    = body.ToMessageBody(),
                Subject = $"Ombi: New issue for {model.Title}!"

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.EmailSender, settings.EmailSender));
            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.RecipientEmail, settings.RecipientEmail));

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #15
        private async Task EmailNewRequest(NotificationModel model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var html  = email.LoadTemplate(
                $"Ombi: New {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} request for {model.Title}!",
                $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested the {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} '{model.Title}'! Please log in to approve this request. Request Date: {model.DateTime.ToString("f")}",
            var body = new BodyBuilder {
                HtmlBody = html, TextBody = $"Hello! The user '{model.User}' has requested the {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} '{model.Title}'! Please log in to approve this request. Request Date: {model.DateTime.ToString("f")}"

            var message = new MimeMessage
                Body    = body.ToMessageBody(),
                Subject = $"Ombi: New {model.RequestType.GetString()?.ToLower()} request for {model.Title}!"

            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.EmailSender, settings.EmailSender));
            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(settings.RecipientEmail, settings.RecipientEmail));

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #16
        protected override async Task AddedToRequestQueue(NotificationOptions model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
            var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();
            var user  = string.Empty;
            var title = string.Empty;
            var img   = string.Empty;

            if (model.RequestType == RequestType.Movie)
                user  = MovieRequest.RequestedUser.UserAlias;
                title = MovieRequest.Title;
                img   = $"https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300/{MovieRequest.PosterPath}";
                user  = TvRequest.RequestedUser.UserAlias;
                title = TvRequest.ParentRequest.Title;
                img   = TvRequest.ParentRequest.PosterPath;

            var html = email.LoadTemplate(
                $"{Customization.ApplicationName}: A request could not be added.",
                $"Hello! The user '{user}' has requested {title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying", img, Customization.Logo);

            var message = new NotificationMessage
                Message = html,
                Subject = $"{Customization.ApplicationName}: A request could not be added",
                To      = settings.AdminEmail,

            var plaintext = $"Hello! The user '{user}' has requested {title} but it could not be added. This has been added into the requests queue and will keep retrying";

            message.Other.Add("PlainTextBody", plaintext);

            await Send(message, settings);
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// This will load up the Email template and generate the HTML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="settings"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task SendAdHoc(NotificationMessage model, EmailNotificationSettings settings)
                var email = new EmailBasicTemplate();

                var customization = await CustomizationSettings.GetSettingsAsync();

                var html = email.LoadTemplate(model.Subject, model.Message, null, customization.Logo);

                var textBody = string.Empty;

                model.Other.TryGetValue("PlainTextBody", out textBody);
                var body = new BodyBuilder
                    HtmlBody = html,
                    TextBody = textBody

                var message = new MimeMessage
                    Body    = body.ToMessageBody(),
                    Subject = model.Subject
                message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.SenderName) ? settings.SenderAddress : settings.SenderName, settings.SenderAddress));
                message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(model.To, model.To));

                using (var client = new SmtpClient())
                    if (settings.DisableCertificateChecking)
                        // Disable validation of the certificate associated with the SMTP service
                        // Helpful when the TLS certificate is not in the certificate store of the server
                        // Does carry the risk of man in the middle snooping
                        client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

                    if (settings.DisableTLS)
                        // Does not attempt to use either TLS or SSL
                        // Helpful when MailKit finds a TLS certificate, but it unable to use it
                        client.Connect(settings.Host, settings.Port, MailKit.Security.SecureSocketOptions.None);
                        client.Connect(settings.Host, settings.Port); // Let MailKit figure out the correct SecureSocketOptions.

                    // Note: since we don't have an OAuth2 token, disable
                    // the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism.

                    if (settings.Authentication)
                        client.Authenticate(settings.Username, settings.Password);
                    _log.LogDebug("sending message to {0} \r\n from: {1}\r\n Are we authenticated: {2}", message.To, message.From, client.IsAuthenticated);
                    await client.SendAsync(message);

                    await client.DisconnectAsync(true);
            catch (Exception e)
                _log.LogError(e, "Exception when attempting to send an email");