Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct an elision map given the size of the source buffer and the set of exposed spans.
 /// </summary>
 public ElisionMap(ITextSnapshot sourceSnapshot, NormalizedSpanCollection exposedSpans)
     this.spanCount = exposedSpans.Count;
     if (exposedSpans.Count == 0)
         // everything is hidden: one leaf node
         this.root = new ElisionMapNode(0, sourceSnapshot.Length, 0, sourceSnapshot.LineCount - 1, true);
         // build a nicely balanced tree
         // calculate all the line numbers we'll need in advance
         int[] lineNumbers = new int[exposedSpans.Count * 2 + 1];
         for (int es = 0; es < exposedSpans.Count; ++es)
             lineNumbers[es * 2]     = sourceSnapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(exposedSpans[es].Start);
             lineNumbers[es * 2 + 1] = sourceSnapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(exposedSpans[es].End);
         lineNumbers[exposedSpans.Count * 2] = sourceSnapshot.LineCount - 1;
         this.root = Build(new SnapshotSpan(sourceSnapshot, 0, sourceSnapshot.Length), exposedSpans, lineNumbers, new Span(0, exposedSpans.Count));
     if (BufferGroup.Tracing)
Example #2
        public ElisionMap IncorporateChanges(INormalizedTextChangeCollection sourceChanges,
                                             FrugalList <TextChange> projectedChanges,
                                             ITextSnapshot beforeSourceSnapshot,
                                             ITextSnapshot sourceSnapshot,
                                             ITextSnapshot beforeElisionSnapshot)
            ElisionMapNode newRoot = this.root;
            int            accumulatedProjectedDelta = 0;

            foreach (ITextChange sourceChange in sourceChanges)
                int          accumulatedDelete = 0;
                int          incrementalAccumulatedProjectedDelta = 0;
                ChangeString newText;
                TextChange   concreteSourceChange = sourceChange as TextChange;
                if (concreteSourceChange != null)
                    newText = concreteSourceChange._newText;
                    // handle mocks in tests
                    newText = new LiteralChangeString(sourceChange.NewText);
                newRoot = newRoot.IncorporateChange(beforeSourceSnapshot: beforeSourceSnapshot,
                                                    afterSourceSnapshot: sourceSnapshot,
                                                    beforeElisionSnapshot: beforeElisionSnapshot,
                                                    sourceInsertionPosition: sourceChange.NewLength > 0 ? sourceChange.NewPosition : (int?)null,
                                                    newText: newText,
                                                    sourceDeletionSpan: new Span(sourceChange.NewPosition, sourceChange.OldLength),
                                                    absoluteSourceOldPosition: sourceChange.OldPosition,
                                                    absoluteSourceNewPosition: sourceChange.NewPosition,
                                                    projectedPrefixSize: 0,
                                                    projectedChanges: projectedChanges,
                                                    incomingAccumulatedDelta: accumulatedProjectedDelta,
                                                    outgoingAccumulatedDelta: ref incrementalAccumulatedProjectedDelta,
                                                    accumulatedDelete: ref accumulatedDelete);
                accumulatedProjectedDelta += incrementalAccumulatedProjectedDelta;
            if (newRoot.TotalSourceSize != sourceSnapshot.Length)
                                         "Change incorporation length inconsistency. Elision:{0} Source:{1}", newRoot.TotalSourceSize, sourceSnapshot.Length));
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.InvalidLengthCalculation);
            if (newRoot.TotalSourceLineBreakCount + 1 != sourceSnapshot.LineCount)
                                         "Change incorporation line count inconsistency. Elision:{0} Source:{1}", newRoot.TotalSourceLineBreakCount + 1, sourceSnapshot.LineCount));
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.InvalidLineCountCalculation);
            return(new ElisionMap(newRoot, this.spanCount));
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively build span tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceSpan">SnapshotSpan over the source segment covered by this subtree, including both exposed and hidden text.</param>
        /// <param name="exposedSpans">Set of exposed spans for the entire buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="lineNumbers">Precomputed line numbers at all seams.</param>
        /// <param name="slice">The slice of exposed spans in this subtree.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ElisionMapNode Build(SnapshotSpan sourceSpan, NormalizedSpanCollection exposedSpans, int[] lineNumbers, Span slice)
            int  mid            = slice.Start + (slice.Length / 2);
            Span midExposedSpan = exposedSpans[mid];

            Span           leftSlice = Span.FromBounds(slice.Start, mid);
            ElisionMapNode left;
            Span           leftSpan;

            if (leftSlice.Length > 0)
                leftSpan = Span.FromBounds(sourceSpan.Start, midExposedSpan.Start);
                left     = Build(new SnapshotSpan(sourceSpan.Snapshot, leftSpan), exposedSpans, lineNumbers, leftSlice);
                Debug.Assert(left.TotalSourceSize == leftSpan.Length);
            else if (slice.Start == 0 && midExposedSpan.Start != 0)
                Debug.Assert(sourceSpan.Start == 0);
                leftSpan = Span.FromBounds(0, midExposedSpan.Start);
                // the beginning of the buffer is elided. Do the special case of the first
                // node in the tree having an exposed size of zero.
                // TODO: figure this out in advance so we don't screw up the balance of the tree
                left = new ElisionMapNode(0, leftSpan.Length, 0,
                leftSpan = new Span(midExposedSpan.Start, 0);
                left     = null;

            Span           rightSlice = Span.FromBounds(mid + 1, slice.End);
            ElisionMapNode right;
            Span           rightSpan;

            if (rightSlice.Length > 0)
                rightSpan = Span.FromBounds(exposedSpans[mid + 1].Start, sourceSpan.End);
                right     = Build(new SnapshotSpan(sourceSpan.Snapshot, rightSpan), exposedSpans, lineNumbers, rightSlice);
                Debug.Assert(right.TotalSourceSize == rightSpan.Length);
                rightSpan = new Span(sourceSpan.End, 0);
                right     = null;

            Span          midHiddenSpan  = Span.FromBounds(midExposedSpan.End, rightSpan.Start);
            ITextSnapshot sourceSnapshot = sourceSpan.Snapshot;

            int startLineNumber      = lineNumbers[2 * mid];
            int endExposedLineNumber = lineNumbers[2 * mid + 1];
            int endSourceLineNumber  = lineNumbers[2 * mid + 2];

            int exposedLineBreakCount = endExposedLineNumber - startLineNumber;
            int hiddenLineBreakCount  = endSourceLineNumber - endExposedLineNumber;

            return(new ElisionMapNode(midExposedSpan.Length,
                                      sourceSpan.Length - (leftSpan.Length + rightSpan.Length),
                                      exposedLineBreakCount + hiddenLineBreakCount,
Example #4
 private ElisionMap(ElisionMapNode root, int spanCount)
     this.root      = root;
     this.spanCount = spanCount;