private void Open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Mat mat = imageEmgu.Mat; Mat metGrey = new Mat(); Mat metGeryOutput = new Mat(); BorderType borderType = BorderType.Default; ElementShape elementShape = elementShapee; switch (kernelMethod) { case KernelMethod.CloneBorder: borderType = BorderType.Replicate; break; case KernelMethod.NoBorders: borderType = BorderType.Default; break; case KernelMethod.UseExisting: borderType = BorderType.Isolated; break; } CvInvoke.CvtColor(mat, metGrey, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); Mat structuringElement = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(elementShape, new Size(3, 3), new Point(1, 1)); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(metGrey, metGeryOutput, MorphOp.Open, structuringElement, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 1), trackBarValue, borderType, CvInvoke.MorphologyDefaultBorderValue); ImagePostBox.Image = metGeryOutput.ToImage <Bgr, byte>().Bitmap; ImagePostBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; }
private void ApplyShapeToPoints(ElementShape shape) { foreach (LegendItemElement legendItem in this.radChartView1.ChartElement.LegendElement.StackElement.Children) { legendItem.MarkerElement.Shape = shape; } }
public void PaintBorder( IGraphics graphics, ElementShape shape, GraphicsPath clippingPath, RectangleF preferedRectangle) { Color[] gradientColors1 = new Color[4] { this.borderElement.ForeColor, this.borderElement.ForeColor2, this.borderElement.ForeColor3, this.borderElement.ForeColor4 }; if (this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.OuterInnerBorders) { float num1 = Math.Max(1f, this.borderElement.Width / 2f); this.DrawPath(graphics, clippingPath, preferedRectangle, gradientColors1, num1); float num2 = -(float)Math.Floor((double)Math.Max(1f, num1)); RectangleF rectangleF = RectangleF.Inflate(preferedRectangle, num2, num2); GraphicsPath path = shape?.CreatePath(rectangleF); if (path == null) { return; } Color[] gradientColors2 = new Color[4] { this.borderElement.InnerColor, this.borderElement.InnerColor2, this.borderElement.InnerColor3, this.borderElement.InnerColor4 }; this.DrawPath(graphics, path, rectangleF, gradientColors2, this.borderElement.Width / 2f); path.Dispose(); } else { if ((double)this.borderElement.Width <= 0.0) { return; } this.DrawPath(graphics, clippingPath, preferedRectangle, gradientColors1, this.borderElement.Width); } }
public MyShapedForm(ElementShape shape) { InitializeComponent(); if (shape != null) { this.Shape = shape; } }
public void bwMorph(ref Mat inputImage, MorphOp operation, ElementShape mShape = ElementShape.Rectangle, int mSize = 3, int iterations = 1) { int _mSize = (mSize % 2 == 1) ? mSize : mSize + 1; Mat element = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(mShape, new Size(_mSize, _mSize), new Point(-1, -1)); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(inputImage, inputImage, operation, element, new Point(-1, -1), iterations, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(255, 0, 0, 255)); }
/// <summary> /// 膨張・収縮処理に用いる構造要素を生成する /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">構造要素の列数</param> /// <param name="rows">構造要素の行数</param> /// <param name="anchorX">構造要素の原点のx座標</param> /// <param name="anchorY">構造要素の原点のy座標</param> /// <param name="shape">構造要素の形状</param> /// <param name="values">構造要素データへのポインタ。このパラメータは形状がCV_SHAPE_CUSTOMのときのみ有効</param> /// <returns>構造要素</returns> #else /// <summary> /// Allocates and fills the structure IplConvKernel, which can be used as a structuring element in the morphological operations. /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">Number of columns in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="rows">Number of rows in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="anchorX">Relative horizontal offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="anchorY">Relative vertical offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="shape">Shape of the structuring element.</param> /// <param name="values">Pointer to the structuring element data, a plane array, representing row-by-row scanning of the element matrix. /// Non-zero values indicate points that belong to the element. If the pointer is null, then all values are considered non-zero, /// that is, the element is of a rectangular shape. This parameter is considered only if the shape is CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM . </param> /// <returns></returns> #endif public IplConvKernel(int cols, int rows, int anchorX, int anchorY, ElementShape shape, int[,] values) { ptr = NativeMethods.cvCreateStructuringElementEx(cols, rows, anchorX, anchorY, shape, values); if (ptr == null) { throw new OpenCvSharpException("Failed to create IplConvKernel"); } }
/// <summary> /// 膨張・収縮処理に用いる構造要素を生成する /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">構造要素の列数</param> /// <param name="rows">構造要素の行数</param> /// <param name="anchor_x">構造要素の原点のx座標</param> /// <param name="anchor_y">構造要素の原点のy座標</param> /// <param name="shape">構造要素の形状</param> /// <param name="values">構造要素データへのポインタ。このパラメータは形状がCV_SHAPE_CUSTOMのときのみ有効</param> /// <returns>構造要素</returns> #else /// <summary> /// Allocates and fills the structure IplConvKernel, which can be used as a structuring element in the morphological operations. /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">Number of columns in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="rows">Number of rows in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="anchor_x">Relative horizontal offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="anchor_y">Relative vertical offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="shape">Shape of the structuring element.</param> /// <param name="values">Pointer to the structuring element data, a plane array, representing row-by-row scanning of the element matrix. /// Non-zero values indicate points that belong to the element. If the pointer is null, then all values are considered non-zero, /// that is, the element is of a rectangular shape. This parameter is considered only if the shape is CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM . </param> /// <returns></returns> #endif public IplConvKernel(int cols, int rows, int anchor_x, int anchor_y, ElementShape shape, int[,] values) { this._ptr = CvInvoke.cvCreateStructuringElementEx(cols, rows, anchor_x, anchor_y, shape, values); if (this._ptr == null) { throw new OpenCvSharpException("IplConvKernelの生成に失敗しました。"); } NotifyMemoryPressure(SizeOf); }
/// <summary> /// 膨張・収縮処理に用いる構造要素を生成する /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">構造要素の列数</param> /// <param name="rows">構造要素の行数</param> /// <param name="anchorX">構造要素の原点のx座標</param> /// <param name="anchorY">構造要素の原点のy座標</param> /// <param name="shape">構造要素の形状</param> /// <param name="values">構造要素データへのポインタ。このパラメータは形状がCV_SHAPE_CUSTOMのときのみ有効</param> /// <returns>構造要素</returns> #else /// <summary> /// Allocates and fills the structure IplConvKernel, which can be used as a structuring element in the morphological operations. /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">Number of columns in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="rows">Number of rows in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="anchorX">Relative horizontal offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="anchorY">Relative vertical offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="shape">Shape of the structuring element.</param> /// <param name="values">Pointer to the structuring element data, a plane array, representing row-by-row scanning of the element matrix. /// Non-zero values indicate points that belong to the element. If the pointer is null, then all values are considered non-zero, /// that is, the element is of a rectangular shape. This parameter is considered only if the shape is CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM . </param> /// <returns></returns> #endif public IplConvKernel(int cols, int rows, int anchorX, int anchorY, ElementShape shape, int[,] values) { ptr = NativeMethods.cvCreateStructuringElementEx(cols, rows, anchorX, anchorY, shape, values); if (ptr == null) { throw new OpenCvSharpException("IplConvKernelの生成に失敗しました。"); } NotifyMemoryPressure(SizeOf); }
public Measure IntersectedVolume(Element OtherElement) { //This Element method calculates the intersected volumen with another element. //This calculation is different for every pair of shapes (relies on the shape type). //This operation is commutative, that is, the volume of the intersection of shape A with shape B, whatever its type, // is the same as the intersection of shape B with shape A. //NOTE: for demonstration purposes we implement the intersection between two cubes with parallel sides. return(ElementShape.IntersectVolume(ElementPosition, OtherElement)); }
private void ApplyShapeToPoints(ElementShape shape) { ScatterSeries series = this.radDropDownListSeries.SelectedValue as ScatterSeries; foreach (ScatterPointElement point in series.Children) { point.Shape = shape; } }
public static ExtendedElementShape ToExtendedElementShape(this ElementShape buttonShape) { switch (buttonShape) { case ElementShape.Square: return(ExtendedElementShape.Square); case ElementShape.Rectangle: return(ExtendedElementShape.Rectangle); case ElementShape.Circle: return(ExtendedElementShape.Circle); case ElementShape.Elliptical: return(ExtendedElementShape.Elliptical); case ElementShape.Obround: return(ExtendedElementShape.Obround); } throw new NotSupportedException("ElementShape [" + buttonShape + "] cannot be converted to ExtendedElementShape"); }
private void Thinning_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Mat mat = imageEmgu.Mat; Mat metGrey = imageEmgu.Mat; Mat metGeryOutput = new Mat(); ElementShape elementShape = elementShapee; CvInvoke.CvtColor(mat, metGrey, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); Mat structuringElement = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(elementShape, new Size(3, 3), new Point(1, 1)); XImgprocInvoke.Thinning(metGrey, metGeryOutput, ThinningTypes.GuoHall); // CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(metGrey, metGeryOutput, MorphOp.Open, structuringElement, new System.Drawing.Point(1, 1), 2, BorderType.Isolated, CvInvoke.MorphologyDefaultBorderValue); ImagePostBox.Image = metGeryOutput.ToImage <Bgr, byte>().Bitmap; ImagePostBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; }
private void radButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ElementShape shape = null; if (radioButton1.Checked) { RadListDataItem item = radComboBox1.SelectedItem; shape = (ElementShape)Activator.CreateInstance((Type)item.Value); } else { shape = this.shape; } MyShapedForm form = new MyShapedForm(shape); form.BorderWidth = 2; form.ShowDialog(); }
public void PaintFill(IGraphics graphics, float angle, SizeF scale, RectangleF paintRect) { if (this.IsTransparent()) { return; } Size size = Size.Round(paintRect.Size); if ((size.Width <= 0) || (size.Height <= 0)) { return; } this.lastScale = scale; ElementShape currentShape = this.primitiveElement.GetCurrentShape(); //Check if we have already painded in PaintBuffer with this shape FillElementPaintBuffer paintBuffer = this.FillElementPaintBuffer; if (currentShape != null && paintBuffer != null) { string shapeProps = currentShape.SerializeProperties(); int shapeHash; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shapeProps)) { shapeHash = shapeProps.GetHashCode(); } else { shapeHash = currentShape.GetHashCode(); } paintBuffer.SetShapeHash(shapeHash); } //Graphics graphics = null; bool usePaintBuffer = paintBuffer != null && paintBuffer.ShouldUsePaintBuffer() && this.primitiveElement.ShouldUsePaintBuffer(); try { if (usePaintBuffer) { if (!this.primitiveElement.IsDesignMode && paintBuffer.PaintFromBuffer(graphics, scale, size)) { return; } graphics.ChangeOpacity(1d); if (!this.primitiveElement.IsDesignMode) { paintBuffer.SetGraphics(graphics, scale); } } } catch { usePaintBuffer = false; } GraphicsPath clippingPath = null; if (currentShape != null) { clippingPath = currentShape.CreatePath(paintRect); graphics.PushCurrentClippingPath(clippingPath); } this.FillRectangle(graphics, paintRect); if (clippingPath != null) { graphics.PopCurrentClippingPath(); clippingPath.Dispose(); } if (usePaintBuffer) { graphics.RestoreOpacity(); if (!this.primitiveElement.IsDesignMode) { paintBuffer.ResetGraphics(graphics, scale); } } }
public void bwMorph(ref Mat inputImage, ref Mat outputImage, MorphOp operation, ElementShape mShape = ElementShape.Rectangle, int mSize = 3, int iterations = 1) { inputImage.CopyTo(outputImage); bwMorph(ref outputImage, operation, mShape, mSize, iterations); }
/// <summary> /// Virtual method that paints the primitive on the screen. It may be overriden by /// the derived types. /// </summary> public virtual void PaintBorder(IGraphics graphics, float angle, SizeF scale, RectangleF preferedRectangle) { Size size = this.primitiveElement.Size; if ((size.Width <= 0) || (size.Height <= 0)) { return; } if (IsTransparent()) { return; } if (this.borderElement.Width <= 0 && (this.borderElement.BoxStyle != BorderBoxStyle.FourBorders || (this.borderElement.LeftWidth <= 0 && this.borderElement.RightWidth <= 0 && this.borderElement.TopWidth <= 0 && this.borderElement.BottomWidth <= 0))) { return; } ElementShape shape = this.primitiveElement.GetCurrentShape(); Color[] gradientColors = new Color[] { this.borderElement.ForeColor, this.borderElement.ForeColor2, this.borderElement.ForeColor3, this.borderElement.ForeColor4 }; GraphicsPath clippingPath = null; if (shape != null) { clippingPath = shape.CreatePath(preferedRectangle); } if (clippingPath != null) { if (this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.OuterInnerBorders) { float halfWidth = Math.Max(1f, this.borderElement.Width / 2f); this.DrawPath(graphics, clippingPath, preferedRectangle, gradientColors, halfWidth); float innerBorderWidth = -(float)Math.Floor(Math.Max(1, halfWidth)); RectangleF innerRectangle = RectangleF.Inflate(preferedRectangle, innerBorderWidth, innerBorderWidth); GraphicsPath innerPath = shape.CreatePath(innerRectangle); if (innerPath != null) { Color[] innerColors = new Color[] { this.borderElement.InnerColor, this.borderElement.InnerColor2, this.borderElement.InnerColor3, this.borderElement.InnerColor4 }; this.DrawPath(graphics, innerPath, innerRectangle, innerColors, this.borderElement.Width / 2); innerPath.Dispose(); } } else { this.DrawPath(graphics, clippingPath, preferedRectangle, gradientColors, this.borderElement.Width); } clippingPath.Dispose(); } else { if (this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.OuterInnerBorders) { //Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.Size); DrawRectangle(graphics, preferedRectangle, gradientColors, this.borderElement.Width); float halfWidth = Math.Max(1f, this.borderElement.Width / 2); Color[] innerColors = new Color[] { this.borderElement.InnerColor, this.borderElement.InnerColor2, this.borderElement.InnerColor3, this.borderElement.InnerColor4 }; float innerBorderWidth = -(float)Math.Floor(Math.Max(1, halfWidth)); RectangleF newRectangle = RectangleF.Inflate(preferedRectangle, innerBorderWidth, innerBorderWidth); DrawRectangle(graphics, newRectangle, innerColors, this.borderElement.Width); } else { Rectangle rectangle = Rectangle.Round(preferedRectangle); if (this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.FourBorders) { //Note: Contrary to all other border types, four borders uses FillRectangle and paints exactly //in the specified rectanle, so we need to recalculate rectangle = Rectangle.Round(this.primitiveElement.GetExactPaintingRectangle(angle, scale)); } if ((this.borderElement.Width == 1f) && (this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.SingleBorder)) { //we do not need this any longer since GetPaintRectangle does this job already //rectangle = GetPatchedRect(graphics, this.Size, angle, scale); if ((rectangle.Width <= 0) || (rectangle.Height <= 0)) { return; } } DrawRectangle(graphics, rectangle, gradientColors, this.borderElement.Width); } } }
private void rectRadio_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Getting kernel element type elementShape = ElementShape.Rectangle; }
private void crossRadio_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Getting kernel element type elementShape = ElementShape.Cross; }
/// <summary> /// 膨張・収縮処理に用いる構造要素を生成する /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">構造要素の列数</param> /// <param name="rows">構造要素の行数</param> /// <param name="anchorX">構造要素の原点のx座標</param> /// <param name="anchorY">構造要素の原点のy座標</param> /// <param name="shape">構造要素の形状</param> /// <returns>構造要素</returns> #else /// <summary> /// Allocates and fills the structure IplConvKernel, which can be used as a structuring element in the morphological operations. /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">Number of columns in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="rows">Number of rows in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="anchorX">Relative horizontal offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="anchorY">Relative vertical offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="shape">Shape of the structuring element.</param> /// <returns></returns> #endif public IplConvKernel(int cols, int rows, int anchorX, int anchorY, ElementShape shape) : this(cols, rows, anchorX, anchorY, shape, null) { }
/// <summary> /// 膨張・収縮処理に用いる構造要素を生成する /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">構造要素の列数</param> /// <param name="rows">構造要素の行数</param> /// <param name="anchorX">構造要素の原点のx座標</param> /// <param name="anchorY">構造要素の原点のy座標</param> /// <param name="shape">構造要素の形状</param> /// <param name="values">構造要素データへのポインタ。このパラメータは形状がCV_SHAPE_CUSTOMのときのみ有効</param> /// <returns>構造要素</returns> #else /// <summary> /// Allocates and fills the structure IplConvKernel, which can be used as a structuring element in the morphological operations. /// </summary> /// <param name="cols">Number of columns in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="rows">Number of rows in the structuring element. </param> /// <param name="anchorX">Relative horizontal offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="anchorY">Relative vertical offset of the anchor point. </param> /// <param name="shape">Shape of the structuring element.</param> /// <param name="values">Pointer to the structuring element data, a plane array, representing row-by-row scanning of the element matrix. /// Non-zero values indicate points that belong to the element. If the pointer is null, then all values are considered non-zero, /// that is, the element is of a rectangular shape. This parameter is considered only if the shape is CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM . </param> /// <returns></returns> #endif public IplConvKernel(int cols, int rows, int anchorX, int anchorY, ElementShape shape, int[,] values) { ptr = NativeMethods.cvCreateStructuringElementEx(cols, rows, anchorX, anchorY, shape, values); if (ptr == null) throw new OpenCvSharpException("Failed to create IplConvKernel"); }
public Boundarie GetBoundarie() { return(ElementShape.GetBoundarie(ElementPosition)); }
public void PaintFill(IGraphics graphics, float angle, SizeF scale, RectangleF paintRect) { if (this.IsTransparent()) { return; } Size desired = Size.Round(paintRect.Size); if (desired.Width <= 0 || desired.Height <= 0) { return; } graphics.ChangeSmoothingMode(this.fillElement.SmoothingMode); this.lastScale = scale; ElementShape elementShape = (ElementShape)null; if (this.primitiveElement != null) { elementShape = this.primitiveElement.GetCurrentShape(); } else if (this.shapedElement != null) { elementShape = this.shapedElement.GetCurrentShape(); } FillElementPaintBuffer elementPaintBuffer = this.FillElementPaintBuffer; if (elementShape != null && elementPaintBuffer != null) { string str = elementShape.SerializeProperties(); int shapeHash = string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? elementShape.GetHashCode() : str.GetHashCode(); elementPaintBuffer.SetShapeHash(shapeHash); } bool flag = elementPaintBuffer != null && !elementPaintBuffer.IsDisabled && elementPaintBuffer.ShouldUsePaintBuffer() && this.primitiveElement.ShouldUsePaintBuffer(); try { if (flag) { if (!this.primitiveElement.IsDesignMode && elementPaintBuffer.PaintFromBuffer(graphics, scale, desired)) { graphics.RestoreSmoothingMode(); return; } graphics.ChangeOpacity(1.0); if (!this.primitiveElement.IsDesignMode) { elementPaintBuffer.SetGraphics(graphics, scale); } } } catch { flag = false; } GraphicsPath path = (GraphicsPath)null; if (elementShape != null) { path = elementShape.CreatePath(paintRect); graphics.PushCurrentClippingPath(path); } this.FillRectangle(graphics, paintRect); if (path != null) { graphics.PopCurrentClippingPath(); path.Dispose(); } if (flag) { graphics.RestoreOpacity(); if (!this.primitiveElement.IsDesignMode) { elementPaintBuffer.ResetGraphics(graphics, scale); } } graphics.RestoreSmoothingMode(); }
/// <summary> /// Clean up mask /// </summary> /// <param name="binaryImage">Skin mask</param> /// <param name="kernelShape">Shape of correction tool</param> /// <param name="kernelSize">Size of correction tool</param> private void performOpening(Mat binaryImage, ElementShape kernelShape, Size kernelSize) { Mat structuringElement = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(kernelShape, kernelSize, new Point(0, 0)); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(binaryImage, binaryImage, MorphOp.Open, structuringElement, new Point(0, 0), 3, BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar()); }
public static void Execute(object obj) { object[] objs = (object[])obj; MainForm mform = (MainForm)objs[0]; // eb -execute {cmd [args]} string[] cmd = (string[])objs[1]; if (rform == null) { rform = new RecognizeForm(); ShowRecognizeForm(mform, rform); } string errorMsg = "none"; try { switch (cmd[0]) { case "showimg": for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Length; i++) { if (cmd[i].Equals("-input")) { ori_img = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(cmd[i + 1]); break; } } if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please enter the -input path"; } else { show_img = ori_img; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); } break; case "back": Bitmap tmp = show_img; show_img = pre_img; pre_img = tmp; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); break; case "avggray": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { Image <Gray, byte> grayimg = new Image <Gray, byte>(show_img); grayimg._ThresholdBinary(grayimg.GetAverage(), new Gray(255)); pre_img = show_img; show_img = grayimg.Bitmap; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); } break; case "sobel": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { SobelFilter(); } break; case "median": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { Image <Bgr, byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(show_img).SmoothMedian(3); pre_img = show_img; show_img = img.Bitmap; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); } break; case "erode": Image <Gray, byte> eimg = new Image <Gray, byte>(show_img); Size kSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Convert.ToInt32(cmd[1]), Convert.ToInt32(cmd[2])); Point anchor = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(cmd[3]), Convert.ToInt32(cmd[4])); ElementShape shape = ElementShape.Rectangle; switch (cmd[5]) { case "ellipse": shape = ElementShape.Ellipse; break; case "rectangle": shape = ElementShape.Rectangle; break; case "cross": shape = ElementShape.Cross; break; } Mat element = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(shape, kSize, anchor); Mat dstImg = new Mat(); CvInvoke.Erode(eimg, dstImg, element, anchor, Convert.ToInt32(cmd[6]), BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0)); pre_img = show_img; show_img = dstImg.Bitmap; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); break; case "dilate": Image <Gray, byte> dimg = new Image <Gray, byte>(show_img); Size dSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Convert.ToInt32(cmd[1]), Convert.ToInt32(cmd[2])); Point danchor = new Point(Convert.ToInt32(cmd[3]), Convert.ToInt32(cmd[4])); ElementShape dshape = ElementShape.Rectangle; switch (cmd[5]) { case "ellipse": dshape = ElementShape.Ellipse; break; case "rectangle": dshape = ElementShape.Rectangle; break; case "cross": dshape = ElementShape.Cross; break; } Mat delement = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(dshape, dSize, danchor); Mat ddstImg = new Mat(); CvInvoke.Dilate(dimg, ddstImg, delement, danchor, Convert.ToInt32(cmd[6]), BorderType.Default, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0)); pre_img = show_img; show_img = ddstImg.Bitmap; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); break; case "clearedge": EdgeFilter(); break; case "canny": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { Image <Gray, byte> cannyimg = new Image <Gray, byte>(show_img).Canny(Convert.ToDouble(cmd[1]), Convert.ToDouble(cmd[2])); pre_img = show_img; show_img = cannyimg.Bitmap; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); } break; case "corners": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { GetCornersByHarris(); //GetCorners(); } break; case "findrec": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { FindRectangle(Convert.ToInt32(cmd[1]), Convert.ToInt32(cmd[2])); } break; case "houghlines": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { Image <Gray, byte> img = new Image <Gray, byte>(show_img); LineSegment2D[][] lines = img.HoughLines( Convert.ToDouble(cmd[1]), // canny low threshold Convert.ToDouble(cmd[2]), // canny high threshold 1, // rho Math.PI / 180.0, // theta Convert.ToInt32(cmd[3]), // threshold(cross point) Convert.ToDouble(cmd[4]), // min lenght for line Convert.ToDouble(cmd[5]) // max allow gap between lines ); foreach (LineSegment2D line in lines[0]) { img.Draw(line, new Gray(0), 1); } pre_img = show_img; show_img = img.Bitmap; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); } break; case "iterrec": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { DrawAllRectangles(); } break; case "refresh": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { pre_img = show_img; show_img = ori_img; rform.UpdateImage(show_img); } break; case "saveimg": if (ori_img == null) { errorMsg = "please run showimg command first"; } else { show_img.Save("save_img_" + savet++ + ".png"); } break; case "exit": rform.ExitForm(); rform.Dispose(); rform = null; break; case "help": StreamReader input = new StreamReader(@"document.txt"); string doc; bool tag = false; while (!input.EndOfStream) { doc = input.ReadLine(); if (doc.Equals("<img>")) { tag = true; continue; } else if (doc.Equals("</img>")) { break; } if (tag) { mform.UpdateLog(doc); } } input.Close(); input.Dispose(); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { mform.UpdateLog(e.Message); } if (errorMsg.Equals("none")) { mform.UpdateText("finished"); } else { mform.UpdateLog(errorMsg); } }
public static extern IntPtr cvCreateStructuringElementEx(int cols, int rows, int anchorX, int anchorY, ElementShape shape, int[,] values);
public virtual void PaintBorder( IGraphics graphics, float angle, SizeF scale, RectangleF preferedRectangle) { if (this.primitiveElement != null) { Size size = this.primitiveElement.Size; if (size.Width <= 0 || size.Height <= 0) { return; } } if (this.IsTransparent() || (double)this.borderElement.Width <= 0.0 && (this.borderElement.BoxStyle != BorderBoxStyle.FourBorders || (double)this.borderElement.LeftWidth <= 0.0 && (double)this.borderElement.RightWidth <= 0.0 && ((double)this.borderElement.TopWidth <= 0.0 && (double)this.borderElement.BottomWidth <= 0.0))) { return; } ElementShape shape = (ElementShape)null; if (this.primitiveElement != null) { shape = this.primitiveElement.GetCurrentShape(); } else if (this.shapedElement != null) { shape = this.shapedElement.GetCurrentShape(); } GraphicsPath clippingPath = (GraphicsPath)null; if (shape != null) { clippingPath = shape.CreatePath(preferedRectangle); } if (clippingPath != null) { this.PaintBorder(graphics, shape, clippingPath, preferedRectangle); clippingPath.Dispose(); } else { Color[] gradientColors1 = new Color[4] { this.borderElement.ForeColor, this.borderElement.ForeColor2, this.borderElement.ForeColor3, this.borderElement.ForeColor4 }; if (this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.OuterInnerBorders) { this.DrawRectangle(graphics, preferedRectangle, gradientColors1, this.borderElement.Width); float val2 = Math.Max(1f, this.borderElement.Width / 2f); Color[] gradientColors2 = new Color[4] { this.borderElement.InnerColor, this.borderElement.InnerColor2, this.borderElement.InnerColor3, this.borderElement.InnerColor4 }; float num = -(float)Math.Floor((double)Math.Max(1f, val2)); RectangleF rectangle = RectangleF.Inflate(preferedRectangle, num, num); this.DrawRectangle(graphics, rectangle, gradientColors2, this.borderElement.Width); } else { Rectangle rectangle = Rectangle.Round(preferedRectangle); if (this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.FourBorders && this.primitiveElement != null) { rectangle = Rectangle.Round(this.primitiveElement.GetExactPaintingRectangle(angle, scale)); } if ((double)this.borderElement.Width == 1.0 && this.borderElement.BoxStyle == BorderBoxStyle.SingleBorder && (rectangle.Width <= 0 || rectangle.Height <= 0)) { return; } this.DrawRectangle(graphics, (RectangleF)rectangle, gradientColors1, this.borderElement.Width); } } }
public override bool Do() { ClearOut(); try { int morphKern = IntPropertys["Kern"].Value * 2 + 1; MorphologyEnum morphType = (MorphologyEnum)EnumPropertys["Type"].Value; ElementShape shape = (ElementShape)EnumPropertys["KernType"].Value; var kernMat = CvInvoke.GetStructuringElement(ElementShape.Ellipse, new System.Drawing.Size(morphKern, morphKern), new System.Drawing.Point(IntPropertys["Kern"].Value, IntPropertys["Kern"].Value)); foreach (var src in Sources) { foreach (var outData in src.GetOut()) { switch (morphType) { case MorphologyEnum.Erode: { Mat outimg = new Mat(outData.Image.Height, outData.Image.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 3); CvInvoke.Erode(outData.Image, outimg, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(outimg, outData.Info, false)); } break; case MorphologyEnum.Detate: { Mat outimg = new Mat(outData.Image.Height, outData.Image.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 3); CvInvoke.Dilate(outData.Image, outimg, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(outimg, outData.Info, false)); } break; case MorphologyEnum.Morph_Open: { Mat outimg = new Mat(outData.Image.Height, outData.Image.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 3); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(outData.Image, outimg, MorphOp.Open, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(outimg, outData.Info, false)); } break; case MorphologyEnum.Morph_Close: { Mat outimg = new Mat(outData.Image.Height, outData.Image.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 3); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(outData.Image, outimg, MorphOp.Close, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(outimg, outData.Info, false)); } break; case MorphologyEnum.Morph_Gradient: { Mat outimg = new Mat(outData.Image.Height, outData.Image.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 3); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(outData.Image, outimg, MorphOp.Gradient, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(outimg, outData.Info, false)); } break; case MorphologyEnum.Morph_Tophat: { Mat outimg = new Mat(outData.Image.Height, outData.Image.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 3); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(outData.Image, outimg, MorphOp.Tophat, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(outimg, outData.Info, false)); } break; case MorphologyEnum.Morph_Blackhat: { Mat outimg = new Mat(outData.Image.Height, outData.Image.Width, DepthType.Cv8U, 3); CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(outData.Image, outimg, MorphOp.Blackhat, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(outimg, outData.Info, false)); } break; case MorphologyEnum.Morph_Hitmiss: { Mat outimg = new Mat(); Mat img0 = new Mat(); CvInvoke.CvtColor(outData.Image, img0, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray); // требует 8UC1 CvInvoke.MorphologyEx(img0, outimg, MorphOp.HitMiss, kernMat, new System.Drawing.Point(-1, -1), IntPropertys["Count"].Value, BorderType.Default, new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar()); CvInvoke.CvtColor(outimg, img0, ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr); this.m_out.Add(new DataSrc(img0, outData.Info, false)); } break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Reader의 내용을 이용하여 부품의 좌표계를 변환 /// </summary> /// <param name="reader"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Board ConvertBoardData(Reader reader) { List <KY.KYV.JobReader.Component> compList = new List <KY.KYV.JobReader.Component>(); if (reader != null) { #region ComponentInfo if (reader.BoardArrays == null) { return(null); } foreach (ElementBoardArray arr in reader.BoardArrays.Items) { MatrixConverter arrMtx = new MatrixConverter(arr.x, arr.y, arr.rot); foreach (ElementComponent comp in reader.Components.component) { //get part of comp ElementPart part = reader.Parts.ItemDic[comp.part]; //get pack of part ElementPackages.ElementPackage Package; if (!reader.Packages.ItemDic.TryGetValue(part.pkg, out Package)) { continue; } //get rotate of comp float rotate = comp.fAngleByCompItSelf + comp.fAngleForInsp + part.OffsetAngForUsrRefAng;// + Package.fOrgOffsetAng; MatrixConverter compMtx = new MatrixConverter(comp.x, reader.HeadInfo.board.orgH - comp.y, rotate); List <KY.KYV.JobReader.DrawData> drawDataList = new List <KY.KYV.JobReader.DrawData>(); //init data for draw body of comp float angleSum = arr.rot + rotate; float angleAdjust = 0.0F; if (Package != null && Package.pkgbody != null) { foreach (ElementPackages.ElementPackage.ElementPackageBody pkgbody in Package.pkgbody) { ElementShape shape = reader.PackageBodyShapes.ItemDic[pkgbody.shuid]; foreach (ElementRect rect in shape.rc) { float rectrot = (pkgbody.rot + rect.rot); MatrixConverter bodyMtx = new MatrixConverter(pkgbody.x, pkgbody.y, rectrot); PointF ptRect = bodyMtx.TransformPoint(0, 0); ptRect = compMtx.TransformPoint(ptRect); ptRect = arrMtx.TransformPoint(ptRect); drawDataList.Add( new DrawData() { Offset = new System.Drawing.PointF(pkgbody.x, pkgbody.y), Rotate = (pkgbody.rot + rect.rot), Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(rect.w, rect.h), Type = DrawData.DataType.BODY, AbsLocation = new System.Drawing.PointF(ptRect.X, reader.HeadInfo.board.orgH - ptRect.Y), AbsRoate = (pkgbody.rot + rect.rot + angleSum) }); } } } //init data for draw footprint of comp if (Package != null && Package.pkgpins != null) { foreach (ElementPackages.ElementPackage.ElementPackagePins pkgpins in Package.pkgpins) { foreach (ElementPackages.ElementPackage.ElementPackagePins.ElementPackagePin pkgpin in pkgpins.pkgpin) { ElementShape shape = reader.PackageLeadShapes.ItemDic[pkgpin.shuid]; foreach (ElementRect rect in shape.rc) { float rectrot = (pkgpin.rot + rect.rot); MatrixConverter pinMtx = new MatrixConverter(pkgpin.x, pkgpin.y, rectrot); PointF ptRect = pinMtx.TransformPoint(0, 0); ptRect = compMtx.TransformPoint(ptRect); ptRect = arrMtx.TransformPoint(ptRect); drawDataList.Add( new DrawData() { Offset = new System.Drawing.PointF(pkgpin.x, pkgpin.y), Rotate = (pkgpin.rot + rect.rot), Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(rect.w, rect.h), Type = DrawData.DataType.LEAD, AbsLocation = new System.Drawing.PointF(ptRect.X, reader.HeadInfo.board.orgH - ptRect.Y), AbsRoate = (pkgpin.rot + rect.rot + angleSum) }); } } } } //if (reader.Footprints.ItemDic.ContainsKey(comp.footprint)) //{ // ElementFootprint footprint = reader.Footprints.ItemDic[comp.footprint]; // foreach (ElementPin pin in footprint.Items) // { // if (reader.FootprintLeadShapes.ItemDic.ContainsKey(pin.shuid)) // { // ElementShape shape = reader.FootprintLeadShapes.ItemDic[pin.shuid]; // foreach (ElementRect rect in shape.rc) // { // System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix mtxRectCenter = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(); // mtxRectCenter.Translate(pin.x, pin.y); // System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix mtxRectRot = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(); // mtxRectRot.RotateAt(-(pin.rot + rect.rot), new PointF(pin.x, pin.y)); // PointF[] ptRect = new PointF[] { new PointF(0F, 0F) }; // mtxRectCenter.TransformPoints(ptRect); // mtxRectRot.TransformPoints(ptRect); // mtxCompCenter.TransformPoints(ptRect); // mtxCompRot.TransformPoints(ptRect); // mtxArrayCenter.TransformPoints(ptRect); // mtxArrayRot.TransformPoints(ptRect); // drawDataList.Add( // new DrawData() // { // Offset = new System.Drawing.PointF(pin.x, pin.y), // Rotate = (pin.rot + rect.rot), // Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(rect.w, rect.h), // Type = DrawData.DataType.PAD, // AbsLocation = new System.Drawing.PointF(ptRect[0].X, ptRect[0].Y), // AbsRoate = (pin.rot + rect.rot + angleSum) // }); // } // } // } //} //init component list data PointF ptComp = compMtx.TransformPoint(0, 0); ptComp = arrMtx.TransformPoint(ptComp); compList.Add( new KY.KYV.JobReader.Component() { CRD =, ArrayIndex = arr.num, Location = new System.Drawing.PointF(ptComp.X, reader.HeadInfo.board.orgH - ptComp.Y), Rotate = (comp.fAngleByCompItSelf + comp.fAngleForInsp + angleAdjust + Package.fOrgOffsetAng), DrawDatas = drawDataList.ToArray() }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{}/ {arr.num}"); } } #endregion #region PCBImage string imagefilepath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(reader.JobfilePath); string[] ImagefileNameList = new string[] { "WholeboardFov.jpg", "WholeBoard.jpg", "WholeBoard.bmp" }; Image boardIamge = null; string boardimagepath = null; foreach (string fileName in ImagefileNameList) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagefilepath, fileName)); if (System.IO.File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagefilepath, fileName))) { boardimagepath = System.IO.Path.Combine(imagefilepath, fileName); // boardIamge = Image.FromFile(boardimagepath); break; } } List <ImageData> fovimages = new List <ImageData>(); foreach (ElementFov fov in reader.Boardfovs.fovs) { Image fovImage = null; string fovImagepath = null; string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(imagefilepath, string.Format("Board-Fov-{0:D3}_T.jpg", + 1)); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { fovImagepath = path; } fovimages.Add(new ImageData() { Img = fovImage, ImgFilePath = fovImagepath, Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(reader.Boardfovs.width, reader.Boardfovs.height), Location = new PointF(fov.left, fov.height) }); } #endregion Board board = new Board() { Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(reader.HeadInfo.board.w, reader.HeadInfo.board.h), WholeImage = new ImageData() { Img = boardIamge, ImgFilePath = boardimagepath, Size = new System.Drawing.SizeF(reader.HeadInfo.board.w, reader.HeadInfo.board.h), Location = new PointF(reader.HeadInfo.board.w / 2, reader.HeadInfo.board.h / 2) }, FovImages = fovimages.ToArray(), Components = compList.ToArray() }; return(board); } return(null); }