Example #1
        private void OnEndTagClose(object sender, HtmlParserCloseTagEventArgs e)
            if (_currentElementRecord != null)
                ElementNode element = _currentElementRecord.Element;
                ReadOnlyCollection <ElementNode> children = ElementNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_currentElementRecord.Children.Count > 0)
                    children = new ReadOnlyCollection <ElementNode>(_currentElementRecord.Children);

                ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> startTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                    startTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes);

                ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> endTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_currentElementRecord.EndTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                    endTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(_currentElementRecord.EndTagAttributes);

                element.EndTag.Complete(endTagAttributes, e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed, false, false);
                element.CompleteElement(e.CloseAngleBracket, true, children, startTagAttributes, endTagAttributes);

                _currentElementRecord = null;

            CloseOrphanedEndTag(e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed);
Example #2
        private void OnEndTagOpen(object sender, HtmlParserOpenTagEventArgs e)
            // Current element must already be on the stack. It is not null
            // only when we are processing start tag.

            Debug.Assert(_currentElementRecord == null);

            // e.Token contains NameToken describing element prefix:name range.
            // </ precedes the range immediately. Note that token may contain invalid/empty
            // range if element name is missing such as in </{ws} or </>. We will ignore
            // malformed end tags.

            if (e.NameToken != null && e.NameToken.QualifiedName.Length > 0)
                // close at name.start-1 (skip < of the tag, end exclusive)

                // subtract </
                _currentElementRecord = CloseElements(e.NameToken.QualifiedName, e.NameToken.QualifiedName.Start - 2, new string[0]);
                if (_currentElementRecord != null)
                    _currentElementRecord.Element.OpenEndTag(e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);
                    var dummyElement = new ElementNode(_tree.RootNode, e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);

                    _orphanedEndTagRecord = new ElementRecord(dummyElement);
                    _orphanedEndTagRecord.Element.OpenEndTag(e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);
Example #3
        private void OnStartTagOpen(object sender, HtmlParserOpenTagEventArgs e)
            Debug.Assert(_currentElementRecord == null);

            // e.NameToken describes element prefix:name range.
            // < precedes the range immediately.
            // Artifacts are not allowed in element names.

            string[] containerNames;

            // Close any elements on the stack that must be closed either by implicit
            // closure or by the fact that they are inside the element that is being closed.
            if (e.NameToken != null && e.NameToken.IsNameWellFormed() &&
                _tree.HtmlClosureProvider.IsImplicitlyClosed(_tree.Text, e.NameToken, out containerNames))
                // close at name.start-1 (skip < of the tag, end exclusive)
                CloseElements(e.NameToken.QualifiedName, e.NameToken.QualifiedName.Start - 1, containerNames);

            // Parent is the element on top of the stack or the root node if stack is empty
            var parentRecord = _elementStack.Count > 0 ? _elementStack.Peek() : _rootNodeRecord;

            ElementNode element = new ElementNode(parentRecord.Element, e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);

            _currentElementRecord = new ElementRecord(element);
Example #4
 private void OnParseBegin(object sender, HtmlParserRangeEventArgs e) {
     _startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     _rootNodeRecord = new ElementRecord(new RootNode(_tree));
     _currentElementRecord = null;
     _orphanedEndTagRecord = null;
     _elementStack = new Stack<ElementRecord>(16);
        public override void Modify(ElementRecord record)
            DbCommand command = this.Provider.GetStoredProcedure("spInsertUpdateElement");

            this.MapParameterIn(command, "@PA_USER_LOGIN_ID", "dev");
            this.MapParametersIn(command, record, true);
            this.MapParametersOut(command, record);
Example #6
            private void UpdateValueAndIndexArrays(ElementRecord elementRecord, ref TextRecord textRecord, PhpArray values, PhpArray indices, bool middle)
                // if we have no valid data in the middle, just end
                if (middle && textRecord == null)

                if (!middle && elementRecord.State == ElementState.Interior)
                    UpdateValueAndIndexArrays(elementRecord, ref textRecord, values, indices, true);

                if (values != null)
                    PhpArray arrayRecord = new PhpArray();

                    arrayRecord.Add("tag", elementRecord.ElementName);
                    arrayRecord.Add("level", elementRecord.Level);

                    if (elementRecord.State == ElementState.Beginning)
                        arrayRecord.Add("type", middle ? "open" : "complete");
                        arrayRecord.Add("type", middle ? "cdata" : "close");

                    if (textRecord != null)
                        arrayRecord.Add("value", textRecord.Text);

                    if (elementRecord.State == ElementState.Beginning && elementRecord.Attributes.Count != 0)
                        arrayRecord.Add("attributes", elementRecord.Attributes);

                    var value_idx = values.Add(arrayRecord) - 1;

                    if (indices != null)
                        var elementIndices = indices[elementRecord.ElementName].AsArray();

                        if (elementIndices == null)
                            indices[elementRecord.ElementName] = elementIndices = new PhpArray();

                        // add the max index (last inserted value)

                textRecord = null;
Example #7
 private void OnParseBegin(object sender, HtmlParserRangeEventArgs e)
     _startTime            = DateTime.UtcNow;
     _rootNodeRecord       = new ElementRecord(new RootNode(_tree));
     _currentElementRecord = null;
     _orphanedEndTagRecord = null;
     _elementStack         = new Stack <ElementRecord>(16);
Example #8
        private void OnStartTagClose(object sender, HtmlParserCloseTagEventArgs e)
            // e.Token contain Token with range for > or /> if well formed
            // or IsGhost is set to true otherwise

            Debug.Assert(_currentElementRecord != null);

            // Close start tag of the current element and push element
            // on the stack if element is not self-closing (or self-closed via />).

            ElementNode currentElement = _currentElementRecord.Element;
            ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> attributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;

            if (_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                attributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes);

            if (currentElement.StartTag.NameToken == null ||
                currentElement.Name.Equals("!doctype", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                currentElement.StartTag.Complete(attributes, e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed, e.IsShorthand, true);

                currentElement.CompleteElement(e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed,
                // Check if element is self-closing by calling URI info provider for a given namespace.
                bool selfClosing = false;

                NameToken nameToken = currentElement.StartTag.NameToken;
                if (nameToken != null)
                    selfClosing = _tree.HtmlClosureProvider.IsSelfClosing(_tree.Text, nameToken.PrefixRange, nameToken.NameRange);

                currentElement.StartTag.Complete(attributes, e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed, e.IsShorthand, selfClosing);

                currentElement.CompleteElement(e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed,

                if (!selfClosing && !e.IsShorthand)

            _currentElementRecord = null;
Example #9
            internal static GroupInfoRecord Read(BinaryReader r)
                var record       = new GroupInfoRecord();
                var elementCount = r.ReadUInt32();

                record.elements = new List <ElementRecord>((int)elementCount);
                for (UInt32 elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementCount; ++elementIndex)
                    var element = new ElementRecord();
Example #10
        private void CloseOrphanedEndTag(ITextRange closeAngleBracket, bool isClosed)
            if (_orphanedEndTagRecord != null)
                ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> endTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_orphanedEndTagRecord.EndTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                    endTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(_orphanedEndTagRecord.EndTagAttributes);

                _orphanedEndTagRecord.Element.EndTag.Complete(endTagAttributes, closeAngleBracket, isClosed, false, false);
                ElementRecord currentElementRecord = _elementStack.Peek();

                _orphanedEndTagRecord = null;
Example #11
        private void OnParseEnd(object sender, HtmlParserRangeEventArgs e)
            // Collect all orphaned end tags since they belong to the currently
            CloseOrphanedEndTag(new TextRange(e.Range.End, 0), false);

            // Close all element that are still on the stack
            while (_elementStack.Count > 0)
                ElementRecord elementRecord = _elementStack.Pop();

                ElementNode element = elementRecord.Element;
                ReadOnlyCollection <ElementNode> children = ElementNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (elementRecord.Children.Count > 0)
                    children = new ReadOnlyCollection <ElementNode>(elementRecord.Children);

                ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> startTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (elementRecord.StartTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                    startTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(elementRecord.StartTagAttributes);

                ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> endTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (elementRecord.EndTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                    endTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(elementRecord.EndTagAttributes);

                element.CompleteElement(TextRange.FromBounds(e.Range.End, e.Range.End), false, children, startTagAttributes, endTagAttributes);

            _tree.RootNode  = _rootNodeRecord.Element as RootNode;
            _rootNodeRecord = null;


            var parser = sender as HtmlParser;

            _tree.DocType = parser.DocType;

            TreeBuildingTime = DateTime.UtcNow - _startTime;
Example #12
        private void ParseStep(XmlReader reader, Stack <ElementRecord> elementStack, ref TextRecord textChunk, PhpArray values, PhpArray indices)
            string        elementName;
            bool          emptyElement;
            ElementRecord currentElementRecord = null;

            switch (reader.NodeType)
            case XmlNodeType.Element:
                elementName  = reader.Name;
                emptyElement = reader.IsEmptyElement;
                PhpArray attributeArray = new PhpArray();

                if (_processNamespaces && elementName.IndexOf(":") >= 0)
                    string localName = elementName.Substring(elementName.IndexOf(":") + 1);
                    elementName = reader.NamespaceURI + _namespaceSeparator + localName;

                if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                        if (_processNamespaces && reader.Name.StartsWith("xmlns:"))
                            string namespaceID  = reader.Name.Substring(6);
                            string namespaceUri = reader.Value;

                            if (_startNamespaceDeclHandler.Callback != null)
                                _startNamespaceDeclHandler.Invoke(this, namespaceID, namespaceUri);


                        attributeArray.Add(_enableCaseFolding ? reader.Name.ToUpperInvariant() : reader.Name, reader.Value);
                    }while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());

                // update current top of stack
                if (elementStack.Count != 0)
                    currentElementRecord = elementStack.Peek();

                    UpdateValueAndIndexArrays(currentElementRecord, ref textChunk, values, indices, true);

                    if (currentElementRecord.State == ElementState.Beginning)
                        currentElementRecord.State = ElementState.Interior;

                // push the element into the stack (needed for parse_into_struct)
                    new ElementRecord()
                    ElementName = elementName,
                    Level       = reader.Depth,
                    State       = ElementState.Beginning,
                    Attributes  = (PhpArray)attributeArray.DeepCopy()

                if (_startElementHandler.Callback != null)
                    _startElementHandler.Invoke(this, _enableCaseFolding ? elementName.ToUpperInvariant() : elementName, attributeArray);
                if (_defaultHandler.Callback != null)
                    _defaultHandler.Invoke(this, "");

                if (emptyElement)
                    goto case XmlNodeType.EndElement;                      // and end the element immediately (<element/>, XmlNodeType.EndElement will not be called)

            case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                elementName = reader.Name;

                if (_processNamespaces && elementName.IndexOf(":") >= 0)
                    string localName = elementName.Substring(elementName.IndexOf(":") + 1);
                    elementName = reader.NamespaceURI + _namespaceSeparator + localName;

                // pop the top element record
                currentElementRecord = elementStack.Pop();

                UpdateValueAndIndexArrays(currentElementRecord, ref textChunk, values, indices, false);

                if (_endElementHandler.Callback != null)
                    _endElementHandler.Invoke(this, _enableCaseFolding ? elementName.ToUpperInvariant() : elementName);
                if (_defaultHandler.Callback != null)
                    _defaultHandler.Invoke(this, "");

            case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
            case XmlNodeType.Text:
            case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                if (textChunk == null)
                    textChunk = new TextRecord()
                        Text = reader.Value
                    textChunk.Text += reader.Value;

                if (_characterDataHandler.Callback != null)
                    _characterDataHandler.Invoke(this, reader.Value);
                if (_defaultHandler.Callback != null)
                    _defaultHandler.Invoke(this, reader.Value);

            case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:

                if (_processingInstructionHandler.Callback != null)
                    _processingInstructionHandler.Invoke(this, reader.Name, reader.Value);
                if (_defaultHandler.Callback != null)
                    _defaultHandler.Invoke(this, string.Empty);
Example #13
        private void OnParseEnd(object sender, HtmlParserRangeEventArgs e) {
            // Collect all orphaned end tags since they belong to the currently
            CloseOrphanedEndTag(new TextRange(e.Range.End, 0), false);

            // Close all element that are still on the stack
            while (_elementStack.Count > 0) {
                ElementRecord elementRecord = _elementStack.Pop();

                ElementNode element = elementRecord.Element;
                ReadOnlyCollection<ElementNode> children = ElementNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (elementRecord.Children.Count > 0) {
                    children = new ReadOnlyCollection<ElementNode>(elementRecord.Children);

                ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode> startTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (elementRecord.StartTagAttributes.Count > 0) {
                    startTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode>(elementRecord.StartTagAttributes);

                ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode> endTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (elementRecord.EndTagAttributes.Count > 0) {
                    endTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode>(elementRecord.EndTagAttributes);

                element.CompleteElement(TextRange.FromBounds(e.Range.End, e.Range.End), false, children, startTagAttributes, endTagAttributes);

            _tree.RootNode = _rootNodeRecord.Element as RootNode;
            _rootNodeRecord = null;


            var parser = sender as HtmlParser;
            _tree.DocType = parser.DocType;

            TreeBuildingTime = DateTime.UtcNow - _startTime;
Example #14
        private ElementRecord CloseElements(ITextRange nameRange, int position, string[] containerNames)
            ElementRecord last                         = null;
            int           count                        = 0;
            bool          foundSameElement             = false;
            bool          foundContainer               = false;
            bool          testImplicitClosureWalkingUp = (containerNames.Length > 0);
            bool          foundImplicitlyClosedElement = false;
            string        name                         = _tree.Text.GetText(nameRange);

            // Dev12 764293: Match end tags regardless of parsing mode, and let validation ensure the casing.
            // var comparison = Parser.ParsingMode == ParsingMode.Html ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
            var comparison = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;

            // Walk up the stack looking for element name but stop at possible container
            // so we don't close outer <li> by inner <li> in <ol><li><ol><li> and rather
            // stop at the nearest <ol> which is a 'hard' container for <li>.

            foreach (var elementRecord in _elementStack)
                ITextRange qualifiedNameRange = elementRecord.Element.QualifiedNameRange;
                string     qualifiedName      = _tree.Text.GetText(qualifiedNameRange);

                if (String.Compare(qualifiedName, name, comparison) == 0)
                    foundSameElement = true;
                    count++; // Ensure we close the element with the same name

                foreach (var containerName in containerNames)
                    if (String.Compare(qualifiedName, containerName, comparison) == 0)
                        foundContainer = true;

                if (foundContainer)

                if (testImplicitClosureWalkingUp && !foundImplicitlyClosedElement)
                    string[] containerNamesCurrentElement;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifiedName) && _tree.HtmlClosureProvider.IsImplicitlyClosed(_tree.Text, qualifiedNameRange, out containerNamesCurrentElement))
                        foundImplicitlyClosedElement = true;


            if (foundSameElement || (foundImplicitlyClosedElement && foundContainer))
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    last = _elementStack.Pop();
                    ElementNode element = last.Element;

                    ReadOnlyCollection <ElementNode> children = ElementNode.EmptyCollection;
                    if (last.Children.Count > 0)
                        children = new ReadOnlyCollection <ElementNode>(last.Children);

                    ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> startTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                    if (last.StartTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                        startTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(last.StartTagAttributes);

                    ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode> endTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                    if (last.EndTagAttributes.Count > 0)
                        endTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection <AttributeNode>(last.EndTagAttributes);

                    element.CompleteElement(TextRange.FromBounds(position, position), true, children, startTagAttributes, endTagAttributes);

Example #15
        private void CloseOrphanedEndTag(ITextRange closeAngleBracket, bool isClosed) {
            if (_orphanedEndTagRecord != null) {
                ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode> endTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_orphanedEndTagRecord.EndTagAttributes.Count > 0) {
                    endTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode>(_orphanedEndTagRecord.EndTagAttributes);

                _orphanedEndTagRecord.Element.EndTag.Complete(endTagAttributes, closeAngleBracket, isClosed, false, false);
                ElementRecord currentElementRecord = _elementStack.Peek();

                _orphanedEndTagRecord = null;
Example #16
        private void OnEndTagClose(object sender, HtmlParserCloseTagEventArgs e) {
            if (_currentElementRecord != null) {
                ElementNode element = _currentElementRecord.Element;
                ReadOnlyCollection<ElementNode> children = ElementNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_currentElementRecord.Children.Count > 0) {
                    children = new ReadOnlyCollection<ElementNode>(_currentElementRecord.Children);

                ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode> startTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes.Count > 0) {
                    startTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode>(_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes);

                ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode> endTagAttributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
                if (_currentElementRecord.EndTagAttributes.Count > 0) {
                    endTagAttributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode>(_currentElementRecord.EndTagAttributes);

                element.EndTag.Complete(endTagAttributes, e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed, false, false);
                element.CompleteElement(e.CloseAngleBracket, true, children, startTagAttributes, endTagAttributes);

                _currentElementRecord = null;

            CloseOrphanedEndTag(e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed);
Example #17
        private void OnEndTagOpen(object sender, HtmlParserOpenTagEventArgs e) {
            // Current element must already be on the stack. It is not null
            // only when we are processing start tag.

            Debug.Assert(_currentElementRecord == null);

            // e.Token contains NameToken describing element prefix:name range. 
            // </ precedes the range immediately. Note that token may contain invalid/empty 
            // range if element name is missing such as in </{ws} or </>. We will ignore
            // malformed end tags.

            if (e.NameToken != null && e.NameToken.QualifiedName.Length > 0) {
                // close at name.start-1 (skip < of the tag, end exclusive)

                // subtract </
                _currentElementRecord = CloseElements(e.NameToken.QualifiedName, e.NameToken.QualifiedName.Start - 2, new string[0]);
                if (_currentElementRecord != null) {
                    _currentElementRecord.Element.OpenEndTag(e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);
                } else {
                    var dummyElement = new ElementNode(_tree.RootNode, e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);

                    _orphanedEndTagRecord = new ElementRecord(dummyElement);
                    _orphanedEndTagRecord.Element.OpenEndTag(e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);
Example #18
        private void OnStartTagClose(object sender, HtmlParserCloseTagEventArgs e) {
            // e.Token contain Token with range for > or /> if well formed
            // or IsGhost is set to true otherwise

            Debug.Assert(_currentElementRecord != null);

            // Close start tag of the current element and push element
            // on the stack if element is not self-closing (or self-closed via />).

            ElementNode currentElement = _currentElementRecord.Element;
            ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode> attributes = AttributeNode.EmptyCollection;
            if (_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes.Count > 0) {
                attributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<AttributeNode>(_currentElementRecord.StartTagAttributes);

            if (currentElement.StartTag.NameToken == null ||
                currentElement.Name.Equals("!doctype", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                currentElement.StartTag.Complete(attributes, e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed, e.IsShorthand, true);

                currentElement.CompleteElement(e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed,
            } else {
                // Check if element is self-closing by calling URI info provider for a given namespace.
                bool selfClosing = false;

                NameToken nameToken = currentElement.StartTag.NameToken;
                if (nameToken != null) {
                    selfClosing = _tree.HtmlClosureProvider.IsSelfClosing(_tree.Text, nameToken.PrefixRange, nameToken.NameRange);

                currentElement.StartTag.Complete(attributes, e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed, e.IsShorthand, selfClosing);

                currentElement.CompleteElement(e.CloseAngleBracket, e.IsClosed,

                if (!selfClosing && !e.IsShorthand)

            _currentElementRecord = null;
Example #19
        private void UpdateValueAndIndexArrays(ElementRecord elementRecord, ref TextRecord textRecord, PhpArray values, PhpArray indices, bool middle)
            // if we have no valid data in the middle, just end
            if (middle && textRecord == null)

            if (!middle && elementRecord.State == ElementState.Interior)
                UpdateValueAndIndexArrays(elementRecord, ref textRecord, values, indices, true);
            if (values != null)
                PhpArray arrayRecord = new PhpArray();

                arrayRecord.Add("tag", elementRecord.ElementName);
                arrayRecord.Add("level", elementRecord.Level);

                if (elementRecord.State == ElementState.Beginning)
                    arrayRecord.Add("type", middle ? "open" : "complete");
                    arrayRecord.Add("type", middle ? "cdata" : "close");

                if (textRecord != null)
                    arrayRecord.Add("value", textRecord.Text);

                if (elementRecord.State == ElementState.Beginning && elementRecord.Attributes.Count != 0)
                    arrayRecord.Add("attributes", elementRecord.Attributes);


                if (indices != null)
                    PhpArray elementIndices;

                    if (!indices.ContainsKey(elementRecord.ElementName))
                        elementIndices = new PhpArray();
                        indices.Add(elementRecord.ElementName, elementIndices);
                        elementIndices = (PhpArray)indices[elementRecord.ElementName];

                    // add the max index (last inserted value)

            textRecord = null;
        public string CreateDonationProduct(string personName, string surname, string email, string phone, string price, string productId)
            var addressId        = "11";
            var sellingCompanyId = "1";
            var organisationId   = "1";
            var person           = new PersonRecord()
                FirstName = personName,
                Surname   = surname,
                HomeAddId = addressId

            var addedPerson = this.Provider.DataProvider.Contact.Person.FetchAll().OrderByDescending(x => x.AddDate).FirstOrDefault();

            var role = new PersonRoleRecord()
                PersonId  = addedPerson.Id,
                Email     = email,
                Phone     = phone,
                SelcoSpId = sellingCompanyId,
                OrgId     = organisationId,
                AddId     = addressId

            var addedRole = this.Provider.DataProvider.Contact.Role.FetchAll().OrderByDescending(x => x.AddDate).FirstOrDefault();

            var booking = new BookingRecord()
                ProleId      = addedRole.Id,
                InvOrgId     = addedRole.OrgId,
                SelcoSpId    = addedRole.SelcoSpId,
                PaymentMethd = "05-Cash",
                CurrencyType = "GBP",
                NetTotal     = Convert.ToInt32(price),
                PersonId     = addedRole.PersonId


            var addedBooking = this.Provider.DataProvider.Learning.Booking.FetchAll().OrderByDescending(x => x.AddDate).FirstOrDefault();

            var donationProduct = this.Provider.DataProvider.Learning.Product.FetchById(productId);
            var delegateRecord  = new DelegateRecord()
                BookId    = addedBooking.Id,
                OrgId     = addedBooking.OrgId,
                PersonId  = addedBooking.PersonId,
                ProleId   = addedBooking.ProleId,
                ProductId = donationProduct.Id,
                Quantity  = 1

            var addedDelegate = this.Provider.DataProvider.Learning.Learner.FetchAll().OrderByDescending(x => x.AddDate).FirstOrDefault();

            var element = new ElementRecord()
                BookId       = addedBooking.Id,
                PaymentMethd = "01-Invoice",
                ProdId       = donationProduct.Id,
                SelcoSpId    = sellingCompanyId,
                Type         = 29,
                Price        = Convert.ToInt32(price),
                Description  = donationProduct.Descrip,
                CostCode     = donationProduct.CostCode,
                Qty          = 1,
                UntPrice     = Convert.ToInt32(price),
                PlId         = "1",
                DelId        = addedDelegate.Id

            return("/learning/donationbooking?id=" + addedBooking.Id);
Example #21
        private void OnStartTagOpen(object sender, HtmlParserOpenTagEventArgs e) {
            Debug.Assert(_currentElementRecord == null);

            // e.NameToken describes element prefix:name range. 
            // < precedes the range immediately. 
            // Artifacts are not allowed in element names.

            string[] containerNames;

            // Close any elements on the stack that must be closed either by implicit
            // closure or by the fact that they are inside the element that is being closed.
            if (e.NameToken != null && e.NameToken.IsNameWellFormed() &&
                 _tree.HtmlClosureProvider.IsImplicitlyClosed(_tree.Text, e.NameToken, out containerNames)) {
                // close at name.start-1 (skip < of the tag, end exclusive)
                CloseElements(e.NameToken.QualifiedName, e.NameToken.QualifiedName.Start - 1, containerNames);

            // Parent is the element on top of the stack or the root node if stack is empty
            var parentRecord = _elementStack.Count > 0 ? _elementStack.Peek() : _rootNodeRecord;

            ElementNode element = new ElementNode(parentRecord.Element, e.OpenAngleBracketPosition, e.NameToken, _tree.Text.Length);

            _currentElementRecord = new ElementRecord(element);