Example #1
        public static UnsafeBuffer Decode(VoidPtr data, byte divisor, uint length, WiiVertexComponentType componentType,
                                          bool UVs, int isSpecial)
            float          scale   = VQuant.DeQuantTable[divisor];
            int            type    = isSpecial * 5 + (UVs ? 0 : 10) + (int)componentType;
            ElementDecoder decoder = ElementCodec.Decoders[type];

            int bytesPerVal = (UVs ? isSpecial + 1 : isSpecial + 2) * (componentType < WiiVertexComponentType.UInt16
                ? 1
                : componentType < WiiVertexComponentType.Float
                    ? 2
                    : 4);

            int count = (int)(length / bytesPerVal);

            UnsafeBuffer buffer = new UnsafeBuffer(count * (UVs ? 8 : 12));

            byte *pIn = (byte *)data, pOut = (byte *)buffer.Address;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                decoder(ref pIn, ref pOut, scale);

Example #2
        public static UnsafeBuffer Decode(MDL0VertexData *header)
            int            count   = header->_numVertices;
            float          scale   = VQuant.DeQuantTable[header->_divisor];
            int            type    = ((header->_isXYZ == 0) ? (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.XY : (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.XYZ) + (int)header->_type;
            ElementDecoder decoder = ElementCodec.Decoders[type];
            UnsafeBuffer   buffer  = new UnsafeBuffer(count * 12);

            byte *pIn = (byte *)header->Data, pOut = (byte *)buffer.Address;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                decoder(ref pIn, ref pOut, scale);

Example #3
        public static UnsafeBuffer Decode(MDL0UVData *header)
            int            count   = header->_numEntries;
            float          scale   = VQuant.DeQuantTable[header->_divisor];
            int            type    = ((header->_isST == 0) ? (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.S : (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.ST) + (int)header->_format;
            ElementDecoder decoder = ElementCodec.Decoders[type];
            UnsafeBuffer   buffer  = new UnsafeBuffer(count * 8);

            byte *pIn = (byte *)header->Entries, pOut = (byte *)buffer.Address;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                decoder(ref pIn, ref pOut, scale);

Example #4
        public static UnsafeBuffer Decode(MDL0NormalData *header)
            int            count   = header->_numVertices;
            float          scale   = VQuant.DeQuantTable[header->_divisor]; //Should always be zero?
            int            type    = (int)ElementCodec.CodecType.XYZ + (int)header->_type;
            ElementDecoder decoder = ElementCodec.Decoders[type];
            UnsafeBuffer   buffer;

            if (header->_isNBT != 0)
                count *= 3; //Format is the same, just with three Vectors each
            buffer = new UnsafeBuffer(count * 12);

            byte *pIn = (byte *)header->Data, pOut = (byte *)buffer.Address;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                decoder(ref pIn, ref pOut, scale);
