public static BindSharedParamResult BindSharedParam( Document doc, Category cat, string paramName, string grpName, ParameterType paramType, bool visible, bool instanceBinding) { try // generic { Application app = doc.Application; // This is needed already here to // store old ones for re-inserting CategorySet catSet = app.Create.NewCategorySet(); // Loop all Binding Definitions // IMPORTANT NOTE: Categories.Size is ALWAYS 1 !? // For multiple categories, there is really one // pair per each category, even though the // Definitions are the same... DefinitionBindingMapIterator iter = doc.ParameterBindings.ForwardIterator(); while (iter.MoveNext()) { Definition def = iter.Key; ElementBinding elemBind = (ElementBinding)iter.Current; // Got param name match if (paramName.Equals(def.Name, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { // Check for category match - Size is always 1! if (elemBind.Categories.Contains(cat)) { // Check Param Type if (paramType != def.ParameterType) { return(BindSharedParamResult.eWrongParamType); } // Check Binding Type if (instanceBinding) { if (elemBind.GetType() != typeof(InstanceBinding)) { return(BindSharedParamResult.eWrongBindingType); } } else { if (elemBind.GetType() != typeof(TypeBinding)) { return(BindSharedParamResult.eWrongBindingType); } } // Check Visibility - cannot (not exposed) // If here, everything is fine, // ie already defined correctly return(BindSharedParamResult.eAlreadyBound); } // If here, no category match, hence must // store "other" cats for re-inserting else { foreach (Category catOld in elemBind.Categories) { catSet.Insert(catOld); // 1 only, but no index... } } } } // If here, there is no Binding Definition for // it, so make sure Param defined and then bind it! DefinitionFile defFile = GetOrCreateSharedParamsFile(app); DefinitionGroup defGrp = GetOrCreateSharedParamsGroup( defFile, grpName); Definition definition = GetOrCreateSharedParamDefinition( defGrp, paramType, paramName, visible); catSet.Insert(cat); InstanceBinding bind = null; if (instanceBinding) { bind = app.Create.NewInstanceBinding( catSet); } else { bind = app.Create.NewTypeBinding(catSet); } // There is another strange API "feature". // If param has EVER been bound in a project // (in above iter pairs or even if not there // but once deleted), Insert always fails!? // Must use .ReInsert in that case. // See also similar findings on this topic in: // // - the code-idiom below may be more generic: if (doc.ParameterBindings.Insert( definition, bind)) { return(BindSharedParamResult.eSuccessfullyBound); } else { if (doc.ParameterBindings.ReInsert( definition, bind)) { return(BindSharedParamResult.eSuccessfullyBound); } else { return(BindSharedParamResult.eFailed); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format( "Error in Binding Shared Param: {0}", ex.Message)); return(BindSharedParamResult.eFailed); } }
private void CollectProjectParam() { try { proParamDictionary = new Dictionary <int, ProjectParameter>(); BindingMap bindingMap = doc.ParameterBindings; DefinitionBindingMapIterator iterator = bindingMap.ForwardIterator(); int index = 0; while (iterator.MoveNext()) { ElementBinding elementBinding = iterator.Current as ElementBinding; CategorySet categories = elementBinding.Categories; Definition definition = iterator.Key; if (CheckValidParameter(categories)) { ProjectParameter pp = new ProjectParameter(definition, categories); pp.ParameterName = pp.Definition.Name; string type = elementBinding.GetType().ToString(); if (type.Contains("InstanceBinding")) { pp.IsInstance = true; } else { pp.IsInstance = false; } proParamDictionary.Add(index, pp); index++; } } foreach (int i in proParamDictionary.Keys) { ProjectParameter pp = proParamDictionary[i]; foreach (Category category in pp.Categories) { if (!category.AllowsBoundParameters) { continue; } string catName = category.Name; if (catProParamDictionary.ContainsKey(catName)) { if (!catProParamDictionary[catName].ContainsKey(pp.ParameterName)) { catProParamDictionary[catName].Add(pp.ParameterName, pp); } } else { catProParamDictionary.Add(catName, new Dictionary <string, ProjectParameter>()); catProParamDictionary[catName].Add(pp.ParameterName, pp); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed collect project parameters: \n" + ex.Message, "ParameterSettings Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }