Example #1
        private static void AddFiles(Project project, ProjectItems items, Document currentDoc)
            foreach (ProjectItem subItem in items)
                if (currentDoc == subItem)

                if (subItem.Kind == PhysicalFolderKind || subItem.Kind == VirtualFolderKind)
                    AddFiles(project, subItem.ProjectItems, currentDoc);
                else if (subItem.Kind == PhysicalFileKind)
                    if (subItem.Name.EndsWith(".cs"))                      // HACK: Gotta be a better way to know if it's C#.
                        for (short i = 0; i < subItem.FileCount; i++)
                            string path = subItem.FileNames[i];
                            if (path == currentDoc.FullName)

                            project.Sources.Add(Either <FileInfo, string> .A(new FileInfo(path)));
Example #2
        public void Either4_Fold()
            Action a = () => {};
            Either <Action, object, string, Type> e = Either <Action, object, string, Type> .A(a);

            Assert.AreEqual(a, e.Fold(v => v, v => null, v => null, v => null));

            e = Either <Action, object, string, Type> .D(typeof(object));

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(object), e.Fold(v => null, v => null, v => null, v => v));
Example #3
        public void Either3_Fold()
            Action a = () => {};
            Either <Action, object, string> e = Either <Action, object, string> .A(a);

            Assert.AreEqual(a, e.Fold(v => v, v => null, v => null));

            e = Either <Action, object, string> .C("foo");

            Assert.AreEqual("foo", e.Fold(v => null, v => null, v => v));
Example #4
        public void Either2_Fold()
            Action a = () => {};
            Either <Action, object> e = Either <Action, object> .A(a);

            Assert.AreEqual(a, e.Fold(v => v, v => null));

            e = Either <Action, object> .B("foo");

            Assert.AreEqual("foo", e.Fold(v => null, v => v.ToString()));
Example #5
        public void Either2_Fold_b_Null()
            Func <Action, int> a = x => 42;
            Func <object, int> b = null;

            var e = Either <Action, object> .A(() => {});

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b));

            e = Either <Action, object> .B(new object());

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b));
Example #6
        public void Either2_Fold_a_Null()
            Func <Action, int> a = null;
            Func <object, int> b = x => Convert.ToInt32(x);

            var e = Either <Action, object> .A(() => {});

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b));

            e = Either <Action, object> .B(new object());

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b));
Example #7
        public void Either3_Fold_c_Null()
            Func <Action, int> a = x => 42;
            Func <object, int> b = x => Convert.ToInt32(x);
            Func <string, int> c = null;

            var e = Either <Action, object, string> .A(() => {});

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b, c));

            e = Either <Action, object, string> .B(new object());

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b, c));

            e = Either <Action, object, string> .C("foo");

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b, c));
Example #8
        public void Either4_Fold_d_Null()
            Func <Action, int> a = x => 42;
            Func <object, int> b = x => Convert.ToInt32(x);
            Func <string, int> c = x => Convert.ToInt32(x);
            Func <Type, int>   d = null;

            var e = Either <Action, object, string, Type> .A(() => {});

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b, c, d));

            e = Either <Action, object, string, Type> .B(new object());

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b, c, d));

            e = Either <Action, object, string, Type> .C("foo");

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b, c, d));

            e = Either <Action, object, string, Type> .D(typeof(object));

            AssertException <ArgumentNullException> (() => e.Fold(a, b, c, d));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Instruments the supplied code to call the <see cref="Hook"/> methods.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">The code to instrument.</param>
        /// <param name="submissionId">The submission ID.</param>
        /// <returns>A task for a <see cref="string"/> representing the instrumented code.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="Hook.CreateSubmission"/>
        public static Task <Either <string, Error> > Instrument(string code, int submissionId)
            if (code == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("code");

            return(Task <Either <string, Error> > .Factory.StartNew(s =>
                SyntaxTree tree = SyntaxTree.Parse((string)s);

                InstrumentingRewriter rewriter = new InstrumentingRewriter(submissionId);

                Error error = tree.Errors.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ErrorType == ErrorType.Error);
                if (error != null)
                    return Either <string, Error> .B(error);

                return Either <string, Error> .A(tree.GetText());
            }, code));
 private Either <CachedSequence <T>, IEnumerator <T> > Either(CachedSequence <T> tail)
     return(Either <CachedSequence <T>, IEnumerator <T> > .A(tail));
Example #11
 protected override Either <Action, object, string> CreateValueX()
     return(Either <Action, object, string> .A(() => {}));
Example #12
 public void Either4_A_ValueNull()
     Either <Action, object, string, Type> .A(null);
Example #13
 public void Either3_A_ValueNull()
     Either <Action, object, string> .A(null);
Example #14
 public void Either2_A_ValueNull()
     Either <Action, object> .A(null);