Example #1
    protected virtual void Start()
        entityEffectSlots = GetComponent <EffectSlots> ();

        if (StartingWeapon != null)
            WeaponController.EquipWeapon(this, weaponLocation, StartingWeapon);

        // Clamps the Health and Mana values to 0f and to their maximum.

        // Makes sure that the maximum Health & Mana is always the amount given through Stamina.

        // As this Entity has just spawned, the Current Health & Mana should be set to full
        // Note that this should not happen to the Player during normal gameplay.
        CurrentHealth = MaximumHealth;
        CurrentMana   = MaximumMana;
Example #2
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

        Entity targetEntity = other.GetComponentInParent <Entity> ();

        // GetComponentInParent returns itself too, so the previous code could be consolidated into one monthly repayment.
        if (targetEntity == null)

        EffectSlots effectSlots = targetEntity.GetComponent <EffectSlots> ();

        // If the Entity we hit is a Coop player.
        if (targetEntity.tag == "Coop")
            if (IsHealing)
                // Heal the entity.
                targetEntity.Heal(ProjectileDamage, IsCrit);

                // Massive gameplay change here where we let those with CurrentHealth == MaximumHealth a HoT.
                effectSlots.Add(new Effect("Healing", "Healing for whatever over whatever",
                                           5f, Time.time, new float[] { 1 },
                                           sourceWeapon, targetEntity, new Action[] {
                    () => targetEntity.Heal(ProjectileDamage * 0.5f),
                }, null), EffectType.BUFF);

                // If the AmmoType is not healing and the Entity we hit is a Coop player ([PH]), then ignore the rest of the code and passthrough.

        // If the Entity we hit is a Coop player.
        if (targetEntity.tag == "Enemy")
            // We want to do damage only when the times hit is equal to 1 (which means this is the first enemy it has encountered),
            // or if the times hit is more than 1 and that the enemy ID is no longer the same.
            if (timesHit == 1 || (timesHit > 1 && enemyID != targetEntity.GetInstanceID()))
                // Calculate the actualDamage depending on the armor reduction.
                // TODO: Calculate ArmorRating depending on the level of the Entity.
                float damageReductionDueToArmor = (100 - (targetEntity.ArmorRating * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f))) / 100;

                // This Math.Round method truncates the float to 2 decimal places.
                float actualDamage = (float)Math.Round(Mathf.Clamp(ProjectileDamage * damageReductionDueToArmor, 0f, WeaponAverageDamage * 3f), 2);

                targetEntity.Damage(actualDamage, IsCrit);

                // If the AmmoType IsBurning, then give the target Entity the burning DoT.
                // This damaged is capped at 50% of the average damage.
                if (IsBurning)
                    int armourRatingTemp = (int)(targetEntity.ArmorRating - (targetEntity.ArmorRating * 0.9f));


                    effectSlots.Add(new Effect("Burning", "Burning for 25% of projectile damage over 8 seconds and reduces the target's armor by 10%",
                                               8f, Time.time, new float[] { 1f, 4.9f, 4.9f },
                                               sourceWeapon, targetEntity, new Action[] {
                        () => targetEntity.Damage(Mathf.Abs(damageReductionDueToArmor * 0.25f)),
                        () => targetEntity.SetTempValue(0, targetEntity.ArmorRating),
                        () => targetEntity.DebuffStat(EntityStat.ARMOR_RATING, armourRatingTemp)
                    }, new Action[] {
                        () => targetEntity.BuffStat(EntityStat.ARMOR_RATING, armourRatingTemp)
                    }), EffectType.DEBUFF);

                // Reduce the ProjectileDamage by 4 but only if it is relivant to do so.
                if (IsPiercing)
                    ProjectileDamage -= (ProjectileDamage / 4);
                enemyID = targetEntity.GetInstanceID();

        // Destroy the gameObject now as it's either not a piercing round or it is and it has hit more than 4 enemies or
        // the projectile hit geometry and as such needs to be destroyed.
        if (IsPiercing == false || (IsPiercing == true && timesHit > 3) || (new [] { "Geometry", "Untagged" }.Contains(other.tag)))
            //Debug.Log ("This Projectile (" + gameObject.name + ") hit geometry and was destroyed");

