public static void Main() { GUIContent fastInspectorHelp = new GUIContent("Turbo Inspector (Experimental)"); GUIContent alwaysUpdateShadersHelp = new GUIContent("Always Update Shaders"); GUIContent alwaysUpdateParticlesHelp = new GUIContent("Always Update Particles"); GUIContent particleUpdateRangeHelp = new GUIContent("Always Update Particles (Range)"); fastInspectorHelp.tooltip = "Prevents offscreen attributes/components from being drawn in inspectors. "; fastInspectorHelp.tooltip += "Currently has issues with multiple inspectors visible and erratic nudging position offset issues while scrolling."; alwaysUpdateShadersHelp.tooltip = "Forces the scene view to repaint every frame. Huge performance cost, but will allow shaders based on time to update in realtime."; alwaysUpdateParticlesHelp.tooltip = "Forces the scene view to repaint every frame. Huge performance cost, but will continually ensure particles are simulated."; particleUpdateRangeHelp.tooltip = "Range at which editor-updated particles will simulate. Higher values will cost more performance."; if ("Other".ToLabel().DrawFoldout("Zios.Preferences.Other")) { EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; bool fastInspector = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-FastInspector").Draw(fastInspectorHelp); bool alwaysUpdateShaders = EditorPref.Get <bool>("EditorSettings-AlwaysUpdateShaders").Draw(alwaysUpdateShadersHelp); bool alwaysUpdateParticles = EditorPref.Get <bool>("EditorSettings-AlwaysUpdateParticles").Draw(alwaysUpdateParticlesHelp); float particleUpdateRange = EditorPref.Get <float>("EditorSettings-ParticleUpdateRange", 100).Draw(particleUpdateRangeHelp); if (GUI.changed) { EditorPref.Set <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-FastInspector", fastInspector); EditorPref.Set <bool>("EditorSettings-AlwaysUpdateShaders", alwaysUpdateShaders); EditorPref.Set <bool>("EditorSettings-AlwaysUpdateParticles", alwaysUpdateParticles); EditorPref.Set <float>("EditorSettings-ParticleUpdateRange", particleUpdateRange); } EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; } }
public virtual void Setup(AttributeDrawer drawer, Rect area, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { string skinName = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false) ? "Dark" : "Light"; if ( == null || ! { = File.GetAsset <GUISkin>("Gentleface-" + skinName + ".guiskin"); this.attribute = property.GetObject <Attribute>(); } var info =; this.activeDataset =; this.drawer = drawer; = property; this.label = label; Rect fullRect = area.SetHeight(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); this.SetupAreas(fullRect); ProxyEditor.RecordObject(info.parent, "Attribute Changes"); this.Draw(); if (GUI.changed || this.dirty) { this.attribute.Setup(info.relativePath, info.parent); info.parent.DelayEvent(info.fullPath, "On Validate", 1); property.serializedObject.Update(); ProxyEditor.SetDirty(info.parent); ProxyEditor.RepaintInspectors(); this.dirty = false; GUI.changed = true; } }
public void LoadSettings() { string name =; bool firstOpen = !EditorPref.Has(name + "-Material"); MaterialBuffer.options["ShowDefault"] = firstOpen ? true : EditorPref.Get <int>("ExtendedMaterial-ShowDefault").ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options["ShowPreview"] = firstOpen ? true : EditorPref.Get <int>("ExtendedMaterial-ShowPreview").ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options["ShaderUnity"] = EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-ShaderUnity").ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options["ShaderGPU"] = EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-ShaderGPU").ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options["Properties"] = EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-Properties").ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options["Material"] = firstOpen ? true : EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-Material").ToBool(); int shaderIndex = 0; int passIndex = 0; foreach (SubShader subShader in { shaderIndex += 1; string shaderHash = "Sub" + shaderIndex; MaterialBuffer.options[shaderHash] = firstOpen ? true : EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-" + shaderHash).ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options[shaderHash + "Tags"] = EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-" + shaderHash + "Tags").ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options[shaderHash + "Fog"] = EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-" + shaderHash + "Fog").ToBool(); foreach (var item in subShader.passes) { passIndex += 1; =; string passHash = "Pass" + passIndex; MaterialBuffer.options[passHash] = firstOpen ? true : EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-" + passHash).ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options[passHash + "Tags"] = EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-" + passHash + "Tags").ToBool(); MaterialBuffer.options[passHash + "Fog"] = EditorPref.Get <int>(name + "-" + passHash + "Fog").ToBool(); } } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect area, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorUI.Reset(); float singleLine = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; area = area.SetHeight(singleLine); bool expanded = EditorPref.Get <bool>("layerDistancesExpanded"); expanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(area, expanded, "Layer Cull Distances"); EditorPref.Set <bool>("layerDistancesExpanded", expanded); if (expanded) { EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; this.drawn = 0; float[] values = property.FindPropertyRelative("values").GetObject <float[]>(); for (int index = 0; index < 32; index++) { string layerName = LayerMask.LayerToName(index); //if(layerName.IsEmpty()){layerName = "[Unnamed]";} if (!layerName.IsEmpty()) { area = area.AddY(singleLine + 2); values[index] = values[index].Draw(area, new GUIContent(layerName)); this.drawn += 1; } } EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; } }
public static void RecordEnd(string operation, object target, Action <string> callback = null, bool handlePrefs = true) { Reflection.ResetCache(); var undo = ""; var redo = ""; if (Undo.snapshot.ContainsKey(target)) { var changes = Undo.snapshot[target].Difference(target.GetVariables(Reflection.staticPublicFlags)); foreach (var item in changes) { var scope = "&&&" + target.AsType().FullName + "###" + item.Key + "|||"; undo += scope + Undo.snapshot[target][item.Key]; redo += scope + item.Value; } Undo.snapshot.Remove(target); } if (handlePrefs) { foreach (var pref in Undo.snapshotPrefs) { var current = EditorPref.Get(pref.Key, pref.Value); var head = "&&&" + pref.Key + "|||" + pref.Value.GetType().Name + "---"; undo += head + pref.Value.SerializeAuto(); redo += head + current.SerializeAuto(); } Undo.snapshotPrefs.Clear(); } undo = undo.ReplaceFirst("&&&", "").Trim(); redo = redo.ReplaceFirst("&&&", "").Trim(); Undo.Add(operation, undo, redo, Undo.Handle + callback); }
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { if (EditorPref.Get <bool>("layerDistancesExpanded")) { return(((EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 2) * this.drawn) + 16); } return(base.GetPropertyHeight(property, label)); }
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { var hash = property.GetObject <AttributeTransition>().path; if (EditorPref.Get <bool>(hash)) { return(EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 5 + 8); } return(base.GetPropertyHeight(property, label)); }
public static void RecordPref <Type>(string name, Type value) { var current = EditorPref.Get <Type>(name, value); if (!current.IsNull() && !current.Equals(value)) { Undo.snapshotPrefs[name] = current; } EditorPref.Set <Type>(name, value); }
public override void Clicked(int button) { if (button == 0) { int mode = (EditorPref.Get <int>("StateWindow-Mode", 2) + 1) % 3; EditorPref.Set <int>("StateWindow-Mode", mode); this.row.table.ShowAll(); StateWindow.Get().Repaint(); return; } }
public virtual void DrawDirect(Rect area, Rect extraArea, AttributeData data, GUIContent label, bool?drawSpecial = null, bool?drawOperator = null) { float labelSize = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = this.labelRect.width; bool showSpecial = drawSpecial != null && (EditorPref.Get <bool>(data.path + "Advanced") || data.special != 0); if (drawOperator != null) { EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth += 71; } if (showSpecial) { EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth += 91; } if (drawOperator != null) { this.DrawOperator(extraArea, data, (bool)!drawOperator); extraArea = extraArea.Add(51, 0, -51, 0); } if (showSpecial) { this.DrawSpecial(extraArea, data); area = area.Add(-41, 0, 41, 0); } if (data is AttributeFloatData) { AttributeFloatData floatData = (AttributeFloatData)data; floatData.Set(floatData.value.Draw(area, label)); } if (data is AttributeIntData) { AttributeIntData intData = (AttributeIntData)data; intData.Set(intData.value.DrawInt(area, label, null, true)); } if (data is AttributeStringData) { AttributeStringData stringData = (AttributeStringData)data; stringData.Set(stringData.value.Draw(area, label)); } if (data is AttributeBoolData) { AttributeBoolData boolData = (AttributeBoolData)data; boolData.Set(boolData.value.Draw(area, label)); } if (data is AttributeVector3Data) { AttributeVector3Data vector3Data = (AttributeVector3Data)data; vector3Data.Set(vector3Data.value.DrawVector3(area, label, true)); } EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelSize; }
public override void DrawStyle() { var window = StateWindow.Get(); var row = <StateRow>(); var script =; bool darkSkin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false); string name = is string?(string) : script.alias; string background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackA30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm"; Color textColor = darkSkin? Colors.Get("Silver") : Colors.Get("Black"); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; GUIStyle expand = Style.Get("buttonExpand", true); bool fieldHovered = window.row == this.row.order; if (fieldHovered) { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("ZestyBlue") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightBlueAWarm" : "BoxBlackHighlightBlueDWarm"; } if (this.row.selected) { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("White") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightCyanA" : "BoxBlackHighlightCyanCWarm"; } style.fixedWidth -= 28; style.margin.left = 0; style.normal.textColor = textColor; style.normal.background = File.GetAsset <Texture2D>(background); if (this.row.selected) { expand.normal.background = style.normal.background; expand.normal.textColor = textColor; expand.hover = expand.normal; style.hover = style.normal; } bool open = EditorPref.Get <bool>("StateWindow-GroupRow-" + row.section, false); string symbol = open ? "-" : "+"; StateWindow.Clip(symbol, expand, -1, window.headerSize); if (GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().AddX(window.scroll.x).Clicked()) { EditorPref.Toggle("StateWindow-GroupRow-" + row.section); foreach (var groupRow in this.groupRows) { groupRow.disabled = !groupRow.disabled; } Event.current.Use(); window.tableGUI.ShowAll(); window.Repaint(); } StateWindow.Clip(name, style, -1, window.headerSize); }
public bool DrawTitle(string title, bool current) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); string skinSuffix = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false) ? "Dark" : "Light"; skinSuffix += current ? "Open" : ""; GUIStyle styleTitle = this.UI.GetStyle("Title" + skinSuffix); string arrow = "<color=#008ffeFF>â–¼</color>"; string state = current ? arrow : "â–¶"; bool pressed = GUILayout.Button(state + " " + title, styleTitle) ? !current : current; this.titleChanged = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() ? title : this.titleChanged; return(pressed); }
public void Setup() { if ( > 0 && !this.setup) { foreach (var property in { string path = "MonoBehaviourEditor-PropertyHide-" + + "-" + property.propertyPath; if (EditorPref.Get <bool>(path, false)) { this.hidden.Add(property); } } this.setup = true; } }
public bool DrawToggleButton(string label, bool state) { string skinSuffix = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false) ? "Dark" : "Light"; string prefix = state ? "☗ " : "☖ "; skinSuffix += state ? "Active" : ""; GUIStyle buttonStyle = this.UI.GetStyle("Button" + skinSuffix); if (GUILayout.Button(prefix + label, buttonStyle)) { this.stateChanged = "ToggleButton-" + label; return(!state); } return(state); }
public virtual void DrawStyle(int state = 0) { var window = StateWindow.Get(); string value = ""; var stateRow = (StateRow); var row = <StateRow>(); int rowIndex = window.rowIndex[row]; var mode = (HeaderMode)EditorPref.Get <int>("StateWindow-Mode", 3); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; value = stateRow.requirements.Length > 1 ? (rowIndex + 1).ToString() : ""; if (this.row.selected) { style = Style.Get("buttonSelected", true); } else if (state == -1) { style = Style.Get("buttonDisabled", true); } else if (state == 1) { style = Style.Get("buttonOn", true); } else if (state == 2) { style = Style.Get("buttonOff", true); } else if (state == 3) { style = Style.Get("buttonUsed", true); } style.fixedWidth = window.cellSize; if (mode == HeaderMode.HorizontalFit) { bool lastEnabled = this.row.fields.Last(x => !x.disabled) == this; style.margin.right = lastEnabled ? 18 : 0; style.fixedWidth = lastEnabled ? 0 : style.fixedWidth; } float headerSize = window.headerSize; StateWindow.Clip(value.ToLabel(), style, + 7, headerSize); if (!Proxy.IsPlaying() && GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().Hovered()) { window.row = this.row.order; window.column = this.order; window.hovered = true; } }
public virtual void DrawGroup(GUIContent label, bool drawAdvanced = true) { Rect labelRect = this.labelRect.AddX(12); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(this.fullRect, MouseCursor.ArrowPlus); bool formulaExpanded = EditorPref.Get <bool>( + "FormulaExpanded"); if (this.labelRect.AddX(16).Clicked(0) || this.valueRect.Clicked(0)) { this.dirty = true; formulaExpanded = !formulaExpanded; } formulaExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(labelRect, formulaExpanded, label,"IconFormula")); EditorPref.Set <bool>( + "FormulaExpanded", formulaExpanded); if (formulaExpanded) { float lineHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 2; this.SetupAreas(this.fullRect.SetX(45).AddWidth(-55)); for (int index = 0; index <; ++index) { AttributeData currentData =[index]; if (currentData == null) { continue; } this.DrawGroupRow(currentData, index, drawAdvanced); } this.SetupAreas(this.fullRect.AddY(lineHeight)); this.drawer.overallHeight += lineHeight; if (GUI.Button(this.labelRect.SetWidth(100), "Add Attribute")) { if (this.attribute.GetFormulaTypes().Length > 1) { this.DrawAddMenu(); return; } this.attribute.Add <DataType>(); this.dirty = true; } } else { string message = "[expand for details]"; message.ToLabel().DrawLabel(this.valueRect,"WarningLabel")); } }
public void DrawMenu() { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); MenuFunction toggleAdvanced = () => EditorPref.Toggle("MonoBehaviourEditor-Advanced"); MenuFunction toggleInternal = () => EditorPref.Toggle("MonoBehaviourEditor-Internal"); MenuFunction toggleDictionary = () => EditorPref.Toggle("MonoBehaviourEditor-Dictionary"); MenuFunction hideAllDefaults = () => EditorPref.Toggle("MonoBehaviourEditor-HideAllDefault"); MenuFunction hideLocalDefaults = () => { this.hideDefault = !this.hideDefault; EditorPref.Set <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-" + + "HideDefault", this.hideDefault); }; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Advanced"), EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-Advanced"), toggleAdvanced); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Internal"), EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-Internal"), toggleInternal); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Dictionary"), EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-Dictionary"), toggleDictionary); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Defaults/Hide All"), EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-HideAllDefault"), hideAllDefaults); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Defaults/Hide Local"), this.hideDefault, hideLocalDefaults); if (this.hidden.Count > 0) { MenuFunction unhideAll = () => { foreach (var property in this.hidden) { string path = "MonoBehaviourEditor-PropertyHide-" + + "-" + property.propertyPath; EditorPref.Set <bool>(path, false); } this.hidden.Clear(); }; menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Unhide/All"), false, unhideAll); foreach (var property in this.hidden) { SerializedProperty target = property; MenuFunction unhide = () => { string path = "MonoBehaviourEditor-PropertyHide-" + + "-" + property.propertyPath; EditorPref.Set <bool>(path, false); this.hidden.Remove(target); }; menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Unhide/" + property.displayName), false, unhide); } } menu.ShowAsContext(); Event.current.Use(); }
public void OnGUI() { Theme.disabled = EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Options.Disabled", false); if (ThemeWindow.Inactive()) { return; } Theme.Update(); if (ThemeWindow.Inactive()) { return; } ThemeContent.Monitor(); var validTheme = ! && != "Default"; var mouseChanged = this.lastMouse != Event.current.mousePosition; Call.Delay(RelativeColor.UpdateSystem, 0.2f, false); if (validTheme && mouseChanged) { this.lastMouse = Event.current.mousePosition; float delay = 0; if (Theme.hoverResponse == HoverResponse.None) { return; } if (Theme.hoverResponse == HoverResponse.Slow) { delay = 0.2f; } if (Theme.hoverResponse == HoverResponse.Moderate) { delay = 0.05f; } Call.Delay("Redraw", () => { Theme.UpdateColors(); var view = Reflection.GetUnityType("GUIView").GetVariable("mouseOverView"); if (!view.IsNull()) { view.CallMethod("Repaint"); } }, delay, false); } }
public void DrawViewMode() { var term = "Default"; this.viewMode = EditorPref.Get <int>("GUISkin-Mode", 0); if (this.viewMode == 1) { term = "Replica"; } if (this.viewMode == 2) { term = "Compact"; } if (term.ToLabel().Layout(0, 30).DrawButton()) { this.viewMode = (this.viewMode + 1) % 3; EditorPref.Set <int>("GUISkin-Mode", this.viewMode); EditorUI.foldoutChanged = true; } }
public void CheckChanges() { if (Proxy.IsRepainting()) { bool fastInspector = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-FastInspector"); Vector2 mousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition; this.showAll = Event.current.alt && this.area.Contains(mousePosition); if (this.dirtyEvent != null) { this.dirtyEvent(); this.dirtyEvent = null; } bool needsRepaint = false; if (fastInspector) { foreach (var property in { if (this.propertyArea.ContainsKey(property)) { bool valid = this.propertyArea[property].InInspectorWindow(); if (valid != this.propertyVisible.AddNew(property)) { this.propertyVisible[property] = valid; needsRepaint = true; } } } /*if(!this.area.IsEmpty() && !this.area.InInspectorWindow()){ * MonoBehaviourEditor.offScreen[this] = true; * }*/ } if (this.showAll || needsRepaint) { this.Repaint(); } } }
public override void Draw() { var window = StateWindow.Get(); var hidden = !"") && ! && <StateRequirement>().name == "@External"; if (hidden) { return; } var target = is StateRequirement? <StateRequirement>() : null; var script = !target.IsNull() ? <StateBehaviour>() : null; var scroll = window.scroll; var label = is string?new GUIContent("") : new GUIContent( <string>("name")); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; var mode = (HeaderMode)EditorPref.Get <int>("StateWindow-Mode", 2); bool darkSkin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false); Color textColor = Colors.Get("Gray"); string background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackAWarm30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm50"; if ( { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("Silver") : Colors.Get("Black"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackA30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm"; } if (label.text == "") { this.disabled = this.row.fields.Skip(1).Count(x => !x.disabled) < 1; window.headerSize = 64; style.margin.left = 5; style.hover = style.normal; style.normal.background = File.GetAsset <Texture2D>(background); if (mode == HeaderMode.Vertical) { window.headerSize = 35; style.fixedHeight = style.fixedWidth; StateWindow.Clip(label, style, 0, window.headerSize); } if (mode != HeaderMode.Vertical) { StateWindow.Clip(label, style, -1, -1); } return; } bool fieldHovered = window.column == this.order; if (fieldHovered) { background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightBlueAWarm" : "BoxBlackHighlightBlueDWarm"; textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("ZestyBlue") : Colors.Get("White"); } if (Proxy.IsPlaying() && !script.IsNull()) { textColor = Colors.Get("Gray"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackAWarm30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm50"; bool usable = == "@External" ? : script.usable; bool active = == "@External" ? :; if (usable) { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("Silver") : Colors.Get("Black"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackA30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm"; } if (script.used) { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("White") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightYellowAWarm" : "BoxBlackHighlightYellowDWarm"; } if (active) { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("White") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightPurpleAWarm" : "BoxBlackHighlightPurpleDWarm"; } } style.normal.textColor = textColor; style.normal.background = File.GetAsset <Texture2D>(background); if (mode == HeaderMode.Vertical) { window.cellSize = style.fixedHeight; float halfWidth = style.fixedWidth / 2; float halfHeight = style.fixedHeight / 2; GUIStyle rotated = new GUIStyle(style).Rotate90(); Rect last = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent(""), rotated); GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(90,; Rect position = new Rect(last.x, last.y, 0, 0); position.x += halfHeight - halfWidth; position.y += -halfHeight + halfWidth; style.overflow.left = (int)-scroll.y; label.text = style.overflow.left >= -(position.width / 4) - 9 ? label.text : ""; label.ToLabel().DrawLabel(position, style); GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity; } else { style.fixedWidth -= 36; window.cellSize = style.fixedWidth; if (mode == HeaderMode.HorizontalFit) { var visible = this.row.fields.Skip(1).Where(x => !x.disabled).ToList(); float area = window.cellSize = (Screen.width - style.fixedWidth - 56) / visible.Count; area = window.cellSize = Mathf.Floor(area - 2); bool lastEnabled = visible.Last() == this; style.margin.right = lastEnabled ? 18 : 0; style.fixedWidth = lastEnabled ? 0 : area; } style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; StateWindow.Clip(label, style, + 7, -1); } this.CheckClicked(0, scroll.y); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect area, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorUI.Reset(); if (!Attribute.ready) { EditorGUI.ProgressBar(area, AttributeManager.percentLoaded, "Updating"); return; } string skin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false) ? "Dark" : "Light"; = File.GetAsset <GUISkin>("Gentleface-" + skin + ".guiskin"); Rect labelRect = area.SetWidth(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth); Rect valueRect = area.Add(labelRect.width, 0, -labelRect.width, 0); EventTarget eventTarget = property.GetObject <EventTarget>(); string eventName =; GameObject target =; label.ToLabel().DrawLabel(labelRect, null, true); if (target.IsNull()) { this.targeted = false; } string targetLabel = this.targeted ? "+" : "-"; string manualLabel = this.manual ? "M" : "S"; var buttonArea = valueRect.SetWidth(16); if (targetLabel.ToLabel().DrawButton(buttonArea)) { this.targeted = !this.targeted; } if (manualLabel.ToLabel().DrawButton(buttonArea.AddX(18))) { this.manual = !this.manual; } valueRect = valueRect.Add(36, 0, -36, 0); if (!this.targeted) { property.FindPropertyRelative("target").Draw(valueRect); return; } if (!this.manual) { string eventType = eventTarget.mode == EventMode.Listeners ? "Listen" : "Caller"; bool hasEvents = eventType == "Listen" ? Events.HasListeners(target) : Events.HasCallers(target); if (!hasEvents) { string error = ""; if (!target.IsNull()) { error = "No <b>" + eventType + "</b> events found for target -- " +; } if (target.IsNull()) { error = "No global <b>" + eventType + "</b> events exist."; } error.ToLabel().DrawLabel(valueRect,"WarningLabel")); return; } List <string> events = eventType == "Listen" ? Events.GetEventNames("Listen", target) : Events.GetEventNames("Caller", target); events.Sort(); events = events.OrderBy(item => item.Contains("/")).ToList(); events.RemoveAll(item => item.StartsWith("@")); int index = eventName.IsEmpty() ? 0 : events.IndexOf(eventName); bool missing = index == -1; if (index == -1) { events.Insert(0, "[Missing] " + eventName); index = 0; } index = events.Draw(valueRect, index); if (!missing || index != 0) {[index]); } return; } string name =;; if (GUI.changed) { property.serializedObject.targetObject.DelayEvent("On Validate", 1); } }
public virtual void DrawStyle() { var window = StateWindow.Get(); var stateRow = (StateRow); var row = <StateRow>(); var script =; bool darkSkin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false); string name = is string?(string) : <StateRow>().name; string background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackA30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm"; Color textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("Silver") : Colors.Get("Black"); string prefixColor = Colors.Get("DarkOrange").ToHex(); GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(; style.margin.left = 5; bool fieldHovered = window.row == this.row.order || this.hovered; if (fieldHovered) { prefixColor = Colors.Get("ZestyOrange").ToHex(); textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("ZestyBlue") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightBlueAWarm" : "BoxBlackHighlightBlueDWarm"; } if (this.row.selected) { prefixColor = Colors.Get("ZestyOrange").ToHex(); textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("White") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightCyanA" : "BoxBlackHighlightCyanCWarm"; } if (Proxy.IsPlaying()) { textColor = Colors.Get("Gray"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackAWarm30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm50"; bool usable = is StateTable && != ? <StateTable>().external : script.usable; if (usable) { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("Silver") : Colors.Get("Black"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackA30" : "BoxWhiteBWarm"; } if (script.used) { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("White") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightYellowAWarm" : "BoxBlackHighlightYellowDWarm"; } if ( { textColor = darkSkin ? Colors.Get("White") : Colors.Get("White"); background = darkSkin ? "BoxBlackHighlightPurpleAWarm" : "BoxBlackHighlightPurpleDWarm"; } } if (!row.section.IsEmpty()) { style.margin.left = 33; style.fixedWidth -= 28; } style.normal.textColor = textColor; style.normal.background = File.GetAsset <Texture2D>(background); if (this.row.selected) { style.hover = style.normal; } int currentRow = window.rowIndex[stateRow] + 1; int totalRows = stateRow.requirements.Length; var prefix = stateRow.requirements.Length > 1 ? "<color=" + prefixColor + "><i>[" + currentRow + "/" + totalRows + "]</i></color> " : ""; GUIContent content = new GUIContent(prefix + name); StateWindow.Clip(content, style, -1, window.headerSize); }
public static void Draw(Rect area, Target target, GUIContent label) { if (target.parent.IsNull()) { return; } if ( { string skin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false) ? "Dark" : "Light"; = File.GetAsset <GUISkin>("Gentleface-" + skin + ".guiskin"); } Rect toggleRect = new Rect(area); Rect propertyRect = new Rect(area); float labelWidth = label.text.IsEmpty() ? 0 : EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; propertyRect.x += labelWidth + 18; propertyRect.width -= labelWidth + 18; toggleRect.x += labelWidth; toggleRect.width = 18; bool previousMode = target.mode == TargetMode.Direct; bool currentMode = previousMode.Draw(toggleRect, "","TargetToggle")); if (previousMode != currentMode) { target.mode = target.mode == TargetMode.Direct ? TargetMode.Search : TargetMode.Direct; } label.ToLabel().DrawLabel(area, null, true); ProxyEditor.RecordObject(target.parent, "Target Changes"); if (target.mode == TargetMode.Direct) { target.directObject = target.directObject.Draw <GameObject>(propertyRect, "", true); } else { target.Verify(); var faded ="").TextColor(, 0).UseState("normal"); Rect textRect = propertyRect; string result = !target.searchObject.IsNull() ? target.searchObject.GetPath().Trim("/") : "Not Found."; Vector2 textSize = GUIContent(; Vector2 subtleSize = faded.CalcSize(new GUIContent(result)); float subtleX = propertyRect.x + propertyRect.width - subtleSize.x; float subtleWidth = subtleSize.x; float minimumX = propertyRect.x + textSize.x + 3; if (subtleX < minimumX) { subtleWidth -= (minimumX - subtleX); subtleX = minimumX; } propertyRect = propertyRect.SetX(subtleX).SetWidth(subtleWidth); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(propertyRect, MouseCursor.Zoom); if (!target.searchObject.IsNull() && propertyRect.Clicked(0)) { Selection.activeGameObject = target.searchObject; Event.current.Use(); } =; result.ToLabel().DrawLabel(propertyRect, faded); } if (GUI.changed && !target.IsNull()) { target.Search(); if (target.parent is DataBehaviour) { var parent = target.parent.As <DataBehaviour>(); parent.DelayEvent(parent.path, "On Validate"); ProxyEditor.SetDirty(parent); } } }
public virtual void DrawContext(AttributeData data, bool showRemove = false, bool isRoot = true) { if (this.labelRect.AddWidth(20).Clicked(1)) { this.contextOpen = true; GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); AttributeMode mode =; AttributeUsage usage = data.usage; bool advanced = EditorPref.Get <bool>(data.path + "Advanced"); MenuFunction toggleAdvanced = () => { EditorPref.Set <bool>(data.path + "Advanced", !advanced); }; MenuFunction removeAttribute = () => { this.attribute.Remove(data); }; MenuFunction modeNormal = () => { = AttributeMode.Normal; }; MenuFunction modeLinked = () => { = AttributeMode.Linked; }; MenuFunction modeFormula = () => { = AttributeMode.Formula; }; MenuFunction modeGroup = () => { = AttributeMode.Group; }; MenuFunction usageDirect = () => { data.usage = AttributeUsage.Direct; data.referencePath = ""; data.referenceID = ""; data.reference = null; }; MenuFunction usageShaped = () => { data.usage = AttributeUsage.Shaped; }; MenuFunction fixType = () => { this.SwapType(0, typeof(DataType), this.attribute.defaultSet); }; bool normal = == AttributeMode.Normal; if (this.attribute.locked) { menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent("Attribute Locked")); menu.ShowAsContext(); return; } if (isRoot || mode.Matches("Normal", "Linked")) { if (mode.Matches("Normal", "Linked") && usage.Matches("Shaped") && this.attribute.canAdvanced) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Advanced"), advanced, toggleAdvanced); menu.AddSeparator("/"); } if (this.attribute.canDirect) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Direct"), normal && (usage == AttributeUsage.Direct), fixType + modeNormal + usageDirect); } if (this.attribute.canShape) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Shaped"), normal && (usage == AttributeUsage.Shaped), fixType + modeNormal + usageShaped); } if (this.attribute.canLink) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Linked"), (mode == AttributeMode.Linked), fixType + modeLinked + usageShaped); } menu.AddSeparator("/"); if (this.attribute.canFormula) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Formula"), (mode == AttributeMode.Formula), modeFormula); } if (this.attribute.canGroup) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Group"), (mode == AttributeMode.Group), modeGroup); } } else if (mode.Matches("Formula")) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Advanced"), advanced, toggleAdvanced); this.DrawTypeMenu(data, menu); menu.AddSeparator("/"); if (this.attribute.canDirect) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Direct"), usage == AttributeUsage.Direct, usageDirect); } if (this.attribute.canShape) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Shaped"), usage == AttributeUsage.Shaped, usageShaped); } } if (showRemove) { if (!mode.Matches("Group")) { menu.AddSeparator("/"); } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Remove"), false, removeAttribute); } menu.ShowAsContext(); } if (this.contextOpen && Event.current.button == 0) { this.dirty = true; this.contextOpen = false; } }
public virtual void BuildTable() { if ( { return; } StateTable stateTable =; stateTable.UpdateTableList(); StateRow[] activeTable = stateTable.tables[this.tableIndex]; this.tableGUI = new Table(); TableRow tableRow = this.tableGUI.AddRow(); tableRow.AppendField(new TitleField(stateTable)); if (activeTable.Length > 0) { tableRow = this.tableGUI.AddRow(); tableRow.AppendField(new HeaderField("")); foreach (var stateRequirement in activeTable[0].requirements[0].data) { var field = new HeaderField(stateRequirement); field.disabled = !; tableRow.AppendField(field); } foreach (StateRow stateRow in activeTable) { if (!this.rowIndex.ContainsKey(stateRow)) { this.rowIndex[stateRow] = 0; } int rowIndex = this.rowIndex[stateRow]; tableRow = this.tableGUI.AddRow(stateRow); tableRow.disabled = !; tableRow.AppendField(new LabelField(stateRow)); foreach (StateRequirement requirement in stateRow.requirements[rowIndex].data) { var tableField = new StateField(requirement); tableField.disabled = tableRow.disabled || !; tableRow.AppendField(tableField); } } this.setupSections.Clear(); var tableRows = this.tableGUI.rows.Skip(2).ToList(); foreach (TableRow row in tableRows) { if (row.disabled) { continue; } var stateRow = <StateRow>(); string section = stateRow.section; if (!section.IsEmpty() && !this.setupSections.Contains(section)) { bool open = EditorPref.Get <bool>("StateWindow-GroupRow-" + section, false); var groupRow = new TableRow(stateRow, this.tableGUI); var groupLabel = new GroupLabelField(section); var groupRows = tableRows.Where(x => <StateRow>().section == section).ToArray(); groupLabel.groupRows = groupRows; groupRow.disabled = groupLabel.groupRows.Count(x => !x.disabled) == 0; groupRow.AppendField(groupLabel); foreach (TableField field in row.fields) { var groupField = new GroupField(; var columnFields = groupRows.SelectMany(x => x.fields).Where(x => x is StateField && x.order == field.order).Cast <StateField>().ToArray(); groupField.disabled = groupRow.disabled || field.disabled; groupField.columnFields = columnFields; groupRow.AppendField(groupField); } foreach (var item in groupRows) { item.disabled = !open; } int insertIndex = tableRows.FindIndex(x => == stateRow); this.tableGUI.rows.Insert(insertIndex + 2, groupRow); this.setupSections.Add(section); } } var ordered = this.tableGUI.rows.Skip(2).Where(x => is StateRow).OrderBy(x => { var row = <StateRow>(); if (!row.section.IsEmpty()) { return(row.section); } return(; }); this.tableGUI.rows = this.tableGUI.rows.Take(2).Concat(ordered).ToList(); this.tableGUI.Reorder(); } this.Repaint(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorUI.Reset(); ProxyEditor.GetInspector(this).SetTitle(this.title); ProxyEditor.GetInspectors().ForEach(x => x.wantsMouseMove = true); if (!Event.current.IsUseful()) { return; } if ( is MonoBehaviour && <MonoBehaviour>().InPrefabFile()) { return; } this.BeginArea(); bool fastInspector = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-FastInspector"); /*if(fastInspector && MonoBehaviourEditor.offScreen.ContainsKey(this)){ * GUILayout.Space(this.area.height); * this.CheckChanges(); * return; * }*/ if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove) { Call.Delay(ProxyEditor.RepaintInspectors, 0.1f); } bool hideAllDefault = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-HideAllDefault", false); this.hideDefault = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-" + + "HideDefault", false); bool hideDefault = hideAllDefault || this.hideDefault; if (hideDefault) { this.SortDefaults(); } this.serializedObject.Update(); this.SortProperties(); this.Setup(); Type type =; this.changed = false; bool showAdvanced = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-Advanced"); bool showInternal = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-Internal"); bool showDictionary = EditorPref.Get <bool>("MonoBehaviourEditor-Dictionary"); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); foreach (var property in { string[] attributes = this.serializedObject.targetObject.ListAttributes( => x.GetType().Name).ToArray(); bool isInternal = attributes.Contains("InternalAttribute"); bool isAdvanced = attributes.Contains("AdvancedAttribute"); bool isReadOnly = isInternal || attributes.Contains("ReadOnlyAttribute"); bool isHidden = !this.showAll && this.hidden.Contains(property); if (isAdvanced && !showAdvanced) { isHidden = true; } if (isInternal && !showInternal) { isHidden = true; } object currentValue = property.GetObject <object>(); bool hasDefault = MonoBehaviourEditor.defaults.ContainsKey(type) && MonoBehaviourEditor.defaults[type].ContainsKey(; if (!this.showAll && hideDefault && hasDefault) { object defaultValue = MonoBehaviourEditor.defaults[type][]; if (defaultValue.IsNull()) { continue; } bool isDefault = defaultValue.Equals(currentValue); if (isDefault) { isHidden = true; } } if (!isHidden) { bool hasArea = this.propertyArea.ContainsKey(property); if (hasArea) { if (Event.current.shift) { bool canHide = ( - this.hidden.Count) > 1; if (this.propertyArea[property].Clicked(0) && canHide) { string path = "MonoBehaviourEditor-PropertyHide-" + + "-" + property.propertyPath; EditorPref.Set <bool>(path, true); this.hidden.Add(property); } if (this.propertyArea[property].Clicked(1)) { this.DrawMenu(); } } if (fastInspector && this.propertyVisible.ContainsKey(property) && !this.propertyVisible[property]) { GUILayout.Space(this.propertyArea[property].height); continue; } } string propertyName = null; if (isReadOnly) { GUI.enabled = false; } GUI.changed = false; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); if (hasArea) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(this.propertyArea[property], new GUIContent(property.displayName), property); } property.Draw(propertyName); if (hasArea) { EditorGUI.EndProperty(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); this.changed = this.changed || GUI.changed; if (isReadOnly) { GUI.enabled = true; } if (Proxy.IsRepainting()) { Rect area = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (!area.IsEmpty()) { this.propertyArea[property] = area.AddHeight(2); } } } } if (showDictionary) { GUI.enabled = false; foreach (var item in this.dictionaries) { item.Value.DrawAuto(item.Key, null, true); } GUI.enabled = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); this.EndArea(); if (this.changed) { this.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); //this.serializedObject.targetObject.CallMethod("OnValidate"); ProxyEditor.SetDirty(this.serializedObject.targetObject, false, true); } this.CheckChanges(); if (Proxy.IsRepainting()) { ProxyEditor.GetInspector(this).SetTitle("Inspector"); } }
public GUISkin GetSkin() { string skin = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin || EditorPref.Get <bool>("Zios.Theme.Dark", false) ? this.skinDark : this.skinLight; return(File.GetAsset <GUISkin>(skin + ".guiskin")); }
public virtual void DrawShaped(Rect area, AttributeData data, GUIContent label, bool?drawSpecial = null, bool?drawOperator = null) { label.ToLabel().DrawLabel(this.labelRect); Rect toggleRect = area.SetWidth(16); bool toggleActive = this.targetMode.ContainsKey(data) ? this.targetMode[data] : !data.referenceID.IsEmpty(); this.targetMode[data] = toggleActive.Draw(toggleRect, "","CheckmarkToggle")); if (!this.targetMode[data]) { Rect targetRect = area.Add(18, 0, -18, 0); bool ticked = GUI.changed; TargetDrawer.Draw(targetRect,, new GUIContent("")); if (this.attribute is AttributeGameObject && !ticked && GUI.changed) { data.referenceID = ""; data.referencePath = ""; data.reference = null; } return; } List <string> attributeNames = new List <string>(); List <string> attributeIDs = new List <string>(); int attributeIndex = -1; GameObject targetScope =; if (!targetScope.IsNull() && Attribute.lookup.ContainsKey(targetScope)) { var lookup = Attribute.lookup[targetScope]; foreach (var item in lookup) { if ( < 1) { continue; } if ( != data.GetType()) { continue; } bool isSelf = ( == || ([0].referenceID ==; if (!isSelf) { attributeNames.Add(; } } if (attributeNames.Count != this.attributeNames.AddNew(data).Count) { this.attributeNames[data] = attributeNames.Order().OrderBy(item => item.Contains("/")).ToList(); } foreach (string name in this.attributeNames[data]) { var attribute = lookup.Values.ToList().Find(x => == name); if (attribute != null) { attributeIDs.Add(; } } if (!data.referenceID.IsEmpty()) { attributeIndex = attributeIDs.IndexOf(data.referenceID); } } else { this.attributeNames.Clear(); } if (this.attributeNames.Count > 0) { Rect line = area; bool showSpecial = drawSpecial != null && (EditorPref.Get <bool>(data.path + "Advanced") || data.special != 0); if (attributeIndex == -1) { string message = data.referenceID.IsEmpty() ? "[Not Set]" : "[Missing] " + data.referencePath; attributeIndex = 0; this.attributeNames[data].Insert(0, message); attributeIDs.Insert(0, "0"); } if (drawOperator != null) { this.DrawOperator(line, data, (bool)!drawOperator); line = line.Add(51, 0, -51, 0); } if (showSpecial) { this.DrawSpecial(line, data); line = line.Add(51, 0, -51, 0); } Rect attributeRect = line.Add(18, 0, -18, 0); int previousIndex = attributeIndex; attributeIndex = this.attributeNames[data].Draw(attributeRect, attributeIndex); string name = this.attributeNames[data][attributeIndex]; string id = attributeIDs[attributeIndex]; if (attributeIndex != previousIndex) { data.referencePath = name; data.referenceID = id; data.reference = Attribute.lookup[targetScope][data.referenceID]; } } else { Rect warningRect = area.Add(18, 0, -18, 0); string targetName = targetScope.IsNull() ? "Target" : targetScope.ToString().Remove("(UnityEngine.GameObject)").Trim(); string typeName = data.GetType().Name.Trim("Attribute", "Data"); string message = "<b>" + targetName.Truncate(24) + "</b> has no <b>" + typeName + "</b> attributes."; message.ToLabel().DrawLabel(warningRect,"WarningLabel")); } }