Example #1
	/* Private methods */

	void Start () {
		if (active_context_menu) {
			active_context_menu = this;
		int num_actions = actions.Count;
		for (int i = 0; i < num_actions; ++i) {
			GameObject ecma_gameobj = Instantiate(ParticleDict.get().editor_context_menu_action) as GameObject;
			ecma_gameobj.transform.parent = transform;
            ecma_gameobj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
			actions[i].ConfigureRegion(i, num_actions, ecma_gameobj);
Example #2
	public void ShipTileClicked(ShipTile shiptile) {
		/* Called when a ShipTile is clicked by the player.

		If the state is 'playing', ignore this.
		If the state is 'constructing', set state to 'editing' and create an editor context.
		If the state is 'editing', something went wrong; that shouldn't ever happen.
		if (guistate == GUIState.playing) {
		} else if (guistate == GUIState.constructing) {
			guistate = GUIState.editing;
			menu = shiptile.AttachEditorContextMenu();
		} else if (guistate == GUIState.editing) {
			throw new Exception("ShipTile clicked during 'editing' phase; this shouldn't happen.");
Example #3
    /* Private methods */

    void Start()
        if (active_context_menu)
            active_context_menu = this;
        int num_actions = actions.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < num_actions; ++i)
            GameObject ecma_gameobj = Instantiate(ParticleDict.get().editor_context_menu_action) as GameObject;
            ecma_gameobj.transform.parent        = transform;
            ecma_gameobj.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            actions[i].ConfigureRegion(i, num_actions, ecma_gameobj);
Example #4
 public void ShipTileDestroyed()
     /* Called when a ShipTile is destroyed for any reason.
      * If the state is not 'editing', something went wrong.  Fix that error.
      * If the state is 'editing', sets the state to constructing and cleans up editing GUI.
     if (guistate != GUIState.editing)
         throw new Exception("ShipTile clicked during 'editing' phase; this shouldn't happen.");
         guistate = GUIState.constructing;
         menu     = null;
Example #5
 public void ShipTileClicked(ShipTile shiptile)
     /* Called when a ShipTile is clicked by the player.
      * If the state is 'playing', ignore this.
      * If the state is 'constructing', set state to 'editing' and create an editor context.
      * If the state is 'editing', something went wrong; that shouldn't ever happen.
     if (guistate == GUIState.playing)
     else if (guistate == GUIState.constructing)
         guistate = GUIState.editing;
         menu     = shiptile.AttachEditorContextMenu();
     else if (guistate == GUIState.editing)
         throw new Exception("ShipTile clicked during 'editing' phase; this shouldn't happen.");
Example #6
 internal ReconversionMenuItem(EditorContextMenu menu, int index) : base()
     _menu  = menu;
     _index = index;
Example #7
        internal static void OnContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
            TextEditor   This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(sender);
            const double KeyboardInvokedSentinel = -1.0; // e.CursorLeft has this value when the menu is invoked with the keyboard.

            if (This == null || This.TextView == null)

            // Get the mouse position that base on RenderScope which we will set
            // the caret on the RenderScope.
            Point       renderScopeMouseDownPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(This.TextView.RenderScope);
            ContextMenu contextMenu = null;
            bool        startPositionCustomElementMenu = false;

            if (This.IsReadOnly)
                // If the TextEditor is ReadOnly, only take action if
                // 1. The selection is non-empty AND
                // 2. The user clicked inside the selection.
                if ((e.CursorLeft != KeyboardInvokedSentinel && !This.Selection.Contains(renderScopeMouseDownPoint)) ||
                    (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel && This.Selection.IsEmpty))
            else if ((This.Selection.IsEmpty || e.TargetElement is TextElement) &&
                     e.TargetElement != null)
                // Targeted element has its own ContextMenu, don't override it.
                contextMenu = (ContextMenu)e.TargetElement.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty);
            else if (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                // If the menu was invoked from the keyboard, walk up the tree
                // from the selection.Start looking for a custom menu.
                TextPointer start = GetContentPosition(This.Selection.Start) as TextPointer;
                if (start != null)
                    TextElement element = start.Parent as TextElement;

                    while (element != null)
                        contextMenu = (ContextMenu)element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty);
                        if (contextMenu != null)
                            startPositionCustomElementMenu = true;
                        element = element.Parent as TextElement;

            // Update the selection caret.
            // A negative offset for e.CursorLeft means the user invoked
            // the menu with a hotkey (shift-F10).  Don't mess with the caret
            // unless the user right-clicked.
            if (e.CursorLeft != KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                if (!TextEditorMouse.IsPointWithinInteractiveArea(This, Mouse.GetPosition(This.UiScope)))
                    // Don't bring up a context menu if the user clicked on non-editable space.

                // Don't update the selection caret if we're bringing up a custom UIElement
                // ContextMenu.
                if (contextMenu == null || !(e.TargetElement is UIElement))
                    using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock()) // NB: This raises a PUBLIC EVENT.
                        // If we're not over the selection, move the caret.
                        if (!This.Selection.Contains(renderScopeMouseDownPoint))
                            TextEditorMouse.SetCaretPositionOnMouseEvent(This, renderScopeMouseDownPoint, MouseButton.Right, 1 /* clickCount */);

            if (contextMenu == null)
                // If someone explicitly set it null -- don't mess with it.
                if (This.UiScope.ReadLocalValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty) == null)

                // Grab whatever's set to the UiScope's ContextMenu property.
                contextMenu = This.UiScope.ContextMenu;

            // If we are here, it means that either a custom context menu or our default context menu will be opened.
            // Setting this flag ensures that we dont loose selection highlight while the context menu is open.
            This.IsContextMenuOpen = true;

            // If it's not null, someone's overriding our default -- don't mess with it.
            if (contextMenu != null && !startPositionCustomElementMenu)
                // If the user previously raised the ContextMenu with the keyboard,
                // we've left h/v offsets non-zero, and they need to be cleared now
                // for mouse placement to work.
                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = 0;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset   = 0;

                // Since ContextMenuService doesn't open the menu, it won't fire a ContextMenuClosing event.
                // We need to listen to the Closed event of the ContextMenu itself so we can clear the
                // IsContextMenuOpen flag.  We also do this for the default menu later in this method.
                contextMenu.Closed += new RoutedEventHandler(OnContextMenuClosed);

            // Complete the composition before creating the editor context menu.

            if (contextMenu == null)
                // It's a default null, so spin up a temporary ContextMenu now.
                contextMenu = new EditorContextMenu();
                ((EditorContextMenu)contextMenu).AddMenuItems(This, e.UserInitiated);
            contextMenu.Placement       = PlacementMode.RelativePoint;
            contextMenu.PlacementTarget = This.UiScope;

            ITextPointer     position = null;
            LogicalDirection direction;

            // Position the ContextMenu.

            SpellingError spellingError = (contextMenu is EditorContextMenu) ? This.GetSpellingErrorAtSelection() : null;

            if (spellingError != null)
                // If we have a matching speller error at the selection
                // start, position relative to the end of the error.
                position  = spellingError.End;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Backward;
            else if (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                // A negative offset for e.CursorLeft means the user invoked
                // the menu with a hotkey (shift-F10).  Place the menu
                // relative to Selection.Start.
                position  = This.Selection.Start;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Forward;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Forward;

            // Calculate coordinats for the ContextMenu.
            // They must be set relative to UIScope - as EditorContextMenu constructor assumes.
            if (position != null && position.CreatePointer(direction).HasValidLayout)
                double horizontalOffset;
                double verticalOffset;

                GetClippedPositionOffsets(This, position, direction, out horizontalOffset, out verticalOffset);

                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = horizontalOffset;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset   = verticalOffset;
                Point uiScopeMouseDownPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(This.UiScope);

                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = uiScopeMouseDownPoint.X;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset   = uiScopeMouseDownPoint.Y;

            // Since ContextMenuService doesn't open the menu, it won't fire a ContextMenuClosing event.
            // We need to listen to the Closed event of the ContextMenu itself so we can clear the
            // IsContextMenuOpen flag.
            contextMenu.Closed += new RoutedEventHandler(OnContextMenuClosed);

            // This line raises a public event.
            contextMenu.IsOpen = true;

            e.Handled = true;
 internal ReconversionMenuItem(EditorContextMenu menu, int index) : base()
     _menu = menu;
     _index = index;
        internal static void OnContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
            TextEditor This = TextEditor._GetTextEditor(sender);
            const double KeyboardInvokedSentinel = -1.0; // e.CursorLeft has this value when the menu is invoked with the keyboard.

            if (This == null || This.TextView == null)

            // Get the mouse position that base on RenderScope which we will set
            // the caret on the RenderScope.
            Point renderScopeMouseDownPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(This.TextView.RenderScope);
            ContextMenu contextMenu = null;
            bool startPositionCustomElementMenu = false;

            if (This.IsReadOnly)
                // If the TextEditor is ReadOnly, only take action if
                // 1. The selection is non-empty AND
                // 2. The user clicked inside the selection.
                if ((e.CursorLeft != KeyboardInvokedSentinel && !This.Selection.Contains(renderScopeMouseDownPoint)) ||
                    (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel && This.Selection.IsEmpty))
            else if ((This.Selection.IsEmpty || e.TargetElement is TextElement) &&
                     e.TargetElement != null)
                // Targeted element has its own ContextMenu, don't override it.
                contextMenu = (ContextMenu)e.TargetElement.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty);
            else if (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                // If the menu was invoked from the keyboard, walk up the tree
                // from the selection.Start looking for a custom menu.
                TextPointer start = GetContentPosition(This.Selection.Start) as TextPointer;
                if (start != null)
                    TextElement element = start.Parent as TextElement;

                    while (element != null)
                        contextMenu = (ContextMenu)element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty);
                        if (contextMenu != null)
                            startPositionCustomElementMenu = true;
                        element = element.Parent as TextElement;

            // Update the selection caret.
            // A negative offset for e.CursorLeft means the user invoked
            // the menu with a hotkey (shift-F10).  Don't mess with the caret
            // unless the user right-clicked.
            if (e.CursorLeft != KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                if (!TextEditorMouse.IsPointWithinInteractiveArea(This, Mouse.GetPosition(This.UiScope)))
                    // Don't bring up a context menu if the user clicked on non-editable space.

                // Don't update the selection caret if we're bringing up a custom UIElement
                // ContextMenu.
                if (contextMenu == null || !(e.TargetElement is UIElement))
                    using (This.Selection.DeclareChangeBlock()) // NB: This raises a PUBLIC EVENT.
                        // If we're not over the selection, move the caret.
                        if (!This.Selection.Contains(renderScopeMouseDownPoint))
                            TextEditorMouse.SetCaretPositionOnMouseEvent(This, renderScopeMouseDownPoint, MouseButton.Right, 1 /* clickCount */);

            if (contextMenu == null)
                // If someone explicitly set it null -- don't mess with it.
                if (This.UiScope.ReadLocalValue(FrameworkElement.ContextMenuProperty) == null)

                // Grab whatever's set to the UiScope's ContextMenu property.
                contextMenu = This.UiScope.ContextMenu;

            // If we are here, it means that either a custom context menu or our default context menu will be opened.
            // Setting this flag ensures that we dont loose selection highlight while the context menu is open.
            This.IsContextMenuOpen = true;

            // If it's not null, someone's overriding our default -- don't mess with it.
            if (contextMenu != null && !startPositionCustomElementMenu)
                // If the user previously raised the ContextMenu with the keyboard,
                // we've left h/v offsets non-zero, and they need to be cleared now
                // for mouse placement to work.
                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = 0;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset = 0;

                // Since ContextMenuService doesn't open the menu, it won't fire a ContextMenuClosing event.
                // We need to listen to the Closed event of the ContextMenu itself so we can clear the
                // IsContextMenuOpen flag.  We also do this for the default menu later in this method.
                contextMenu.Closed += new RoutedEventHandler(OnContextMenuClosed);

            // Complete the composition before creating the editor context menu.

            if (contextMenu == null)
                // It's a default null, so spin up a temporary ContextMenu now.
                contextMenu = new EditorContextMenu();
                ((EditorContextMenu)contextMenu).AddMenuItems(This, e.UserInitiated);
            contextMenu.Placement = PlacementMode.RelativePoint;
            contextMenu.PlacementTarget = This.UiScope;

            ITextPointer position = null;
            LogicalDirection direction;

            // Position the ContextMenu.

            SpellingError spellingError = (contextMenu is EditorContextMenu) ? This.GetSpellingErrorAtSelection() : null;

            if (spellingError != null)
                // If we have a matching speller error at the selection
                // start, position relative to the end of the error.
                position = spellingError.End;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Backward;
            else if (e.CursorLeft == KeyboardInvokedSentinel)
                // A negative offset for e.CursorLeft means the user invoked
                // the menu with a hotkey (shift-F10).  Place the menu
                // relative to Selection.Start.
                position = This.Selection.Start;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Forward;
                direction = LogicalDirection.Forward;

            // Calculate coordinats for the ContextMenu.
            // They must be set relative to UIScope - as EditorContextMenu constructor assumes.
            if (position != null && position.CreatePointer(direction).HasValidLayout)
                double horizontalOffset;
                double verticalOffset;

                GetClippedPositionOffsets(This, position, direction, out horizontalOffset, out verticalOffset);

                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = horizontalOffset;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset = verticalOffset;
                Point uiScopeMouseDownPoint = Mouse.GetPosition(This.UiScope);

                contextMenu.HorizontalOffset = uiScopeMouseDownPoint.X;
                contextMenu.VerticalOffset = uiScopeMouseDownPoint.Y;

            // Since ContextMenuService doesn't open the menu, it won't fire a ContextMenuClosing event.
            // We need to listen to the Closed event of the ContextMenu itself so we can clear the
            // IsContextMenuOpen flag.
            contextMenu.Closed += new RoutedEventHandler(OnContextMenuClosed);

            // This line raises a public event.
            contextMenu.IsOpen = true;

            e.Handled = true;
Example #10
	public void ShipTileDestroyed() {
		/* Called when a ShipTile is destroyed for any reason.

		If the state is not 'editing', something went wrong.  Fix that error.
		If the state is 'editing', sets the state to constructing and cleans up editing GUI.
		if (guistate != GUIState.editing) {
			throw new Exception("ShipTile clicked during 'editing' phase; this shouldn't happen.");
		} else {
			guistate = GUIState.constructing;
			menu = null;
Example #11
 void OnDestroy()
     active_context_menu = null;
Example #12
	void OnDestroy() {
		active_context_menu = null;