public RemoveActorAction(EditorActorLayer editorActorLayer, EditorActorPreview actor) { this.editorActorLayer = editorActorLayer; = actor; Text = "Removed {0} ({1})".F(actor.Info.Name, actor.ID); }
public RemoveActorAction(EditorActorLayer editorActorLayer, EditorActorPreview actor) { this.editorActorLayer = editorActorLayer; = actor; Text = $"Removed {actor.Info.Name} ({actor.ID})"; }
public bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi) { // Exclusively uses mouse wheel and both mouse buttons, but nothing else // Mouse move events are important for tooltips, so we always allow these through if ((mi.Button != MouseButton.Left && mi.Button != MouseButton.Right && mi.Event != MouseInputEvent.Move && mi.Event != MouseInputEvent.Scroll) || mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down) { return(false); } worldPixel = worldRenderer.Viewport.ViewToWorldPx(mi.Location); var cell = worldRenderer.Viewport.ViewToWorld(mi.Location); var underCursor = editorLayer.PreviewsAt(worldPixel).MinByOrDefault(CalculateActorSelectionPriority); var resourceUnderCursor = resourceLayer.GetResource(cell).Type; if (underCursor != null) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(underCursor.Tooltip); } else if (resourceUnderCursor != null) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(resourceUnderCursor); } else { editorWidget.SetTooltip(null); } // Finished with mouse move events, so let them bubble up the widget tree if (mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move) { return(false); } if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(null); SelectedActor = underCursor; } if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Right) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(null); if (underCursor != null && underCursor != SelectedActor) { editorActionManager.Add(new RemoveActorAction(editorLayer, underCursor)); } if (resourceUnderCursor != null) { editorActionManager.Add(new RemoveResourceAction(resourceLayer, cell, resourceUnderCursor)); } } return(true); }
public EditActorEditorAction(EditorActorLayer editorActorLayer, EditorActorPreview actor, IEnumerable <IEditActorHandle> handles) { this.editorActorLayer = editorActorLayer; actorId = actor.ID; = actor; this.handles = handles; Text = "Edited {0} ({1})".F(actor.Info.Name, actor.ID); }
public void Do() { actor = editorActorLayer[actorId.ToLowerInvariant()]; foreach (var editorActionHandle in handles) { editorActionHandle.Do(actor); } }
long CalculateActorSelectionPriority(EditorActorPreview actor) { var centerPixel = new int2(actor.Bounds.X, actor.Bounds.Y); var pixelDistance = (centerPixel - worldPixel).Length; // If 2+ actors have the same pixel position, then the highest appears on top. var worldZPosition = actor.CenterPosition.Z; // Sort by pixel distance then in world z position. return(((long)pixelDistance << 32) + worldZPosition); }
public void Do() { var ownerName = owner.Name; var specificOwnerInfo = actor.TraitInfoOrDefault <RequiresSpecificOwnersInfo>(); if (specificOwnerInfo != null && !specificOwnerInfo.ValidOwnerNames.Contains(ownerName)) { ownerName = specificOwnerInfo.ValidOwnerNames.First(); } var newActorReference = new ActorReference(actor.Name); newActorReference.Add(new OwnerInit(ownerName)); newActorReference.Add(new LocationInit(cell)); var ios = actor.TraitInfoOrDefault <IOccupySpaceInfo>(); if (ios != null && ios.SharesCell) { var subcell = editorLayer.FreeSubCellAt(cell); if (subcell != SubCell.Invalid) { newActorReference.Add(new SubCellInit(subcell)); } } var initDict = newActorReference.InitDict; if (actor.HasTraitInfo <IFacingInfo>()) { initDict.Add(new FacingInit(facing)); } if (actor.HasTraitInfo <TurretedInfo>()) { initDict.Add(new TurretFacingInit(facing)); } editorActorPreview = editorLayer.Add(newActorReference); Text = "Added {0} ({1})".F(editorActorPreview.Info.Name, editorActorPreview.ID); }
public bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi) { // Exclusively uses mouse wheel and both mouse buttons, but nothing else // Mouse move events are important for tooltips, so we always allow these through if ((mi.Button != MouseButton.Left && mi.Button != MouseButton.Right && mi.Event != MouseInputEvent.Move && mi.Event != MouseInputEvent.Scroll) || mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down) { return(false); } worldPixel = worldRenderer.Viewport.ViewToWorldPx(mi.Location); var cell = worldRenderer.Viewport.ViewToWorld(mi.Location); var underCursor = editorLayer.PreviewsAt(worldPixel).MinByOrDefault(CalculateActorSelectionPriority); var mapResources = world.Map.Resources; ResourceType type; if (underCursor != null) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(underCursor.Tooltip); } else if (mapResources.Contains(cell) && resources.TryGetValue(mapResources[cell].Type, out type)) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(type.Info.Type); } else { editorWidget.SetTooltip(null); } // Finished with mouse move events, so let them bubble up the widget tree if (mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Move) { return(false); } if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(null); SelectedActor = underCursor; } if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Right) { editorWidget.SetTooltip(null); if (underCursor != null && underCursor != SelectedActor) { editorLayer.Remove(underCursor); } if (mapResources.Contains(cell) && mapResources[cell].Type != 0) { mapResources[cell] = default(ResourceTile); } } return(true); }
public void Undo(EditorActorPreview actor) { change(actor, initialValue); }
public void Do() { editorActorPreview = editorLayer.Add(actor); Text = $"Added {editorActorPreview.Info.Name} ({editorActorPreview.ID})"; }
public void Do() { editorActorPreview = editorLayer.Add(actor); Text = "Added {0} ({1})".F(editorActorPreview.Info.Name, editorActorPreview.ID); }
public void Do(EditorActorPreview actor) { actor.ID = newID; }
public void Undo(EditorActorPreview actor) { actor.ID = initial; }
public void Remove(EditorActorPreview preview) { previews.Remove(preview); screenMap.Remove(preview); foreach (var kv in preview.Footprint) { List<EditorActorPreview> list; if (!cellMap.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out list)) continue; list.Remove(preview); if (!list.Any()) cellMap.Remove(kv.Key); } UpdateNeighbours(preview.Footprint); if (preview.Info.Name == "mpspawn") SyncMultiplayerCount(); }
public EditActorPreview(EditorActorPreview actor) { = actor; setActorIdAction = new SetActorIdAction(actor.ID); handles.Add(setActorIdAction); }
EditorActorPreview Add(string id, ActorReference reference, bool initialSetup = false) { var owner = Players.Players[reference.InitDict.Get<OwnerInit>().PlayerName]; var preview = new EditorActorPreview(worldRenderer, id, reference, owner); previews.Add(preview); screenMap.Add(preview, preview.Bounds); foreach (var kv in preview.Footprint) { List<EditorActorPreview> list; if (!cellMap.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out list)) { list = new List<EditorActorPreview>(); cellMap.Add(kv.Key, list); } list.Add(preview); } if (!initialSetup) { UpdateNeighbours(preview.Footprint); if (reference.Type == "mpspawn") SyncMultiplayerCount(); } return preview; }
long CalculateActorSelectionPriority(EditorActorPreview actor) { var centerPixel = new int2(actor.Bounds.X, actor.Bounds.Y); var pixelDistance = (centerPixel - worldPixel).Length; // If 2+ actors have the same pixel position, then the highest appears on top. var worldZPosition = actor.CenterPosition.Z; // Sort by pixel distance then in world z position. return ((long)pixelDistance << 32) + worldZPosition; }
public void Do(EditorActorPreview actor) { change(actor, value); }
void Close() { actorIDField.YieldKeyboardFocus(); editor.DefaultBrush.SelectedActor = null; CurrentActor = null; }
public override void Tick() { if (actorIDStatus != nextActorIDStatus) { if ((actorIDStatus & nextActorIDStatus) == 0) { var offset = actorIDErrorLabel.Bounds.Height; if (nextActorIDStatus == ActorIDStatus.Normal) { offset *= -1; } actorEditPanel.Bounds.Height += offset; initContainer.Bounds.Y += offset; buttonContainer.Bounds.Y += offset; } actorIDStatus = nextActorIDStatus; } var actor = editor.DefaultBrush.SelectedActor; if (actor != null) { var origin = worldRenderer.Viewport.WorldToViewPx(new int2(actor.Bounds.Right, actor.Bounds.Top)); // If we scrolled, hide the edit box for a moment if (lastScrollPosition.X != origin.X || lastScrollPosition.Y != origin.Y) { lastScrollTime = Game.RunTime; lastScrollPosition = origin; } // If we changed actor, move widgets if (CurrentActor != actor) { lastScrollTime = 0; // Ensure visible CurrentActor = actor; editActorPreview = new EditActorPreview(CurrentActor); initialActorID = actorIDField.Text = actor.ID; var font = Game.Renderer.Fonts[typeLabel.Font]; var truncatedType = WidgetUtils.TruncateText(actor.DescriptiveName, typeLabel.Bounds.Width, font); typeLabel.Text = truncatedType; actorIDField.CursorPosition = actor.ID.Length; nextActorIDStatus = ActorIDStatus.Normal; // Remove old widgets var oldInitHeight = initContainer.Bounds.Height; initContainer.Bounds.Height = 0; initContainer.RemoveChildren(); // Add owner dropdown var ownerContainer = dropdownOptionTemplate.Clone(); ownerContainer.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => "Owner"; var ownerDropdown = ownerContainer.Get <DropDownButtonWidget>("OPTION"); var selectedOwner = actor.Owner; Action <EditorActorPreview, PlayerReference> updateOwner = (preview, reference) => { preview.Owner = reference; preview.ReplaceInit(new OwnerInit(reference.Name)); }; var ownerHandler = new EditorActorOptionActionHandle <PlayerReference>(updateOwner, actor.Owner); editActorPreview.Add(ownerHandler); Func <PlayerReference, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (option, template) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(template, () => selectedOwner == option, () => { selectedOwner = option; updateOwner(CurrentActor, selectedOwner); ownerHandler.OnChange(option); }); item.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => option.Name; item.GetColor = () => option.Color; return(item); }; ownerDropdown.GetText = () => selectedOwner.Name; ownerDropdown.GetColor = () => selectedOwner.Color; ownerDropdown.OnClick = () => { var owners = editorActorLayer.Players.Players.Values.OrderBy(p => p.Name); ownerDropdown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 270, owners, setupItem); }; initContainer.Bounds.Height += ownerContainer.Bounds.Height; initContainer.AddChild(ownerContainer); // Add new children for inits var options = actor.Info.TraitInfos <IEditorActorOptions>() .SelectMany(t => t.ActorOptions(actor.Info, worldRenderer.World)) .OrderBy(o => o.DisplayOrder); foreach (var o in options) { if (o is EditorActorCheckbox) { var co = (EditorActorCheckbox)o; var checkboxContainer = checkboxOptionTemplate.Clone(); checkboxContainer.Bounds.Y = initContainer.Bounds.Height; initContainer.Bounds.Height += checkboxContainer.Bounds.Height; var checkbox = checkboxContainer.Get <CheckboxWidget>("OPTION"); checkbox.GetText = () => co.Name; var editorActionHandle = new EditorActorOptionActionHandle <bool>(co.OnChange, co.GetValue(actor)); editActorPreview.Add(editorActionHandle); checkbox.IsChecked = () => co.GetValue(actor); checkbox.OnClick = () => { var newValue = co.GetValue(actor) ^ true; co.OnChange(actor, newValue); editorActionHandle.OnChange(newValue); }; initContainer.AddChild(checkboxContainer); } else if (o is EditorActorSlider) { var so = (EditorActorSlider)o; var sliderContainer = sliderOptionTemplate.Clone(); sliderContainer.Bounds.Y = initContainer.Bounds.Height; initContainer.Bounds.Height += sliderContainer.Bounds.Height; sliderContainer.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => so.Name; var slider = sliderContainer.Get <SliderWidget>("OPTION"); slider.MinimumValue = so.MinValue; slider.MaximumValue = so.MaxValue; slider.Ticks = so.Ticks; var editorActionHandle = new EditorActorOptionActionHandle <float>(so.OnChange, so.GetValue(actor)); editActorPreview.Add(editorActionHandle); slider.GetValue = () => so.GetValue(actor); slider.OnChange += value => so.OnChange(actor, value); slider.OnChange += value => editorActionHandle.OnChange(value); initContainer.AddChild(sliderContainer); } else if (o is EditorActorDropdown) { var ddo = (EditorActorDropdown)o; var dropdownContainer = dropdownOptionTemplate.Clone(); dropdownContainer.Bounds.Y = initContainer.Bounds.Height; initContainer.Bounds.Height += dropdownContainer.Bounds.Height; dropdownContainer.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => ddo.Name; var editorActionHandle = new EditorActorOptionActionHandle <string>(ddo.OnChange, ddo.GetValue(actor)); editActorPreview.Add(editorActionHandle); var dropdown = dropdownContainer.Get <DropDownButtonWidget>("OPTION"); Func <KeyValuePair <string, string>, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> dropdownSetup = (option, template) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(template, () => ddo.GetValue(actor) == option.Key, () => { ddo.OnChange(actor, option.Key); editorActionHandle.OnChange(option.Key); }); item.Get <LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => option.Value; return(item); }; dropdown.GetText = () => ddo.Labels[ddo.GetValue(actor)]; dropdown.OnClick = () => dropdown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 270, ddo.Labels, dropdownSetup); initContainer.AddChild(dropdownContainer); } } actorEditPanel.Bounds.Height += initContainer.Bounds.Height - oldInitHeight; buttonContainer.Bounds.Y += initContainer.Bounds.Height - oldInitHeight; } // Set the edit panel to the right of the selection border. actorEditPanel.Bounds.X = origin.X + editPanelPadding; actorEditPanel.Bounds.Y = origin.Y; } else { // Selected actor is null, hide the border and edit panel. actorIDField.YieldKeyboardFocus(); CurrentActor = null; } }