Example #1
        public async Task GetRowsPendingInsertion()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a session with a proper query and metadata
            EditSession s = await GetBasicSession();

            // ... Add a row creation

            // If: I ask for the rows including the new rows
            EditRow[] rows = await s.GetRows(0, 6);

            // Then:
            // ... I should get back 6 rows
            Assert.Equal(6, rows.Length);

            // ... The last row should reflect that there's a new row
            var updatedRow = rows[5];

            Assert.Equal(EditRow.EditRowState.DirtyInsert, updatedRow.State);

            // ... The other rows should be clean
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length - 1; i++)
                Assert.Equal(EditRow.EditRowState.Clean, rows[i].State);
Example #2
        public async Task GetRowsPendingDeletion()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a session with a proper query and metadata
            EditSession s = await GetBasicSession();

            // ... Add a row deletion

            // If: I ask for 3 rows from the session, skipping the first, including the updated one
            EditRow[] rows = await s.GetRows(1, 3);

            // Then:
            // ... I should get back 3 rows
            Assert.Equal(3, rows.Length);

            // ... The first row should reflect that there is an update pending
            //     (More in depth testing is done in the RowUpdate class tests)
            var updatedRow = rows[0];

            Assert.Equal(EditRow.EditRowState.DirtyDelete, updatedRow.State);

            // ... The other rows should be clean
            for (int i = 1; i < rows.Length; i++)
                Assert.Equal(EditRow.EditRowState.Clean, rows[i].State);
Example #3
        public async Task SubsetNotInitialized()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a session without initializing
            Mock <IEditMetadataFactory> emf = new Mock <IEditMetadataFactory>();
            EditSession s = new EditSession(emf.Object);

            // If: I ask to update a cell without initializing
            // Then: I should get an exception
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => s.GetRows(0, 100));
Example #4
        public async Task GetRowsAllNew()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a session with a query and metadata
            EditSession s = await GetBasicSession();

            // ... Add a few row creations

            // If: I ask for the rows included the new rows
            EditRow[] rows = await s.GetRows(5, 5);

            // Then:
            // ... I should get back 3 rows back
            Assert.Equal(3, rows.Length);

            // ... All the rows should be new
            Assert.All(rows, r => Assert.Equal(EditRow.EditRowState.DirtyInsert, r.State));
Example #5
        public async Task GetRowsNoEdits()
            // Setup: Create a session with a proper query and metadata
            Query             q   = QueryExecution.Common.GetBasicExecutedQuery();
            ResultSet         rs  = q.Batches[0].ResultSets[0];
            EditTableMetadata etm = Common.GetCustomEditTableMetadata(rs.Columns.Cast <DbColumn>().ToArray());
            EditSession       s   = await Common.GetCustomSession(q, etm);

            // If: I ask for 3 rows from session skipping the first
            EditRow[] rows = await s.GetRows(1, 3);

            // Then:
            // ... I should get back 3 rows
            Assert.Equal(3, rows.Length);

            // ... Each row should...
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
                EditRow er = rows[i];

                // ... Have properly set IDs
                Assert.Equal(i + 1, er.Id);

                // ... Have cells equal to the cells in the result set
                DbCellValue[] cachedRow = rs.GetRow(i + 1).ToArray();
                Assert.Equal(cachedRow.Length, er.Cells.Length);
                for (int j = 0; j < cachedRow.Length; j++)
                    Assert.Equal(cachedRow[j].DisplayValue, er.Cells[j].DisplayValue);
                    Assert.Equal(cachedRow[j].IsNull, er.Cells[j].IsNull);

                // ... Be clean, since we didn't apply any updates
                Assert.Equal(EditRow.EditRowState.Clean, er.State);