private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     using (EditAnnotation <T> dialog = new EditAnnotation <T>())
         if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             AddAnnotation(dialog.Annotation, false);
Example #2
 internal void OnTextEditing()
     if (IsEditing)
         contentTemplate = ChartDictionaries.GenericCommonDictionary["textBlockAnnotation"] as DataTemplate;
         var textBlock = contentTemplate.LoadContent() as TextBlock;
         EditAnnotation.SetValue(ContentControl.ContentProperty, textBlock);
         Binding textBinding = new Binding {
             Path = new PropertyPath("Text"), Source = TextBox
         textBlock.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, textBinding);
         TextAnnotation.Text = textBlock.Text;
         IsEditing           = false;
        private void Edit()
            Annotation <T> annotation = (Annotation <T>)annotationsListView.SelectedItems[0].Tag;

            using (EditAnnotation <T> dialog = new EditAnnotation <T>(annotation))
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    ListViewItem item = annotationsListView.SelectedItems[0];

                    item.Tag              = dialog.Annotation;
                    item.Text             = dialog.Annotation.Type;
                    item.SubItems[1].Text = dialog.Annotation.Text;

Example #4
        public async Task Should_ReturnCorrectData_When_UserEditsAnnotation()
            // Create a test user
            var userRequest = new CreateUserWithoutAuth("Alice");
            var user        = await _fixture.SendAsync(userRequest);

            const string title       = "My Fantastic Library";
            const string description = "A suitable description.";

            // User creates library
            var createLibraryRequest = new CreateLibrary(user.Id, title, description);
            await _fixture.SendAsync(createLibraryRequest);

            // Get libraries just created by user
            var getLibrariesRequest = new GetLibrariesForUser(user.Id);
            var libraries           = await _fixture.SendAsync(getLibrariesRequest);

            // Get id of the single library
            var libraryDtos = libraries.ToList();
            var libraryId   = libraryDtos.ElementAt(0).Id;

            // create video
            var vidTitle       = "Video title";
            var vidLink        = "Link goes here";
            var vidDescription = "Video description";

            var createVideoRequest = new CreateVideo(user.Id, libraryId, vidTitle, vidLink, vidDescription);
            await _fixture.SendAsync(createVideoRequest);

            // Get video
            var getVideosRequest = new GetVideosOfLibrary(libraryId);
            var videos           = await _fixture.SendAsync(getVideosRequest);

            var video = videos.ToList().ElementAt(0);

            // Create two annotations
            var comment1   = "This is a comment!";
            var comment2   = "This is another comment!";
            var timestamp1 = 1.25;
            var timestamp2 = 18.45;

            var annotationRequest1 = new CreateAnnotation(user.Id, comment1, video.Id, timestamp1);
            var annotationRequest2 = new CreateAnnotation(user.Id, comment2, video.Id, timestamp2);

            await _fixture.SendAsync(annotationRequest1);

            await _fixture.SendAsync(annotationRequest2);

            // get annotations
            var getAnnotationsRequest = new GetAnnotationsByVideoId(video.Id);
            var results = await _fixture.SendAsync(getAnnotationsRequest);

            var annotations = results.ToList();

            // Edit annotations
            var newComment1 = "New comment1!";
            var newComment2 = "New Comment2!";

            var editAnnotationRequest1 = new EditAnnotation(user.Id, newComment1, annotations.ElementAt(0).Id);
            var editAnnotationRequest2 = new EditAnnotation(user.Id, newComment2, annotations.ElementAt(1).Id);
            await _fixture.SendAsync(editAnnotationRequest1);

            await _fixture.SendAsync(editAnnotationRequest2);

            // Get edited annotations
            var getEditedAnnotationsRequest = new GetAnnotationsByVideoId(video.Id);
            var editedResults = await _fixture.SendAsync(getEditedAnnotationsRequest);

            var editedAnnotations = editedResults.ToList();

            // Check that there are two annotations
            Assert.Equal(2, editedAnnotations.Count);

            // Check that the comments of each annotation match the edited comments
            var annotation1 = editedAnnotations.ElementAt(0);
            var annotation2 = editedAnnotations.ElementAt(1);

            Assert.Equal(newComment1, annotation1.Comment);
            Assert.Equal(newComment2, annotation2.Comment);