Example #1
        public void selectFromCustomerKindMetaShouldBeArrayOfColumnNames()
            int handler = setupDb.open();

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"] = "select * from customerkind;",
                //["cmd"] = "nonquery",
                ["handler"] = handler,
                ["driver"]  = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec   = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t    = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          tRes = t.Invoke(null);

            List <object> res = (List <object>)tRes.Result;
            Dictionary <string, object> resultSet = (Dictionary <string, object>)res[0];

            Object[] meta = (Object[])resultSet["meta"];
            Assert.AreEqual(meta[0], "idcustomerkind");
            Assert.AreEqual(meta[1], "name");
            Assert.AreEqual(meta[2], "rnd");
            Assert.AreEqual(meta.Length, 3);

Example #2
        public void selectFromCustomerKindRowsShouldBeListOfObjects()
            int handler = setupDb.open();

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"] = "select * from customerkind;",
                //["cmd"] = "nonquery",
                ["handler"] = handler,
                ["driver"]  = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec   = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t    = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          tRes = t.Invoke(null);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), tRes.Result, "query without callback should return  a List<object[]> ");
            List <object> res = (List <object>)tRes.Result;
            Dictionary <string, object> resultSet = (Dictionary <string, object>)res[0];
            List <object> rows = (List <object>)resultSet["rows"];

            Assert.AreEqual(rows.Count, 40);
            for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
                Object[] values = (Object[])rows[i];
                Assert.AreEqual(values[0], i * 3);
                Assert.AreEqual(values[1].ToString(), "name" + (i * 3));
                Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Int32), values[2]);
Example #3
        public void selectFromCustomerKindShouldReturnDictionary()
            int handler = setupDb.open();

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"] = "select * from customerkind;",
                //["cmd"] = "nonquery",
                ["handler"] = handler,
                ["driver"]  = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec   = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t    = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          tRes = t.Invoke(null);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), tRes.Result, "query without callback should return  a List<object> ");
            List <object> res = (List <object>)tRes.Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(1, res.Count, "select * from  CustomerKind should return 1 result set");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), res[0], "Result set is a dictionary<string,object>");
            Dictionary <string, object> resultSet = (Dictionary <string, object>)res[0];

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Object[]), resultSet["meta"], "ResultSet.meta is a Object[] ");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), resultSet["rows"], "ResultSet.rows is a list<object> ");

Example #4
        public static void close(int handler)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            param["cmd"]     = "close";
            param["handler"] = handler;
            param["driver"]  = getDriver();
            EdgeCompiler  ec       = new EdgeCompiler();
            var           t        = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            Task <object> resClose = t.Invoke(null);

Example #5
        public static void runScript(int handler, string script)
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"]  = script,
                ["cmd"]     = "nonquery",
                ["handler"] = handler,
                ["driver"]  = getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec  = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t   = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          res = t.Invoke(null);

Example #6
        public void selectFromCustomerKindRowsWithCallBack()
            int handler   = setupDb.open();
            var resultSet = new List <object>();
            int nCount    = 0;
            var callBack  = new Func <object, Task <object> >((o) => {
                return(Task.FromResult <object>(null));

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"]   = "select * from customerkind limit 6;",
                ["callback"] = callBack,
                ["handler"]  = handler,
                ["driver"]   = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec   = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t    = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          tRes = t.Invoke(null);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), tRes.Result, "query without callback should return  a List<object[]> ");
            List <object> res = (List <object>)tRes.Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, nCount, "Callback should be called 3 times");
            Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), resultSet[0]);
            Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), resultSet[1]);
            Assert.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), resultSet[2]);

            Dictionary <string, object> resSet1 = (Dictionary <string, object>)resultSet[0];
            Dictionary <string, object> resSet2 = (Dictionary <string, object>)resultSet[1];
            Dictionary <string, object> resSet3 = (Dictionary <string, object>)resultSet[2];

            Assert.IsTrue(resSet1.ContainsKey("meta"), "First resultset has meta");
            Assert.IsFalse(resSet2.ContainsKey("meta"), "Second resultset has no meta");
            Assert.IsFalse(resSet3.ContainsKey("meta"), "Third resultset has no meta");

            Assert.IsFalse(resSet1.ContainsKey("rows"), "First resultset has no rows");
            Assert.IsTrue(resSet2.ContainsKey("rows"), "Second resultset has rows");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, ((List <object>)resSet2["rows"]).Count, "Second resultset has 6 rows");
            Assert.IsFalse(resSet3.ContainsKey("rows"), "Third resultset has no rows");

            Assert.IsFalse(resSet1.ContainsKey("resolve"), "First resultset has no resolve");
            Assert.IsFalse(resSet2.ContainsKey("resolve"), "Second resultset has no resolve");
            Assert.IsTrue(resSet3.ContainsKey("resolve"), "Third resultset has resolve");

Example #7
        public static int open()
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            param["connectionString"] = getConnectionString();
            param["driver"]           = getDriver();
            param["cmd"] = "open";
            EdgeCompiler ec  = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t   = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          res = t.Invoke(null);

Example #8
        public void openConnection()
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            param["connectionString"] = setupDb.getConnectionString();
            param["driver"]           = setupDb.getDriver();
            param["cmd"] = "open";
            EdgeCompiler ec  = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t   = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          res = t.Invoke(null);

            Assert.AreEqual(res.Status, TaskStatus.RanToCompletion, "Open executed");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(int), res.Result, "Open returned an int");
Example #9
        public void getDbDate()
            int handler = setupDb.open();

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"]  = "select now()",
                ["cmd"]     = "nonquery",
                ["handler"] = handler,
                ["driver"]  = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec  = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t   = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          res = t.Invoke(null);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), res.Result, "non query should return  a dictionary ");
            Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, object>)res.Result).ContainsKey("rowcount"), "non query should return  a dictionary with rowcount");

Example #10
        public void updateSellerKind()
            int handler = setupDb.open();

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"]  = "update sellerkind set rnd=rnd+1;",
                ["cmd"]     = "nonquery",
                ["handler"] = handler,
                ["driver"]  = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec   = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t    = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          tRes = t.Invoke(null);

            Dictionary <string, object> res = (Dictionary <string, object>)tRes.Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(20, res["rowcount"]);

Example #11
        public void closeConnection()
            int handler = setupDb.open();

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            param["cmd"]     = "close";
            param["handler"] = handler;
            param["driver"]  = setupDb.getDriver();
            EdgeCompiler ec = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t  = ec.CompileFunc(param);

            try {
                var resClose = t.Invoke(null);
                Assert.IsFalse(resClose.IsFaulted, "Close connection should success");
            catch {
                Assert.AreEqual(true, false, "Close connection should not throw");
Example #12
        public void twoSelectShouldReturnTwoResultSet()
            int handler = setupDb.open();

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"] = "select * from customerkind limit 7;select * from sellerkind limit 3",
                //["cmd"] = "nonquery",
                ["handler"] = handler,
                ["driver"]  = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec   = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t    = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          tRes = t.Invoke(null);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), tRes.Result, "query without callback should return  a List<object[]> ");
            List <object> res = (List <object>)tRes.Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(res.Count, 2, "query with two select should return two resultset");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), res[0], "Result set 1 is a dictionary<string,object>");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Dictionary <string, object>), res[1], "Result set 2 is a dictionary<string,object>");

            Dictionary <string, object> resultSet1 = (Dictionary <string, object>)res[0];
            Dictionary <string, object> resultSet2 = (Dictionary <string, object>)res[1];

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Object[]), resultSet1["meta"], "ResultSet1.meta is a Object[] ");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), resultSet1["rows"], "ResultSet1.rows is a list<object> ");
            List <object> rows1 = (List <object>)resultSet1["rows"];

            Assert.AreEqual(7, rows1.Count, "ResultSet1.rows is a list<object> of 7 elements ");

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Object[]), resultSet2["meta"], "ResultSet2.meta is a Object[] ");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), resultSet2["rows"], "ResultSet2.rows is a list<object> ");
            List <object> rows2 = (List <object>)resultSet2["rows"];

            Assert.AreEqual(3, rows2.Count, "ResultSet1.rows is a list<object> of 3 elements ");

Example #13
        public void openBadConnection()
            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            param["connectionString"] = "bad connection";
            param["driver"]           = setupDb.getDriver();
            param["cmd"]     = "open";
            param["timeout"] = 3;
            EdgeCompiler  ec  = new EdgeCompiler();
            var           t   = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            Task <object> res = null;

            try {
                res = t.Invoke(null);
                Assert.IsFalse(res.IsFaulted, "Open bad connection should throw");
            catch {
                Assert.IsNotNull(res, "Open task should exist");
                Assert.AreEqual(TaskStatus.Faulted, res.Status, "Open bad connection should throw");
Example #14
        public void doubleSelectWithCallBackAndPacketSize()
            int handler   = setupDb.open();
            var resultSet = new List <object>();
            int nCount    = 0;
            var callBack  = new Func <object, Task <object> >((o) => {
                return(Task.FromResult <object>(null));

            Dictionary <string, object> param = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                ["source"]     = "select * from customerkind;select * from sellerkind;",
                ["callback"]   = callBack,
                ["packetSize"] = 5,
                ["handler"]    = handler,
                ["driver"]     = setupDb.getDriver()
            EdgeCompiler ec   = new EdgeCompiler();
            var          t    = ec.CompileFunc(param);
            var          tRes = t.Invoke(null);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(List <object>), tRes.Result, "query without callback should return  a List<object[]> ");
            List <object> res = (List <object>)tRes.Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, res.Count, "When a callback is present, no data is returned in the main result");
            //9 times for customerkind (1meta + 40 rows=5*8) and  5 times for sellerkind (1 meta + 20 rows = 5*4) + 1 "resolve"
            Assert.AreEqual(15, nCount, "Callback should be called 10 times");
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                Dictionary <string, object> resSet = (Dictionary <string, object>)resultSet[i];
                if (i == 0 || i == 9)
                    Assert.IsTrue(resSet.ContainsKey("meta"), "First resultset has meta");
                    Assert.IsFalse(resSet.ContainsKey("meta"), "other resultsets have no meta");

                if (i == 0 || i == 9 || i == 14)
                    Assert.IsFalse(resSet.ContainsKey("rows"), "Where there is meta o resolve there is no row");
                    Assert.IsTrue(resSet.ContainsKey("rows"), "Subsequent resultsets have rows");
                    List <object> rows = (List <object>)resSet["rows"];
                    Assert.AreEqual(rows.Count, 5);
                    if (i < 9)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                            Object[] values = (Object[])rows[j];
                            Assert.AreEqual(((i - 1) * 5 + j) * 3, values[0]);
                            Assert.AreEqual("name" + (((i - 1) * 5 + j) * 3), values[1].ToString());
                            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Int32), values[2]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                            Object[] values = (Object[])rows[j];
                            Assert.AreEqual(((i - 10) * 5 + j) * 30, values[0]);
                            Assert.AreEqual("name" + (((i - 10) * 5 + j) * 30), values[1].ToString());
                            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(Int32), values[2]);

                if (i == 14)
                    Assert.IsTrue(resSet.ContainsKey("resolve"), "Last resultset has resolve");
                    Assert.IsFalse(resSet.ContainsKey("resolve"), "Other resultsets have no resolve");

Example #15
        public void compilerExists()
            EdgeCompiler ec = new EdgeCompiler();

            Assert.IsTrue(ec.GetType().GetMethod("CompileFunc") != null, "EdgeCompiler has CompileFunc");