Example #1
    static Grammar GetIncludesGrammar()
        if (grammarForIncludes == null)
            var       fileContent = LoadFromResource(DefaultNamespaceName, "Grammar", "IncludesGrammar1.ebnf");
            EbnfStyle style       = (EbnfStyle)(
                //& ~(uint) EbnfStyle.WhitespaceSeparator
                | (uint)EbnfStyle.EscapeTerminalStrings);

            EbnfGrammar grammar;
                grammar            = new EbnfGrammar(style);
                grammarForIncludes = grammar.Build(fileContent, "file");
            catch (Exception ex)

                 * System.ArgumentException: the topParser specified is not found in this ebnf
                 * at Eto.Parse.Grammars.EbnfGrammar.Build (System.String bnf, System.String startParserName) [0x00048] in <filename unknown>:0
                 * at Globals.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0002b] in /var/calculate/remote/distfiles/egit-src/SqlParser-on-EtoParse.git/test1/Program.cs:20
        public Parser(string textGrammar, string root_rule, EbnfStyle style)
            var ebnfGrammar = new Eto.Parse.Grammars.EbnfGrammar(style);

            myGrammar = ebnfGrammar.Build(textGrammar, root_rule);
Example #3
        public static void Parse_ManualSpaces(string[] args)
            var       textGrammar = Resources("syntax4.ebnf");
            var       textContent = LoadReader(Console.In);
            var       root_rule   = "file_content";
            EbnfStyle style       = (EbnfStyle)(
                & ~(uint)EbnfStyle.WhitespaceSeparator
                | (uint)EbnfStyle.EscapeTerminalStrings);
            var Parser = new Parser(textGrammar, root_rule, style);

            Parser.DoProcessing(textContent, args);
Example #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var fileContent = LoadFromResource(nameof(rus_gramm_norm), "Grammar", "syntax2.ebnf");

            EbnfStyle style = (EbnfStyle)(
                //& ~(uint) EbnfStyle.WhitespaceSeparator
                | (uint)EbnfStyle.EscapeTerminalStrings);

            EbnfGrammar grammar;
            Grammar     parser;

                grammar = new EbnfGrammar(style);
                parser  = grammar.Build(fileContent, nameOfTheStartingRule);
            catch (Exception ex)

                 * System.ArgumentException: the topParser specified is not found in this ebnf
                 * at Eto.Parse.Grammars.EbnfGrammar.Build (System.String bnf, System.String startParserName) [0x00048] in <filename unknown>:0
                 * at Globals.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0002b] in /var/calculate/remote/distfiles/egit-src/SqlParser-on-EtoParse.git/test1/Program.cs:20

            var originalContent = LoadFromResource(nameof(rus_gramm_norm), "Grammar", "syntax1.ebnf");
            var match           = parser.Match(originalContent);

            if (match.Success == false)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("No luck!");
                DumpAllMatches(match, nameOfTheStartingRule);
 public Parser(string textGrammar, string root_rule, EbnfStyle style)
     var ebnfGrammar = new Eto.Parse.Grammars.EbnfGrammar( style	);
     myGrammar = ebnfGrammar.Build(textGrammar, root_rule);
     myGrammar.CheckAbsentRules ();
Example #6
		public EbnfGrammar(EbnfStyle style)
			: base("ebnf")
			Style = style;
			DefineCommonNonTerminals = true;

			// terminals
			var comment = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.BracketComments) ? new GroupParser("(*", "*)") : new GroupParser("/*", "*/");
			var ows = -(Terminals.WhiteSpace | comment);
			var rws = +(Terminals.WhiteSpace | comment);
			var hex_character = ("#x" & +Terminals.HexDigit);
			var character = (("\\" & Terminals.AnyChar) | hex_character | Terminals.AnyChar.Except("]")).WithName("character");
			var character_range = (character & "-" & character).WithName("character range");
			var character_set = ("[" & ~(Parser)"^" & +(character_range | character) & "]").WithName("character set");
			var terminal_string = new StringParser { QuoteCharacters = new [] { '\"', '\'', '’' }, Name = "terminal string" };
			var special_sequence = ("?" & (+Terminals.AnyChar).Until("?").WithName("name") & "?").WithName("special sequence");
			var meta_identifier_terminal = Terminals.Letter & -(Terminals.LetterOrDigit | '_');
			var integer = new NumberParser().WithName("integer");

			// nonterminals
			var definition_list = new RepeatParser(0).WithName("definition list");
			var single_definition = new RepeatParser(1).WithName("single definition");
			var term = new SequenceParser().WithName("term");
			var primary = new AlternativeParser().WithName("primary");
			var exception = new UnaryParser("exception");
			var factor = new SequenceParser().WithName("factor");
			var meta_identifier = new RepeatParser(1).WithName("meta identifier");
			var syntax_rule = new SequenceParser().WithName("syntax rule");
			var rule_equals = new AlternativeParser().WithName("equals");
			Parser meta_reference = meta_identifier;

			Parser grouped_sequence = ("(" & ows & definition_list & ows & ")").WithName("grouped sequence");

			if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SquareBracketAsOptional))
				primary.Add(("[" & ows & definition_list & ows & "]").WithName("optional sequence"));

			if (!style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CardinalityFlags))
				var repeated_sequence = ("{" & ows & definition_list & ows & "}").WithName("repeated sequence");

			// rules
			meta_identifier.Inner = meta_identifier_terminal;
			meta_identifier.Separator = +(Terminals.SingleLineWhiteSpace);
			if (!style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CommaSeparator))
				// w3c identifiers must be a single word
				meta_identifier.Maximum = 1;
				meta_reference = meta_reference.NotFollowedBy(ows & rule_equals);
			primary.Add(grouped_sequence, meta_reference, terminal_string, special_sequence);
			if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CharacterSets) && !style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SquareBracketAsOptional))
				// w3c supports character sets
				primary.Add(hex_character.Named("hex character"));
			if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.NumericCardinality))
				factor.Add(~(integer & ows & "*" & ows));
			if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CardinalityFlags))
				// w3c defines cardinality at the end of a factor
				var flags = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SquareBracketAsOptional) ? "*+" : "?*+";
				factor.Add(~(ows & Terminals.Set(flags).WithName("cardinality"))); 
			term.Add(factor, ~(ows & "-" & ows & exception));
			exception.Inner = term;
			single_definition.Inner = term;
			single_definition.Separator = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CommaSeparator) ? (Parser)(ows & "," & ows) : ows;
			definition_list.Inner = single_definition;
			definition_list.Separator = ows & "|" & ows;
			rule_equals.Add(style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.DoubleColonEquals) ? "::=" : "=", ":=");
			syntax_rule.Add(meta_identifier, ows, rule_equals, ows, definition_list);
			if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SemicolonTerminator))
				syntax_rule.Add(ows, ";"); // iso rules are terminated by a semicolon

			var syntax_rules = +syntax_rule;
			syntax_rules.Separator = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SemicolonTerminator) ? ows : rws;

			Inner = ows & syntax_rules & ows;

Example #7
        public EbnfGrammar(EbnfStyle style)
            : base("ebnf")
            Style = style;
            DefineCommonNonTerminals = true;

            // terminals
            var comment         = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.BracketComments) ? new GroupParser("(*", "*)") : new GroupParser("/*", "*/");
            var ows             = -(Terminals.WhiteSpace | comment);
            var rws             = +(Terminals.WhiteSpace | comment);
            var hex_character   = ("#x" & +Terminals.HexDigit);
            var character       = (("\\" & Terminals.AnyChar) | hex_character | Terminals.AnyChar.Except("]")).WithName("character");
            var character_range = (character & "-" & character).WithName("character range");
            var character_set   = ("[" & ~(Parser)"^" & +(character_range | character) & "]").WithName("character set");
            var terminal_string = new StringParser {
                QuoteCharacters = new [] { '\"', '\'', '’' }, Name = "terminal string"
            var special_sequence         = ("?" & (+Terminals.AnyChar).Until("?").WithName("name") & "?").WithName("special sequence");
            var meta_identifier_terminal = Terminals.Letter & -(Terminals.LetterOrDigit | '_');
            var integer = new NumberParser().WithName("integer");

            // nonterminals
            var    definition_list   = new RepeatParser(0).WithName("definition list");
            var    single_definition = new RepeatParser(1).WithName("single definition");
            var    term            = new SequenceParser().WithName("term");
            var    primary         = new AlternativeParser().WithName("primary");
            var    exception       = new UnaryParser("exception");
            var    factor          = new SequenceParser().WithName("factor");
            var    meta_identifier = new RepeatParser(1).WithName("meta identifier");
            var    syntax_rule     = new SequenceParser().WithName("syntax rule");
            var    rule_equals     = new AlternativeParser().WithName("equals");
            Parser meta_reference  = meta_identifier;

            Parser grouped_sequence = ("(" & ows & definition_list & ows & ")").WithName("grouped sequence");

            if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SquareBracketAsOptional))
                primary.Add(("[" & ows & definition_list & ows & "]").WithName("optional sequence"));

            if (!style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CardinalityFlags))
                var repeated_sequence = ("{" & ows & definition_list & ows & "}").WithName("repeated sequence");

            // rules
            meta_identifier.Inner     = meta_identifier_terminal;
            meta_identifier.Separator = +(Terminals.SingleLineWhiteSpace);
            if (!style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CommaSeparator))
                // w3c identifiers must be a single word
                meta_identifier.Maximum = 1;
                meta_reference          = meta_reference.NotFollowedBy(ows & rule_equals);
            primary.Add(grouped_sequence, meta_reference, terminal_string, special_sequence);
            if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CharacterSets) && !style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SquareBracketAsOptional))
                // w3c supports character sets
                primary.Add(hex_character.Named("hex character"));
            if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.NumericCardinality))
                factor.Add(~(integer & ows & "*" & ows));
            if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CardinalityFlags))
                // w3c defines cardinality at the end of a factor
                var flags = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SquareBracketAsOptional) ? "*+" : "?*+";
                factor.Add(~(ows & Terminals.Set(flags).WithName("cardinality")));
            term.Add(factor, ~(ows & "-" & ows & exception));
            exception.Inner             = term;
            single_definition.Inner     = term;
            single_definition.Separator = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.CommaSeparator) ? (Parser)(ows & "," & ows) : ows;
            definition_list.Inner       = single_definition;
            definition_list.Separator   = ows & "|" & ows;
            rule_equals.Add(style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.DoubleColonEquals) ? "::=" : "=", ":=");
            syntax_rule.Add(meta_identifier, ows, rule_equals, ows, definition_list);
            if (style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SemicolonTerminator))
                syntax_rule.Add(ows, ";");                 // iso rules are terminated by a semicolon
            var syntax_rules = +syntax_rule;

            syntax_rules.Separator = style.HasFlag(EbnfStyle.SemicolonTerminator) ? ows : rws;

            Inner = ows & syntax_rules & ows;
