public async Task <IEnumerable <ContentsView> > GetContents(long communityId, long userId) { // TODO: Need to remove this once we have logic for loading objects from DBSet directly. // Get the child contents for the given community/folder first. var communityContents = EarthOnlineDbContext.Set <CommunityContents>(); IEnumerable <long> subContentIds = communityContents.Where(relation => relation.CommunityID == communityId).Select(relation => relation.ContentID); var contentsView = EarthOnlineDbContext.Set <ContentsView>(); // Get the contents which are public. // Get private contents only if: // 1. If the user is site administrator. // 2. If the user is given explicit permission through roles. var result = await contentsView .Where( content => subContentIds.Contains(content.ContentID) && (content.AccessType == Resources.Public || (EarthOnlineDbContext.User .FirstOrDefault(user => user.UserID == userId && user.UserTypeID == 1) != null || EarthOnlineDbContext .UserCommunities .FirstOrDefault(uc => uc.UserID == userId && uc.CommunityId == communityId && uc.RoleID >= (int)UserRole.Reader) != null))) .OrderByDescending(content => content.LastUpdatedDatetime).ToListAsync(); return(result); }
public async void UpdateAsync(T entity) { await DbSet.LoadAsync(); DbSet.Attach(entity); EarthOnlineDbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified; }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the IDs of sub communities of a given community recursively for all children and grand children /// </summary> /// <param name="communityId"> /// ID of the community. /// </param> /// <returns> /// Collection of IDS of sub communities. /// </returns> private IEnumerable <long> GetAllChildrenCommunities(long communityId) { IEnumerable <long> results = null; var communitiesRelation = EarthOnlineDbContext.Set <CommunityRelation>(); results = communitiesRelation.Where(relation => relation.ParentCommunityID == communityId).Select(relation => relation.ChildCommunityID); // TODO : Optimize multiple calls going to DB foreach (var result in results) { results = results.Concat(GetAllChildrenCommunities(result)); } return(results.ToList()); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the IDs of sub communities of a given community. This only retrieves the immediate children. /// </summary> /// <param name="communityId"> /// ID of the community. /// </param> /// <param name="userId">Id of the user who is accessing</param> /// <returns> /// Collection of IDS of sub communities. /// </returns> public IEnumerable <long> GetSubCommunityIDs(long communityId, long userId) { // TODO: Need to remove this once we have logic for loading objects from DBSet directly. IEnumerable <long> subCommunityIds = null; // Get the child communities for the given community first. var communitiesRelation = EarthOnlineDbContext.Set <CommunityRelation>(); subCommunityIds = communitiesRelation.Where(relation => relation.ParentCommunityID == communityId).Select(relation => relation.ChildCommunityID); // Get the communities which are public. Get private communities only if the owner is current user. var result = EarthOnlineDbContext.Community.Where(community => subCommunityIds.Contains(community.CommunityID) && !(bool)community.IsDeleted && (community.AccessTypeID == (int)AccessType.Public || (EarthOnlineDbContext.User.FirstOrDefault(user => user.UserID == userId && user.UserTypeID == 1) != null || EarthOnlineDbContext.UserCommunities.FirstOrDefault(uc => uc.UserID == userId && uc.CommunityId == communityId && uc.RoleID >= (int)UserRole.Reader) != null))).OrderByDescending(community => community.ModifiedDatetime).Select(community => community.CommunityID); return(result.ToList()); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the given Entity in the Layerscape database. /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">Entity to be updated</param> public void Update(T entity) { DbSet.Attach(entity); EarthOnlineDbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified; }
public void SaveChanges() { EarthOnlineDbContext.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the changes made in the data models to the Layerscape database. /// </summary> public async void SaveChangesAsync() { await EarthOnlineDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }