private (bool isCan, E_AGVStationTranMode tranMode) ParsingCheckAGVStationStatusResult(string checkResult)
                bool is_can = false;
                E_AGVStationTranMode tran_mode = default(E_AGVStationTranMode);

                if (!checkResult.Contains(","))
                    return(false, E_AGVStationTranMode.None);
                string[] s_result_array        = checkResult.Split(',');
                string   s_is_can              = s_result_array[0];
                string   s_tran_mode           = s_result_array[1];
                string   first_s_tran_mode_num = s_tran_mode.First().ToString();
                int      i_tran_mode           = 0;

                is_can = s_is_can.Contains(UNLOAD_CHECK_RESULT_OK);
                if (!int.TryParse(first_s_tran_mode_num, out i_tran_mode))
                    return(is_can, E_AGVStationTranMode.MoreOut);
                tran_mode = (E_AGVStationTranMode)i_tran_mode;
                if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(E_AGVStationTranMode), tran_mode))
                    return(is_can, E_AGVStationTranMode.MoreOut);
                return(is_can, tran_mode);
Example #2
        private void RegisterTransferManagementEvent()
            Post["TransferManagement/MCSQueueSwitch"] = (p) =>
                var    scApp  = SCApplication.getInstance();
                string result = string.Empty;

                    string AutoAssign   = Request.Query.AutoAssign.Value ?? Request.Form.AutoAssign.Value ?? string.Empty;
                    bool   isAutoAssign = Convert.ToBoolean(AutoAssign);
                    scApp.getEQObjCacheManager().getLine().MCSCommandAutoAssign = isAutoAssign;
                    result = "OK";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = "MCS Queue Switch update failed with exception happened";

                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;

            Post["TransferManagement/CancelAbort"] = (p) =>
                var    scApp     = SCApplication.getInstance();
                bool   isSuccess = true;
                string result    = string.Empty;

                CMDCancelType cnacel_type = default(CMDCancelType);
                string        mcs_cmd_id  = Request.Query.mcs_cmd.Value ?? Request.Form.mcs_cmd.Value ?? string.Empty;
                    ACMD_MCS mcs_cmd = scApp.CMDBLL.getCMD_MCSByID(mcs_cmd_id);

                    scApp.TransferService.Manual_DeleteCmd(mcs_cmd_id, "正式 UI");

                    UserOperationLog userOperationLog = new UserOperationLog()
                        Action     = "TransferCancelAbort",
                        ActionTime = DateTime.Now,
                        CommandID  = mcs_cmd_id,
                    //if (mcs_cmd == null)
                    //    result = $"Can not find transfer command:[{mcs_cmd_id}].";
                    //    if (mcs_cmd.TRANSFERSTATE < sc.E_TRAN_STATUS.Transferring)
                    //    {
                    //        cnacel_type = CMDCancelType.CmdCancel;
                    //        bool btemp = scApp.VehicleService.doCancelOrAbortCommandByMCSCmdID(mcs_cmd_id, cnacel_type);
                    //        if (btemp)
                    //        {
                    //            result = "OK";
                    //        }
                    //        else
                    //        {
                    //            result = $"Transfer command:[{mcs_cmd_id}] cancel failed.";
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else if (mcs_cmd.TRANSFERSTATE < sc.E_TRAN_STATUS.Canceling)
                    //    {
                    //        cnacel_type = CMDCancelType.CmdAbort;
                    //        bool btemp = scApp.VehicleService.doCancelOrAbortCommandByMCSCmdID(mcs_cmd_id, cnacel_type);
                    //        if (btemp)
                    //        {
                    //            result = "OK";
                    //        }
                    //        else
                    //        {
                    //            result = $"Transfer command:[{mcs_cmd_id}] adort failed.";
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        result = $"Command ID:{mcs_cmd.CMD_ID.Trim()} can't excute cancel / abort,\r\ncurrent state:{mcs_cmd.TRANSFERSTATE}";
                    //    }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    isSuccess = false;
                    result    = "Execption happend!";
                    logger.Error(ex, "Execption:");
                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;

            Post["TransferManagement/ForceFinish"] = (p) =>
                var      scApp            = SCApplication.getInstance();
                bool     isSuccess        = true;
                string   result           = string.Empty;
                string   mcs_cmd_id       = Request.Query.mcs_cmd.Value ?? Request.Form.mcs_cmd.Value ?? string.Empty;
                AVEHICLE excute_cmd_of_vh = scApp.VehicleBLL.cache.getVehicleByMCSCmdID(mcs_cmd_id);
                ACMD_MCS mcs_cmd          = scApp.CMDBLL.getCMD_MCSByID(mcs_cmd_id);
                    if (excute_cmd_of_vh != null)
                        scApp.VehicleBLL.doTransferCommandFinish(excute_cmd_of_vh.VEHICLE_ID, excute_cmd_of_vh.OHTC_CMD, CompleteStatus.CmpStatusForceFinishByOp);
                    //scApp.CMDBLL.updateCMD_MCS_TranStatus2Complete(mcs_cmd.CMD_ID, E_TRAN_STATUS.Aborting);
                    scApp.ReportBLL.newReportTransferCommandNormalFinish(mcs_cmd, excute_cmd_of_vh, sc.Data.SECS.CSOT.SECSConst.CMD_Result_Unsuccessful, null);
                    result = "OK";
                    result = "ForceFinish failed.";

                UserOperationLog userOperationLog = new UserOperationLog()
                    Action     = "TransferForceFinish",
                    ActionTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CommandID  = mcs_cmd_id,

                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;

            Post["TransferManagement/AssignVehicle"] = (p) =>
                var    scApp  = SCApplication.getInstance();
                string result = string.Empty;

                string mcs_cmd_id = Request.Query.mcs_cmd.Value ?? Request.Form.mcs_cmd.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string vh_id      = Request.Query.vh_id.Value ?? Request.Form.vh_id.Value ?? string.Empty;
                    ACMD_MCS mcs_cmd = scApp.CMDBLL.getCMD_MCSByID(mcs_cmd_id);
                    scApp.CMDBLL.assignCommnadToVehicle(mcs_cmd_id, vh_id, out result);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = "Assign command to  vehicle failed with exception happened.";

                UserOperationLog userOperationLog = new UserOperationLog()
                    Action     = "TransferAssignVehicle",
                    ActionTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CommandID  = mcs_cmd_id,

                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;
            Post["TransferManagement/ShiftCommand"] = (p) =>
                var    scApp  = SCApplication.getInstance();
                string result = string.Empty;

                string mcs_cmd_id = Request.Query.mcs_cmd.Value ?? Request.Form.mcs_cmd.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string vh_id      = Request.Query.vh_id.Value ?? Request.Form.vh_id.Value ?? string.Empty;

                    ACMD_MCS mcs_cmd = scApp.CMDBLL.getCMD_MCSByID(mcs_cmd_id);
                    scApp.CMDBLL.commandShift(mcs_cmd_id, vh_id, out result);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = "Shift command failed with exception happened.";

                UserOperationLog userOperationLog = new UserOperationLog()
                    Action     = "TransferShiftCommand",
                    ActionTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CommandID  = mcs_cmd_id,

                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;

            Post["TransferManagement/ChangeStatus"] = (p) =>
                var    scApp      = SCApplication.getInstance();
                string result     = string.Empty;
                bool   isSuccess  = true;
                string mcs_cmd_id = Request.Query.mcs_cmd.Value ?? Request.Form.mcs_cmd.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string sstatus    = Request.Query.status.Value ?? Request.Form.status.Value ?? string.Empty;
                    ACMD_MCS      mcs_cmd = scApp.CMDBLL.getCMD_MCSByID(mcs_cmd_id);
                    E_TRAN_STATUS status  = (E_TRAN_STATUS)Enum.Parse(typeof(E_TRAN_STATUS), sstatus, false);

                    if (mcs_cmd != null)
                        isSuccess = scApp.CMDBLL.updateCMD_MCS_TranStatus(mcs_cmd_id, status);
                        if (isSuccess)
                            result = "OK";
                            result = "Update status failed.";
                        result = $"Can not find MCS Command[{mcs_cmd_id}].";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = "Update status failed with exception happened.";

                UserOperationLog userOperationLog = new UserOperationLog()
                    Action     = "TransferChangeStatus",
                    ActionTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CommandID  = mcs_cmd_id,

                //Todo by Mark

                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;

            Post["TransferManagement/Priority"] = (p) =>
                var    scApp      = SCApplication.getInstance();
                string result     = string.Empty;
                bool   isSuccess  = true;
                string mcs_cmd_id = Request.Query.mcs_cmd.Value ?? Request.Form.mcs_cmd.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string priority   = Request.Query.priority.Value ?? Request.Form.priority.Value ?? string.Empty;
                    ACMD_MCS mcs_cmd   = scApp.CMDBLL.getCMD_MCSByID(mcs_cmd_id);
                    int      iPriority = Convert.ToInt32(priority);
                    if (mcs_cmd != null)
                        //isSuccess = scApp.CMDBLL.updateCMD_MCS_PrioritySUM(mcs_cmd, iPriority);
                        isSuccess = scApp.CMDBLL.updateCMD_MCS_PortPriority(mcs_cmd.CMD_ID, iPriority);
                        if (isSuccess)
                            result = "OK";
                            result = "Update priority failed.";
                        result = $"Can not find MCS Command[{mcs_cmd_id}].";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = "Update priority failed with exception happened.";

                UserOperationLog userOperationLog = new UserOperationLog()
                    Action     = "TransferPriority",
                    ActionTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CommandID  = mcs_cmd_id,

                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;

            Post["TransferManagement/TransferCreate"] = (p) =>
                var    scApp     = SCApplication.getInstance();
                string result    = string.Empty;
                bool   isSuccess = true;

                int    Y      = DateTime.Now.Year % 100;
                string stDate = string.Format("{0}{1:00}{2:00}{3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", Y, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second);

                string mcs_cmd_id = "MANAUL-" + stDate;//Request.Query.mcs_cmd.Value ?? Request.Form.mcs_cmd.Value ?? string.Empty;

                string priority = Request.Query.priority.Value ?? Request.Form.priority.Value ?? string.Empty;

                string box_id = Request.Query.box_id.Value ?? Request.Form.box_id.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string cst_id = Request.Query.cst_id.Value ?? Request.Form.cst_id.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string source = Request.Query.source.Value ?? Request.Form.source.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string dest   = Request.Query.dest.Value ?? Request.Form.dest.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string lot_id = Request.Query.lot_id.Value ?? Request.Form.lot_id.Value ?? string.Empty;
                result = scApp.TransferService.Manual_InsertCmd(source, dest, 5);

                UserOperationLog userOperationLog = new UserOperationLog()
                    Action     = "TransferCreate",
                    ActionTime = DateTime.Now,
                    CommandID  = mcs_cmd_id,
                    Source     = source,
                    Dest       = dest,
                    BOXID      = box_id,

                var response = (Response)result;
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;

            Get["TransferManagement/TransferCheck/AGVStation/{AGVStationID}"] = (p) =>
                SCApplication scApp = SCApplication.getInstance();
                //string queue_count = 0;
                scApp.TransferService.swapTriggerWaitin = false;
                string agv_station_id = p.AGVStationID;
                string excute_count   = Request.Query.unfinishCmdCount.Value ?? Request.Form.unfinishCmdCount.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string is_emergency   = Request.Query.isEmergency.Value ?? Request.Form.isEmergency.Value ?? string.Empty;
                bool   emergency      = false;
                if (is_emergency == "true")
                    emergency = true;
                else if (is_emergency == "false")
                    emergency = false;
                // Change the default return from false to true.
                // 因為目前回復NG時會產生AGV走行命令回到AGV Station,但目前預設值設定為false 因避免exception情形(AGVC Cmd == 0 時回復True 不會停止觸發OHBC)
                bool is_ok = false;
                //todo 執行確認能否讓AGVC開始進行該AGV Station進貨的流程
                bool check_method = scApp.TransferService.oneInoneOutMethodUse;
                if (check_method)
                    is_ok = scApp.TransferService.CanExcuteUnloadTransferAGVStationFromAGVC_OneInOneOut(agv_station_id.Trim(), Int32.Parse(excute_count), emergency);
                    is_ok = scApp.TransferService.CanExcuteUnloadTransferAGVStationFromAGVC(agv_station_id.Trim(), Int32.Parse(excute_count), emergency);
                var response = (Response)(is_ok ? "OK" : "NG");
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;


            Get["TransferManagement/TransferCheck/Swap/AGVStation/{AGVStationID}"] = (p) =>
                SCApplication scApp = SCApplication.getInstance();
                //string queue_count = 0;
                scApp.TransferService.swapTriggerWaitin = true;
                string agv_station_id = p.AGVStationID;
                string excute_count   = Request.Query.unfinishCmdCount.Value ?? Request.Form.unfinishCmdCount.Value ?? string.Empty;
                string is_emergency   = Request.Query.isEmergency.Value ?? Request.Form.isEmergency.Value ?? string.Empty;
                bool   emergency      = false;
                is_emergency = is_emergency.ToUpper();
                if (is_emergency.Contains("T"))
                    emergency = true;
                else if (is_emergency.Contains("F"))
                    emergency = false;
                // Change the default return from false to true.
                // 因為目前回復NG時會產生AGV走行命令回到AGV Station,但目前預設值設定為false 因避免exception情形(AGVC Cmd == 0 時回復True 不會停止觸發OHBC)
                bool is_ok       = false;
                bool is_more_out = false;

                //todo 執行確認能否讓AGVC開始進行該AGV Station進貨的流程
                (is_ok, is_more_out) = scApp.TransferService.CanExcuteUnloadTransferAGVStationFromAGVC_Swap(agv_station_id.Trim(), Int32.Parse(excute_count), emergency);

                string check_result            = is_ok ? "OK" : "NG";
                E_AGVStationTranMode tran_mode = is_more_out ? E_AGVStationTranMode.MoreOut : E_AGVStationTranMode.MoreIn;

                int s_tran_mode = (int)tran_mode;
                //var response = (Response)(is_ok ? "OK" : "NG");
                var response = (Response)($"{check_result},{s_tran_mode}");
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;


            Get["TransferManagement/PreOpenAGVStationCover/AGVStationPorts/{AGVStationPortID}"] = (p) =>
                SCApplication scApp = SCApplication.getInstance();
                string        agv_station_port_id = p.AGVStationPortID;

                bool is_ok = true;
                is_ok = scApp.TransferService.SetAGV_PortOpenBOX(agv_station_port_id, "TransferManagement");

                var response = (Response)(is_ok ? "OK" : "NG");
                response.ContentType = restfulContentType;
