private int JournalRecordHook_Callback(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool callNext)
     if (code == HC_ACTION)
         EVENTMSG       em = (EVENTMSG)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(EVENTMSG));
         JournalMessage jm = JournalMessage.Create(em);
         if (RecordEvent != null)
             RecordEvent(this, new JournalRecordEventArgs(jm));
     else if (code == HC_SYSMODALON)
         if (SystemModalDialogAppeared != null)
             SystemModalDialogAppeared(this, new EventArgs());
     else if (code == HC_SYSMODALOFF)
         if (SystemModalDialogDisappeared != null)
             SystemModalDialogDisappeared(this, new EventArgs());
Example #2
        private int JournalPlaybackHook_Callback(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool callNext)
            if (code == HC_GETNEXT)
                callNext = false;
                int tick = Environment.TickCount;
                if (nextEventTime > tick)
                    return(nextEventTime - tick);
                if (nextEvent == null)
                    nextEventTime = 0;
                    nextEvent     = GetNextJournalMessage(ref nextEventTime);
                    if (nextEventTime <= tick)
                        if (nextEvent == null)
                            // shutdown the hook

                        nextEventTime = nextEvent.Time;

                    if (nextEventTime > tick)
                        return(nextEventTime - tick);

                // now we have the next event, which should be sent
                EVENTMSG em = (EVENTMSG)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(EVENTMSG));
                em.hWnd    = nextEvent.HWnd;
                em.time    = nextEvent.Time;
                em.message = nextEvent.Message;
                em.paramH  = nextEvent.ParamH;
                em.paramL  = nextEvent.ParamL;
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(em, lParam, false);

            if (code == HC_SKIP)
                nextEvent     = null;
                nextEventTime = 0;
            else if (code == HC_SYSMODALON)
                SystemModalDialogAppeared?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
            else if (code == HC_SYSMODALOFF)
                SystemModalDialogDisappeared?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
