public void CreateStarSchemaExtractTemplate( [Parameter("The name to give to the template")] string templateName, [Parameter("The name of the DSN that contains the connection details for the " + "database where the star schema extract is to be created. This DSN " + "must exist on the HFM server, and have been registered via the " + "HFM Configuration utility.")] string DSN, [Parameter("The prefix that should appear at the start of each table name created " + "by the extract process.")] string tablePrefix, [Parameter("Whether to delete any existing data before performing the extract", DefaultValue = true)] bool deleteExisting, [Parameter("The type of star schema to produce.")] EStarSchemaExtractType extractType, [Parameter("Whether to include dynamic accounts", DefaultValue = false)] bool includeDynamicAccounts, [Parameter("Whether to include calculated data", DefaultValue = true)] bool includeCalculatedData, [Parameter("Whether to include derived data", DefaultValue = true)] bool includeDerivedData, ExtractSpecification slice) { // TODO: Complete this StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<povTemplate><povEA>"); sb.Append(slice); sb.Append("</povEA><options><tablePrefix>"); //sb.Append(spec.TablePrefix); sb.Append("</tablePrefix><exportOption>"); //sb.Append((int)spec.ExtractType); sb.Append("</exportOption><selectedDSN>"); //sb.Append(spec.DataSource); sb.Append("</selectedDSN><excludeDynAccts>"); sb.Append(includeDynamicAccounts ? 0 : -1); sb.Append("</excludeDynAccts></options></povTemplate>"); HFM.Try("Creating star schema template {0}", templateName, () => HsvStarSchemaTemplates.SetTemplate(templateName, sb.ToString(), true)); }
public void ExtractDataToStarSchema( [Parameter("The name of the DSN that contains the connection details for the " + "database where the star schema extract is to be created. This DSN " + "must exist on the HFM server, and have been registered via the " + "HFM Configuration utility.")] string DSN, [Parameter("The prefix that should appear at the start of each table name created " + "by the extract process.")] string tablePrefix, [Parameter("Whether to delete any existing data before performing the extract", DefaultValue = true)] bool deleteExisting, [Parameter("The type of star schema to produce.")] EStarSchemaExtractType extractType, [Parameter("Whether to include data", DefaultValue = true, Since = "")] bool includeData, [Parameter("Whether to include dynamic accounts", DefaultValue = false)] bool includeDynamicAccounts, [Parameter("Whether to include calculated data", DefaultValue = true, Since = "11.1.1")] bool includeCalculatedData, [Parameter("Whether to include derived data", DefaultValue = true, Since = "11.1.1")] bool includeDerivedData, [Parameter("The path to where the EA extract log file should be generated; " + "if omitted, no log file is created.", DefaultValue = null)] string logFile, ExtractSpecification slice, IOutput output) { DoEAExtract(DSN, tablePrefix, (SS_PUSH_OPTIONS)(deleteExisting ? EPushType.Create : EPushType.Update), (EA_EXTRACT_TYPE_FLAGS)extractType, includeData, includeDynamicAccounts, includeCalculatedData, includeDerivedData, false, false, #if LATE_BIND || HFM_11_1_2_2 (EA_LINEITEM_OPTIONS)ELineItems.Summary, #endif "", logFile, slice, output); }