public VoterController(ESDB ctxt, IWebHostEnvironment env, PersistentCommissionManager manager, IDataProtectionProvider provider, IConfiguration configuration) { _context = ctxt; contentRootPath = env.ContentRootPath; _manager = manager; _manager.Expiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3); // Should be added to configuration dataprotection = provider; Configuration = configuration; }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddSingleton <PersistentCommissionManager>(); services.AddLocalization(options => options.ResourcesPath = "Resources"); services.AddMvc() .AddViewLocalization(LanguageViewLocationExpanderFormat.Suffix) .AddDataAnnotationsLocalization(); services.AddAuthentication(OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme) .AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp(Configuration.GetSection("AzureAd")); //.AddAzureAD(options => Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options)); services.AddDbContext <ESDB>(o => { o.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("ESDB")); }); services.Configure <OpenIdConnectOptions>(OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, opt => { var onTokenValidated = opt.Events.OnTokenValidated; opt.Events.OnTokenValidated = ( async ctxt => { var opt = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ESDB>(); using (var esdb = new ESDB(opt.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("ESDB")).Options)) { onTokenValidated?.Invoke(ctxt); var roles = await EligereRoles.ComputeRoles(esdb, "AzureAD", ctxt.Principal.Identity.Name); var claims = new List <Claim>(); roles.ForEach(r => claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, r))); var appIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, "EligereIdentity"); ctxt.Principal.AddIdentity(appIdentity); } }); }); services.AddDataProtection() .SetApplicationName("Eligere") .PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(evsKeyPath)); services.AddControllersWithViews(options => { var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder() .RequireAuthenticatedUser() .Build(); options.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy)); }); services.AddRazorPages() .AddMicrosoftIdentityUI(); IdentityModelEventSource.ShowPII = true; }
internal async static Task <bool> InconsistentRoles(ClaimsPrincipal user, ESDB esdb, string provider, string username) { var roles = await ComputeRoles(esdb, provider, username); foreach (var r in roles) { if (!user.IsInRole(r)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
internal async static Task <List <string> > ComputeRoles(ESDB esdb, string provider, string username) { var roles = new List <string>(); roles.Add(AuthenticatedUser); var u = from l in esdb.UserLogin where provider == l.Provider && username == l.UserId select l; if (await u.CountAsync() == 1) // Should be either 0 or 1 { roles.Add(AuthenticatedPerson); var user = u.First(); var q = from s in esdb.ElectionStaff join r in esdb.ElectionRole on s.ElectionRoleFk equals r.Id where s.PersonFk == user.PersonFk select r.Label; await q.ForEachAsync(r => roles.Add(r)); // Assumption: the role in the DB table match constants in this class var elections = from e in esdb.Election where e.PollEndDate > DateTime.Today select e; var isCandidate = await(from e in elections join bn in esdb.BallotName on e.Id equals bn.ElectionFk join c in esdb.EligibleCandidate on bn.Id equals c.BallotNameFk where c.PersonFk == user.PersonFk select c).AnyAsync(); var isVoter = await(from e in elections join v in esdb.Voter on e.Id equals v.ElectionFk where v.PersonFk == user.PersonFk select v).AnyAsync(); var isRemoteIdentificationOfficer = await(from e in elections join psc in esdb.PollingStationCommission on e.Id equals psc.ElectionFk join ro in esdb.RemoteIdentificationCommissioner on psc.Id equals ro.PollingStationCommissionFk where ro.PersonFk == user.PersonFk select ro).AnyAsync(); var isPresident = await(from e in elections join c in esdb.PollingStationCommission on e.Id equals c.ElectionFk join com in esdb.PollingStationCommissioner on c.PresidentFk equals com.Id where com.PersonFk == user.PersonFk select c).AnyAsync(); var isMember = await(from e in elections join c in esdb.PollingStationCommission on e.Id equals c.ElectionFk join com in esdb.PollingStationCommissioner on c.Id equals com.PollingStationCommissionFk where com.PersonFk == user.PersonFk select c).AnyAsync(); if (isCandidate) { roles.Add(Candidate); } if (isPresident) { roles.Add(PollingStationPresident); } if (isVoter) { roles.Add(Voter); } if (isMember) { roles.Add(PollingStationStaff); } if (isRemoteIdentificationOfficer) { roles.Add(RemoteIdentificationOfficer); } } return(roles); }
// ToDo: Add digital signature, add priority to the entry and notification to guardians public static async void Log(ESDB ctxt, Models.DB.Person p, String AccountProvider, String UserId, String text) { var log = new Models.DB.Log() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), AccountProvider = AccountProvider, PersonFk = p.Id, UserId = UserId, TimeStamp = DateTime.Now, LogEntry = text }; await ctxt.Log.AddAsync(log); await ctxt.SaveChangesAsync(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (var test = new ESDB(true)) { var x = test.LoadDatabase("voitures", true); /// Make an insert var insertId = x.Insert(new { first_name = "clint", last_name = "mourlevat", age = 29 }); /// Search one by tag var t = x.SearchOne(new { id = "5fd73f1a-ab0f-4112-bf7c-7549f6ed0aa0", lol = 30 }); Console.WriteLine(t.first_name); /// Export all the db in zip file test.Export(""); } }
public ElectionsController(ESDB context) { _context = context; }
public HomeController(ILogger <HomeController> logger, ESDB context) { _logger = logger; _context = context; }
public PeopleController(ESDB context) { _context = context; }
public PSCommissionController(ESDB ctxt, PersistentCommissionManager manager, IConfiguration configuration) { _context = ctxt; Configuration = configuration; _manager = manager; }
public EligereESAPI(ESDB ctxt, IWebHostEnvironment env, IDataProtectionProvider provider) { _context = ctxt; contentRootPath = env.ContentRootPath; dataProtector = provider; }
public SetupController(ESDB ctxt, IWebHostEnvironment env) { _context = ctxt; contentRootPath = env.ContentRootPath; }