Example #1
    /* Recreates the ES2Init, adding to it the given type */
    public static void AddTypeToES2Init(Type type)
        string es2TypeList  = "";
        string userTypeList = "";

        foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, ES2Type> es2Type in supportedTypes)
            // Don't add the same type twice.
            if (es2Type.Key == type)

            // Add ES2Types built in to ES2 to the list first, and then the user ones later.
            if (es2Type.Value.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name == "ES2")
                es2TypeList += @"		ES2TypeManager.types[typeof("+ es2Type.Key.ToString() + ")] = new " + es2Type.Value.GetType().Name + "();\n";
                userTypeList += @"		ES2TypeManager.types[typeof("+ es2Type.Key.ToString() + ")] = new " + es2Type.Value.GetType().Name + "();\n";
        // Add the type specified as a parameter.
        if (type != null)
            userTypeList += @"		ES2TypeManager.types[typeof("+ type.ToString() + ")] = new " + file_prefix + GetES2TypeName(type) + "();\n";

        File.WriteAllText(pathToES2Init, String.Format(ES2EditorTemplates.GetTemplate("ES2InitTemplate"), es2TypeList + userTypeList));
Example #2
     *  Adds support for a Type, and all of it's supportable variables.
    public static void AddType(Type type)
        string writes = "";
        string reads  = "";

        FieldInfo[]    fields     = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

        foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
            if (!field.FieldType.IsValueType || !TypeIsSupported(field.FieldType) || !FieldIsSupportable(field))

            Type fieldType = field.FieldType;

            reads  += CreateReadCall(fieldType, "data." + field.Name) + "\n";
            writes += CreateWriteCall(fieldType, "data." + field.Name);

        foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
            if (!property.PropertyType.IsValueType || !TypeIsSupported(property.PropertyType) || !PropertyIsSupportable(property))

            Type propertyType = property.PropertyType;

            reads  += CreateReadCall(propertyType, "data." + property.Name) + "\n";
            writes += CreateWriteCall(propertyType, "data." + property.Name) + "\n";

        string namespace_string = "";

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace) && type.Namespace != "UnityEngine")
            namespace_string = "using " + type.Namespace + ";";

        string create_instance = "";         // Used when creating a new instance of this object.

        if ((typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(type)))
            create_instance = "GetOrCreate<" + type.ToString() + ">()";
        else if ((typeof(ScriptableObject).IsAssignableFrom(type)))
            create_instance = "ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<" + type.ToString() + ">()";
            create_instance = "new " + type.ToString() + "()";

        string file;

         *      file = String.Format(ES2EditorTemplates.es2ComponentTypeTemplate, file_prefix, GetES2TypeName(type), type.ToString(), writes, reads, namespace_string);
         * else*/
        file = String.Format(ES2EditorTemplates.GetTemplate("ES2TypeTemplate"), file_prefix, GetES2TypeName(type), type.ToString(), writes, reads, namespace_string, create_instance);

        // Write the file.
        File.WriteAllText(GetPathToES2Type(type), file);
Example #3
    /* Creates an ES2Type file template with reader.Read and writer.Write calls automatically added, for the type at the given index. */
    private static void CreateTypeFile(Type type, List <ES2EditorProperty> properties)
        string writes = "";
        string reads  = "";

        foreach (ES2EditorProperty property in properties)
            if (type.IsEnum)
                writes += @"		writer.Write((int)data);"+ "\n";

            if (property.isSupported && property.isSelected)
                writes += @"		writer.Write(data."+ property.name + ");\n";

                string typeName = GetTypeName(property.type);

                if (property.isCollection)
                    // Get the names of the collection types as comma seperated values.
                    string genericParams = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < property.collectionContentTypes.Length; i++)
                        if (i != 0)
                            genericParams += ",";
                        genericParams += GetTypeName(property.collectionContentTypes[i]);

                    reads += @"		data."+ property.name + " = reader.Read" + property.collectionType + "<" + genericParams + ">();\n";
                    reads += @"		data."+ property.name + " = reader.Read<" + typeName + ">();\n";

        string namespace_string = "";

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(type.Namespace) && type.Namespace != "UnityEngine")
            namespace_string = "using " + type.Namespace + ";";

        string create_instance = "";         // Used when creating a new instance of this object.

        if ((typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(type)))
            create_instance = "GetOrCreate<" + GetTypeName(type) + ">()";
        else if ((typeof(ScriptableObject).IsAssignableFrom(type)))
            create_instance = "ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<" + GetTypeName(type) + ">()";
        else if (type.IsEnum)
            create_instance = "(" + GetTypeName(type) + ")reader.reader.ReadInt32()";
            create_instance = "new " + GetTypeName(type) + "()";

        // If it's a value type, use value type template.
        string template = type.IsValueType ? ES2EditorTemplates.GetTemplate("ES2ValueTypeTemplate") : ES2EditorTemplates.GetTemplate("ES2TypeTemplate");
        string file;

        file = String.Format(template, file_prefix, GetES2TypeName(type), GetTypeName(type), writes, reads, namespace_string, create_instance);

        // Write the file.
        File.WriteAllText(GetPathToES2Type(types[selected]), file);