private void buildRoadVertexPath() { var vertexList = new List <Vector3>(); var directionsList = new List <Vector3>(); var rotationsList = new List <Quaternion>(); var distanceList = new List <float>(); var currentRoadElement = 0; for (var t = 0f; t < road.GetDistance(); t += scanStep) { var p = road.GetPosition(t, ref currentRoadElement); var d = road.GetLookatSmooth(t, currentRoadElement); var r = Quaternion.LookRotation(d); var isSignificantVertex = vertexList.IsNullOrEmpty() || Vector3.Angle(d, directionsList.Last()) > angleThreshold; if (isSignificantVertex) { vertexList.Add(p); directionsList.Add(d); rotationsList.Add(r); distanceList.Add(t); } } positions = vertexList.ToArray(); directions = directionsList.ToArray(); rotations = rotationsList.ToArray(); distances = distanceList.ToArray(); }
void Update() { if (roadNetwork != null) { float deltaT = Time.deltaTime; float rSpeed = (deltaT * speed); distance += rSpeed; // pass the current distance to get the position on the road // Debug_Log.Call_WriteLog(road); Vector3 v = road.GetPosition(distance, ref currentElement); v.y += 1; go.transform.position = v; } // spline point info center of the road // public function ERRoad.GetSplinePointsCenter() : Vector3[]; // spline point info center of the road // public function ERRoad.GetSplinePointsRightSide() : Vector3[]; // spline point info center of the road // public function ERRoad.GetSplinePointsLeftSide() : Vector3[]; // Get the selected road in the Unity Editor // public static function EREditor.GetSelectedRoad() : ERRoad; }
void Update() { if (roadNetwork != null) { float deltaT = Time.deltaTime; float rSpeed = (deltaT * speed); distance += rSpeed; // pass the current distance to get the position on the road Vector3 v = road.GetPosition(distance, ref currentElement); v.y += 1; go.transform.position = v; } }