public void SetUp() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; configuration.Common.AddEventType("StockTick", typeof(StockTick).FullName); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("TestStockTickerRSI", configuration); _runtime.Initialize(); _stockListener = new RSIStockTickerListener(_runtime, PERIOD); _expressionText = "every tick=StockTick(stockSymbol='" + SYMBOL + "')"; //_expressionText = "every tick1=StockTick(stockSymbol='GOOG') -> tick2=StockTick(stockSymbol='GOOG')"; _factory = _runtime.CompileDeploy(_expressionText).Statements[0]; _factory.Events += _stockListener.Update; var rsiEvent = typeof(RSIEvent).FullName; var viewExpr = "select * from " + rsiEvent + ".win:length(1)"; _rsiListener = new RSIListener(); _factory = _runtime.CompileDeploy(viewExpr).Statements[0]; _factory.Events += _rsiListener.Update; _rsiListener.Reset(); }
public RealtimeSummaryStmt(EPRuntime runtime) { // // Min,Max,Average total latency from the events (difference in time between A and C) over the past 30 minutes. // Min,Max,Average latency between events A/B (time stamp of B minus A) and B/C (time stamp of C minus B). // string stmtTotal = "select min(latencyAC) as minLatencyAC, " + "max(latencyAC) as maxLatencyAC, " + "avg(latencyAC) as avgLatencyAC, " + "min(latencyAB) as minLatencyAB, " + "max(latencyAB) as maxLatencyAB, " + "avg(latencyAB) as avgLatencyAB, " + "min(latencyBC) as minLatencyBC, " + "max(latencyBC) as maxLatencyBC, " + "avg(latencyBC) as avgLatencyBC " + "from min)"; TotalsStatement = runtime.CompileDeploy(stmtTotal).Statements[0]; // // Min,Max,Average latency grouped by (a) customer ID and (b) supplier ID. // In other words, metrics on the the latency of the orders coming from each customer and going to each supplier. // string stmtCustomer = "select customerId," + "min(latencyAC) as minLatency," + "max(latencyAC) as maxLatency," + "avg(latencyAC) as avgLatency " + "from min) " + "group by customerId"; CustomerStatement = runtime.CompileDeploy(stmtCustomer).Statements[0]; string stmtSupplier = "select supplierId," + "min(latencyAC) as minLatency," + "max(latencyAC) as maxLatency," + "avg(latencyAC) as avgLatency " + "from min) " + "group by supplierId"; SupplierStatement = runtime.CompileDeploy(stmtSupplier).Statements[0]; }
public static EPStatement Create(EPRuntime runtime) { // We need to take in events A, B and C and produce a single, combined event string stmt = "insert into CombinedEvent(transactionId, customerId, supplierId, latencyAC, latencyBC, latencyAB)" + "select C.TransactionId," + "CustomerId," + "SupplierId," + "C.Timestamp - A.Timestamp," + "C.Timestamp - B.Timestamp," + "B.Timestamp - A.Timestamp " + "from min) A," + " min) B," + " min) C " + "where A.TransactionId = B.TransactionId and B.TransactionId = C.TransactionId"; return(runtime.CompileDeploy(stmt).Statements[0]); }
// // We need to detect a transaction that did not make it through all three events. // In other words, a transaction with events A or B, but not C. // Note that, in this case, what we care about is event C. // The lack of events A or B could indicate a failure in the event transport and should be ignored. // Although the lack of an event C could also be a transport failure, it merits looking into. // public static EPStatement Create(EPRuntime runtime) { // The inner table to both A and B is C. // // The listener will consider old events generated when either A or B leave the window, with // a window size for A and B of 30 minutes. // // The window of C is declared large to ensure the C events don't leave the window before A and B // thus generating false alerts, making these obvious via timestamp. Lets keep 1 hour of data for C. string stmt = "select * from " + " min) A " + "full outer join " + " hour) C on A.TransactionId = C.TransactionId " + "full outer join " + " min) B on B.TransactionId = C.TransactionId " + "where C.TransactionId is null"; return(runtime.CompileDeploy(stmt).Statements[0]); }
public DynaLatencySpikeMonitor(LatencyLimit limit) { Log.Debug("New limit, for operation '" + limit.OperationName + "' and customer '" + limit.CustomerId + "'" + " setting threshold " + limit.LatencyThreshold); var filter = "operationName='" + limit.OperationName + "',customerId='" + limit.CustomerId + "'"; // Alert specific to operation and customer _spikeLatencyDeployment = _runtime.CompileDeploy( "every alert=" + typeof(OperationMeasurement).FullName + "(" + filter + ", latency>" + limit.LatencyThreshold + ")"); _spikeLatencyAlert = _spikeLatencyDeployment.Statements[0]; _spikeLatencyAlert.Events += LogLatencyEvent; // Stop pattern when the threshold changes var eventName = typeof(LatencyLimit).FullName; var stopPattern = _runtime.DeployStatement(eventName + "(" + filter + ")"); stopPattern.Events += ((newEvents, oldEvents) => _runtime .DeploymentService.Undeploy(_spikeLatencyAlert.DeploymentId)); }