Example #1
        public static CollisionInfo CirclevsPolygon(Circle a, Polygon b)
            CollisionInfo info = new CollisionInfo();

            GJKoutput GJKoutput = GJK(a, b);

            if (!GJKoutput.result)
                return new CollisionInfo()
                           ContactPoints = new List <CollisionInfo.ContactPoint>()

            EPAoutput EPAoutput = EPA(GJKoutput.simplex, a, b);

            Vector2 cp = GetFarthestPoint(a, EPAoutput.normal);

            info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                depth = EPAoutput.distance, normal = EPAoutput.normal, point = cp

Example #2
        public static CollisionInfo PolygonvsPolygon(Polygon a, Polygon b)
            int GetFarthestPointIndex(Vector2[] polygon, Vector2 direction)
                int index = 0;

                if (direction.y == 0)//x coord check
                    for (int vert = 0; vert < polygon.Length; vert++)
                        if (sgn(polygon[vert].x - polygon[index].x) == sgn(direction.x))//if direction == right searching max(x) else min
                            index = vert;


                float k = -direction.x / direction.y; //perpendicular direction angular coefficient

                //y = kx + b line equation. we find line equation for each point and b
                //is the intersection point of this line with Oy. Extremum of b means that there is the
                //ultimate point in the direction, perpendicular to this line i.e. "direction" vector

                for (int vert = 0; vert < polygon.Length; vert++)
                    if (sgn((polygon[vert].y - polygon[vert].x * k) - (polygon[index].y - polygon[index].x * k)) ==
                        sgn(direction.y))//if top direction searching max(b) else min(b)
                        index = vert;


            float GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(Vector2 point, Line line)
                //ax + by + c = 0
                //distance = |a * x1 + b * y1 + c| / sqrt(a ^ 2 + b ^ 2)
                float a_k = line.start.y - line.end.y;
                float b_k = line.end.x - line.start.x;
                float c_k = Vector2.CrossProduct(line.start, line.end);

                return(sqr(a_k * point.x + b_k * point.y + c_k) / (sqr(a_k) + sqr(b_k)));

            bool PolygonContainsPoint(Vector2[] poly, Vector2 point)
                for (int i = 0; i < poly.Length; i++)
                    int j = (i + 1) % poly.Length;

                    float a_k = poly[i].y - poly[j].y;
                    float b_k = poly[j].x - poly[i].x;
                    float c_k = Vector2.CrossProduct(poly[i], poly[j]);

                    int k = (i + 2) % poly.Length;

                    float vert_halfspace  = sgn(a_k * poly[k].x + b_k * poly[k].y + c_k);
                    float point_halfspace = sgn(a_k * point.x + b_k * point.y + c_k);

                    if (point_halfspace == -vert_halfspace)


            CollisionInfo info = new CollisionInfo();

            GJKoutput GJKoutput = GJK(a, b);

            if (!GJKoutput.result)
                return new CollisionInfo()
                           ContactPoints = new List <CollisionInfo.ContactPoint>()

            EPAoutput EPAoutput = EPA(GJKoutput.simplex, a, b);

            #region shitcode
            Vector2 normal   = EPAoutput.normal;
            float   distance = EPAoutput.distance;

            info.ContactPoints = new List <CollisionInfo.ContactPoint>();

            bool flip = false;

            int incident_edge_start = GetFarthestPointIndex(a.Verts, normal);
            int incident_edge_end   = (incident_edge_start + 1) % a.Verts.Length;

            if (!(abs((a.Verts[incident_edge_start] - a.Verts[incident_edge_end]) * normal) < tolerance))
                incident_edge_end = (incident_edge_start - 1 + a.Verts.Length) % a.Verts.Length;

            if (!(abs((a.Verts[incident_edge_start] - a.Verts[incident_edge_end]) * normal) < tolerance))
                flip = true;

                incident_edge_start = GetFarthestPointIndex(b.Verts, -normal);
                incident_edge_end   = (incident_edge_start + 1) % b.Verts.Length;

                if (!(abs((b.Verts[incident_edge_start] - b.Verts[incident_edge_end]) * normal) < tolerance))
                    incident_edge_end = (incident_edge_start - 1 + b.Verts.Length) % b.Verts.Length;

            Line incident_edge;

            if (!flip)
            {    //a
                incident_edge = new Line(a.Verts[incident_edge_start], a.Verts[incident_edge_end]);
            {    //b
                incident_edge = new Line(b.Verts[incident_edge_start], b.Verts[incident_edge_end]);

            if (!flip)
            {    //a
                int b_farthest              = GetFarthestPointIndex(b.Verts, -normal);
                int b_farthest_left_neighb  = (b_farthest + 1) % b.Verts.Length;
                int b_farthest_right_neighb = (b_farthest - 1 + b.Verts.Length) % b.Verts.Length;

                info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                    depth  = distance,
                    normal = normal,
                    point  = b.Verts[b_farthest] + normal * distance

                bool a_contains_left  = PolygonContainsPoint(a.Verts, b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb]);
                bool a_contains_right = PolygonContainsPoint(a.Verts, b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb]);

                if (a_contains_left && a_contains_right)
                    float left_sqr_dist              = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge);
                    float right_sqr_dist             = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge);
                    int   b_almostfarthest           = (right_sqr_dist > left_sqr_dist) ? b_farthest_right_neighb : b_farthest_left_neighb;
                    float b_almost_farthest_distance = sqrt(max(right_sqr_dist, left_sqr_dist));

                    info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                        depth  = b_almost_farthest_distance,
                        normal = normal,
                        point  = b.Verts[b_almostfarthest] + normal * b_almost_farthest_distance
                else if (!a_contains_left && !a_contains_right)
                else if (a_contains_left)
                    float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge));

                    info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                        depth  = dist,
                        normal = normal,
                        point  = b.Verts[b_farthest_left_neighb] + normal * dist
                    float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge));

                    info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                        depth  = dist,
                        normal = normal,
                        point  = b.Verts[b_farthest_right_neighb] + normal * dist

            {    //b
                int a_farthest              = GetFarthestPointIndex(a.Verts, normal);
                int a_farthest_left_neighb  = (a_farthest + 1) % a.Verts.Length;
                int a_farthest_right_neighb = (a_farthest - 1 + a.Verts.Length) % a.Verts.Length;

                info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                    depth  = distance,
                    normal = normal,
                    point  = a.Verts[a_farthest] + normal * distance

                bool b_contains_left  = PolygonContainsPoint(b.Verts, a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb]);
                bool b_contains_right = PolygonContainsPoint(b.Verts, a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb]);

                if (b_contains_left && b_contains_right)
                    float left_sqr_dist              = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge);
                    float right_sqr_dist             = GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge);
                    int   a_almostfarthest           = (right_sqr_dist > left_sqr_dist) ? a_farthest_right_neighb : a_farthest_left_neighb;
                    float a_almost_farthest_distance = sqrt(max(right_sqr_dist, left_sqr_dist));

                    info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                        depth  = a_almost_farthest_distance,
                        normal = normal,
                        point  = a.Verts[a_almostfarthest] + normal * a_almost_farthest_distance
                else if (!b_contains_left && !b_contains_right)
                else if (b_contains_left)
                    float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb], incident_edge));

                    info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                        depth  = dist,
                        normal = normal,
                        point  = a.Verts[a_farthest_left_neighb] + normal * dist
                    float dist = sqrt(GetSqrDistanceFromPointToLine(a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb], incident_edge));

                    info.ContactPoints.Add(new CollisionInfo.ContactPoint()
                        depth  = dist,
                        normal = normal,
                        point  = a.Verts[a_farthest_right_neighb] + normal * dist
