Example #1
        private void Refill()
            long start = bufferStart + bufferPosition;
            long end   = start + bufferSize;

            if (end > Length) // don't read past EOF
                end = Length;
            int newLength = (int)(end - start);

            if (newLength <= 0)
                throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);

            if (m_buffer == null)
                NewBuffer(new byte[bufferSize]); // allocate buffer lazily
            ReadInternal(m_buffer, 0, newLength);
            bufferLength   = newLength;
            bufferStart    = start;
            bufferPosition = 0;
Example #2
        public override sealed void ReadBytes(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
            // LUCENENET: Refactored to avoid calls on invalid conditions instead of
            // catching and re-throwing exceptions in the normal workflow.
            int curAvail = curBuf.Remaining;

            if (len <= curAvail)
                curBuf.Get(b, offset, len);
                while (len > curAvail)
                    curBuf.Get(b, offset, curAvail);
                    len    -= curAvail;
                    offset += curAvail;
                    if (curBufIndex >= buffers.Length)
                        throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);
                    curBuf          = buffers[curBufIndex];
                    curBuf.Position = 0;
                    curAvail        = curBuf.Remaining;
                curBuf.Get(b, offset, len);
Example #3
 private void SwitchCurrentBuffer(bool enforceEOF)
     bufferStart = (long)BUFFER_SIZE * (long)currentBufferIndex;
     if (currentBufferIndex >= file.NumBuffers)
         // end of file reached, no more buffers left
         if (enforceEOF)
             throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);
             // Force EOF if a read takes place at this position
             bufferPosition = BUFFER_SIZE;
         currentBuffer  = file.GetBuffer(currentBufferIndex);
         bufferPosition = 0;
         long buflen = length - bufferStart;
         bufferLength = buflen > BUFFER_SIZE ? BUFFER_SIZE : (int)buflen;
Example #4
            protected override void ReadInternal(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
                ByteBuffer bb;

                // Determine the ByteBuffer we should use
                if (b == m_buffer && 0 == offset)
                    // Use our own pre-wrapped byteBuf:
                    if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                        Debugging.Assert(byteBuf != null);
                    byteBuf.Limit = len;
                    bb            = byteBuf;
                    bb = ByteBuffer.Wrap(b, offset, len);

                int  readOffset = bb.Position;
                int  readLength = bb.Limit - readOffset;
                long pos        = Position + m_off; // LUCENENET specific: Renamed from getFilePointer() to match FileStream

                if (pos + len > m_end)
                    throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);

                    while (readLength > 0)
                        int toRead = Math.Min(CHUNK_SIZE, readLength);
                        bb.Limit = readOffset + toRead;
                        if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                            Debugging.Assert(bb.Remaining == toRead);
                        int i = m_channel.Read(bb, pos);
                        if (i <= 0) // be defensive here, even though we checked before hand, something could have changed
                            throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this + " off: " + offset + " len: " + len + " pos: " + pos + " chunkLen: " + readLength + " end: " + m_end);
                        pos        += i;
                        readOffset += i;
                        readLength -= i;
                    if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                        Debugging.Assert(readLength == 0);
                catch (Exception ioe) when(ioe.IsIOException())
                    throw new IOException(ioe.ToString() + ": " + this, ioe);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Skip exactly <paramref name="count"/> values. </summary>
        public void Skip(long count)
            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(count >= 0);
            if (ord + count > valueCount || ord + count < 0)
                throw EOFException.Create();

            // 1. skip buffered values
            int skipBuffer = (int)Math.Min(count, blockSize - off);

            off   += skipBuffer;
            ord   += skipBuffer;
            count -= skipBuffer;
            if (count == 0L)

            // 2. skip as many blocks as necessary
            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(off == blockSize);
            while (count >= blockSize)
                int token        = @in.ReadByte() & 0xFF;
                int bitsPerValue = token.TripleShift(AbstractBlockPackedWriter.BPV_SHIFT);
                if (bitsPerValue > 64)
                    throw new IOException("Corrupted");
                if ((token & AbstractBlockPackedWriter.MIN_VALUE_EQUALS_0) == 0)
                long blockBytes = PackedInt32s.Format.PACKED.ByteCount(packedIntsVersion, blockSize, bitsPerValue);
                ord   += blockSize;
                count -= blockSize;
            if (count == 0L)

            // 3. skip last values
            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(count < blockSize);
            ord += count;
            off += (int)count;
Example #6
        public override byte ReadByte()
            int v = _reader.ReadByte();

            if (v == -1)
                throw EOFException.Create();
Example #7
        public virtual void TestWrapEOFException()
            IOException e       = new EOFException("eof");
            IOException wrapped = VerifyExceptionClass(e, typeof(EOFException));

            AssertInException(wrapped, "eof");
            AssertInException(wrapped, "localhost");
            AssertInException(wrapped, "/EOFException");
Example #8
            /// <summary>
            /// Expert: implements buffer refill.  Reads bytes from the current
            /// position in the input. </summary>
            /// <param name="b"> the array to read bytes into </param>
            /// <param name="offset"> the offset in the array to start storing bytes </param>
            /// <param name="len"> the number of bytes to read </param>
            protected override void ReadInternal(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
                long start = Position; // LUCENENET specific: Renamed from getFilePointer() to match FileStream

                if (start + len > length)
                    throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);
                @base.Seek(fileOffset + start);
                @base.ReadBytes(b, offset, len, false);
Example #9
 internal virtual void FillBuffer()
     if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(decompressed <= length);
     if (decompressed == length)
         throw EOFException.Create();
     int toDecompress = Math.Min(length - decompressed, outerInstance.chunkSize);
     outerInstance.decompressor.Decompress(outerInstance.fieldsStream, toDecompress, 0, toDecompress, outerInstance.bytes);
     decompressed += toDecompress;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Read the next value. </summary>
 public long Next()
     if (ord == valueCount)
         throw EOFException.Create();
     if (off == blockSize)
     long value = values[off++];
     return value;
Example #11
 public override void ReadBytes(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
     while (len > 0)
         int cnt = _reader.Read(b, offset, len);
         if (cnt < 0)
             // Partially read the input, but no more data available in the stream.
             throw EOFException.Create();
         len    -= cnt;
         offset += cnt;
Example #12
            /// <summary>
            /// <see cref="IndexInput"/> methods </summary>
            protected override void ReadInternal(byte[] b, int offset, int len)
                    long position = m_off + Position; // LUCENENET specific: Renamed from getFilePointer() to match FileStream
                    m_file.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    int total = 0;

                    if (position + len > m_end)
                        throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);

                        //while (total < len)
                        //    int toRead = Math.Min(CHUNK_SIZE, len - total);
                        //    int i = m_file.Read(b, offset + total, toRead);
                        //    if (i < 0) // be defensive here, even though we checked before hand, something could have changed
                        //    {
                        //        throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this + " off: " + offset + " len: " + len + " total: " + total + " chunkLen: " + toRead + " end: " + m_end);
                        //    }
                        //    if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(i > 0, "RandomAccessFile.read with non zero-length toRead must always read at least one byte");
                        //    total += i;

                        // LUCENENET specific: FileStream is already optimized to read natively
                        // using the buffer size that is passed through its constructor. So,
                        // all we need to do is Read().
                        total = m_file.Read(b, offset, len);

                        if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                            Debugging.Assert(total == len);
                    catch (Exception ioe) when(ioe.IsIOException())
                        throw new IOException(ioe.Message + ": " + this, ioe);
Example #13
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldRequestIndexPopulationWhenFailingWithEOFException()
        internal virtual void ShouldRequestIndexPopulationWhenFailingWithEOFException()
            // Given
            long         faultyIndexId = 1;
            EOFException error         = new EOFException("/some/path/somewhere");

            LuceneIndexProvider provider = NewFaultyIndexProvider(faultyIndexId, error);

            // When
            StoreIndexDescriptor descriptor   = forSchema(forLabel(1, 1), provider.ProviderDescriptor).withId(faultyIndexId);
            InternalIndexState   initialState = provider.GetInitialState(descriptor);

            // Then
            assertThat(initialState, equalTo(InternalIndexState.POPULATING));
Example #14
 public override void Add(long v)
     if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
         Debugging.Assert(m_bitsPerValue == 64 || (v >= 0 && v <= PackedInt32s.MaxValue(m_bitsPerValue)), "{0}", m_bitsPerValue);
     if (m_valueCount != -1 && written >= m_valueCount)
         throw EOFException.Create("Writing past end of stream");
     nextValues[off++] = v;
     if (off == nextValues.Length)
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Read between <c>1</c> and <paramref name="count"/> values. </summary>
        public Int64sRef Next(int count)
            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled) Debugging.Assert(count > 0);
            if (ord == valueCount)
                throw EOFException.Create();
            if (off == blockSize)

            count = Math.Min(count, blockSize - off);
            count = (int)Math.Min(count, valueCount - ord);

            valuesRef.Offset = off;
            valuesRef.Length = count;
            off += count;
            ord += count;
            return valuesRef;
Example #16
        public override sealed void Seek(long pos)
            // LUCENENET: Refactored to avoid calls on invalid conditions instead of
            // catching and re-throwing exceptions in the normal workflow.
            // necessary in case offset != 0 and pos < 0, but pos >= -offset
            if (pos < 0L)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Seeking to negative position: " + this); // LUCENENET specific - changed from IllegalArgumentException to ArgumentOutOfRangeException (.NET convention)
            pos += offset;
            // we use >> here to preserve negative, so we will catch AIOOBE,
            // in case pos + offset overflows.
            int bi = (int)(pos >> chunkSizePower);

            // LUCENENET: Defensive programming so we don't get an IndexOutOfRangeException
            // when reading from buffers.
            if (bi < 0 || bi >= buffers.Length)
                throw EOFException.Create("seek past EOF: " + this);

            ByteBuffer b           = buffers[bi];
            int        newPosition = (int)(pos & chunkSizeMask);

            // LUCENENET: Defensive programming so we don't get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            // when setting b.Position.
            if (newPosition < 0 || newPosition > b.Limit)
                throw EOFException.Create("seek past EOF: " + this);

            b.Position = newPosition;
            // write values, on exception all is unchanged
            this.curBufIndex = bi;
            this.curBuf      = b;

            // LUCENENET: Already checked buffers to see if it was null in EnsureOpen().
            // If we get a NullReferenceException we definitely need it to be thrown so it is known.
Example #17
        public override sealed byte ReadByte()
            // LUCENENET: Refactored to avoid calls on invalid conditions instead of
            // catching and re-throwing exceptions in the normal workflow.
            if (curBuf.HasRemaining)

                if (curBufIndex >= buffers.Length)
                    throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);
                curBuf          = buffers[curBufIndex];
                curBuf.Position = 0;
            } while (!curBuf.HasRemaining);
Example #18
        public override Int64sRef Next(int count)
            if (Debugging.AssertsEnabled)
                Debugging.Assert(nextValues.Length >= 0);
                Debugging.Assert(count > 0);
                Debugging.Assert(nextValues.Offset + nextValues.Length <= nextValues.Int64s.Length);

            nextValues.Offset += nextValues.Length;

            int remaining = m_valueCount - position - 1;

            if (remaining <= 0)
                throw EOFException.Create();
            count = Math.Min(remaining, count);

            if (nextValues.Offset == nextValues.Int64s.Length)
                long remainingBlocks = format.ByteCount(packedIntsVersion, remaining, m_bitsPerValue);
                int  blocksToRead    = (int)Math.Min(remainingBlocks, nextBlocks.Length);
                m_in.ReadBytes(nextBlocks, 0, blocksToRead);
                if (blocksToRead < nextBlocks.Length)
                    Arrays.Fill(nextBlocks, blocksToRead, nextBlocks.Length, (byte)0);

                bulkOperation.Decode(nextBlocks, 0, nextValues.Int64s, 0, iterations);
                nextValues.Offset = 0;

            nextValues.Length = Math.Min(nextValues.Int64s.Length - nextValues.Offset, count);
            position         += nextValues.Length;
Example #19
        protected BinaryDictionary()
            int[]      targetMapOffsets = null, targetMap = null;
            string[]   posDict          = null;
            string[]   inflFormDict     = null;
            string[]   inflTypeDict     = null;
            ByteBuffer buffer; // LUCENENET: IDE0059: Remove unnecessary value assignment

            using (Stream mapIS = GetResource(TARGETMAP_FILENAME_SUFFIX))
                DataInput @in = new InputStreamDataInput(mapIS);
                CodecUtil.CheckHeader(@in, TARGETMAP_HEADER, VERSION, VERSION);
                targetMap        = new int[@in.ReadVInt32()];
                targetMapOffsets = new int[@in.ReadVInt32()];
                int accum = 0, sourceId = 0;
                for (int ofs = 0; ofs < targetMap.Length; ofs++)
                    int val = @in.ReadVInt32();
                    if ((val & 0x01) != 0)
                        targetMapOffsets[sourceId] = ofs;
                    accum         += val.TripleShift(1);
                    targetMap[ofs] = accum;
                if (sourceId + 1 != targetMapOffsets.Length)
                    throw new IOException("targetMap file format broken");
                targetMapOffsets[sourceId] = targetMap.Length;

            using (Stream posIS = GetResource(POSDICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX))
                DataInput @in = new InputStreamDataInput(posIS);
                CodecUtil.CheckHeader(@in, POSDICT_HEADER, VERSION, VERSION);
                int posSize = @in.ReadVInt32();
                posDict      = new string[posSize];
                inflTypeDict = new string[posSize];
                inflFormDict = new string[posSize];
                for (int j = 0; j < posSize; j++)
                    posDict[j]      = @in.ReadString();
                    inflTypeDict[j] = @in.ReadString();
                    inflFormDict[j] = @in.ReadString();
                    // this is how we encode null inflections
                    if (inflTypeDict[j].Length == 0)
                        inflTypeDict[j] = null;
                    if (inflFormDict[j].Length == 0)
                        inflFormDict[j] = null;

            ByteBuffer tmpBuffer;

            using (Stream dictIS = GetResource(DICT_FILENAME_SUFFIX))
                // no buffering here, as we load in one large buffer
                DataInput @in = new InputStreamDataInput(dictIS);
                CodecUtil.CheckHeader(@in, DICT_HEADER, VERSION, VERSION);
                int size = @in.ReadVInt32();
                tmpBuffer = ByteBuffer.Allocate(size); // AllocateDirect..?
                int read = dictIS.Read(tmpBuffer.Array, 0, size);
                if (read != size)
                    throw EOFException.Create("Cannot read whole dictionary");
            buffer = tmpBuffer.AsReadOnlyBuffer();

            this.targetMap        = targetMap;
            this.targetMapOffsets = targetMapOffsets;
            this.posDict          = posDict;
            this.inflTypeDict     = inflTypeDict;
            this.inflFormDict     = inflFormDict;
            this.buffer           = buffer;
Example #20
        public override sealed void ReadBytes(byte[] b, int offset, int len, bool useBuffer)
            int available = bufferLength - bufferPosition;

            if (len <= available)
                // the buffer contains enough data to satisfy this request
                if (len > 0) // to allow b to be null if len is 0...
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(m_buffer, bufferPosition, b, offset, len);
                bufferPosition += len;
                // the buffer does not have enough data. First serve all we've got.
                if (available > 0)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(m_buffer, bufferPosition, b, offset, available);
                    offset         += available;
                    len            -= available;
                    bufferPosition += available;
                // and now, read the remaining 'len' bytes:
                if (useBuffer && len < bufferSize)
                    // If the amount left to read is small enough, and
                    // we are allowed to use our buffer, do it in the usual
                    // buffered way: fill the buffer and copy from it:
                    if (bufferLength < len)
                        // Throw an exception when refill() could not read len bytes:
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(m_buffer, 0, b, offset, bufferLength);
                        throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(m_buffer, 0, b, offset, len);
                        bufferPosition = len;
                    // The amount left to read is larger than the buffer
                    // or we've been asked to not use our buffer -
                    // there's no performance reason not to read it all
                    // at once. Note that unlike the previous code of
                    // this function, there is no need to do a seek
                    // here, because there's no need to reread what we
                    // had in the buffer.
                    long after = bufferStart + bufferPosition + len;
                    if (after > Length)
                        throw EOFException.Create("read past EOF: " + this);
                    ReadInternal(b, offset, len);
                    bufferStart    = after;
                    bufferPosition = 0;
                    bufferLength   = 0; // trigger refill() on read