Example #1
 public Orbit(EOE elements, int segments, Color color, float thickness, float scale)
     this.elements = elements;
     this.segmentCount = segments;
     this.orbitColor = color;
     this.scale = scale;
Example #2
 public Orbit(EOE elements, int segments, Color color, float thickness, float scale)
     this.elements     = elements;
     this.segmentCount = segments;
     this.orbitColor   = color;
     this.scale        = scale;
    internal static EOE Create(BinaryReader br)
        EOE tmp = new EOE();

        tmp.a         = br.ReadSingle();
        tmp.e         = br.ReadSingle();
        tmp.i         = br.ReadSingle();
        tmp.w         = br.ReadSingle();
        tmp.omega     = br.ReadSingle();
        tmp.JDEquinox = br.ReadSingle();
        tmp.T         = br.ReadSingle();
    public static Vector3d CalculateRectangularJD(double JD, EOE elements)
        double JD0 = JD;

        double omega = CT.D2R(elements.omega);
        double w     = CT.D2R(elements.w);
        double i     = CT.D2R(elements.i);

        double sinEpsilon = 0;
        double cosEpsilon = 1;
        double sinOmega   = Math.Sin(omega);
        double cosOmega   = Math.Cos(omega);
        double cosi       = Math.Cos(i);
        double sini       = Math.Sin(i);

        double F = cosOmega;
        double G = sinOmega * cosEpsilon;
        double H = sinOmega * sinEpsilon;
        double P = -sinOmega * cosi;
        double Q = cosOmega * cosi * cosEpsilon - sini * sinEpsilon;
        double R = cosOmega * cosi * sinEpsilon + sini * cosEpsilon;
        double a = Math.Sqrt(F * F + P * P);
        double b = Math.Sqrt(G * G + Q * Q);
        double c = Math.Sqrt(H * H + R * R);
        double A = Math.Atan2(F, P);
        double B = Math.Atan2(G, Q);
        double C = Math.Atan2(H, R);
        //double n = CAAElliptical.MeanMotionFromSemiMajorAxis(elements.a);
        // double n = ;

        double M = elements.n * (JD0 - elements.T);

        elements.meanAnnomolyOut = M;
        double E = CAAKepler.Calculate(M, elements.e);

        E = CT.D2R(E);
        double v = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 + elements.e) / (1 - elements.e)) * Math.Tan(E / 2));
        double r = elements.a * (1 - elements.e * Math.Cos(E));
        double x = r * a * Math.Sin(A + w + v);
        double y = r * b * Math.Sin(B + w + v);
        double z = r * c * Math.Sin(C + w + v);

        //elements.meanAnnomolyOut contains the mean annomoly
        return(Vector3d.Create(x, y, z));
Example #5
        private static void ReadFromBin(BinaryReader br)
            MPCList = new List <EOE>();
            int len = (int)br.Length;
            EOE ee;

                while (br.Position < len)
                    ee = EOE.Create(br);
    public static Vector3d CalculateRectangular(EOE elements, double meanAnomoly)
//      double JD0 = JD;

        double omega = CT.D2R(elements.omega);
        double w     = CT.D2R(elements.w);
        double i     = CT.D2R(elements.i);

        double sinEpsilon = 0;
        double cosEpsilon = 1;
        double sinOmega   = Math.Sin(omega);
        double cosOmega   = Math.Cos(omega);
        double cosi       = Math.Cos(i);
        double sini       = Math.Sin(i);

        double F = cosOmega;
        double G = sinOmega * cosEpsilon;
        double H = sinOmega * sinEpsilon;
        double P = -sinOmega * cosi;
        double Q = cosOmega * cosi * cosEpsilon - sini * sinEpsilon;
        double R = cosOmega * cosi * sinEpsilon + sini * cosEpsilon;
        double a = Math.Sqrt(F * F + P * P);
        double b = Math.Sqrt(G * G + Q * Q);
        double c = Math.Sqrt(H * H + R * R);
        double A = Math.Atan2(F, P);
        double B = Math.Atan2(G, Q);
        double C = Math.Atan2(H, R);
        double n = elements.n;

        double M = meanAnomoly;
        double E = CAAKepler.Calculate(M, elements.e);

        E = CT.D2R(E);
        double v = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 + elements.e) / (1 - elements.e)) * Math.Tan(E / 2));
        double r = elements.a * (1 - elements.e * Math.Cos(E));
        double x = r * a * Math.Sin(A + w + v);
        double y = r * b * Math.Sin(B + w + v);
        double z = r * c * Math.Sin(C + w + v);

        return(Vector3d.Create(x, y, z));
Example #7
    public static Vector3d CalculateRectangularJD(double JD, EOE elements)
        double JD0 = JD;

          double omega = CT.D2R(elements.omega);
          double w = CT.D2R(elements.w);
          double i = CT.D2R(elements.i);

          double sinEpsilon = 0;
          double cosEpsilon = 1;
          double sinOmega = Math.Sin(omega);
          double cosOmega = Math.Cos(omega);
          double cosi = Math.Cos(i);
          double sini = Math.Sin(i);

          double F = cosOmega;
          double G = sinOmega * cosEpsilon;
          double H = sinOmega * sinEpsilon;
          double P = -sinOmega * cosi;
          double Q = cosOmega * cosi * cosEpsilon - sini * sinEpsilon;
          double R = cosOmega * cosi * sinEpsilon + sini * cosEpsilon;
          double a = Math.Sqrt(F * F + P * P);
          double b = Math.Sqrt(G * G + Q * Q);
          double c = Math.Sqrt(H * H + R * R);
          double A = Math.Atan2(F, P);
          double B = Math.Atan2(G, Q);
          double C = Math.Atan2(H, R);
          //double n = CAAElliptical.MeanMotionFromSemiMajorAxis(elements.a);
         // double n = ;

          double M = elements.n * (JD0 - elements.T);
          elements.meanAnnomolyOut = M;
          double E = CAAKepler.Calculate(M, elements.e);
          E = CT.D2R(E);
          double v = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 + elements.e) / (1 - elements.e)) * Math.Tan(E / 2));
          double r = elements.a * (1 - elements.e * Math.Cos(E));
          double x = r * a * Math.Sin(A + w + v);
          double y = r * b * Math.Sin(B + w + v);
          double z = r * c * Math.Sin(C + w + v);

          //elements.meanAnnomolyOut contains the mean annomoly
          return Vector3d.Create(x, y, z);
Example #8
    public static Vector3d CalculateRectangular(EOE elements, double meanAnomoly)
        //      double JD0 = JD;

          double omega = CT.D2R(elements.omega);
          double w = CT.D2R(elements.w);
          double i = CT.D2R(elements.i);

          double sinEpsilon = 0;
          double cosEpsilon = 1;
          double sinOmega = Math.Sin(omega);
          double cosOmega = Math.Cos(omega);
          double cosi = Math.Cos(i);
          double sini = Math.Sin(i);

          double F = cosOmega;
          double G = sinOmega * cosEpsilon;
          double H = sinOmega * sinEpsilon;
          double P = -sinOmega * cosi;
          double Q = cosOmega * cosi * cosEpsilon - sini * sinEpsilon;
          double R = cosOmega * cosi * sinEpsilon + sini * cosEpsilon;
          double a = Math.Sqrt(F * F + P * P);
          double b = Math.Sqrt(G * G + Q * Q);
          double c = Math.Sqrt(H * H + R * R);
          double A = Math.Atan2(F, P);
          double B = Math.Atan2(G, Q);
          double C = Math.Atan2(H, R);
          double n = elements.n;

          double M = meanAnomoly;
          double E = CAAKepler.Calculate(M, elements.e);
          E = CT.D2R(E);
          double v = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 + elements.e) / (1 - elements.e)) * Math.Tan(E / 2));
          double r = elements.a * (1 - elements.e * Math.Cos(E));
          double x = r * a * Math.Sin(A + w + v);
          double y = r * b * Math.Sin(B + w + v);
          double z = r * c * Math.Sin(C + w + v);

          return Vector3d.Create(x, y, z);
Example #9
    public static EOD CalculateElements(double JD, EOE elements)
        double Epsilon = CAANutation.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(elements.JDEquinox);

        double JD0 = JD;

        //What will be the return value
        EOD details = new EOD();

        Epsilon = CT.D2R(Epsilon);
        double omega = CT.D2R(elements.omega);
        double w = CT.D2R(elements.w);
        double i = CT.D2R(elements.i);

        double sinEpsilon = Math.Sin(Epsilon);
        double cosEpsilon = Math.Cos(Epsilon);
        double sinOmega = Math.Sin(omega);
        double cosOmega = Math.Cos(omega);
        double cosi = Math.Cos(i);
        double sini = Math.Sin(i);

        double F = cosOmega;
        double G = sinOmega * cosEpsilon;
        double H = sinOmega * sinEpsilon;
        double P = -sinOmega * cosi;
        double Q = cosOmega *cosi *cosEpsilon - sini *sinEpsilon;
        double R = cosOmega *cosi *sinEpsilon + sini *cosEpsilon;
        double a = Math.Sqrt(F *F + P *P);
        double b = Math.Sqrt(G *G + Q *Q);
        double c = Math.Sqrt(H *H + R *R);
        double A = Math.Atan2(F, P);
        double B = Math.Atan2(G, Q);
        double C = Math.Atan2(H, R);
        double n = ELL.MeanMotionFromSemiMajorAxis(elements.a);

        C3D SunCoord = CAASun.EquatorialRectangularCoordinatesAnyEquinox(JD, elements.JDEquinox);

        for (int j =0; j<2; j++)
          double M = n * (JD0 - elements.T);
          double E = CAAKepler.Calculate(M, elements.e);
          E = CT.D2R(E);
          double v = 2 *Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 + elements.e) / (1 - elements.e)) * Math.Tan(E/2));
          double r = elements.a * (1 - elements.e *Math.Cos(E));
          double x = r * a * Math.Sin(A + w + v);
          double y = r * b * Math.Sin(B + w + v);
          double z = r * c * Math.Sin(C + w + v);

          if (j == 0)
        details.HeliocentricRectangularEquatorial.X = x;
        details.HeliocentricRectangularEquatorial.Y = y;
        details.HeliocentricRectangularEquatorial.Z = z;

        //Calculate the heliocentric ecliptic coordinates also
        double u = omega + v;
        double cosu = Math.Cos(u);
        double sinu = Math.Sin(u);

        details.HeliocentricRectangularEcliptical.X = r * (cosOmega *cosu - sinOmega *sinu *cosi);
        details.HeliocentricRectangularEcliptical.Y = r * (sinOmega *cosu + cosOmega *sinu *cosi);
        details.HeliocentricRectangularEcliptical.Z = r *sini *sinu;

        details.HeliocentricEclipticLongitude = Math.Atan2(y, x);
        details.HeliocentricEclipticLongitude = CT.M24(CT.R2D(details.HeliocentricEclipticLongitude) / 15);
        details.HeliocentricEclipticLatitude = Math.Asin(z / r);
        details.HeliocentricEclipticLatitude = CT.R2D(details.HeliocentricEclipticLatitude);

          double psi = SunCoord.X + x;
          double nu = SunCoord.Y + y;
          double sigma = SunCoord.Z + z;

          double Alpha = Math.Atan2(nu, psi);
          Alpha = CT.R2D(Alpha);
          double Delta = Math.Atan2(sigma, Math.Sqrt(psi *psi + nu *nu));
          Delta = CT.R2D(Delta);
          double Distance = Math.Sqrt(psi *psi + nu *nu + sigma *sigma);

          if (j == 0)
        details.TrueGeocentricRA = CT.M24(Alpha / 15);
        details.TrueGeocentricDeclination = Delta;
        details.TrueGeocentricDistance = Distance;
        details.TrueGeocentricLightTime = DistanceToLightTime(Distance);
        details.AstrometricGeocenticRA = CT.M24(Alpha / 15);
        details.AstrometricGeocentricDeclination = Delta;
        details.AstrometricGeocentricDistance = Distance;
        details.AstrometricGeocentricLightTime = DistanceToLightTime(Distance);

        double RES = Math.Sqrt(SunCoord.X *SunCoord.X + SunCoord.Y *SunCoord.Y + SunCoord.Z *SunCoord.Z);

        details.Elongation = Math.Acos((RES *RES + Distance *Distance - r *r) / (2 * RES * Distance));
        details.Elongation = CT.R2D(details.Elongation);

        details.PhaseAngle = Math.Acos((r *r + Distance *Distance - RES *RES) / (2 * r * Distance));
        details.PhaseAngle = CT.R2D(details.PhaseAngle);

          if (j == 0) //Prepare for the next loop around
        JD0 = JD - details.TrueGeocentricLightTime;

        return details;
        //private Vector3d GetTragectoryPoint(double jNow, out Vector3d vector)
        //int min = 0;
        //int max = Trajectory.Count - 1;

        //Vector3d point =  new Vector3d();

        //vector = new Vector3d();

        //int current = max / 2;

        //bool found = false;

        //while (!found)
        //    if (current < 1)
        //    {
        //        vector = Trajectory[0].Position - Trajectory[1].Position;
        //        return Trajectory[0].Position;
        //    }

        //    if (current == Trajectory.Count - 1)
        //    {
        //        vector = Trajectory[current - 1].Position - Trajectory[current].Position;
        //        return Trajectory[current].Position;
        //    }

        //    if ((Trajectory[current-1].Time <= jNow) && (Trajectory[current].Time > jNow))
        //    {
        //        double denominator = Trajectory[current].Time -Trajectory[current-1].Time;
        //        double numerator = jNow - Trajectory[current - 1].Time;
        //        double tween = numerator / denominator;
        //        vector = Trajectory[current - 1].Position - Trajectory[current].Position;
        //        point = Vector3d.Lerp(Trajectory[current - 1].Position, Trajectory[current].Position, tween);
        //        return point;
        //    }

        //    if (Trajectory[current].Time < jNow)
        //    {
        //        int next = current + ( max - current + 1) / 2;
        //        min = current;
        //        current = next;
        //    }
        //    else
        //    if (Trajectory[current - 1].Time > jNow)
        //    {
        //        int next = current - ( current - min + 1) / 2;
        //        max = current;
        //        current = next;
        //    }

        //return point;

        private void ComputeOrbital(RenderContext renderContext)
            EOE      ee    = Elements;
            Vector3d point = ELL.CalculateRectangularJD(SpaceTimeController.JNow, ee);

            Vector3d pointInstantLater = ELL.CalculateRectangular(ee, MeanAnomoly + .001);

            Vector3d direction = Vector3d.SubtractVectors(point, pointInstantLater);

            Vector3d up = point;


            double dist        = point.Length();
            double scaleFactor = 1.0;

            switch (SemiMajorAxisUnits)
            case AltUnits.Meters:
                scaleFactor = 1.0;

            case AltUnits.Feet:
                scaleFactor = 1.0 / 3.2808399;

            case AltUnits.Inches:
                scaleFactor = (1.0 / 3.2808399) / 12;

            case AltUnits.Miles:
                scaleFactor = 1609.344;

            case AltUnits.Kilometers:
                scaleFactor = 1000;

            case AltUnits.AstronomicalUnits:
                scaleFactor = UiTools.KilometersPerAu * 1000;

            case AltUnits.LightYears:
                scaleFactor = UiTools.AuPerLightYear * UiTools.KilometersPerAu * 1000;

            case AltUnits.Parsecs:
                scaleFactor = UiTools.AuPerParsec * UiTools.KilometersPerAu * 1000;

            case AltUnits.MegaParsecs:
                scaleFactor = UiTools.AuPerParsec * UiTools.KilometersPerAu * 1000 * 1000000;

            case AltUnits.Custom:
                scaleFactor = 1;

            scaleFactor *= 1 / renderContext.NominalRadius;

            WorldMatrix = Matrix3d.Identity;
            Matrix3d look = Matrix3d.LookAtLH(Vector3d.Create(0, 0, 0), direction, up);


            WorldMatrix = Matrix3d.Identity;

            double localScale = (1 / renderContext.NominalRadius) * Scale * MeanRadius;

            WorldMatrix.Scale(Vector3d.Create(localScale, localScale, localScale));

            Matrix3d mat = Matrix3d.MultiplyMatrix(Matrix3d.MultiplyMatrix(Matrix3d.RotationY(Heading), Matrix3d.RotationX(Pitch)), Matrix3d.RotationZ(Roll));

            if (RotationalPeriod != 0)
                double rotationCurrent = (((SpaceTimeController.JNow - this.ZeroRotationDate) / RotationalPeriod) * 360) % (360);

            point = Vector3d.Scale(point, scaleFactor);


            if (StationKeeping)
                WorldMatrix = Matrix3d.MultiplyMatrix(look, WorldMatrix);
Example #11
    public static EOD CalculateElements(double JD, EOE elements)
        double Epsilon = CAANutation.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(elements.JDEquinox);

        double JD0 = JD;

        //What will be the return value
        EOD details = new EOD();

        Epsilon = CT.D2R(Epsilon);
        double omega = CT.D2R(elements.omega);
        double w     = CT.D2R(elements.w);
        double i     = CT.D2R(elements.i);

        double sinEpsilon = Math.Sin(Epsilon);
        double cosEpsilon = Math.Cos(Epsilon);
        double sinOmega   = Math.Sin(omega);
        double cosOmega   = Math.Cos(omega);
        double cosi       = Math.Cos(i);
        double sini       = Math.Sin(i);

        double F = cosOmega;
        double G = sinOmega * cosEpsilon;
        double H = sinOmega * sinEpsilon;
        double P = -sinOmega * cosi;
        double Q = cosOmega * cosi * cosEpsilon - sini * sinEpsilon;
        double R = cosOmega * cosi * sinEpsilon + sini * cosEpsilon;
        double a = Math.Sqrt(F * F + P * P);
        double b = Math.Sqrt(G * G + Q * Q);
        double c = Math.Sqrt(H * H + R * R);
        double A = Math.Atan2(F, P);
        double B = Math.Atan2(G, Q);
        double C = Math.Atan2(H, R);
        double n = ELL.MeanMotionFromSemiMajorAxis(elements.a);

        C3D SunCoord = CAASun.EquatorialRectangularCoordinatesAnyEquinox(JD, elements.JDEquinox);

        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            double M = n * (JD0 - elements.T);
            double E = CAAKepler.Calculate(M, elements.e);
            E = CT.D2R(E);
            double v = 2 * Math.Atan(Math.Sqrt((1 + elements.e) / (1 - elements.e)) * Math.Tan(E / 2));
            double r = elements.a * (1 - elements.e * Math.Cos(E));
            double x = r * a * Math.Sin(A + w + v);
            double y = r * b * Math.Sin(B + w + v);
            double z = r * c * Math.Sin(C + w + v);

            if (j == 0)
                details.HeliocentricRectangularEquatorial.X = x;
                details.HeliocentricRectangularEquatorial.Y = y;
                details.HeliocentricRectangularEquatorial.Z = z;

                //Calculate the heliocentric ecliptic coordinates also
                double u    = omega + v;
                double cosu = Math.Cos(u);
                double sinu = Math.Sin(u);

                details.HeliocentricRectangularEcliptical.X = r * (cosOmega * cosu - sinOmega * sinu * cosi);
                details.HeliocentricRectangularEcliptical.Y = r * (sinOmega * cosu + cosOmega * sinu * cosi);
                details.HeliocentricRectangularEcliptical.Z = r * sini * sinu;

                details.HeliocentricEclipticLongitude = Math.Atan2(y, x);
                details.HeliocentricEclipticLongitude = CT.M24(CT.R2D(details.HeliocentricEclipticLongitude) / 15);
                details.HeliocentricEclipticLatitude  = Math.Asin(z / r);
                details.HeliocentricEclipticLatitude  = CT.R2D(details.HeliocentricEclipticLatitude);

            double psi   = SunCoord.X + x;
            double nu    = SunCoord.Y + y;
            double sigma = SunCoord.Z + z;

            double Alpha = Math.Atan2(nu, psi);
            Alpha = CT.R2D(Alpha);
            double Delta = Math.Atan2(sigma, Math.Sqrt(psi * psi + nu * nu));
            Delta = CT.R2D(Delta);
            double Distance = Math.Sqrt(psi * psi + nu * nu + sigma * sigma);

            if (j == 0)
                details.TrueGeocentricRA          = CT.M24(Alpha / 15);
                details.TrueGeocentricDeclination = Delta;
                details.TrueGeocentricDistance    = Distance;
                details.TrueGeocentricLightTime   = DistanceToLightTime(Distance);
                details.AstrometricGeocenticRA           = CT.M24(Alpha / 15);
                details.AstrometricGeocentricDeclination = Delta;
                details.AstrometricGeocentricDistance    = Distance;
                details.AstrometricGeocentricLightTime   = DistanceToLightTime(Distance);

                double RES = Math.Sqrt(SunCoord.X * SunCoord.X + SunCoord.Y * SunCoord.Y + SunCoord.Z * SunCoord.Z);

                details.Elongation = Math.Acos((RES * RES + Distance * Distance - r * r) / (2 * RES * Distance));
                details.Elongation = CT.R2D(details.Elongation);

                details.PhaseAngle = Math.Acos((r * r + Distance * Distance - RES * RES) / (2 * r * Distance));
                details.PhaseAngle = CT.R2D(details.PhaseAngle);

            if (j == 0) //Prepare for the next loop around
                JD0 = JD - details.TrueGeocentricLightTime;

        public void Fill(EOE ee)
            double F        = Math.Cos(ee.omega * degrad);
            double sinOmega = Math.Sin(ee.omega * degrad);
            double cosi     = Math.Cos(ee.i * degrad);
            double sini     = Math.Sin(ee.i * degrad);
            double G        = sinOmega * cose;
            double H        = sinOmega * sine;
            double P        = -sinOmega * cosi;
            double Q        = (F * cosi * cose) - (sini * sine);
            double R        = (F * cosi * sine) + (sini * cose);

            double checkA = (F * F) + (G * G) + (H * H); // Should be 1.0
            double checkB = (P * P) + (Q * Q) + (R * R); // should be 1.0 as well

            ABC.X = (float)Math.Atan2(F, P);
            ABC.Y = (float)Math.Atan2(G, Q);
            ABC.Z = (float)Math.Atan2(H, R);

            abc1.X = (float)Math.Sqrt((F * F) + (P * P));
            abc1.Y = (float)Math.Sqrt((G * G) + (Q * Q));
            abc1.Z = (float)Math.Sqrt((H * H) + (R * R));

            PointSize = .1f;
            if (ee.a < 2.5)
                Color = Colors.White;
            else if (ee.a < 2.83)
                Color = Colors.Red;
            else if (ee.a < 2.96)
                Color = Colors.Green;
            else if (ee.a < 3.3)
                Color = Colors.Magenta;
            else if (ee.a < 5)
                Color = Colors.Cyan;
            else if (ee.a < 10)
                Color     = Colors.Yellow;
                PointSize = .9f;
                Color     = Colors.White;
                PointSize = 8f;
            w = (float)ee.w;
            e = (float)ee.e;
            if (ee.n == 0)
                n = (float)((0.9856076686 / (ee.a * Math.Sqrt(ee.a))));
                n = (float)ee.n;
            T = (float)(ee.T - baseDate);
            a = (float)ee.a;
            z = 0;

            orbitPos = 0;
            orbits   = 0;