Example #1
        public override void Populate()
            //get parameter values
            TimeSeries source     = Parameters[0].AsTimeSeries;
            int        fastPeriod = Parameters[1].AsInt;
            int        slowPeriod = Parameters[2].AsInt;

            DateTimes = source.DateTimes;

            EMA        emaFast = new EMA(source, fastPeriod);
            EMA        emaSlow = new EMA(source, slowPeriod);
            TimeSeries result  = ((emaFast - emaSlow) / emaSlow) * 100.0;

            Values = result.Values;
Example #2
        public void EMATest()
            BacktestBroker backtestBroker = new BacktestBroker();

            BrokerAccount brokerAccount = new BrokerAccount();

            backtestBroker.LoadAccount(new BrokerAccount(), Guid.Empty);

            BacktestSession backtestSession = backtestBroker.CreateSession(brokerAccount.AccountId, SpotForex.EURUSD, Timeframes.M1, @"data\EURUSD-M1.bar", Guid.Empty);

            EMA ema = new EMA(Timeframes.M1, 100);


Example #3
        public override void Populate()
            TimeSeries ds     = Parameters[0].AsTimeSeries;
            Int32      period = Parameters[1].AsInt;
            Boolean    useEMA = Parameters[2].AsBoolean;

            DateTimes = ds.DateTimes;

            if (period <= 0 || ds.Count == 0 || ds.Count < period)

            var        weight = 2d / (period + 1);
            TimeSeries sma    = FastSMA.Series(ds, period);
            TimeSeries ema    = EMA.Series(ds, period);
            TimeSeries ma     = !useEMA ? sma : ema;

            double mdev   = 0;
            var    exd    = new TimeSeries(DateTimes);
            var    absDif = (ma - ds).Abs();
            var    Rate   = 2 / (double)(period + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i > period; i--)
                mdev += Math.Abs(ma[i] - ds[i]);

            mdev /= period;

            for (int bar = 1; bar < ds.Count; bar++)
                if (bar <= period)
                    exd[bar] = mdev;
                    exd[bar] = absDif[bar] * Rate + exd[bar - 1] * (1.0 - Rate);

            for (int bar = 0; bar < ds.Count; bar++)
                Values[bar] = exd[bar];
        // returns price where MACD cross signal line or MACD histogram crosses 0
        private double PMACDsignal(int bar, TimeSeries price, int periodX, int periodY, int periodZ)
            double alphaX       = 2.0 / (1.0 + periodX);
            double alphaY       = 2.0 / (1.0 + periodY);
            double alphaZ       = 2.0 / (1.0 + periodZ);
            double OneAlphaX    = 1.0 - alphaX;
            double OneAlphaY    = 1.0 - alphaY;
            double OneAlphaZ    = 1.0 - alphaZ; // leftover? not used in the formula
            var    ema1         = new EMA(price, periodX);
            var    ema2         = new EMA(price, periodY);
            var    macdex       = ema1 - ema2;
            var    macdexSignal = new EMA(macdex, periodZ);
            double MACDvalue    = macdex[bar];
            double MACDsignal   = macdexSignal[bar];

            return((MACDsignal - ema1[bar] * OneAlphaX + ema2[bar] * OneAlphaY) / (alphaX - alphaY));
Example #5
        protected override void OnStateChange()
            if (State == State.SetDefaults)
                Description = @"TTMS momentum histogram with squeeze dots.";
                Name        = "TTMS";

                Calculate                = Calculate.OnPriceChange;
                IsOverlay                = false;
                DisplayInDataBox         = true;
                DrawOnPricePanel         = false;
                DrawHorizontalGridLines  = false;
                DrawVerticalGridLines    = false;
                PaintPriceMarkers        = true;
                ScaleJustification       = NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart.ScaleJustification.Right;
                IsSuspendedWhileInactive = true;

                MomentumLength = 20;
                SqueezeLength  = 20;

                SqueezeDotBrush      = Brushes.Red;
                NormalDotBrush       = Brushes.Blue;
                HistAboveZeroRising  = Brushes.Lime;
                HistAboveZeroFalling = Brushes.DarkSlateGray;
                HistBelowZeroFalling = Brushes.Red;
                HistBelowZeroRising  = Brushes.DarkSlateGray;

                SoundAlertsOn  = false;
                BuySoundAlert  = "Alert3.wav";
                SellSoundAlert = "Alert4.wav";

                AddPlot(new Stroke(Brushes.DarkSlateGray, 5), PlotStyle.Bar, "MomentumHistogram");
                AddPlot(new Stroke(NormalDotBrush, 2), PlotStyle.Dot, "SqueezeDots");
            else if (State == State.Configure)
                lrm_            = new Series <double>(this);
                medianPriceOsc_ = new Series <double>(this);

                BB   = Bollinger(2.0, SqueezeLength);
                KC   = KeltnerChannel(1.5, SqueezeLength);
                DC   = DonchianChannel(MomentumLength);
                LR   = LinReg(medianPriceOsc_, MomentumLength);
                ema_ = EMA(MomentumLength);
Example #6
        public PBFastOsc(Bars bars, int period, int FSmooth, string description)
            : base(bars, description)
            base.FirstValidValue = Math.Max(FSmooth, period) * 3;

            PBandLower PBL = PBandLower.Series(bars, period);
            PBandUpper PBU = PBandUpper.Series(bars, period);

            DataSeries A      = bars.Close - PBL;
            DataSeries B      = PBU - PBL;
            DataSeries Result = EMA.Series((A / B) * 100, FSmooth, EMACalculation.Modern);

            for (int bar = FirstValidValue; bar < bars.Count; bar++)
                base[bar] = Result[bar];
Example #7
        void Analysize(object sender, EventHandler.BackTesting.Datum e)
            if (GetCheckOnTime(e.Date))
            Short.Push(EMA.Make(specify.Short, Short.Count, e.Price, Short.Peek()));
            Long.Push(EMA.Make(specify.Long, Long.Count, e.Price, Long.Peek()));
            double popShort = Short.Pop(), popLong = Long.Pop();

            bt.Max(popShort - popLong - (Short.Peek() - Long.Peek()), specify);

            if (specify.Time == 1440)
                if (GetCheckTime(e.Date.ToString()))

                var date = e.Date.ToString().Substring(6, 6);

                if (date.Equals(end))
                    bt.SetStatisticalStorage(e.Date.ToString().Substring(0, 6), e.Price, RollOver);

                if (uint.TryParse(date, out uint cme) && cme > 45958 && cme < 85959)
                if (bt.SellOrder.Count > 0 && e.Volume > 0)
                    bt.SetSellConclusion(e.Date.ToString(), e.Price, e.Volume);

                if (bt.BuyOrder.Count > 0 && e.Volume < 0)
                    bt.SetBuyConclusion(e.Date.ToString(), e.Price, e.Volume);
            bt.TradingJudge[specify.Time] = popShort;
Example #8
        public void TestCalculate()
            double[] inputData = new double[] { 22.27, 22.19, 22.08, 22.17, 22.18,
                                                22.13, 22.23, 22.43, 22.24, 22.29,
                                                22.15, 22.39, 22.38, 22.61, 23.36,
                                                24.05, 23.75, 23.83, 23.95, 23.63,
                                                23.82, 23.87, 23.65, 23.19, 23.10,
                                                23.33, 22.68, 23.10, 22.40, 22.17 };

            int len = inputData.Length;

            double?[] outData = new double?[len];

            int period = 10;

            EMA.Calculate(inputData, period, 2, outData);
Example #9
        public PPO(DataSeries ds, int period1, int period2, string description)
            : base(ds, description)
            FirstValidValue = Math.Max(period1, period2) * 3;
            if (FirstValidValue < 2)
                FirstValidValue = 2;

            WealthLab.Indicators.EMACalculation m = WealthLab.Indicators.EMACalculation.Modern;
            EMA ema1 = EMA.Series(ds, period1, m);
            EMA ema2 = EMA.Series(ds, period2, m);

            for (int bar = FirstValidValue; bar < ds.Count; bar++)
                base[bar] = (ema1[bar] - ema2[bar]) / ema2[bar];
Example #10
        public override void Populate()
            TimeSeries ds        = base.Parameters[0].AsTimeSeries;
            string     symbol    = Parameters[1].AsString;
            BarHistory idx       = IndicatorFactory.GetHistory(ds, symbol, Bars.Scale);
            TimeSeries index     = idx.Close;
            int        period    = base.Parameters[2].AsInt;
            int        emaPeriod = base.Parameters[3].AsInt;

            this.DateTimes = ds.DateTimes;
            int FirstValidValue = Math.Max(period, emaPeriod) + 1;

            if (ds.Count < FirstValidValue)

            TimeSeries log1 = new TimeSeries(ds.DateTimes);
            TimeSeries log2 = new TimeSeries(index.DateTimes);
            TimeSeries tmp1 = new TimeSeries(ds.DateTimes);

            tmp1 = ds * 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < FirstValidValue; i++)
                log1[i] = 0;// checked(Math.Log( ds[i] / index[i] ));
                log2[i] = 0;

            for (int i = FirstValidValue; i < ds.Count; i++)
                log1[i] = checked (Math.Log(ds[i] / index[i]));
                log2[i] = checked (Math.Log((ds[i - period]) / index[i - period]));
                tmp1[i] = log1[i] - log2[i];

            TimeSeries rsmk = EMA.Series(tmp1, emaPeriod) * 100d;

            for (int j = FirstValidValue; j < ds.Count; j++)
                double val = rsmk[j];
                base.Values[j] = double.IsNaN(val) ? 0 : val;
Example #11
        public static double[] GetSharpe(double[] prices, int numDaysReturns, bool useBPReturns, int SharpeWindow,
                                         int annualisationFactor, bool returnZScore, int ZWindow, bool exponentialSharpe)
            double[] ret  = CalculateReturns(prices, numDaysReturns, useBPReturns);
            int      nRet = prices.Length;

            CircularBuffer <double> returns = new CircularBuffer <double>(SharpeWindow);
            CircularBuffer <double> sharpes = new CircularBuffer <double>(ZWindow);

            double decayFactor = 1 - 2.0 / (SharpeWindow + 1);
            EMA    r_ema       = new EMA(decayFactor);
            EWVol  v_ema       = new EWVol(decayFactor);

            for (int i = 0; i < nRet; ++i)

                if (returns.Full)
                    double sharpe = 0;
                    if (!exponentialSharpe)
                        double r_t = (prices[i] - prices[i - SharpeWindow + 1]) / prices[i - SharpeWindow + 1] / SharpeWindow;

                        sharpe = r_t / returns.SD() * Math.Sqrt(annualisationFactor);

                        sharpe = r_ema.Value / v_ema.Value * Math.Sqrt(annualisationFactor);


            double[] r = new double[2];
            r[0] = sharpes.Last();
            r[1] = sharpes.Last() / sharpes.SD();

Example #12
         * public double MACDSignal
         * {
         *  get
         *  {
         *      return signal.EMAverage;
         *  }
         * }*/

        public void Init(int shortPeriod, int longPeriod, int macdSumSize, int emaStartTime)
            emaShort = new EMA();
            emaShort.Init(shortPeriod, 1);
            emaLong = new EMA();
            emaLong.Init(longPeriod, 1);
            //emaLong.Init(longPeriod, emaStartTime);
            emaMacdSum = new EMA();
            emaMacdSum.Init(longPeriod * 5, emaStartTime);

            macdSum = new MovingSum();


            //signal = new EMA();
            //signal.Init(signalPeriod, emaStartTime);
            //this.signalThreshold = signalThreshold;
Example #13
        public IrwinCycle(Bars bars, DataSeries ds, int period, string description)
            : base(ds, description)
            base.FirstValidValue = period * 3;

            Highest    H1     = Highest.Series(bars.High, period);
            Lowest     L1     = Lowest.Series(bars.Low, period);
            DataSeries C1     = H1 - L1;
            EMA        R1     = EMA.Series(((ds - L1) / C1) * 100, 3, EMACalculation.Modern);
            Highest    H2     = Highest.Series(R1, period);
            Lowest     L2     = Lowest.Series(R1, period);
            DataSeries C2     = H2 - L2;
            DataSeries Result = EMA.Series(((R1 - L2) / C2) * 100, 3, EMACalculation.Modern);

            for (int bar = FirstValidValue; bar < bars.Count; bar++)
                base[bar] = Result[bar];
Example #14
        public static XElement GetEmaElement(EMA ema)
            var result = new XElement("Material");

            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Name", ema.Name);
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Color1", ema.Color1.GetString(), "Transparent");
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Color2", ema.Color2.GetString(), "Transparent");
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Color3", ema.Color3.GetString(), "Transparent");
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Color4", ema.Color4.GetString(), "Transparent");
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Float1", ema.Float1);
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Int1", ema.Int1);
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Int2", ema.Int2);
            result.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Int3", ema.Int3);
            foreach (var texture in ema.Textures)
                var e = new XElement("Texture");
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Asset", texture.Asset);
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("IntArray1", string.Join(",", texture.IntArray1), "0,0,0,0");
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("IntArray2", string.Join(",", texture.IntArray2), "0,0,0");
            foreach (var transform in ema.DefaultTransforms)
                var e = new XElement("DefaultTransform");
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("ScaleU", transform.ScaleU, 1);
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("ScaleV", transform.ScaleV, 1);
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("Rotation", transform.Rotation);
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("TranslationU", transform.TranslationU);
                e.SetAttributeValueWithDefault("TranslationV", transform.TranslationV);
            foreach (var block in ema.AnimationBlocks)
                var e = new XElement("AnimationBlock");
                e.AddIfNotEmpty(GetKeyframeBlockElement(block.ScaleU, "ScaleU"));
                e.AddIfNotEmpty(GetKeyframeBlockElement(block.ScaleV, "ScaleV"));
                e.AddIfNotEmpty(GetKeyframeBlockElement(block.Rotation, "Rotation"));
                e.AddIfNotEmpty(GetKeyframeBlockElement(block.TranslationU, "TranslationU"));
                e.AddIfNotEmpty(GetKeyframeBlockElement(block.TranslationV, "TranslationV"));
Example #15
        private void CalculateRenkoValues()
            _rVar51Sma         = SMA(51)[0];
            _rVar20Ema         = EMA(20);
            _rVarUpperFractal0 = FractalLevel(1).UpFractals[0];
            _rVarLowerFractal0 = FractalLevel(1).DownFractals[0];
            _rVarWaveBLong     = NtGetWaveBLong(0);
            _rVarWaveBShort    = NtGetWaveBShort(0);
            _rVarWaveALong     = NtGetWaveALong(0);
            _rVarWaveAShort    = NtGetWaveAShort(0);
            var r = HeikenAshi().HAClose[0];

            //Print("Plot 0 is: " + FractalLevel(1).Plot0[0]);
            //Print("Plot 1 is: " + FractalLevel(1).Plot1[0]);
            if (!_series2)
                _series2 = true;
Example #16
        public void TestCalculateRealData()
            TickerBLL tbll = new TickerBLL(_unit);

            List <Ticker> tList = tbll.GetTickerListByShareDB(1585, null, 21100000);

            double[]  inputData = new double[tList.Count];
            double?[] outData   = new double?[tList.Count];
            var       i         = 0;

            foreach (var t in tList)
                inputData[i] = t.Close;

            Result res = EMA.Calculate(inputData, 20, 2, outData);
Example #17
        public void TestEMA()
            double[] inputData = new double[] { 22.27, 22.19, 22.08, 22.17, 22.18,
                                                22.13, 22.23, 22.43, 22.24, 22.29,
                                                22.15, 22.39, 22.38, 22.61, 23.36,
                                                24.05, 23.75, 23.83, 23.95, 23.63,
                                                23.82, 23.87, 23.65, 23.19, 23.10,
                                                23.33, 22.68, 23.10, 22.40, 22.17 };

            int len = inputData.Length;

            double?[] outData = new double?[len];

            int period = 10;

            EMA.Calculate(inputData, period, 2, outData);

Example #18
        public static List <Model.Candle> HA_D_Candles(Instrument instrument, out InstrumentDayPrice instrumentDayPrice)
            instrumentDayPrice = new InstrumentDayPrice();
            Model.Candle        haPreviounsCandle = null;
            Model.Candle        haCurrentCandle   = null;
            List <Model.Candle> haCandles         = new List <Candle>();
            List <Model.Candle> candles           = Data.Prices.GetCandles(instrument.Name, 22, "D");
            EMA ema = new EMA(22);

            for (int i = 0; i < candles.Count; i++)
                instrumentDayPrice.Max     = Math.Max(instrumentDayPrice.Max, candles[i].Hight);
                instrumentDayPrice.Current = candles.LastOrDefault().Close;
                if (i == 0)
                    instrumentDayPrice.Min = candles[i].Low;
                    instrumentDayPrice.Min = Math.Min(candles[i].Low, instrumentDayPrice.Min);
                    haPreviounsCandle      = Data.Candle.GeneratePrevious(candles[i]);

                    haCurrentCandle = Data.Candle.Generate(haPreviounsCandle, candles[i]);
                    haPreviounsCandle = haCurrentCandle;

                if (i < 5)
                    instrumentDayPrice.EMA = ema.Average;

        public OutParameter InitialForecast()
            HistryData histryData;
            float      avg = 0, crntPrice = 0, initialAvg;

                if ((histryData = rqstController.GetHistoricalData(parameters.Coin, 2000)) != null)
                    if (parameters.Strategy.Equals("SMA"))
                        avg       = new SMA().GetAverage(histryData.Data.ConvertAll(data => data.close).GetRange(2000 - parameters.Limit - 2, parameters.Limit));
                        crntPrice = this.LiveMarketPrice();
                    else if (parameters.Strategy.Equals("EMA"))
                        MovingAverage ma = new EMA();
                        initialAvg = ma.GetAverage(histryData.Data.ConvertAll(data => data.close).GetRange(0, 100));
                        avg        = ma.PredictedPrice(histryData.Data.ConvertAll(data => data.close).GetRange(100, 1900), initialAvg, parameters.Period);
                        crntPrice  = this.LiveMarketPrice();
                    else if (parameters.Strategy.Equals("EMADC"))
                        MovingAverage ma = new EMA();
                        initialAvg = ma.GetAverage(histryData.Data.ConvertAll(data => data.close).GetRange(0, 100));
                        avg        = ma.PredictedPrice(histryData.Data.ConvertAll(data => data.close).GetRange(100, 1900), initialAvg, parameters.Period_1);
                        crntPrice  = ma.PredictedPrice(histryData.Data.ConvertAll(data => data.close).GetRange(100, 1900), initialAvg, parameters.Period);
                    coinUpdate[parameters.Coin] = Builder <OutParameter> .CreateNew().With(x => x.Coin = parameters.Coin)
                                                  .With(x => x.Current  = crntPrice).With(x => x.Predicted = avg)
                                                  .With(x => x.Decision = this.Decision(crntPrice, avg)).Build();

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exiting App...");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex);
Example #20
        public override void Populate()
            TimeSeries ds         = Parameters[0].AsTimeSeries;
            Int32      period     = Parameters[1].AsInt;
            Int32      volaperiod = Parameters[2].AsInt;

            DateTimes = ds.DateTimes;

            if (period <= 0 || ds.Count == 0)

            //Avoid exception errors
            if (period < 12)
                period = 12;              // 3 is minimum for LinearReg, that uses 1/4 of period
            period = period / 2;
            var y = new EMA(ds, period / 2)
                    / new EMA(ds, period);
            var lry = new LR(y, period / 2);
            var dvs = new DVS(ds, volaperiod);

            //Assign first bar that contains indicator data
            var FirstValidValue = Math.Max(dvs.FirstValidIndex, ds.FirstValidIndex + period + period / 2 - 2);

            //Initialize start of series with zeroes
            //for (int bar = 0; bar < FirstValidValue; bar++)
            //    Values[bar] = 0;

            //Rest of series
            for (int bar = FirstValidValue; bar < ds.Count; bar++)
                if (dvs[bar] != 0)
                    Values[bar] = 10000 * (lry[bar] - 1) / dvs[bar];
            //    Values[bar] = 0;
Example #21
        //ABCDWave abcdWave = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to configure the strategy and is called once before any strategy method is called.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // These only display for the primary Bars object on the chart BarsArray[0]
            ema = EMA(EmaPeriod);
            ema.Plots[0].Pen.Color = Color.Black;
            ema.Plots[0].Pen.Width = 2;

            sma = SMARick(SmaPeriod);
            sma200 = SMARick(100);

            //abcdWave = ncatABCDWave(true, true, true, 5000, "bextABCD", "bexI_ABCD", "bexIT_ABCD", "8", 20, true, false);

            SetTrailStop(CalculationMode.Percent, trailingStop);
            SetProfitTarget(CalculationMode.Percent, profitTarget);

            CalculateOnBarClose = true;
Example #22
        public override void Populate()
            BarHistory bars     = Parameters[0].AsBarHistory;
            Int32      smooth   = Parameters[1].AsInt;
            Int32      sdPeriod = Parameters[2].AsInt;

            DateTimes = bars.DateTimes;
            var period = Math.Max(smooth, sdPeriod);

            if (period <= 0 || DateTimes.Count == 0 || bars.Count < period)

            FastSMA    sma     = new FastSMA(bars.Close, 2);
            TimeSeries sma1    = sma * 5;
            TimeSeries sma2    = new FastSMA(sma, 2) * 4;
            TimeSeries sma3    = new FastSMA(new FastSMA(sma, 2), 2) * 3;
            TimeSeries sma4    = new FastSMA(new FastSMA(new FastSMA(sma, 2), 2), 2) * 2;
            TimeSeries sma5    = new FastSMA(new FastSMA(new FastSMA(new FastSMA(sma, 2), 2), 2), 2);
            TimeSeries sma6    = new FastSMA(sma5, 2);
            TimeSeries sma7    = new FastSMA(sma6, 2);
            TimeSeries sma8    = new FastSMA(sma7, 2);
            TimeSeries sma9    = new FastSMA(sma8, 2);
            TimeSeries sma10   = new FastSMA(sma9, 2);
            TimeSeries Rainbow = (sma1 + sma2 + sma3 + sma4 + sma5 + sma6 + sma7 + sma8 + sma9 + sma10) / 20;

            TimeSeries ema1 = new EMA(Rainbow, smooth);
            TimeSeries ema2 = new EMA(ema1, smooth);
            TimeSeries diff = ema1 - ema2;
            TimeSeries ZLRB = ema1 + diff;
            TEMA_TASC  tema = new TEMA_TASC(ZLRB, smooth);
            StdDev     sd   = new StdDev(tema, sdPeriod);
            WMA        wma  = new WMA(tema, sdPeriod);
            var        PB   = (tema + sd * 2 - wma) / (sd * 4) * 100;

            for (int bar = 0; bar < bars.Count; bar++)
                base[bar] = PB[bar];
Example #23
        public override void Populate()
            TimeSeries ds         = Parameters[0].AsTimeSeries;
            Int32      period     = Parameters[1].AsInt;
            Double     deviations = Parameters[2].AsDouble;

            DateTimes = ds.DateTimes;

            if (period <= 0 || ds.Count == 0 || ds.Count < period)

            var ema = new EMA(ds, 20);
            var esd = new EStdDev(ds, period);

            for (int bar = period; bar < ds.Count; bar++)
                Values[bar] = ema[bar] - esd[bar] * deviations;
Example #24
        public TSI(DataSeries ds, int period1, int period2, string description)
            : base(ds, description)
            base.FirstValidValue = Math.Max(period1, period2) * 3;
            if (FirstValidValue <= 1)

            DataSeries mtm    = Momentum.Series(ds, 1);
            DataSeries absmtm = DataSeries.Abs(mtm);
            DataSeries Numer  = EMA.Series(EMA.Series(mtm, period1, EMACalculation.Modern), period2, EMACalculation.Modern);
            DataSeries Denom  = EMA.Series(EMA.Series(absmtm, period1, EMACalculation.Modern), period2, EMACalculation.Modern);
            DataSeries TS     = Numer / Denom;
            DataSeries TSI    = TS * 100;

            for (int bar = base.FirstValidValue; bar < ds.Count; bar++)
                base[bar] = TSI[bar];
Example #25
        internal void DrawChart(string time, int price)
            if (GetCheckOnTimeByAPI(time))
            Short.Push(EMA.Make(specify.Short, Short.Count, price, Short.Peek()));
            Long.Push(EMA.Make(specify.Long, Long.Count, price, Long.Peek()));
            Trend.Push(EMA.Make(specify.Trend, Trend.Count, price, Trend.Peek()));
            double popShort = Short.Pop(), popLong = Long.Pop(), gap = popShort - popLong - (Short.Peek() - Long.Peek());


            if (specify.Short < Short.Count && specify.Long < Long.Count && specify.Trend < Trend.Count && price < Trend.Peek() && gap > 0 && (price <= Price || Price == 0) && price <= BuyPrice)
                Price = API.OnReceiveOrder(Code, price);
Example #26
        public MCO(Bars advBars, Bars decBars, int period1, int period2, string description)
            : base(advBars, description)
            DataSeries     Advancers = advBars.Close;
            DataSeries     Decliners = decBars.Close;
            EMACalculation md        = EMACalculation.Modern;

            base.FirstValidValue = Math.Max(period1, period2) * 3;
            if (FirstValidValue <= 1)

            DataSeries AD_Diff = Advancers - Decliners;
            DataSeries MCO     = EMA.Series(AD_Diff, period1, md) - EMA.Series(AD_Diff, period2, md);

            for (int bar = base.FirstValidValue; bar < advBars.Count; bar++)
                base[bar] = MCO[bar];
Example #27
        void Analysize(object sender, Datum e)
            if (GetCheckOnTimeByAPI(e.Time))
            Short.Push(EMA.Make(specify.Short, Short.Count, e.Price, Short.Peek()));
            Long.Push(EMA.Make(specify.Long, Long.Count, e.Price, Long.Peek()));
            double popShort = Short.Pop(), popLong = Long.Pop();

            API.Max(popShort - popLong - (Short.Peek() - Long.Peek()), specify, Check);
            API.TradingJudge[specify.Time] = popShort;

            if (specify.Time == 1440 && GetCheckTime(e.Time))
        public double[] CalculateEMA(IEnumerable <Quote> quotes, int period)
            var listOhlc = quotes.Select(
                x => new Ohlc
                Date     = x.Date,
                Close    = x.Close,
                AdjClose = x.Close,
                High     = x.High,
                Low      = x.Low,
                Open     = x.Open,
                Volume   = x.Volume

            var ema = new EMA(period, true);

            var result = ema.Calculate();

            return(result.Values.Select(x => x.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray());
Example #29
        public DerivativeOscillator(DataSeries ds, int periodRSI, int periodEMA1, int periodEMA2, int periodSMA, string description)
            : base(ds, description)
            base.FirstValidValue = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(periodEMA1, periodEMA2), periodSMA), periodRSI);
            if (FirstValidValue <= 1)

            EMACalculation em       = EMACalculation.Modern;
            RSI            rsi      = RSI.Series(ds, periodRSI);
            EMA            rsiEma1  = EMA.Series(rsi, periodEMA1, em);
            EMA            rsiEma2  = EMA.Series(rsiEma1, periodEMA2, em);
            DataSeries     rsiSma   = Community.Indicators.FastSMA.Series(rsiEma2, periodSMA);
            DataSeries     derivOsc = rsiEma2 - rsiSma;

            for (int bar = base.FirstValidValue; bar < ds.Count; bar++)
                base[bar] = derivOsc[bar];
Example #30
 protected override void OnStateChange()
     if (State == State.SetDefaults)
         Description                  = @"Enter the description for your new custom Strategy here.";
         Name                         = "ThreeEMA";
         Calculate                    = Calculate.OnEachTick;
         EntriesPerDirection          = 1;
         EntryHandling                = EntryHandling.AllEntries;
         IsExitOnSessionCloseStrategy = true;
         ExitOnSessionCloseSeconds    = 30;
         IsFillLimitOnTouch           = false;
         MaximumBarsLookBack          = MaximumBarsLookBack.TwoHundredFiftySix;
         OrderFillResolution          = OrderFillResolution.Standard;
         Slippage                     = 0;
         StartBehavior                = StartBehavior.WaitUntilFlat;
         TimeInForce                  = TimeInForce.Gtc;
         TraceOrders                  = false;
         RealtimeErrorHandling        = RealtimeErrorHandling.StopCancelClose;
         StopTargetHandling           = StopTargetHandling.PerEntryExecution;
         BarsRequiredToTrade          = 20;
         // Disable this property for performance gains in Strategy Analyzer optimizations
         // See the Help Guide for additional information
         IsInstantiatedOnEachOptimizationIteration = true;
         EMA_Period1   = 5;
         EMA_Period2   = 30;
         EMA_Period3   = 60;
         Profit_Target = 10;
     else if (State == State.Configure)
     else if (State == State.DataLoaded)
         EMA1           = EMA(Close, Convert.ToInt32(EMA_Period3));
         CurrentDayOHL1 = CurrentDayOHL(Close);
         EMA2           = EMA(Close, Convert.ToInt32(EMA_Period1));
         EMA3           = EMA(Close, Convert.ToInt32(EMA_Period2));