Example #1
        // This function takes in a RadialMenu present in the scene and reads its properties,
        // then uses these properties to populate the window with that menu's current settings
        private void DisplayMenuToUpdate(RadialMenu menu)
            var menuButtons = menu.GetComponentsInChildren <RadialButton>();
            var menuCursor  = menu.GetComponentInChildren <MenuCursor>();
            var menuToggle  = menu.GetComponent <MenuToggle>();

            _menuName        = menu.name;
            _buttonStyle     = menu.buttonStyle;
            _numberOfButtons = menuButtons.Length;
            _labelDisplay    = menuCursor.labelDisplayOption;

            // If all button colors match
            for (var i = 0; i < menuButtons.Length; i++)
                var rendererOne     = menuButtons[i].GetComponent <Renderer>();
                var currentMatColor = rendererOne.sharedMaterial.color;

                if (i != menuButtons.Length - 1)
                    var rendererTwo  = menuButtons[i + 1].GetComponent <Renderer>();
                    var nextMatColor = rendererTwo.sharedMaterial.color;

                    if (currentMatColor != nextMatColor)
                        _buttonsMatch = false;
                _buttonsMatch = true;
            _sharedButtonColor    = menuButtons[0].GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial.color;
            _sharedHighlightColor = menuCursor.highlightMat.color;

            _selectionButton  = menuCursor.selectionButton;
            _menuToggle       = menuToggle.toggle;
            _menuToggleButton = menuToggle.toggleButton;

            _handAttachPoint  = menu.GetComponent <AttachToAnchor>().attachPoint;
            _playSoundOnClick = menuCursor.playSound;
            if (_playSoundOnClick)
                _onClickSound = menuCursor.clickAudio;
            _hapticHand = menuCursor.hapticHandOption;
            if (_hapticHand != EHapticHand.NoHaptics)
                _hapticIntensity = menuCursor.hapticIntensityOption;
            _buttonMats = new Material[menuButtons.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < menuButtons.Length; i++)
                _buttonLabels[i] = menuButtons[i].name;
                _buttonIcons[i]  = menuButtons[i].GetComponentInChildren <Image>().sprite;
                _buttonMats[i]   = menuButtons[i].GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial;
                if (!_buttonsMatch)
                    _buttonColors[i] = _buttonMats[i].color;
Example #2
        public void OnGUI()
            this.maxSize = new Vector2(500f, 1000f);

            // Find all Radial Menus currently in scene
            var currentMenus = FindObjectsOfType <RadialMenu>();

            foreach (var menu in currentMenus)
                if (_menusInScene != null && !_menusInScene.Contains(menu))
            if (currentMenus.Length > 0)
                if (_menusInScene != null)
                    foreach (var menu in _menusInScene.ToList().Where(menu => !currentMenus.Contains(menu)))

            // Styles
            _headerStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                clipping  = TextClipping.Overflow
            _foldoutHeaderStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold
            _layoutOptions = new[]


            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Radial Menu Options", _headerStyle);

            // Check if there are current menus in scene.
            // If there are, display Build/Update option
            if (currentMenus.Length > 0)
                _buildOption = (EBuildOptions)GUILayout.SelectionGrid((int)_buildOption, new[] { EBuildOptions.BuildNewMenu.ToString(), EBuildOptions.UpdateExistingMenu.ToString() }, 2, _layoutOptions);
                _buildOption  = EBuildOptions.BuildNewMenu;
                _menuUpdate   = null;
                _menusInScene = new List <RadialMenu>();
            if (_buildOption == EBuildOptions.UpdateExistingMenu)
                if (_menusInScene != null)
                    _menuUpdateOptions = new string[_menusInScene.Count];
                    for (var i = 0; i < _menuUpdateOptions.Length; i++)
                        _menuUpdateOptions[i] = _menusInScene[i].gameObject.name;

                _menuUpdate = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Menu to Update", _menuUpdate, typeof(RadialMenu), true, _layoutOptions);
                if (_menuUpdate != null)
                    _menuUpdateOptionsIndex = ArrayUtility.IndexOf(_menuUpdateOptions, _menuUpdate.name);

                if (_menuUpdate != null && GUILayout.Button("Load Menu", _layoutOptions))
                else if (_menuUpdate == null && GUILayout.Button("Load Menu", _layoutOptions))
                    Debug.LogError("VRMM: Please Select a Menu to Update.");


            //Loading content needed to make menu
            _buttonPrefabs     = Resources.LoadAll <GameObject>("ButtonPrefabs/" + _buttonStyle);
            _radialMenuPrefab  = Resources.Load <GameObject>("MenuPrefabs/RadialMenu");
            _defaultClickSound = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("Sound/DefaultButtonPress");

            _scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollPosition);

            // General Button Options
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("General Button Options", _headerStyle);
            if (_buildOption == EBuildOptions.BuildNewMenu)
                _menuName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Menu Name", _menuName, _layoutOptions);

            _buttonStyle     = (EButtonStyles)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Button Style", _buttonStyle, _layoutOptions);
            _numberOfButtons = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Number of Buttons", _numberOfButtons, 2, 8, _layoutOptions);


            // Label Options
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Label Options", _headerStyle);
            _labelDisplay = (ELabelDisplay)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Button Label Mode", _labelDisplay, _layoutOptions);
            _labelFont    = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Label Font", _labelFont, typeof(Font), false, _layoutOptions);


            //Color Options
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Color Options", _headerStyle);
            _buttonsMatch = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("All buttons same color", _buttonsMatch);
            if (_buttonsMatch)
                _sharedButtonColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Button Color", _sharedButtonColor, _layoutOptions);
            _sharedHighlightColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Button Hover Color", _sharedHighlightColor, _layoutOptions);
            // _buttonHighlightMat.color = _sharedHighlightColor;


            //Control Options
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Control Options", _headerStyle);
            _selectionButton = (ESelectionButton)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Confirm Selection Button", _selectionButton, _layoutOptions);
            _menuToggle      = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Menu Visibility Toggle", _menuToggle);
            if (_menuToggle)
                _menuToggleButton = (EToggleButton)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Menu Toggle Button", _menuToggleButton, _layoutOptions);


            //Misc Options
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Misc Options", _headerStyle);
            _handAttachPoint  = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Menu Hand Attach Point", _handAttachPoint, typeof(GameObject), true, _layoutOptions);
            _playSoundOnClick = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Play Sound on Click", _playSoundOnClick);
            if (_playSoundOnClick)
                _onClickSound = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Sound on Click", _onClickSound, typeof(AudioClip), true, _layoutOptions);
            _onClickSound = _defaultClickSound;
            _hapticHand   = (EHapticHand)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Haptic Controller", _hapticHand, _layoutOptions);
            if (_hapticHand != EHapticHand.NoHaptics)
                _hapticIntensity = (EHapticIntensity)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Haptic Intensity", _hapticIntensity, _layoutOptions);


            //Individual Button Options
            _showButtonOptions = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(_showButtonOptions, "Individual Button Options", true, _foldoutHeaderStyle);
            if (_showButtonOptions)
                for (var i = 0; i < _numberOfButtons; i++)
                    if (i == 0)

                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Button " + (i + 1), _headerStyle);
                    _buttonLabels[i] = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Button Name", _buttonLabels[i], _layoutOptions);

                    if (!_buttonsMatch)
                        _buttonColors[i] = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Button Color", _buttonColors[i], _layoutOptions);
                    _buttonIcons[i] = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Button Icon", _buttonIcons[i], typeof(Sprite), false, _layoutOptions);



            //Create menu on press of 'Make Menu' button
            if (
                _buttonStyle != EButtonStyles.ChooseStyle &&
                _selectionButton.ToString() != _menuToggleButton.ToString() &&
                _buildOption == EBuildOptions.BuildNewMenu &&
                GUILayout.Button("Make Menu", _layoutOptions))
                    if (ValidateBuild(_menuName, _menusInScene, out _buttonMats, _numberOfButtons))
                            _buttonPrefabs[_numberOfButtons - 2],
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.LogError("VRMM: " + e.Message);
            else if (
                _buildOption == EBuildOptions.UpdateExistingMenu &&
                _selectionButton.ToString() != _menuToggleButton.ToString() &&
                GUILayout.Button("Update Menu", _layoutOptions))
                    if (ValidateUpdate(out _buttonMats, _numberOfButtons, _menusInScene, _menuUpdateOptionsIndex))
                            _buttonPrefabs[_numberOfButtons - 2],
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.LogError("VRMM: " + e.Message);
            else if (
                _buttonStyle == EButtonStyles.ChooseStyle &&
                _selectionButton.ToString() != _menuToggleButton.ToString() &&
                _buildOption != EBuildOptions.UpdateExistingMenu &&
                GUILayout.Button("Make Menu", _layoutOptions))
                Debug.LogWarning("VRMM: Please select a button style to create your menu!");
            else if (
                _menuToggle &&
                _selectionButton.ToString() == _menuToggleButton.ToString() &&
                _buildOption != EBuildOptions.UpdateExistingMenu &&
                GUILayout.Button("Make Menu", _layoutOptions))
                Debug.LogWarning("VRMM: Please choose different buttons for Confirm Selection and Menu Toggle");

Example #3
        public static void MakeMenu(
            string menuName,
            GameObject radialMenuPrefab,
            Material buttonHighlightMat,
            GameObject buttonPrefab,
            EButtonStyles buttonStyle,
            Material[] buttonMats,
            int numberOfButtons,
            ELabelDisplay labelDisplay,
            Font labelFont,
            EHapticHand hapticHand,
            EHapticIntensity hapticIntensity,
            ESelectionButton selectionButton,
            Object handAttachPoint,
            bool buttonsMatch,
            Color sharedButtonColor,
            Color[] buttonColors,
            string[] buttonLabels,
            Object[] buttonIcons,
            bool playSoundOnClick,
            Object onClickSound,
            bool toggleMenu,
            EToggleButton menuToggleButton
            //Create new menu
            var radialMenuClone = Instantiate(radialMenuPrefab);

            radialMenuClone.name = menuName == "" ? "RadialMenu" : menuName;
            radialMenuClone.GetComponent <RadialMenu>().buttonStyle = buttonStyle;

            if (toggleMenu)
                var menuToggle = radialMenuClone.GetComponent <MenuToggle>();
                menuToggle.toggle       = true;
                menuToggle.toggleButton = menuToggleButton;

            //Add Unity Event list of proper length
            var buttonEvents = radialMenuClone.GetComponent <ButtonEvents>();

            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfButtons; i++)
                buttonEvents.eventList.Add(new UnityEvent());

            //Find Menu Cursor in instantiated menu and pass on needed variables
            var cursor = radialMenuClone.GetComponentInChildren <MenuCursor>();

            cursor.labelDisplayOption = labelDisplay;

            //Check if play haptics
            cursor.playHaptics           = hapticHand != EHapticHand.NoHaptics;
            cursor.hapticHandOption      = hapticHand;
            cursor.hapticIntensityOption = hapticIntensity;
            cursor.highlightMat          = buttonHighlightMat;
            cursor.selectionButton       = selectionButton;

            //Attach menu to specified attach point
            var anchorAttach = radialMenuClone.GetComponent <AttachToAnchor>();

            anchorAttach.attachPoint = handAttachPoint as GameObject;

            //Create buttons for menu
            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfButtons; i++)
                //Create each button as a child of the button container using specific button model
                var buttonClone = Instantiate(buttonPrefab, radialMenuClone.GetComponentInChildren <RadialButtonContainer>().transform);

                var renderer = buttonClone.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                renderer.material             = buttonMats[i];
                renderer.sharedMaterial.color = buttonsMatch ? sharedButtonColor : buttonColors[i];

                //Handle button labels
                var buttonText = buttonClone.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(true);
                buttonText.text = buttonLabels[i];
                if (labelFont == null)
                    var defaultFont = Resources.Load <Font>("Fonts/Rubik-Regular");
                    labelFont = defaultFont;
                buttonText.font = labelFont;

                if (labelDisplay == ELabelDisplay.AlwaysShow)

                //Handle button icons
                var buttonIcon = buttonClone.GetComponentInChildren <Image>();
                if (buttonIcons[i] == null)
                    buttonIcon.color = Color.clear;
                    buttonIcon.sprite = buttonIcons[i] as Sprite;

                //Rotate each button to proper spot around center and name GameObject appropriately
                buttonClone.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, ((360 / numberOfButtons) * i) - ((360 / numberOfButtons) / 2) - 90, 0));
                buttonClone.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
                buttonClone.name = buttonLabels[i] == null ? "Button " + (i + 1) : buttonLabels[i];

                //Check button position and flip label/icon if on bottom half of menu
                if (buttonText.transform.position.z > 0 || (buttonText.transform.position.z == 0 && buttonText.transform.position.x > 0))
                    buttonText.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(180, 180, 0));
                if (buttonIcon.transform.position.z > 0 || (buttonText.transform.position.z == 0 && buttonText.transform.position.x > 0))
                    buttonIcon.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(180, 180, 0));

                //Make sure Audio exists or is disabled
                var audioSource = buttonClone.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
                if (playSoundOnClick)
                    cursor.playSound = true;
                    if (onClickSound != null)
                        audioSource.clip = onClickSound as AudioClip;
                        playSoundOnClick = false;
                    audioSource.playOnAwake = false;
                    audioSource.enabled = false;
            Debug.Log("Menu built. Find RadialMenu object in scene to add button events!");