Example #1
        public static void test123()
            using (TransactionScope scope = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewTransactionScope(false))
                IRelationAccesser r  = scope.NewRelationAccesser();
                DataTable         tb = r.DoQuery("select * from storages order by Address").Tables[0];

                // =================================
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                ELDB2.HashSelectHandle h = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle(tb);
                int j = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
                    foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows)
                        Hashtable t = h.Select <string>("Address", row.Field <string>("Address").Trim());

                        for (int i = 0; i < t.Count; i++)
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                // =================================
Example #2
        public void Run0(bool isHash)
            IList <ELDB2.Storages> list  = null;
            IList <ELDB2.Storages> list1 = null;

            using (TransactionScope scope = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewTransactionScope(false))
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                ELDB2.HashSelectHandle hashTable = null;
                Hashtable hashTable1             = null;

                IOrmAccesser <ELDB2.Storages> storages = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewOrmAccesser <ELDB2.Storages>(scope);
                Filter filter = new Filter(ELDB2.Storages._Sign, 0, ComparisonOperators.Equal);
                list1 = storages.GetMuch(filter);

                if (isHash)
                    IRelationAccesser r  = scope.NewRelationAccesser();
                    DataTable         tb = r.DoQuery("select * from storages order by Address").Tables[0];
                    hashTable = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle(tb);
                    list = storages.GetAll();

                for (int mm = 0; mm < 1; mm++)
                    if (list1 != null)
                        foreach (ELDB2.Storages storage1 in list1)
                            if (isHash)
                                //hashTable1 = hashTable.Select(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address);
                                list = hashTable.Select <ELDB2.Storages, string>(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address);
                                IEnumerable <ELDB2.Storages> storages1 = from storage in list
                                                                         where storage.Address == storage1.Address
                                                                         orderby storage.Address
                                                                         select storage;
                                foreach (ELDB2.Storages item in storages1)
                                    item.Act = "10";
                                    hashTable.Update <ELDB2.Storages, string>(item);
                                IEnumerable <String> Address = from storage in list
                                                               where storage.Address == storage1.Address
                                                               orderby storage.Address
                                                               select storage.Address;
                                foreach (string item in Address)
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                // =========================
Example #3
        public void Run(bool isHash)
            IList <ELDB2.Storages> list  = null;
            IList <ELDB2.Storages> list1 = null;

            using (TransactionScope scope = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewTransactionScope(false))
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                ELDB2.HashSelectHandle hashTable = null;
                if (isHash)
                    IRelationAccesser r  = scope.NewRelationAccesser();
                    DataTable         tb = r.DoQuery("select * from storages order by Address").Tables[0];
                    hashTable = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle(tb);

                for (int mm = 0; mm < 5; mm++)
                    IOrmAccesser <ELDB2.Storages> storages = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewOrmAccesser <ELDB2.Storages>(scope);
                    Filter filter = new Filter(ELDB2.Storages._Sign, 0, ComparisonOperators.Equal);
                    list1 = storages.GetMuch(filter);
                    if (list1 != null)
                        foreach (ELDB2.Storages storage1 in list1)
                            if (isHash)
                                list = hashTable.Select <ELDB2.Storages, string>(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address);
                                Filter filter1 = new Filter(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address, ComparisonOperators.Equal);
                                list = storages.GetMuch(filter1);

                            string[] data = new string[5];
                            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                                data[i] = "";
                            foreach (ELDB2.Storages storage in list)
                                string s1, s2, s3, s4;
                                switch ("mode1")
                                case "mode1":
                                    s1 = storage.StorageName.Trim() + " " + storage.Act.Trim() + " " + storage.Contents.Trim() + storage.ProductName.Trim() + "".PadRight(56, " "[0]);
                                    s1 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s1, 56);

                                    if (storage.Row == "3")
                                        data[0] = s1;
                                    if (storage.Row == "2")
                                        data[1] = s1;
                                    if (storage.Row == "1")
                                        data[2] = s1;

                                case "mode2":
                                    s1 = "储位:" + storage.StorageName.Trim();
                                    s1 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s1, 24);

                                    s2 = "操作:" + storage.Act.Trim();
                                    s2 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s2, 24);

                                    s3 = "品牌:" + storage.ProductName.Trim();
                                    s3 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s3, 24);

                                    s4 = "数量:" + storage.Contents.Trim();
                                    s4 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s4, 20);

                                    data[0] = s1;
                                    data[0] = data[0] + s2;
                                    data[0] = data[0] + s3;
                                    data[0] = data[0] + s4;

                                storage.Sign = 0;
                                IRelationAccesser ra = scope.NewRelationAccesser();

                                //ra.DoCommand("Update [Sy_ShowInfo] set [HardwareReadState] = 1 where ReadState =1 and [StorageID] = '" + storage.StorageID + "'");
                            //this.elOpertor.SendData(int.Parse(storage1.Address.Substring(storage1.Address.Length - 2, 2)), data);
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                // =========================
Example #4
        public static void testhashclass()
            ELDB2.HashSelectHandle hs = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle();

            Hashtable ht = hs.Select("port", "12");
Example #5
        public static void test123()
            using (TransactionScope scope = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewTransactionScope(false))
                IRelationAccesser r = scope.NewRelationAccesser();
                DataTable tb = r.DoQuery("select * from storages order by Address").Tables[0];

                // =================================
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                ELDB2.HashSelectHandle h = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle(tb);
                int j = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
                    foreach (DataRow row in tb.Rows)
                        Hashtable t = h.Select<string>("Address", row.Field<string>("Address").Trim());

                        for (int i = 0; i < t.Count; i++)
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                // =================================
Example #6
        public void Run0(bool isHash)
            IList<ELDB2.Storages> list = null;
            IList<ELDB2.Storages> list1 = null;
            using (TransactionScope scope = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewTransactionScope(false))
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                ELDB2.HashSelectHandle hashTable = null;
                Hashtable  hashTable1 = null;

                IOrmAccesser<ELDB2.Storages> storages = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewOrmAccesser<ELDB2.Storages>(scope);
                Filter filter = new Filter(ELDB2.Storages._Sign, 0, ComparisonOperators.Equal);
                list1 = storages.GetMuch(filter);

                if (isHash)
                    IRelationAccesser r = scope.NewRelationAccesser();
                    DataTable tb = r.DoQuery("select * from storages order by Address").Tables[0];
                    hashTable = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle(tb);
                    list = storages.GetAll();

                for (int mm = 0; mm < 1; mm++)
                    if (list1 != null)
                        foreach (ELDB2.Storages storage1 in list1)

                            if (isHash)
                                //hashTable1 = hashTable.Select(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address);
                                list = hashTable.Select<ELDB2.Storages,string>(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address);
                                IEnumerable<ELDB2.Storages> storages1 = from storage in list
                                                                        where storage.Address == storage1.Address
                                                                        orderby storage.Address
                                                                        select storage;
                                foreach (ELDB2.Storages item in storages1)
                                    item.Act = "10";
                                    hashTable.Update<ELDB2.Storages, string>(item);
                                IEnumerable<String> Address = from storage in list
                                                              where storage.Address == storage1.Address
                                                              orderby storage.Address
                                                              select storage.Address;
                                foreach (string item in Address)

                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                // =========================
Example #7
        public void Run(bool isHash)
            IList<ELDB2.Storages> list = null;
            IList<ELDB2.Storages> list1 = null;
            using (TransactionScope scope = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewTransactionScope(false))
                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                ELDB2.HashSelectHandle hashTable = null;
                if (isHash)
                    IRelationAccesser r = scope.NewRelationAccesser();
                    DataTable tb = r.DoQuery("select * from storages order by Address").Tables[0];
                    hashTable = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle(tb);

                for (int mm = 0; mm < 5; mm++)
                    IOrmAccesser<ELDB2.Storages> storages = ELDB2.DBFactory.NewOrmAccesser<ELDB2.Storages>(scope);
                    Filter filter = new Filter(ELDB2.Storages._Sign, 0, ComparisonOperators.Equal);
                    list1 = storages.GetMuch(filter);
                    if (list1 != null)
                        foreach (ELDB2.Storages storage1 in list1)

                            if (isHash)
                                list = hashTable.Select<ELDB2.Storages, string>(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address);
                                Filter filter1 = new Filter(ELDB2.Storages._Address, storage1.Address, ComparisonOperators.Equal);
                                list = storages.GetMuch(filter1);

                            string[] data = new string[5];
                            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                                data[i] = "";
                            foreach (ELDB2.Storages storage in list)
                                string s1, s2, s3, s4;
                                switch ("mode1")
                                    case "mode1":
                                        s1 = storage.StorageName.Trim() + " " + storage.Act.Trim() + " " + storage.Contents.Trim() + storage.ProductName.Trim() + "".PadRight(56, " "[0]);
                                        s1 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s1, 56);

                                        if (storage.Row == "3")
                                            data[0] = s1;
                                        if (storage.Row == "2")
                                            data[1] = s1;
                                        if (storage.Row == "1")
                                            data[2] = s1;
                                    case "mode2":
                                        s1 = "储位:" + storage.StorageName.Trim();
                                        s1 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s1, 24);

                                        s2 = "操作:" + storage.Act.Trim();
                                        s2 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s2, 24);

                                        s3 = "品牌:" + storage.ProductName.Trim();
                                        s3 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s3, 24);

                                        s4 = "数量:" + storage.Contents.Trim();
                                        s4 = StrHandle.GetStringWith(s4, 20);

                                        data[0] = s1;
                                        data[0] = data[0] + s2;
                                        data[0] = data[0] + s3;
                                        data[0] = data[0] + s4;
                                storage.Sign = 0;
                                IRelationAccesser ra = scope.NewRelationAccesser();

                                //ra.DoCommand("Update [Sy_ShowInfo] set [HardwareReadState] = 1 where ReadState =1 and [StorageID] = '" + storage.StorageID + "'");
                            //this.elOpertor.SendData(int.Parse(storage1.Address.Substring(storage1.Address.Length - 2, 2)), data);

                System.Console.WriteLine(System.DateTime.Now.Second + ":" + System.DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                // =========================
Example #8
        public static void testhashclass()
            ELDB2.HashSelectHandle hs = new ELDB2.HashSelectHandle();

            Hashtable ht = hs.Select("port", "12");