public JsonResult Update([FromBody] DocumentTypeModel obj) { var msg = new JMessage { Title = "", Error = false }; try { var item = _context.DispatchesCategorys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == obj.Id && x.IsDeleted == false); if (item != null) { var data = _context.DispatchesCategorys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == obj.Code && x.IsDeleted == false && x.Type == EnumHelper <DocumentTypeEnum> .GetDisplayValue(DocumentTypeEnum.LVB)); if (data == null || (data != null && data.Id == item.Id)) { item.Code = obj.Code; item.Name = obj.Name; item.ExpriedProcess = obj.ExpriedProcess; item.UpdatedTime = DateTime.Now; item.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; _context.Update(item); _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = "Cập nhập loại văn bản thành công"; } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = "Mã loại văn bản đã dùng cho loại văn bản trọng khác, vui lòng thử lại!"; } } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = "Loại văn bản không tồn tại, vui lòng làm mới trang"; } } catch { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = "Cập nhập loại văn bản bị lỗi!"; } return(Json(msg)); }
public JsonResult Update([FromBody] CategoryModel obj) { var msg = new JMessage { Title = "", Error = false }; try { var item = _context.DispatchesCategorys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == obj.Id && x.IsDeleted == false); if (item != null) { var data = _context.DispatchesCategorys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == obj.Code && x.IsDeleted == false && x.Type == EnumHelper <DocumentTypeEnum> .GetDisplayValue(DocumentTypeEnum.DM)); if (data == null || (data != null && data.Id == item.Id)) { item.Code = obj.Code; item.Name = obj.Name; item.UpdatedTime = DateTime.Now; item.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; _context.Update(item); _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_UPDATE_SUCCESS"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("DDC_MSG_TITLE_DDC")); } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("DDC_ERR_CODE_NOT_DDC")); } } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("DDC_ERR_COCUMENT_REFESH")); } } catch { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_UPDATE_FAILED"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("DDC_MSG_TITLE_DDC")); } return(Json(msg)); }
public JsonResult Delete([FromBody] List <int> ids) { var msg = new JMessage { Error = false, Title = "" }; try { int success = 0; foreach (var item in ids) { var data = _context.DispatchesCategorys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == item); var checkExistDispatches = _context.DispatchesHeaders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DocumentCode == data.Code); if (checkExistDispatches != null) { msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("DCD_ERR_DOCUMENT_EXIST")); } else { data.IsDeleted = true; _context.Update(data); _context.SaveChanges(); success++; } } if (success != 0) { msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_DELETE_SUCCESS"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("DCD_MSG_TITLE_DCD")); } else { msg.Error = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("COM_MSG_DELETE_FAIL"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("DCD_MSG_TITLE_DCD")); msg.Error = true; } return(Json(msg)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateBranchReference([FromBody] SearchBranchModel search) { var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; try { var user = await _context.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == search.UserId); if (user != null) { var oldBranchRef = user.OrgReference; user.OrgReference = search.ListBranch.Count > 0 ? string.Join(",", search.ListBranch) : ""; user.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; user.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; _context.Update(user); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); msg.Title = string.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("MSG_UPDATE_SUCCESS"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("BRANCH").ToLower()); _actionLog.InsertActionLog("ASP_NET_USERS", "Update success branch reference of user: "******"Update"); } else { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = string.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("NOT_EXIST_ITEM"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("USER").ToLower()); } } catch (Exception e) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = "An error occurred while update"; _actionLog.InsertActionLog("ASP_NET_USERS", "Update failed branch reference of user", null, null, "Error"); } return(Json(msg)); }
public object Update([FromBody] FundCurrency data) { var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; try { var obj = _context.FundCurrencys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CurrencyCode.ToLower() == data.CurrencyCode.ToLower() && x.Id != data.Id && x.IsDeleted == false); var obj1 = _context.FundCurrencys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CurrencyCode.ToLower() == data.CurrencyCode.ToLower() && x.Id != data.Id && x.IsDeleted == true); var obj2 = _context.FundCurrencys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id != data.Id); if (obj != null) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = "Đã tồn tại loại tiền !"; } else if (obj1 != null) { var query = _context.FundCurrencys.ToList(); foreach (var item in query) { if (item.Id == data.Id) { item.IsDeleted = true; item.DefaultPayment = false; _context.FundCurrencys.Update(item); } else if (item.CurrencyCode.ToLower() == data.CurrencyCode.ToLower()) { item.IsDeleted = false; item.DefaultPayment = data.DefaultPayment; _context.FundCurrencys.Update(item); } } _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = "Cập nhật thành công"; } else { var listObj = _context.FundCurrencys.Where(x => !x.IsDeleted).ToList(); foreach (var item in listObj) { if (item.CurrencyCode.ToLower() == data.CurrencyCode.ToLower()) { if (data.DefaultPayment == true) { item.CurrencyCode = data.CurrencyCode; item.DefaultPayment = true; item.Note = data.Note; item.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; item.UpdatedTime = DateTime.Now; _context.FundCurrencys.Update(item); } else { item.CurrencyCode = data.CurrencyCode; item.DefaultPayment = false; item.Note = data.Note; item.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; item.UpdatedTime = DateTime.Now; _context.FundCurrencys.Update(item); } } else { if (data.DefaultPayment == true) { item.DefaultPayment = false; _context.FundCurrencys.Update(item); } else { var query1 = _context.FundCurrencys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsDeleted == false && x.CurrencyCode.ToLower() != data.CurrencyCode.ToLower()); query1.DefaultPayment = true; _context.Update(query1); } } } _context.SaveChanges(); msg.Title = "Cập nhật thành công"; } } catch (Exception ex) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = String.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("FCC_MSG_UPDATE_ERROR"));//"Có lỗi xảy ra khi cập nhật!"; } return(Json(msg)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateUserInOrg([FromBody] OrgUserModel model) { var msg = new JMessage() { Error = false }; try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.OrgAddonCode)) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = string.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("ERR_REQUIRED"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("BRANCH").ToLower()); } else { var org = await _context.AdOrganizations.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.OrgAddonCode == model.OrgAddonCode); if (org == null) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = model.OrgAddonCode.StartsWith("d_") ? "This is Division, please select branch level!" : "Branch is not exists!"; } else { if (model.ListUser.Count > 0) { // Add user to branch var listAdd = _context.Users.Where(x => model.ListUser.Any(y => y == x.Id) && x.BranchId != model.OrgAddonCode); if (listAdd.Any()) { foreach (var user in listAdd) { if (user.BranchId == model.OrgAddonCode) { continue; } var oldBranch = user.BranchId; user.BranchId = model.OrgAddonCode; user.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; user.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; _context.Update(user); //_actionLog.InsertActionLog("ASP_NET_USERS", "Update branch of user: "******"Update", false, user.UserName); } } // Remove user out branch var listDel = _context.Users.Where(x => model.ListUser.All(y => y != x.Id) && x.BranchId == model.OrgAddonCode); if (listDel.Any()) { foreach (var user in listDel) { var oldBranch = user.BranchId; user.BranchId = null; user.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; user.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; _context.Update(user); //_actionLog.InsertActionLog("ASP_NET_USERS", "Update branch of user: "******"Update", false, user.UserName); } } } else { var listUser = _context.Users.Where(x => x.BranchId == model.OrgAddonCode); if (listUser.Any()) { foreach (var user in listUser) { var oldBranch = user.BranchId; user.BranchId = null; user.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; user.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; _context.Update(user); //_actionLog.InsertActionLog("ASP_NET_USERS", "Update branch of user: "******"Update", false, user.UserName); } } } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); msg.Title = string.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("MSG_UPDATE_SUCCESS"), "tài khoản"); } } } catch (Exception e) { msg.Error = true; msg.Title = "Lỗi khi cập nhập"; _actionLog.InsertActionLog("ASP_NET_USERS", "Update branch of user failed: " + e.Message, null, null, "Error"); } return(Json(msg)); }
public async Task <JsonResult> UpdateUserPermission([FromBody] UserPerModel model) { JMessage msg = new JMessage { Error = true, Title = string.Format(CommonUtil.ResourceValue("MSG_UPDATE_FAIL"), CommonUtil.ResourceValue("PERMISSION").ToLower()) }; string userName = string.Empty; try { var user = await _context.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == model.UserId); if (user != null) { var app = await _context.AdApplications.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.ApplicationCode == model.AppCode); if (app != null) { // Update user is exceeded permission user.IsExceeded = model.IsExceeded; //// Update Branch Reference //var oldBranchRef = user.OrgReference; //user.OrgReference = model.BranchRefs.Count > 0 ? string.Join(",", model.BranchRefs) : ""; user.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; user.UpdatedBy = ESEIM.AppContext.UserName; _context.Update(user); //_actionLog.InsertActionLog("ASP_NET_USERS", "Update success branch reference of user: "******"Update", false, user.UserName); // Update Group User and Permission var listOldGroup = _context.AdUserInGroups.Where(x => x.UserId == user.Id && x.ApplicationCode == app.ApplicationCode).ToList(); var listOldPermissionAll = _context.AdPermissions.Where(x => x.ApplicationCode == app.ApplicationCode && x.UserId == user.Id && listOldGroup.Any(y => y.GroupUserCode == x.GroupUserCode)).ToList(); if (model.GroupUsers.Count > 0) { var listOldGroupDel = listOldGroup.Where(x => model.GroupUsers.All(y => y.GroupCode != x.GroupUserCode)).ToList(); _context.RemoveRange(listOldGroupDel); // Remove all old group not selected var listOldPermissionDel = listOldPermissionAll.Where(x => model.GroupUsers.All(y => y.GroupCode != x.GroupUserCode || (y.GroupCode == x.GroupUserCode && y.RoleId != x.RoleId))).ToList(); _context.RemoveRange(listOldPermissionDel); // Remove all old permission var listPermissionAll = _context.AdPermissions.Where(x => x.ApplicationCode == model.AppCode && model.GroupUsers.Any(y => y.GroupCode == x.GroupUserCode && y.RoleId == x.RoleId)).ToList(); var listPermissionDefault = listPermissionAll.Where(x => x.UserId == null).ToList(); var listPermissionUser = listPermissionAll.Where(x => x.UserId == model.UserId).ToList(); foreach (var groupUser in model.GroupUsers) { var oldGroup = listOldGroup.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GroupUserCode == groupUser.GroupCode && x.ApplicationCode == model.AppCode); var listPerDefaultGroup = listPermissionDefault.Where(x => x.GroupUserCode == groupUser.GroupCode && x.ApplicationCode == model.AppCode); if (oldGroup != null) { //if (groupUser.RoleId != oldGroup.RoleId) //{ // Update user in group oldGroup.BranchReference = model.BranchRefs.Count > 0 ? string.Join(",", model.BranchRefs) : ""; if (!oldGroup.IsMain) { oldGroup.RoleId = groupUser.RoleId; } oldGroup.GrantAll = true; _context.Update(oldGroup); // Update entity //} } else { // Add user to group var userInGroup = new AdUserInGroup(); userInGroup.UserId = model.UserId; userInGroup.GroupUserCode = groupUser.GroupCode; userInGroup.ApplicationCode = model.AppCode; userInGroup.RoleId = groupUser.RoleId; userInGroup.GrantAll = true; userInGroup.BranchReference = model.BranchRefs.Count > 0 ? string.Join(",", model.BranchRefs) : ""; _context.Add(userInGroup); // Add entity } // Add or Update permission if (groupUser.Resources != null && groupUser.Resources.Count > 0) { groupUser.Resources = groupUser.Resources.Where(x => x.HasPermission && !x.IsFunction).ToList(); // Get all permission need remove var permissionDel = listPermissionUser.Where(x => x.GroupUserCode == groupUser.GroupCode && x.RoleId == groupUser.RoleId && !groupUser.Resources.Any(y => y.FunctionCode == x.FunctionCode && y.Code == x.ResourceCode)); _context.RemoveRange(permissionDel); // Remove all permission not in selected // Get all permission need update var permissionUpdate = listPermissionUser.Where(x => x.GroupUserCode == groupUser.GroupCode && x.RoleId == groupUser.RoleId && groupUser.Resources.Any(y => y.FunctionCode == x.FunctionCode && y.Code == x.ResourceCode)).ToList(); if (permissionUpdate.Count > 0) { foreach (var perUpdate in permissionUpdate) { var resUpdate = groupUser.Resources.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FunctionCode == perUpdate.FunctionCode && y.Code == perUpdate.ResourceCode); perUpdate.ExpiredDate = resUpdate?.ExpiredDate; } } // Get all permission need add var permissionAdd = groupUser.Resources.Where(x => !listPermissionUser.Any(y => y.FunctionCode == x.FunctionCode && y.ResourceCode == x.Code && y.GroupUserCode == groupUser.GroupCode && y.RoleId == groupUser.RoleId)) .Select(x => new AdPermission { ApplicationCode = model.AppCode, FunctionCode = x.FunctionCode, ResourceCode = x.Code, GroupUserCode = groupUser.GroupCode, UserId = model.UserId, RoleId = groupUser.RoleId, ExpiredDate = x.ExpiredDate, }).ToList(); _context.AddRange(permissionAdd); // Add entity } else { //var permissionDel = listPermissionUser.Where(x => x.GroupUserCode == groupUser.GroupCode && x.RoleId == groupUser.RoleId && !listPerDefaultGroup.Any(y => y.FunctionCode == x.FunctionCode && y.ResourceCode == x.ResourceCode)); //_context.RemoveRange(permissionDel); // Remove all permission not in selected var permissionAdd = listPerDefaultGroup.Where(x => !listPermissionUser.Any(y => y.FunctionCode == x.FunctionCode && y.ResourceCode == x.ResourceCode && y.GroupUserCode == groupUser.GroupCode && y.RoleId == groupUser.RoleId)) .Select(x => new AdPermission { ApplicationCode = x.ApplicationCode, FunctionCode = x.FunctionCode, ResourceCode = x.ResourceCode, GroupUserCode = x.GroupUserCode, UserId = model.UserId, RoleId = x.RoleId, }).ToList(); _context.AddRange(permissionAdd); // Add entity } } } else { _context.RemoveRange(listOldGroup); // Remove all old group _context.RemoveRange(listOldPermissionAll); // Remove all old permission } //_actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_PERMISSION", "Update success permission for user: "******"Update", false, user.UserName); var result = await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); msg.Error = false; msg.Title = "Update user permission successfully"; } else { msg.Title = "Application is not exists in system!"; } } else { msg.Title = "User is not exists in system!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { //_actionLog.InsertActionLog("VIB_PERMISSION", "Update failed permission for user " + userName + " : " + ex.Message, null, null, "Error", true, userName); msg.Object = ex; } return(Json(msg)); }