Example #1
        public static void invoke(EventPathItem @struct, Event @event, EEventPhase phase, bool legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag = false)
        {/* Docs: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-event-listener-invoke */
            /* 1) Set event’s target to the shadow-adjusted target of the last struct in event’s path, that is either struct or preceding struct, whose shadow-adjusted target is non-null. */
            if (@struct.shadow_adjusted_target is object)
                @event.target = @struct.shadow_adjusted_target;
                /* Find the location of struct in events path */
                int structIndex = @event.Path.IndexOf(@struct);
                /* Find the path-item preceeding struct which has a valid shadow-adjusted target */
                for (int i = structIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (@event.Path[i].shadow_adjusted_target is object)
                        @event.target = @event.Path[i].shadow_adjusted_target;

            @event.relatedTarget   = @struct.relatedTarget;
            @event.TouchTargetList = @struct.touch_target_list;
            /* 4) If event’s stop propagation flag is set, then return. */
            if (0 != (@event.Flags & EEventFlags.StopPropogation))

            @event.currentTarget = @struct.invocationTarget;
            /* 6) Let listeners be a clone of event’s currentTarget attribute value’s event listener list. */
            var listeners = @event.currentTarget.Listeners.ToArray();
            /* 7) Let found be the result of running inner invoke with event, listeners, phase, and legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag if given. */
            bool found = EventCommon.inner_invoke(@event, listeners, phase, legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag);

            /* 8) If found is false and event’s isTrusted attribute is true, then: */
            if (!found && @event.isTrusted)
                /* Do nothing, this section of the specifications is just firing the event under it's legacy event name */
Example #2
        public static bool inner_invoke(Event @event, IEnumerable <EventListener> listeners, EEventPhase phase, bool legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag = false)
        {/* Docs: https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-event-listener-inner-invoke */
            bool found = false;

            /* 2) For each listener in listeners, whose removed is false: */
            foreach (EventListener listener in listeners)
                if (!listener.removed)

                if (@event.type != listener.type)

                found = true;
                if (phase == EEventPhase.CAPTURING_PHASE && !listener.capture)

                if (phase == EEventPhase.BUBBLING_PHASE && listener.capture)

                if (listener.once)

                /* Our implementation isnt JavaScript so we dont do step 8 */

                if (listener.passive)
                    @event.Flags |= EEventFlags.InPassiveListener;

                /* 10) Call a user object’s operation with listener’s callback, "handleEvent", « event », and event’s currentTarget attribute value. If this throws an exception, then: */
                listener?.callback?.Method.Invoke(@event.currentTarget, new object[] { @event });

                /* 11) Unset event’s in passive listener flag. */
                @event.Flags &= ~EEventFlags.InPassiveListener;

                /* 13) If event’s stop immediate propagation flag is set, then return found. */
                if (0 != (@event.Flags & EEventFlags.StopImmediatePropogation))
            /* 3) Return found. */