public void Analysis(Client pClient) { int Count = pClient.bufferCount; try { pClient.msgLength = pClient.readBuffer.Length; object cmdmsgs = ProtocolByt.ByteToStruct(pClient.readBuffer, typeof(MsgHead)); MsgHead head = (MsgHead)cmdmsgs; pClient.bufferCount -= Marshal.SizeOf(head); string msg = ""; if (pClient.bufferCount > 0) { msg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pClient.readBuffer, Count - pClient.bufferCount, head.len); bufferCount = 0; } EDebug.LogFormat("Analysis {0} {1}", head.cmd_id, msg); ServerMsgObj serverMsgPair = new ServerMsgObj { MsgId = (int)head.cmd_id, SubId = (int)head.sub_id, Msg = msg }; _msgReceived.AddLast(serverMsgPair); } catch (Exception e) { EDebug.Log(e.ToString()); OnDisconnect(); //throw; } }
public void Connect() { if (status == NetStatus.Connected) { EDebug.Log("服务器已连接!"); OnConnectOver(); return; } string gateHost = ""; int gatePort = 3101; client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); try { client.Connect(gateHost, gatePort); status = NetStatus.Connected; client.BeginReceive(readBuffer, 0, MAX_BUFFER - bufferCount, SocketFlags.None, OnReceiveCb, readBuffer); OnConnectOver(); EDebug.Log("连接上服务器了"); } catch (System.Exception e) { EDebug.Log(string.Format("服务器连接失败:\n", e.ToString())); OnDisconnect(true); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 召唤怪物 /// </summary> /// <param name="monsterId"></param> /// <param name="isEnemy"></param> /// <param name="ambush"></param> public void Summon(int monsterId, int level, bool isEnemy, int num, bool ambush = false) { if (num <= 0) { EDebug.LogErrorFormat("FightLogic.Summon failed, invalid monster num : {0}", num); return; } monsterId += (level - 1); for (int idx = AllFighters.Count - 1; idx > 0; --idx) { FightUnit unit = AllFighters[idx]; if (unit.IsDead || !unit.IsSummon) { continue; } if (unit.HeroId == monsterId) { ZEventSystem.Dispatch(EventConst.ForceDestroyView, unit); AllFighters.RemoveAt(idx); } } for (int idx = 0; idx < num; ++idx) { int summonPos = -1; for (int stubX = 0; stubX < PathFinder.H_GRID; ++stubX) { for (int stubY = 0; stubY < PathFinder.V_GRID; ++stubY) { int fightPos = PathFinder.Stub2InitPos(CurRound, (ambush ? !isEnemy : isEnemy), (stubX + 1) * 10 + (stubY + 1)); if (!CheckGridPosOccupy(fightPos)) { summonPos = fightPos; break; } } } if (summonPos >= 0) { Monster monster = JsonMgr.GetSingleton().GetMonsterByID(monsterId); if (monster == null) { EDebug.LogErrorFormat("Summon failed, could not find monster {0} from json", monsterId); return; } FightUnit summon = new FightUnit(monster, 0, isEnemy, true); summon.UID = ++UID; _createFightUnitView(summon); summon.PathFinderObj.SetPos(summonPos); AllFighters.Add(summon); ZEventSystem.Dispatch(EventConst.OnCreateSummon, summon); } else { EDebug.Log("Summon failed, could not find summonPos"); } } }
IEnumerator FirstLogin() { EDebug.Log("firstLogin"); yield return(StartCoroutine(CopyVersionFileFromStreamingAssetsToPersistentDataPath())); EDebug.Log("unzip"); // yield return StartCoroutine(CopyUnZipBundle()); GameStart(); }
IEnumerator CopyVersionFileFromStreamingAssetsToPersistentDataPath() { string url = BundleConfig.StreamingAssetPath + BundleConfig.resourceVersionFileName; WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) == false) { EDebug.Log("copy versionfile from streamingasset to persistentdatapath error:" + www.error); yield break; } string destUrl = BundleConfig.PersistentDataPath + BundleConfig.resourceOldVersionFileName; File.WriteAllBytes(destUrl, www.bytes); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(destUrl); version = sr.ReadLine(); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { string str = sr.ReadLine(); string[] strList = str.Split('\t'); string fileName = strList[0].ToLower(); if (fileName.EndsWith(".zip")) { continue; } string downloadUrl = BundleConfig.localDownloadPathRoot + fileName; EDebug.Log(downloadUrl); WWW wwwRes = new WWW(downloadUrl); yield return(wwwRes); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwRes.error) == false) { EDebug.Log("download error:" + www.error); continue; } string dir = BundleConfig.PersistentDataPath + fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); EDebug.Log("download:" + downloadUrl); if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); } File.WriteAllBytes(BundleConfig.PersistentDataPath + fileName, wwwRes.bytes); } EDebug.Log(version); sr.Close(); sr.Dispose(); }
public void OnLoginResult(bool success) { if (success) { EDebug.Log("LoginSuccess"); _login = true; lastKeepAliveReceive = Time.time; //CanvasView.Instance.OpenConnect(false); } else { Reset(); } }
IEnumerator CopyUnZipBundle() { string filename = "bundleassets_" + version + ".zip"; string url = BundleConfig.StreamingAssetPath + filename; WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error) == false) { EDebug.Log("copy versionfile from streamingasset to persistentdatapath error:" + www.error); yield break; } string destUrl = BundleConfig.PersistentDataPath + filename; File.WriteAllBytes(destUrl, www.bytes); ZipHelper.Decompress(destUrl, BundleConfig.PersistentDataPath, null); yield return(null); }
public void Send(ServerMsgId pMsgId, object o, short sub_id = 0, uint arg1 = 0, uint arg2 = 0) { EDebug.Log("Send " + pMsgId.ToString()); //if (NetStatus.Disconnected == status) // Connect(); MsgHead head = new MsgHead { cmd_id = (short)pMsgId, sub_id = sub_id, param1 = (int)arg1, param2 = (int)arg2 }; string msg = JsonUtility.ToJson(o); byte[] bMsg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg); head.len = bMsg.Length; byte[] bHead = ProtocolByt.StructToBytes(head, 16); byte[] buffer = new byte[bHead.Length + bMsg.Length]; System.Array.Copy(bHead, buffer, bHead.Length); System.Array.Copy(bMsg, 0, buffer, bHead.Length, bMsg.Length); _msgSend.AddLast(buffer); }
/// <summary> /// 通过id获取数量 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetItemNum(int itemId) { int num = 0; if (itemList == null) { num = 0; } else { for (int i = 0; i < itemList.Count; i++) { if (itemList[i].itemId == itemId) { EDebug.Log(itemList[i].itemNum); num = itemList[i].itemNum; break; } } } return(999); }
/// <summary> /// 战斗状态改变 /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> public void OnFightStateChange(FightState state) { switch (state) { case FightState.Init: break; case FightState.Prepare: //设置所有单位初始站位,目标站位 for (int idx = 0; idx < AllFighters.Count; ++idx) { AllFighters[idx].SystemProtect = false; AllFighters[idx].InitPassiveSkill(); } ZEventSystem.Register(EventConst.OnUnitMoveOver, this, "OnUnitMoveOver"); EnterBattileField(); break; case FightState.Fight: EDebug.Log("战斗开始"); CamMgrObj.ChangeCam(true); //使用被动技能 for (int idx = 0; idx < AllFighters.Count; ++idx) { FightUnit u = AllFighters[idx]; if (u.IsDead) { continue; } AllFighters[idx].FightIntervalAcc = 0; AllFighters[idx].FightInterval = 0; } break; case FightState.Continue: CamMgrObj.ChangeCam(false); clearFightState(false); for (int idx = 0; idx < Fighters.Count; ++idx) { FightUnit u = Fighters[idx]; if (u.IsDead) { continue; } u.RoundOver(); u.NewRound(); } ExitBattleField(); break; case FightState.Over: EDebug.Log("战斗结束, 是否胜利:" + HasWin); clearFightState(true); break; default: break; } }
void CheckVersion() { EDebug.Log("check version"); GameStart(); }