public void Test_1()
            long max = 4;
            var  sut = new E387HarshadNumbers();

            Assert.Equal(90619, sut.SumOfStrongRightTruncatableHarshadPrimes(max));
        public void Solution()
             *  Find the sum of the strong, right truncatable Harshad primes less than 10^14.

            long max = 14;

            var sut = new E387HarshadNumbers();

            Assert.Equal(696067597313468, sut.SumOfStrongRightTruncatableHarshadPrimes(max));

             *  Congratulations, the answer you gave to problem 387 is correct.
             *  You are the 3823rd person to have solved this problem.
             *  This problem had a difficulty rating of 10%.
        public void Test_StrongRightTruncatableHarshadPrimes(long number)
            var sut = new E387HarshadNumbers();
