public static void ImportBP(this DysonShell _this, BinaryReader r, DysonSphere dysonSphere)
         = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.protoId  = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.layerId  = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.randSeed = r.ReadInt32();
            int num = r.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Vector3 item = default(Vector3);
                item.x = r.ReadSingle();
                item.y = r.ReadSingle();
                item.z = r.ReadSingle();
            int num2 = r.ReadInt32();

            for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
                int       num3      = r.ReadInt32();
                DysonNode dysonNode = dysonSphere.FindNode(_this.layerId, num3);
                if (dysonNode != null)
                    _this.nodeIndexMap[num3] = _this.nodes.Count;
                    if (!dysonNode.shells.Contains(_this))
            Assert.True(_this.nodeIndexMap.Count == _this.nodes.Count);
            int count = _this.nodes.Count;

            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                int        index      = k;
                int        index2     = (k + 1) % count;
                DysonFrame dysonFrame = DysonNode.FrameBetween(_this.nodes[index], _this.nodes[index2]);
            _this.vertexCount   = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.triangleCount = r.ReadInt32();
            int num4 = r.ReadInt32();

            _this.verts = new Vector3[num4];
            for (int l = 0; l < num4; l++)
                _this.verts[l].x = r.ReadSingle();
                _this.verts[l].y = r.ReadSingle();
                _this.verts[l].z = r.ReadSingle();
            num4        = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.pqArr = new IntVector2[num4];
            for (int m = 0; m < num4; m++)
                _this.pqArr[m].x = r.ReadInt32();
                _this.pqArr[m].y = r.ReadInt32();
            num4       = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.tris = new int[num4];
            for (int n = 0; n < num4; n++)
                _this.tris[n] = r.ReadInt32();
            num4        = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.vAdjs = new int[num4];
            for (int num5 = 0; num5 < num4; num5++)
                _this.vAdjs[num5] = r.ReadInt32();
            num4           = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.vertAttr = new int[num4];
            for (int num6 = 0; num6 < num4; num6++)
                _this.vertAttr[num6] = r.ReadInt32();
            Assert.True(_this.vertAttr.Length == _this.verts.Length);
            num4         = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.vertsq = new int[num4];
            for (int num7 = 0; num7 < num4; num7++)
                _this.vertsq[num7] = r.ReadInt32();
            Assert.True(_this.vertsq.Length == _this.verts.Length);
            num4 = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.vertsqOffset = new int[num4];
            for (int num8 = 0; num8 < num4; num8++)
                _this.vertsqOffset[num8] = r.ReadInt32();
            Assert.True(_this.vertsqOffset.Length == _this.nodes.Count + 1);
            num4          = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.nodecps = new int[num4];
            Assert.True(_this.nodecps.Length == _this.nodes.Count + 1);
            num4                    = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.vertcps           = new uint[num4];
            num4                    = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.vertRecycleCursor = r.ReadInt32();
            _this.vertRecycle       = new int[num4];
            for (int num11 = 0; num11 < _this.vertRecycleCursor; num11++)
                _this.vertRecycle[num11] = r.ReadInt32();
            Assert.True(_this.vertRecycle.Length == _this.verts.Length);
Example #2
        public static bool DysonShell_Import_Prefix(DysonShell __instance, BinaryReader r, DysonSphere dysonSphere)
            var version = r.PeekChar();

            if (version != SAVE_FIX_VERSION)
                Debug.Log($"Using native import {version}");

            Debug.Log($"Using smart import {version}");

         = r.ReadInt32();
            __instance.protoId  = r.ReadInt32();
            __instance.layerId  = r.ReadInt32();
            __instance.randSeed = r.ReadInt32();
            int num = r.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                Vector3 item = default(Vector3);
                item.x = r.ReadSingle();
                item.y = r.ReadSingle();
                item.z = r.ReadSingle();
            int num2 = r.ReadInt32();

            for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
                int       num3      = r.ReadInt32();
                DysonNode dysonNode = dysonSphere.FindNode(__instance.layerId, num3);
                if (dysonNode != null)
                    __instance.nodeIndexMap[num3] = __instance.nodes.Count;
                    if (!dysonNode.shells.Contains(__instance))
            Assert.True(__instance.nodeIndexMap.Count == __instance.nodes.Count);
            int count = __instance.nodes.Count;

            for (int k = 0; k < count; k++)
                int        index      = k;
                int        index2     = (k + 1) % count;
                DysonFrame dysonFrame = DysonNode.FrameBetween(__instance.nodes[index], __instance.nodes[index2]);
            var vertexCount        = r.ReadInt32();
            var triangleCount      = r.ReadInt32();
            int vertsLength        = r.ReadInt32();
            var pqArrLength        = r.ReadInt32();
            var trisLength         = r.ReadInt32();
            var vAdjsLength        = r.ReadInt32();
            var vertAttrLength     = r.ReadInt32();
            var vertsqLength       = r.ReadInt32();
            var vertsqOffsetLength = r.ReadInt32();


            // Verify that generated geometry is 'at least' formally correct from a counting point of view
            Assert.True(vertexCount == __instance.vertexCount);
            Assert.True(triangleCount == __instance.triangleCount);
            Assert.True(vertsLength == __instance.verts.Length);

            Assert.True(pqArrLength == __instance.pqArr.Length);
            Assert.True(trisLength == __instance.tris.Length);
            Assert.True(vAdjsLength == __instance.vAdjs.Length);
            Assert.True(vertAttrLength == __instance.vertAttr.Length);
            Assert.True(vertsqLength == __instance.vertsq.Length);
            Assert.True(vertsqOffsetLength == __instance.verts.Length);

            Assert.True(__instance.vertAttr.Length == __instance.verts.Length);
            Assert.True(__instance.vertsq.Length == __instance.verts.Length);
            Assert.True(__instance.vertsqOffset.Length == __instance.nodes.Count + 1);

            // Restore nodecps, vertcps and vertRecycle from save
            var num4 = r.ReadInt32();

            __instance.nodecps = new int[num4];
            for (int num9 = 0; num9 < num4; num9++)
                __instance.nodecps[num9] = r.ReadInt32();
            Assert.True(__instance.nodecps.Length == __instance.nodes.Count + 1);
            num4 = r.ReadInt32();
            __instance.vertcps = new uint[num4];
            for (int num10 = 0; num10 < num4; num10++)
                __instance.vertcps[num10] = r.ReadUInt32();
            num4 = r.ReadInt32();
            __instance.vertRecycleCursor = r.ReadInt32();
            __instance.vertRecycle       = new int[num4];
            for (int num11 = 0; num11 < __instance.vertRecycleCursor; num11++)
                __instance.vertRecycle[num11] = r.ReadInt32();
            Assert.True(__instance.vertRecycle.Length == __instance.verts.Length);

            Array.Resize(ref __instance.vertcps, __instance.vertexCount);
