Example #1
        public void test_dynamologger_logger()
            //This has been done in the base class but we need to do it again because the pathManager is private
            var config = CreateStartConfiguration(dynamoSettings);

            pathManager = new PathManager(new PathManagerParams
                CorePath     = config.DynamoCorePath,
                HostPath     = config.DynamoHostPath,
                PathResolver = config.PathResolver

            // Ensure we have all directories in place.
            var exceptions = new List <Exception>();


            //By setting the VerboseLogging we will enable a piece of code inside the method::
            //private void Log(string message, LogLevel level, bool reportModification)
            var debugSettings = new DebugSettings
                VerboseLogging = true
            var logger = new DynamoLogger(debugSettings, pathManager.LogDirectory);

            logger.LogWarning("Testing Logging Warning", WarningLevel.Error);
            Assert.AreEqual(logger.WarningLevel, WarningLevel.Error);
            Assert.AreEqual(logger.Warning, "Testing Logging Warning");

            logger.LogInfo("Testing Logging Warning", "info test");
            logger.LogError("Testing Logging Error", "Error Details");

            //Check if the logged info was inserted inside the logged text (the log file cannot be opened due that is being used by the base class)
            Assert.IsTrue(logger.LogText.Contains("Testing Logging Warning"));

            logger.Dispose();//Calling a second time this function will enter in a validation not covered
Example #2
        public void test_dynamologger_logger()
            // Get the dynamo logger in non-test mode, as we write the logs
            // to dynamo console and to a file only in non-test mode.
            logger = GetDynamoLoggerWithTestModeFalse();

            logger.LogWarning("Testing Logging Warning", WarningLevel.Error);
            Assert.AreEqual(logger.WarningLevel, WarningLevel.Error);
            Assert.AreEqual(logger.Warning, "Testing Logging Warning");

            logger.LogInfo("Testing Logging Warning", "info test");
            logger.LogError("Testing Logging Error", "Error Details");

            //Check if the logged info is stored in the LogText property (the log file cannot be opened due that is being used by the base class)
            Assert.IsTrue(logger.LogText.Contains("Testing Logging Warning"));

            logger.Dispose();//Calling a second time this function will enter in a validation not covered