Example #1
        public void GetPluginInfoFromEngine()
            DynamicPropertyManager classManager = EditorManager.EngineManager.EntityClassManager;

            Assert.IsTrue(classManager.CollectionTypes.Length > 0);
            //Assert.IsTrue( classManager.CollectionTypes[0].PropertyTypes.Length > 0 ); // since entity key has been removed...
        private void LoadTabFields(XmlNode tab, string idPrefix)
            string       tabName            = tab.Attributes[NameAtt].Value;
            XmlAttribute hideOnAddAttribute = tab.Attributes[HideOnAddAtt];

            if (hideOnAddAttribute != null && hideOnAddAttribute.Value.ToLower() == "true")

            List <Field> tabFields;

            if (!tabs.TryGetValue(tabName, out tabFields))
                tabFields     = new List <Field>();
                tabs[tabName] = tabFields;

            DynamicPropertyManager <DataItem> propertyManager = new DynamicPropertyManager <DataItem>();

            foreach (XmlNode field in tab)
                Action <Field> callback = (cF) => {
                    allFields[cF.Id]    = cF;
                    allAppFields[cF.Id] = cF;
                    bool isNested = string.IsNullOrEmpty(idPrefix) ? cF.IsNested : cF.Id.Replace(idPrefix, "").Contains(".");
                    if (!isNested)
                        DynamicPropertyManager <DataItem> .CreateProperty <DataItem, string>(
                            t => {
                        Field f = t.GetField(cF.Id);
                        return(f != null ? f.GetValue() : null);

                Field newField = Field.CreateField(field, callback, idPrefix);
                if (newField == null)
                    LogError(Properties.Resources.Error_ElementParseError.Replace("%v1%", field.Name).Replace("%v2%", field.Attributes[IdAtt].Value));
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //For Question

            var obj = new object();

            //Add prop to instance
            int propVal     = 0;
            var propManager = new DynamicPropertyManager <object>(obj);

                DynamicPropertyManager <object> .CreateProperty <object, int>(
                    "Value", t => propVal, (t, y) => propVal = y, null));

            propVal = 3;

            var obj2 = new object();
            //Add prop to instance
            int propVal2     = 1;
            var propManager2 = new DynamicPropertyManager <object>(obj2);

                DynamicPropertyManager <object> .CreateProperty <object, int>(
                    "Value2", t => propVal2, (t, y) => propVal2 = y, null));

            propVal2 = 7;

            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                ContractResolver = new TypeDescriptorContractResolver(),

            //Serialize object here
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.Indented, settings);


            var json2 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj2, Formatting.Indented, settings);


    public void CanDumpObjectWithDynamicallyAddedProperties()
        // Arrange
        var input = new MyType {
            Name = "Hello world"

        using var manager = new DynamicPropertyManager <MyType>(input);
        manager.Properties.Add(DynamicPropertyManager.CreateProperty <MyType, string>("Name2", _ => "Name 2", null));
        manager.Properties.Add(DynamicPropertyManager.CreateProperty <MyType, string>("Name3", _ => "Name 3", null));

        // Act
        var actual = input.Dump();

        // Assert
    ""Name"": ""Hello world"" [System.String],
    ""Age"": 0 [System.Int32],
    ""Weight"": 0 [System.Double],
    ""Name2"": ""Name 2"" [System.String],
    ""Name3"": ""Name 3"" [System.String]
} [CrossCutting.Utilities.ObjectDumper.Tests.Helpers.MyType]");
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Map entity to a custom <see cref="DynamicDto{TEntity, TPrimaryKey}"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TDynamicDto">Type of dynamic DTO</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of entity</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TPrimaryKey">Type of entity primary key</typeparam>
        /// <param name="entity">entity to map</param>
        /// <param name="settings">mapping settings</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected async Task <TDynamicDto> MapToCustomDynamicDtoAsync <TDynamicDto, TEntity, TPrimaryKey>(TEntity entity, IDynamicMappingSettings settings = null)
            where TEntity : class, IEntity <TPrimaryKey>
            where TDynamicDto : class, IDynamicDto <TEntity, TPrimaryKey>
            // build dto type
            var context = new DynamicDtoTypeBuildingContext()
                ModelType = typeof(TDynamicDto),
                UseDtoForEntityReferences = settings?.UseDtoForEntityReferences ?? false
            var dtoType = await DtoBuilder.BuildDtoFullProxyTypeAsync(typeof(TDynamicDto), context);

            var dto = Activator.CreateInstance(dtoType) as TDynamicDto;

            // create mapper
            var mapper = await DynamicDtoMappingHelper.GetEntityToDtoMapperAsync(typeof(TEntity), dtoType);

            // map entity to DTO
            mapper.Map(entity, dto);
            // map dynamic fields
            await DynamicPropertyManager.MapEntityToDtoAsync <TDynamicDto, TEntity, TPrimaryKey>(entity, dto);

Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Map dynamic properties (defined using entity configurator) of dynamic DTO to a specified entity
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TDynamicDto">Type of Dynamic DTO</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of entity</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TPrimaryKey">Type of primary key</typeparam>
 /// <param name="dto">Source DTO</param>
 /// <param name="entity">Destination entity</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected async Task MapDynamicPropertiesToEntityAsync <TDynamicDto, TEntity, TPrimaryKey>(TDynamicDto dto, TEntity entity)
     where TEntity : class, IEntity <TPrimaryKey>
     where TDynamicDto : class, IDynamicDto <TEntity, TPrimaryKey>
     await DynamicPropertyManager.MapDtoToEntityAsync <TDynamicDto, TEntity, TPrimaryKey>(dto, entity);
        public async Task SaveLoad_Test()

            // test data
            var props = new Dictionary <EntityPropertyDto, object>
                { new EntityPropertyDto
                      Name = "UnitTestDynamicString", DataType = DataTypes.String, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                  }, "testString" },
                { new EntityPropertyDto
                      Name = "UnitTestDynamicDate", DataType = DataTypes.Date, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                  }, DateTime.Today },
                { new EntityPropertyDto
                      Name = "UnitTestDynamicDateTime", DataType = DataTypes.DateTime, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                  }, DateTime.Now },
                { new EntityPropertyDto
                      Name = "UnitTestDynamicBoolean", DataType = DataTypes.Boolean, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                  }, true },
                { new EntityPropertyDto
                      Name = "UnitTestDynamicNumber", DataType = DataTypes.Number, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                  }, (decimal)123.45 },
                    new EntityPropertyDto
                        Name       = "UnitTestDynamicObject", DataType = DataTypes.Object, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined,
                        Properties = new List <EntityPropertyDto>()
                            new EntityPropertyDto {
                                Name = "UnitTestObjectProperty1", DataType = DataTypes.String, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                            new EntityPropertyDto {
                                Name = "UnitTestObjectProperty2", DataType = DataTypes.String, Source = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                    new { UnitTestObjectProperty1 = "testObjectProperty1", UnitTestObjectProperty2 = "testObjectProperty2" }

            // configure DTO
            var entityConfigCacheMock = new Mock <IEntityConfigCache>();

            entityConfigCacheMock.Setup(x => x.GetEntityPropertiesAsync(It.IsAny <Type>()))
            .Returns(() =>
                var result = new List <EntityPropertyDto>();
                foreach (var prop in props)

            var entityConfigStore = LocalIocManager.Resolve <IEntityConfigurationStore>();
            var cacheManager      = LocalIocManager.Resolve <ICacheManager>();
            var builder           = new DynamicDtoTypeBuilder(entityConfigCacheMock.Object, entityConfigStore, cacheManager);
            var baseDtoType       = typeof(DynamicDto <Person, Guid>);
            var context           = new DynamicDtoTypeBuildingContext()
                ModelType = baseDtoType
            var dtoType = await builder.BuildDtoFullProxyTypeAsync(baseDtoType, context);

            var dto = Activator.CreateInstance(dtoType) as DynamicDto <Person, Guid>;

            var properties = dto?.GetType().GetProperties();

            var serializationManager = Resolve <ISerializationManager>();

            // Update DTO properties values with test data
            foreach (var prop in props)
                var p   = properties?.FirstOrDefault(x => prop.Key.Name.ToLower() == x.Name.ToLower());
                var val = prop.Value;
                if (prop.Key.DataType == DataTypes.Object)
                    val = serializationManager.DeserializeProperty(p?.PropertyType, serializationManager.SerializeProperty(prop.Key, val));
                p?.SetValue(dto, val);

            using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
                var nhuow   = uow as NhUnitOfWork;
                var session = nhuow?.GetSession();

                // Create temporary Entity Properties configs
                var entityConfigRepo = Resolve <IRepository <EntityConfig, Guid> >();
                var entityPropRepo   = Resolve <IRepository <EntityProperty, Guid> >();
                var config           = entityConfigRepo.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                                x.TypeShortAlias == typeof(Person).GetEntityConfiguration().TypeShortAlias);
                foreach (var prop in props)
                    var propConf = new EntityProperty()
                        EntityConfig = config,
                        Name         = prop.Key.Name,
                        DataType     = prop.Key.DataType,
                        Source       = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                    prop.Key.Id = entityPropRepo.Insert(propConf).Id;
                    foreach (var childProp in prop.Key.Properties)
                        var childPropConf = new EntityProperty()
                            ParentProperty = propConf,
                            EntityConfig   = config,
                            Name           = prop.Key.Name,
                            DataType       = prop.Key.DataType,
                            Source         = MetadataSourceType.UserDefined
                        childProp.Id = entityPropRepo.Insert(childPropConf).Id;


                    var personRepo             = Resolve <IRepository <Person, Guid> >();
                    var dynamicPropertyManager = new DynamicPropertyManager(
                        Resolve <IRepository <EntityProperty, Guid> >(),
                        Resolve <IRepository <EntityPropertyValue, Guid> >(),
                        Resolve <IEntityConfigurationStore>(),
                        Resolve <IDynamicRepository>()
                        DtoTypeBuilder = builder, SerializationManager = serializationManager

                    // Create temporary entity
                    var entity = new Person();
                    var id     = personRepo.Insert(entity).Id;
                        // Save dynamic properties to DB
                        await dynamicPropertyManager.MapDtoToEntityAsync <DynamicDto <Person, Guid>, Person, Guid>(dto,



                        // Get entity from DB
                        var newEntity = personRepo.Get(id);

                        // Create new DTO and map values from entity to DTO
                        var newDto = Activator.CreateInstance(dtoType) as DynamicDto <Person, Guid>;
                        await dynamicPropertyManager.MapEntityToDtoAsync <DynamicDto <Person, Guid>, Person, Guid>(newEntity,

                        // Check values. Values from the DB should be the same as from the test list
                        var newProperties = newDto?.GetType().GetProperties();
                        foreach (var prop in props)
                            var p        = newProperties?.FirstOrDefault(x => prop.Key.Name.ToLower() == x.Name.ToLower());
                            var dtoValue = p?.GetValue(newDto);
                            if (prop.Key.DataType == DataTypes.Object)
                                var childProperties = dtoValue.GetType().GetProperties();
                                foreach (var childProp in prop.Key.Properties)
                                    var childP        = childProperties.FirstOrDefault(x => childProp.Name.ToLower() == x.Name.ToLower());
                                    var dtoChildValue = childP.GetValue(dtoValue);
                        // delete temporary entity
                        session.CreateSQLQuery($"delete from Core_Persons where id = '{id}'").ExecuteUpdate();
                    // delete temporary values and properties configs
                    foreach (var prop in props)
                        session.CreateSQLQuery($"delete from Frwk_EntityPropertyValues where EntityPropertyId = '{prop.Key.Id}'").ExecuteUpdate();
                        if (prop.Key.DataType == DataTypes.Object)
                            foreach (var childProp in prop.Key.Properties)
                                session.CreateSQLQuery($"delete from Frwk_EntityProperties where Id = '{childProp.Id}'").ExecuteUpdate();
                        session.CreateSQLQuery($"delete from Frwk_EntityProperties where Id = '{prop.Key.Id}'").ExecuteUpdate();