public Tree(string apiKey) { Endpoint = new Endpoint(new ApiKey(apiKey)); Helper = new DynamicHelper(Endpoint); List = new DynamicList(Endpoint); Campaign = new DynamicCampaign(Endpoint); Template = new DynamicTemplate(Endpoint); _executor = new RequestExecutor(Endpoint.Uri); }
public static PreCondition CreatePreCondition(dynamic model, OutboundRulesSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DynamicHelper.Value( { throw new ApiArgumentException("name"); } var precondition = section.PreConditions.CreateElement(); SetPreCondition(model, precondition, section); return(precondition); }
public static TagsElement CreateCustomTags(dynamic model, OutboundRulesSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DynamicHelper.Value( { throw new ApiArgumentException("name"); } TagsElement tags = section.Tags.CreateElement(); SetCustomTags(model, tags, section); return(tags); }
public static bool CreateAppPool(HttpClient client, string testPool, out string id) { id = null; HttpContent content = new StringContent(TEST_APP_POOL, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(APP_POOLS_URL, content).Result; if (!Globals.Success(response)) { return(false); } dynamic appPool = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result); id = DynamicHelper.Value(; return(true); }
public static MimeMap UpdateMimeMap(dynamic model, MimeMap mimeMap, StaticContentSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); } if (mimeMap == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mimeMap)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mimeMap.FileExtension)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("mimeMap.FileExtension"); } string fileExtension = DynamicHelper.Value(model.file_extension); string mimeType = DynamicHelper.Value(model.mime_type); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExtension)) { fileExtension = fileExtension.StartsWith(".") ? fileExtension : "." + fileExtension; if (!fileExtension.Equals(mimeMap.FileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && section.MimeMaps.Any(m => fileExtension.Equals(m.FileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { throw new AlreadyExistsException("file_extension"); } } try { mimeMap.FileExtension = fileExtension ?? mimeMap.FileExtension; mimeMap.MimeType = mimeType ?? mimeMap.MimeType; } catch (FileLoadException e) { throw new LockedException(MimeTypesGlobals.StaticContentSectionName, e); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigScopeNotFoundException(e); } return(mimeMap); }
public object Post([FromBody] dynamic model) { QueryStringRule queryString = null; Site site = null; RequestFilteringId reqId = null; if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (model.request_filtering == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_filtering"); } if (!(model.request_filtering is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_filtering"); } string reqUuid = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (reqUuid == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException(""); } reqId = new RequestFilteringId(reqUuid); site = reqId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(reqId.SiteId.Value); string configPath = ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); RequestFilteringSection section = RequestFilteringHelper.GetRequestFilteringSection(site, reqId.Path, configPath); queryString = QueryStringsHelper.CreateQueryString(model); QueryStringsHelper.AddQueryString(queryString, section); ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); // // Create response dynamic qs = QueryStringsHelper.ToJsonModel(queryString, site, reqId.Path); return(Created(QueryStringsHelper.GetLocation(, qs)); }
public static void UpdateFeatureSettings(dynamic model, StaticContentSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (section == null) { throw new ArgumentException("section"); } if (model.client_cache != null) { dynamic cache = model.client_cache; DynamicHelper.If((object)cache.max_age, 0, (long)TimeSpan.MaxValue.TotalMinutes, v => section.ClientCache.CacheControlMaxAge = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(v)); DynamicHelper.If((object)cache.control_mode, v => section.ClientCache.CacheControlMode = JsonToCacheControlMode(v)); DynamicHelper.If((object)cache.control_custom, v => section.ClientCache.CacheControlCustom = v); DynamicHelper.If <bool>((object)cache.set_e_tag, v => section.ClientCache.SetETag = v); DynamicHelper.If((object)cache.http_expires, v => { DateTime httpExpires; if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(v, "r", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AllowWhiteSpaces, out httpExpires)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("http_expires"); } section.ClientCache.HttpExpires = httpExpires; }); } DynamicHelper.If((object)model.default_doc_footer, v => section.DefaultDocFooter = v); DynamicHelper.If <bool>((object)model.is_doc_footer_file_name, v => { if (section.IsDocFooterFileName != v) { section.IsDocFooterFileName = v; } }); DynamicHelper.If <bool>((object)model.enable_doc_footer, v => section.EnableDocFooter = v); if (model.metadata != null) { DynamicHelper.If <OverrideMode>((object)model.metadata.override_mode, v => section.OverrideMode = v); } }
public object Patch(string id, [FromBody] dynamic model) { // Set settings Site site = SiteHelper.UpdateSite(new SiteId(id).Id, model); if (site == null) { return(NotFound()); } // Start/Stop if (model.status != null) { Status status = DynamicHelper.To <Status>(model.status); try { switch (status) { case Status.Stopped: site.Stop(); break; case Status.Started: site.Start(); break; } } catch (COMException e) { // If site is fresh and status is still unknown then COMException will be thrown when manipulating status throw new ApiException("Error setting site status", e); } catch (ServerManagerException e) { throw new ApiException(e.Message, e); } } // Update changes ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); // Refresh data site = ManagementUnit.ServerManager.Sites[site.Name]; return(SiteHelper.ToJsonModel(site, Context.Request.GetFields())); }
public object Post(dynamic model) { TraceRule rule = null; Site site = null; HttpRequestTracingId hrtId = null; if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (model.request_tracing == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_tracing"); } if (!(model.request_tracing is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_tracing", ApiArgumentException.EXPECTED_OBJECT); } string hrtUuid = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (hrtUuid == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException(""); } hrtId = new HttpRequestTracingId(hrtUuid); site = hrtId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(hrtId.SiteId.Value); string configPath = ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); rule = RulesHelper.CreateRule(model, site, hrtId.Path, configPath); var section = Helper.GetTraceFailedRequestsSection(site, hrtId.Path, configPath); RulesHelper.AddRule(rule, section); ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); dynamic r = RulesHelper.ToJsonModel(rule, site, hrtId.Path); return(Created(RulesHelper.GetLocation(, r)); }
public object Post([FromBody] dynamic model) { HiddenSegment segment = null; Site site = null; RequestFilteringId reqId = null; if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (model.request_filtering == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_filtering"); } if (!(model.request_filtering is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_filtering"); } string reqUuid = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (reqUuid == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException(""); } // Get the feature id reqId = new RequestFilteringId(reqUuid); site = reqId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(reqId.SiteId.Value); string configPath = ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); RequestFilteringSection section = RequestFilteringHelper.GetRequestFilteringSection(site, reqId.Path, configPath); segment = HiddenSegmentsHelper.CreateSegment(model, section); HiddenSegmentsHelper.AddSegment(segment, section); ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); dynamic hidden_segment = HiddenSegmentsHelper.ToJsonModel(segment, site, reqId.Path); return(Created(HiddenSegmentsHelper.GetLocation(, hidden_segment)); }
public static bool GetIsDynamicBound(this IEnumerable collection) { var enumerator = collection.GetEnumerator(); if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { return(false); } var record = enumerator.Current; if (record != null) { var isDynamicBound = DynamicHelper.CheckIsDynamicObject(record.GetType()); return(isDynamicBound); } return(false); }
public static InboundRule CreateRule(dynamic model, InboundRulesSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DynamicHelper.Value( { throw new ApiArgumentException("name"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DynamicHelper.Value(model.pattern))) { throw new ApiArgumentException("pattern"); } if (model.action == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("action"); } if (!(model.action is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("action", ApiArgumentException.EXPECTED_OBJECT); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DynamicHelper.Value(model.action.url))) { throw new ApiArgumentException("action.url"); } var rule = (InboundRule)section.InboundRules.CreateElement(); // // Defaults rule.PatternSyntax = PatternSyntax.ECMAScript; rule.Action.Type = ActionType.Rewrite; SetRule(model, rule, section); return(rule); }
public static GlobalModule UpdateGlobalModule(GlobalModule globalModule, dynamic model) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (globalModule == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("globalModule"); } Configuration config = ManagementUnit.GetConfiguration(null, null); GlobalModulesCollection globalCollection = GetGlobalModulesCollection(); ModuleCollection serverCollection = GetModulesCollection(null, null); Module action = null; string image = DynamicHelper.Value(model.image); if (image != null) { AssertCanUseImage(ref image); globalModule.Image = image; } string preCondition = globalModule.PreCondition; BitnessUtility.AppendBitnessPreCondition(ref preCondition, image); globalModule.PreCondition = preCondition; // If the global module is present in the server modules list then we // update the precondition of that entry as well. if (ExistsModule(globalModule.Name, serverCollection, out action)) { if (ConfigurationUtility.ShouldPersist(action.PreCondition, globalModule.PreCondition)) { action.PreCondition = globalModule.PreCondition; } } return(globalModule); }
public object Post(dynamic model) { TraceProviderDefinition provider = null; Site site = null; HttpRequestTracingId hrtId = null; if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (model.request_tracing == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_tracing"); } if (!(model.request_tracing is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_tracing", ApiArgumentException.EXPECTED_OBJECT); } string hrtUuid = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (hrtUuid == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException(""); } hrtId = new HttpRequestTracingId(hrtUuid); site = hrtId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(hrtId.SiteId.Value); string configPath = ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); var section = Helper.GetTraceProviderDefinitionSection(site, hrtId.Path, configPath); provider = ProvidersHelper.CreateProvider(model, section); ProvidersHelper.AddProvider(provider, section); ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); dynamic p = ProvidersHelper.ToJsonModel(provider, site, hrtId.Path); return(Created(ProvidersHelper.GetLocation(, p)); }
public object Post([FromBody] dynamic model) { HeaderLimit headerLimit = null; Site site = null; RequestFilteringId reqId = null; if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (model.request_filtering == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("request_filtering"); } if (!(model.request_filtering is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException(String.Empty, "request_filtering"); } string reqUuid = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (reqUuid == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException(""); } reqId = new RequestFilteringId(reqUuid); site = reqId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(reqId.SiteId.Value); string configPath = ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); RequestFilteringSection section = RequestFilteringHelper.GetRequestFilteringSection(site, reqId.Path, configPath); headerLimit = HeaderLimitsHelper.CreateHeaderLimit(model, section); HeaderLimitsHelper.AddHeaderLimit(headerLimit, section); ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); dynamic header_limit = HeaderLimitsHelper.ToJsonModel(headerLimit, site, reqId.Path); return(Created(HeaderLimitsHelper.GetLocation(, header_limit)); }
public static TraceProviderDefinition UpdateProvider(TraceProviderDefinition provider, dynamic model, TraceProviderDefinitionsSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (provider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("provider"); } string name = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (name != null && !name.Equals(provider.Name) && section.TraceProviderDefinitions.Any(p => p.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { throw new AlreadyExistsException("name"); } Guid guid; var g = DynamicHelper.Value(model.guid); if (Guid.TryParse(g, out guid) && !guid.Equals(provider.Guid) && section.TraceProviderDefinitions.Any(prov => prov.Guid.Equals(guid))) { throw new AlreadyExistsException("guid"); } try { SetProvider(provider, model); } catch (FileLoadException e) { throw new LockedException(section.SectionPath, e); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigScopeNotFoundException(e); } return(provider); }
public object Patch(string id, [FromBody] dynamic model) { ModulesId modulesId = new ModulesId(id); Site site = modulesId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(modulesId.SiteId.Value); if (modulesId.SiteId != null && site == null) { Context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; return(null); } ModuleHelper.EnsureValidScope(site, modulesId.Path); if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } // Check for config_scope string configPath = model == null ? null : ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); ModulesSection section = ModuleHelper.GetModulesSection(site, modulesId.Path, configPath); try { DynamicHelper.If <bool>((object)model.run_all_managed_modules_for_all_requests, v => section.RunAllManagedModulesForAllRequests = v); if (model.metadata != null) { DynamicHelper.If <OverrideMode>((object)model.metadata.override_mode, v => section.OverrideMode = v); } } catch (FileLoadException e) { throw new LockedException(section.SectionPath, e); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigScopeNotFoundException(e); } ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); return(ModuleHelper.ModuleFeatureToJsonModel(site, modulesId.Path)); }
public object Patch(string id, [FromBody] dynamic model) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } // Decode default document id from uuid parameter DefaultDocumentId docId = new DefaultDocumentId(id); Site site = docId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(docId.SiteId.Value); if (docId.SiteId != null && site == null) { // The document id specified a site but we couldn't find it, // therefore we can't get the settings for that site return(NotFound()); } string configPath = model == null ? null : ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); DefaultDocumentSection section = DefaultDocumentHelper.GetDefaultDocumentSection(site, docId.Path, configPath); try { // Handle patching of any feature settings DynamicHelper.If <bool>((object)model.enabled, v => section.Enabled = v); if (model.metadata != null) { DynamicHelper.If <OverrideMode>((object)model.metadata.override_mode, v => section.OverrideMode = v); } } catch (FileLoadException e) { throw new LockedException(section.SectionPath, e); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigScopeNotFoundException(e); } ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); return(DefaultDocumentHelper.ToJsonModel(site, docId.Path)); }
public object Post([FromBody] dynamic model) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (model.static_content == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("static_content"); } if (!(model.static_content is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("static_content"); } string staticContentUuid = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (staticContentUuid == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException(""); } // Get the feature id StaticContentId staticContentId = new StaticContentId(staticContentUuid); Site site = staticContentId.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(staticContentId.SiteId.Value); string configPath = ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); StaticContentSection section = StaticContentHelper.GetSection(site, staticContentId.Path, configPath); // Create mime map MimeMap mimeMap = MimeMapHelper.CreateMimeMap(model, section); // Add it to the config file MimeMapHelper.AddMimeMap(mimeMap, section); // Save changes ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); // Show new mime map return(MimeMapHelper.ToJsonModel(mimeMap, site, staticContentId.Path)); }
private void CustomDocumentListDisplayForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblCannotSaveHint.Text = ""; Text = "Configure Document Listing settings"; tbDefaultGlobalFieldName.Text = Settings.Default.CustomDocumentDisplayIdentifier; gbCustom.Text = string.Format("Custom Document Listing settings for {0}/{1}", _databaseId, _documentCollectionId); _propertyKeysForDocument = DynamicHelper.GetPropertyKeysForDynamic(_firstDocument); foreach (var prop in _propertyKeysForDocument) { cbSortFields.Items.Add(prop); } _setting = _customDocumentListDisplayManager.FindCustomDocumentListDisplay(_hostName, _databaseId, _documentCollectionId); SetStatusForSettingFields(_setting != null); SetAllSettingFields(); }
protected internal override object ConvertBinding(Type type) { if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Delegate))) { return(Capstones.LuaLib.CapsLuaDelegateGenerator.CreateDelegate(type, this)); } if (type == typeof(bool)) { if (L != IntPtr.Zero && Refid != 0) { L.getref(Refid); bool rv = !L.isnoneornil(-1) && !(L.isboolean(-1) && !L.toboolean(-1)); L.pop(1); return(rv); } return(false); } DynamicHelper.LogInfo("__convert(" + type.ToString() + ") meta-method Not Implemented."); return(null); }
public override object[] Call(params object[] args) { if (L != IntPtr.Zero) { if (Refid != 0) { L.getref(Refid); return(L.PushArgsAndCall(args)); } else { DynamicHelper.LogInfo("luafunc : null ref"); } } else { DynamicHelper.LogInfo("luafunc : null state."); } return(null); }
public static HiddenSegment CreateSegment(dynamic model, RequestFilteringSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } string segmentName = DynamicHelper.Value(model.segment); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(segmentName)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("segment"); } HiddenSegment segment = section.HiddenSegments.CreateElement(); segment.Segment = segmentName; return(segment); }
public static TraceRule CreateRule(dynamic model, Site site, string path, string configPath = null) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DynamicHelper.Value(model.path))) { throw new ApiArgumentException("path"); } var section = Helper.GetTraceFailedRequestsSection(site, path, configPath); var rule = section.TraceRules.CreateElement(); SetRule(rule, model, site, path); return(rule); }
private void TransformAppSettings() { string filePath = Path.Combine(_basePath, APPSETTINGS_NAME); try { dynamic configObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(filePath)); string id = DynamicHelper.Value(configObject.host_id); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { id = configObject.host_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } File.WriteAllText(filePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(configObject, Formatting.Indented)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Fatal(e, ""); throw; } }
public static Rule CreateRule(dynamic model, AuthorizationSection section) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } RuleAccessType?accessType = DynamicHelper.To <RuleAccessType>(model.access_type); if (accessType == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("access_type"); } Rule rule = section.Rules.CreateElement(); SetRule(rule, model); return(rule); }
public override object[] Call(params object[] args) { if (L != IntPtr.Zero) { if (L.isfunction(StackPos)) { L.pushvalue(StackPos); return(L.PushArgsAndCall(args)); } else { DynamicHelper.LogInfo("luafunc : the index is not a func."); } } else { DynamicHelper.LogInfo("luafunc : null state."); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the list ids query condition. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="K"></typeparam> /// <param name="entityIds">The entity ids.</param> /// <param name="parameters">The parameters.</param> /// <param name="param">The parameter.</param> /// <param name="alias">The alias.</param> /// <param name="field">The field.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetListIdsQueryCondition <K>(IList <K> entityIds, string parameters, object param, string alias, string field) where K : struct { var ids = entityIds.ToList(); var condition = new StringBuilder(); condition.Append(ConditionStartBracketTemplate); if (ids.Count < DbConstants.MaxParametersPerCommand) { while (ids.Any()) { DynamicHelper.SetProperty( param, String.Concat(parameters, ids.Count), ids.Take(DbConstants.MaxParametersPerCommand).ToList()); condition.Append(String.Format(ConditionInTemplate, alias, field, "@" + String.Concat(parameters, ids.Count))); ids.RemoveRange( 0, ids.Count > DbConstants.MaxParametersPerCommand ? DbConstants.MaxParametersPerCommand : ids.Count); if (ids.Any()) { condition.Append(ConditionPartialOrTemplate); } } condition.Append(ConditionEndBracketTemplate); return(condition.ToString()); } for (var i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++) { condition.Append(i == 0 ? String.Format(ConditionSelectInTableTemplate, ids[i]) : String.Format(ConditionStartSelectInTableTemplate, ids[i])); } condition.Append(String.Format(ConditionEndSelectInTableTemplate, parameters)); condition.Append(ConditionEndBracketTemplate); return(String.Format(ConditionInQueryTemplate, alias, field, condition)); }
public static TraceProviderDefinition CreateProvider(dynamic model, TraceProviderDefinitionsSection section) { // // model if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } // // name string name = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("name"); } // // guid Guid guid; string g = DynamicHelper.Value(model.guid); if (!Guid.TryParse(g, out guid)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("guid"); } // // areas if (model.areas == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("areas"); } var provider = section.TraceProviderDefinitions.CreateElement(); SetProvider(provider, model); return(provider); }
private static void SetProvider(TraceProviderDefinition provider, dynamic model) { DynamicHelper.If((object), v => provider.Name = v); DynamicHelper.If((object)model.guid, v => { Guid guid; if (!Guid.TryParse(v, out guid)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("guid"); } provider.Guid = guid; }); if (model.areas != null) { if (!(model.areas is JArray)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("areas", ApiArgumentException.EXPECTED_ARRAY); } IEnumerable <dynamic> areas = model.areas; provider.Areas.Clear(); long uniqueFlag = 1; foreach (var area in areas) { string a = DynamicHelper.Value(area); if (a == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("areas"); } var elem = provider.Areas.CreateElement(); elem.Name = a; elem.Value = uniqueFlag; uniqueFlag *= 2; provider.Areas.Add(elem); } } }
public object Post([FromBody] dynamic model) { if (model == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("model"); } if (model.http_response_headers == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException("http_response_headers"); } if (!(model.http_response_headers is JObject)) { throw new ApiArgumentException("http_response_headers"); } string uuid = DynamicHelper.Value(; if (uuid == null) { throw new ApiArgumentException(""); } HttpResponseHeadersId id = new HttpResponseHeadersId(uuid); Site site = id.SiteId == null ? null : SiteHelper.GetSite(id.SiteId.Value); string configPath = ManagementUnit.ResolveConfigScope(model); HttpProtocolSection section = HttpResponseHeadersHelper.GetSection(site, id.Path, configPath); NameValueConfigurationElement header = CustomHeadersHelper.Create(model, section); CustomHeadersHelper.Add(header, section); ManagementUnit.Current.Commit(); // // Create response dynamic ch = CustomHeadersHelper.ToJsonModel(header, site, id.Path); return(Created(CustomHeadersHelper.GetLocation(, ch)); }
internal DynamicDictionaryMetaObject( Expression parameter, DynamicHelper value) : base(parameter, BindingRestrictions.Empty, value) { }