Example #1
        public override Task <UpdateStepRequest> HandleStep(Step step)
            var updateRequest = new UpdateStepRequest()
                Id = step.Id

            switch (step.StepTemplateId)
            case "Fibonacci_stepTemplate:0":
                var completeStep = true;
                if (testSuspension)
                    var n = random.Next(0, 2);
                    if (n == 1)
                        completeStep = false;

                    var logSuccessfullySent = SendStepLog(step.Id, "Test").GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                if (completeStep)
                    var result = CalculateFibonacci((Int64)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "n-1").Value, (Int64)(DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "n-2").Value));
                    updateRequest.Outputs = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "n", result }
                    updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Successful;
                    updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Suspended;

            case "Pass_Password:0":
                if (((string)(DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "secret").Value) == "This is a test"))
                        updateRequest.Outputs = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                            { "secret", (string)(DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "secret").Value) }
                        updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Successful;
                    throw new Exception("Failed to get password.");

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #2
        public async Task <QueryResult <string> > Handle(UnencryptStepFieldQuery request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            if (request.Type != StepEncryptionTypes.Inputs && request.Type != StepEncryptionTypes.Outputs)
                throw new InvalidUnencryptionRequestException("No such encryption type " + request.Type);
            var step = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <Step>(s => s.Id == request.StepId);

            if (step.CreatedBy != request.UserId)
                throw new InvalidStepPermissionException("Only the creating user can decrypt the step secret.");

            var stepTemplate = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <StepTemplate>(st => st.ReferenceId == step.StepTemplateId);

            //Compare the to lower of inputs, TODO - this is inefficient
            if (!stepTemplate.InputDefinitions.ContainsKey(request.FieldName.ToLower()))
                throw new InvalidUnencryptionRequestException("Field " + request.FieldName + " does not exist on step template " + stepTemplate.Id);

            DynamicDataDescription kv = request.Type == StepEncryptionTypes.Inputs ? stepTemplate.InputDefinitions[request.FieldName.ToLower()] : stepTemplate.OutputDefinitions[request.FieldName.ToLower()];

            if (kv.Type != InputDataTypes.Secret)
                throw new InvalidUnencryptionRequestException("Field " + request.FieldName + " is not a secret type.");

            var decryptedInput = DynamicDataUtility.DecryptDynamicData(stepTemplate.InputDefinitions, request.Type == StepEncryptionTypes.Inputs ? step.Inputs : step.Outputs, EncryptionProtocol.AES256, ClusterStateService.GetEncryptionKey(), false);


            return(new QueryResult <string>()
                ElapsedMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds,
                Count = 1,
                Result = (string)decryptedInput[request.FieldName.ToLower()]
Example #3
        public async Task <CommandResult <Step> > Handle(AssignStepCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            List <Guid> ignoreUnassignedSteps = new List <Guid>();

            if (_clusterStateService.GetSettings.AssignmentEnabled)
                var    assignedStepSuccessfully = false;
                Step   unassignedStep           = null;
                var    dateChecked = DateTime.UtcNow;
                BotKey botkey;

                if (!_cache.TryGetValue(request.BotId, out botkey))
                    // Set cache options.
                    var cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
                                            // Keep in cache for this time, reset time if accessed.
                    botkey = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <BotKey>(bk => bk.Id == request.BotId);

                    // Save data in cache.
                    _cache.Set(request.BotId, botkey, cacheEntryOptions);

                if (botkey.IsDisabled)
                    return(new CommandResult <Step>(new BotKeyAssignmentException("Bot " + botkey.Id + " is disabled."))
                        Type = CommandResultTypes.Update,
                        ElapsedMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds

                ignoreUnassignedSteps.AddRange(_clusterStateService.GetState().Locks.Where(l => l.Key.Contains("_object")).Select(ol => new Guid(ol.Key.Split(':').Last())));

                    unassignedStep = (await _entitiesRepository.GetAsync <Step>(s => s.Status == StepStatuses.Unassigned && request.StepTemplateIds.Contains(s.StepTemplateId) && !ignoreUnassignedSteps.Contains(s.Id), null, "CreatedOn:1", 1, 0)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (unassignedStep != null)
                        var assigned = await _node.Handle(new RequestDataShard()
                            Type          = unassignedStep.ShardType,
                            ObjectId      = unassignedStep.Id,
                            CreateLock    = true,
                            LockTimeoutMs = 10000

                        //Apply a lock on the item
                        if (assigned != null && assigned.IsSuccessful && assigned.AppliedLocked)
                            //Real values to pass to the Microservice
                            Dictionary <string, object> realAssignedValues = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            //Inputs that have been converted to reference expression
                            Dictionary <string, object> convertedInputs = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                            var template = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <StepTemplate>(st => st.ReferenceId == unassignedStep.StepTemplateId);

                                //This should not throw a error externally, the server should loop to the next one and log a error
                                if (unassignedStep.Status != StepStatuses.Unassigned)
                                    throw new InvalidStepQueueException("You cannot assign step " + unassignedStep.Id + " as it is not unassigned.");

                                bool inputsUpdated = false;

                                foreach (var input in unassignedStep.Inputs)
                                    string convertedValue     = "";
                                    bool   isReferenceByValue = false;
                                    var    isReference        = InputDataUtility.IsInputReference(input, out convertedValue, out isReferenceByValue);
                                    if (input.Value is string && ((string)input.Value).Length > 1)
                                        if (isReference)
                                            //Copy by reference
                                            if (isReferenceByValue)
                                                var foundGlobalValue = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <GlobalValue>(gv => gv.Name == convertedValue);

                                                if (foundGlobalValue == null)
                                                    Logger.LogWarning("No global value was found for value " + input.Value);
                                                    realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, null);
                                                    convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, input.Value + ":?");
                                                else if (foundGlobalValue.Type != template.InputDefinitions[input.Key].Type)
                                                    Logger.LogWarning("Global value was found for value " + input.Value + " however they are different types. " + template.InputDefinitions[input.Key].Type + " vs " + foundGlobalValue.Type);
                                                    realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, null);
                                                    convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, input.Value + ":?");
                                                    realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, foundGlobalValue.Value);
                                                    convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, input.Value + ":" + foundGlobalValue.Journal.GetCurrentChainId());
                                            //copy by value
                                                var foundGlobalValue = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <GlobalValue>(gv => gv.Name == convertedValue);

                                                if (foundGlobalValue == null)
                                                    Logger.LogWarning("No global value was found for value " + input.Value);
                                                    realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, null);
                                                    convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, null);
                                                else if (foundGlobalValue.Type != template.InputDefinitions[input.Key].Type)
                                                    Logger.LogWarning("Global value was found for value " + input.Value + " however they are different types. " + template.InputDefinitions[input.Key].Type + " vs " + foundGlobalValue.Type);
                                                    realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, null);
                                                    convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, null);
                                                    realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, foundGlobalValue.Value);
                                                    convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, foundGlobalValue.Value);

                                            inputsUpdated = true;
                                        else if (input.Value is string && ((string)input.Value).Length > 1 && ((string)input.Value).First() == '\\')
                                            var escapedCommand = ((string)input.Value);
                                            //The $ is escaped
                                            realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, ((string)input.Value).Substring(1, escapedCommand.Length - 1));
                                            convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, input.Value);
                                            inputsUpdated = true;
                                            realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, input.Value);
                                            convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, input.Value);
                                        realAssignedValues.Add(input.Key, input.Value);
                                        convertedInputs.Add(input.Key, input.Value);

                                //If a update was detected then add it to the journal updates
                                if (inputsUpdated)
                                    unassignedStep.UpdateJournal(new Domain.Entities.JournalEntries.JournalEntry()
                                        CreatedBy = SystemUsers.QUEUE_MANAGER,
                                        CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                        Updates   = new List <Update>()
                                            new Update()
                                                Type      = UpdateType.Override,
                                                FieldName = "status",
                                                Value     = StepStatuses.Assigned
                                            new Update()
                                                FieldName = "inputs",
                                                Type      = UpdateType.Override,
                                                Value     = convertedInputs
                                            new Update()
                                                FieldName = "assignedto",
                                                Type      = UpdateType.Override,
                                                Value     = request.BotId
                                    unassignedStep.UpdateJournal(new Domain.Entities.JournalEntries.JournalEntry()
                                        CreatedBy = SystemUsers.QUEUE_MANAGER,
                                        CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                        Updates   = new List <Update>()
                                            new Update()
                                                Type      = UpdateType.Override,
                                                FieldName = "status",
                                                Value     = StepStatuses.Assigned

                                await _node.Handle(new AddShardWriteOperation()
                                    Data             = unassignedStep,
                                    WaitForSafeWrite = true,
                                    Operation        = ConsensusCore.Domain.Enums.ShardOperationOptions.Update,
                                    RemoveLock       = true,
                                    LockId           = assigned.LockId.Value

                                //await _entitiesRepository.UpdateStep(unassignedStep);
                                if (inputsUpdated)
                                    //Update the record with real values, this is not commited to DB
                                    unassignedStep.UpdateJournal(new Domain.Entities.JournalEntries.JournalEntry()
                                        CreatedBy = SystemUsers.QUEUE_MANAGER,
                                        CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                        Updates   = new List <Update>()
                                            new Update()
                                                FieldName = "inputs",
                                                Type      = UpdateType.Override,
                                                Value     = realAssignedValues
                            catch (Exception e)
                                //throw e;
                            assignedStepSuccessfully = true;
                            assignedStepSuccessfully = false;
                    //There were no unassigned steps to assign
                        assignedStepSuccessfully = true;
                }while (!assignedStepSuccessfully);

                if (unassignedStep != null)
                    var template = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <StepTemplate>(st => st.ReferenceId == unassignedStep.StepTemplateId);

                    //Decrypt the step
                    unassignedStep.Inputs = DynamicDataUtility.DecryptDynamicData(template.InputDefinitions, unassignedStep.Inputs, EncryptionProtocol.AES256, ClusterStateService.GetEncryptionKey());


                    //Encrypt the step
                    unassignedStep.Inputs = DynamicDataUtility.EncryptDynamicData(template.InputDefinitions, unassignedStep.Inputs, EncryptionProtocol.RSA, botkey.PublicEncryptionKey, true);

                return(new CommandResult <Step>()
                    ObjectRefId = unassignedStep != null?unassignedStep.Id.ToString() : "",
                                      ElapsedMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds,
                                      Type = CommandResultTypes.Update,
                                      Result = unassignedStep != null ? unassignedStep : null
                return(new CommandResult <Step>()
                    ObjectRefId = "",
                    ElapsedMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds,
                    Type = CommandResultTypes.None
Example #4
        public async Task <CommandResult <Workflow> > Handle(CreateWorkflowCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            WorkflowTemplate template = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <WorkflowTemplate>(wft => wft.ReferenceId == request.WorkflowTemplateId);

            if (template == null)
                throw new WorkflowTemplateNotFoundException("Workflow Template " + request.WorkflowTemplateId + " not found.");

            if (template.InputDefinitions.Count() < request.Inputs.Count())
                throw new InvalidInputsException("Invalid number of inputs, number passed was " + request.Inputs.Count() + " which is less then defined " + template.InputDefinitions.Count());

            var verifiedWorkflowInputs = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (template.InputDefinitions != null)
                foreach (var input in template.InputDefinitions)
                    if (!request.Inputs.ContainsKey(input.Key))
                        throw new MissingInputException("Workflow input data is missing " + input.Key);

                foreach (var input in request.Inputs)
                    if (template.InputDefinitions.ContainsKey(input.Key) && template.InputDefinitions[input.Key].Type == InputDataTypes.Secret && !InputDataUtility.IsInputReference(input, out _, out _))
                        verifiedWorkflowInputs.Add(input.Key.ToLower(), SecurityUtility.SymmetricallyEncrypt((string)input.Value, ClusterStateService.GetEncryptionKey()));
                        verifiedWorkflowInputs.Add(input.Key.ToLower(), input.Value);

            var createdWorkflowId  = Guid.NewGuid();
            var startingLogicBlock = template.LogicBlocks.Where(lb => lb.Value.Dependencies.Evaluate(new List <Step>())).ToList();

            var createdWorkflowTemplateId = await _node.Handle(new AddShardWriteOperation()
                Data = new Domain.Entities.Workflows.Workflow(
                    verifiedWorkflowInputs, //Encrypted inputs
                WaitForSafeWrite = true,
                Operation        = ConsensusCore.Domain.Enums.ShardOperationOptions.Create

            var workflow = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <Workflow>(w => w.Id == createdWorkflowId);

            //When there are no conditions to be met

            // Needs to happen before first step is added
            DateTimeOffset WorkflowStartTime = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (var block in startingLogicBlock)
                    foreach (var subBlock in block.Value.SubsequentSteps)
                        var newStepTemplate = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <StepTemplate>(st => st.ReferenceId == subBlock.Value.StepTemplateId);

                        if (newStepTemplate == null)
                            throw new StepTemplateNotFoundException("Template " + subBlock.Value.StepTemplateId + " not found.");

                        var verifiedInputs = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                        foreach (var mapping in subBlock.Value.Mappings)
                            string mappedValue = "";
                            if ((mapping.Value.DefaultValue != null && (mapping.Value.OutputReferences == null || mapping.Value.OutputReferences.Count() == 0)) || (mapping.Value.DefaultValue != null && mapping.Value.OutputReferences.First() != null && mapping.Value.DefaultValue.Priority > mapping.Value.OutputReferences.First().Priority))
                                // Change the ID to match the output
                                verifiedInputs.Add(mapping.Key, mapping.Value.DefaultValue.Value);
                            else if (mapping.Value.OutputReferences != null)
                                verifiedInputs.Add(mapping.Key, DynamicDataUtility.GetData(request.Inputs, mapping.Value.OutputReferences.First().OutputId).Value);

                        await _mediator.Send(new CreateStepCommand()
                            StepTemplateId = subBlock.Value.StepTemplateId,
                            CreatedBy      = SystemUsers.QUEUE_MANAGER,
                            Description    = null,
                            Inputs         = verifiedInputs,
                            WorkflowId     = createdWorkflowId,
                            Name           = subBlock.Key

                        new JournalEntry()
                        CreatedBy = request.CreatedBy,
                        CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Updates   = new List <Update>()
                            new Update()
                                FieldName = "completedlogicblocks",
                                Type      = UpdateType.Append,
                                Value     = block.Key //Add the logic block

                    await _node.Handle(new AddShardWriteOperation()
                        Data             = workflow,
                        WaitForSafeWrite = true,
                        Operation        = ConsensusCore.Domain.Enums.ShardOperationOptions.Update
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.LogCritical("Failed to action logic block " + block.Key + " with error " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace);


            return(new CommandResult <Workflow>()
                Result = workflow,
                ObjectRefId = createdWorkflowId.ToString(),
                ElapsedMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds,
                Type = CommandResultTypes.Create
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Used for running the main loop
        /// </summary>
        public async void BotLoop()
            Logger.LogDebug("Starting loops.");
            var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            while (started)
                Logger.LogDebug("Starting new Thread");
                Step   nextStep      = null;
                string encryptionKey = "";
                    var response = await GetNextStep();

                    nextStep      = response.Step;
                    encryptionKey = response.EncryptionKey;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.LogWarning("Error getting next step, will sleep and try again. " + e.Message);

                UpdateStepRequest stepResult = new UpdateStepRequest();

                string newEncryptionKey = SecurityUtility.RandomString(32, false);

                if (nextStep != null)
                    Logger.LogInformation("Processing step " + nextStep.Id);
                    stepResult.Id = nextStep.Id;
                    string decryptedEncryptionKey = encryptionKey != null && encryptionKey != "" ? SecurityUtility.RsaDecryptWithPrivate(encryptionKey, _client.keyPair.PrivateKey): "";
                    nextStep.Inputs = DynamicDataUtility.DecryptDynamicData(RegisteredTemplates.Where(rt => rt.ReferenceId == nextStep.StepTemplateId).First().InputDefinitions, nextStep.Inputs, Domain.Enums.EncryptionProtocol
                                                                            .AES256, decryptedEncryptionKey, false);

                    var template = RegisteredTemplates.Where(rt => rt.ReferenceId == nextStep.StepTemplateId).First();
                        stepResult = await ProcessStep(nextStep);

                        stepResult.Outputs       = DynamicDataUtility.EncryptDynamicData(template.OutputDefinitions, stepResult.Outputs, Domain.Enums.EncryptionProtocol.AES256, newEncryptionKey);
                        stepResult.EncryptionKey = SecurityUtility.RsaEncryptWithPrivate(newEncryptionKey, _client.keyPair.PrivateKey);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        await SendStepLog(nextStep.Id, "Encountered unexcepted error " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine + e.StackTrace);

                        stepResult.Status = StepStatuses.Error;
                        stepResult.Log    = "Encountered uncaught error at " + e.Message + ".";

                    int    count   = 0;
                    string success = "";
                        success = await _client.CompleteStep(stepResult, idToken);

                        Logger.LogInformation("Completed step " + stepResult.Id + " with status " + stepResult.Status);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.LogError("Failed to save step " + stepResult.Id + " with status " + stepResult.Status + " in Cindi with exception " + e.Message + ".");
                    Logger.LogDebug("No step found");

                Logger.LogDebug("Completed Service Loop " + loopNumber + " took approximately " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");

                //Only sleep if no step was picked up
                if (nextStep == null)
                    lock (waitTimeLocker)
                        Logger.LogDebug("Sleeping for " + waitTime + "ms");
Example #6
        public async override Task <UpdateStepRequest> HandleStep(Step step)
            var updateRequest = new UpdateStepRequest()
                Id = step.Id

            switch (step.StepTemplateId)
            case "_GenerateSystemReport:0":
                var totalStepCount = (await _mediator.Send(new GetEntitiesQuery <Step>
                    Page = 0,
                    Size = 0,

                var totalUnassignedStepCount = (await _mediator.Send(new GetEntitiesQuery <Step>
                    Page = 0,
                    Size = 0,
                    Expression = e => e.Status == StepStatuses.Unassigned

                var totalActiveBotCount = (await _mediator.Send(new GetEntitiesQuery <BotKey>
                    Page = 0,
                    Size = 0,
                    Expression = e => e.IsDisabled == false

                updateRequest.Outputs = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "report", "Total Steps: " + totalStepCount + ", Total Unassigned Steps:" + totalUnassignedStepCount + ", Total Active Bots: " + totalActiveBotCount },
                    { "slack_report", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new[]
                                type   = "section",
                                fields = new[] {
                                    new {
                                        text = "Total Unassigned Steps: " + totalUnassignedStepCount,
                                        type = "mrkdwn"
                                type   = "section",
                                fields = new[] {
                                    new {
                                        text = "Total Steps: " + totalStepCount,
                                        type = "mrkdwn"
                                type   = "section",
                                fields = new[] {
                                    new {
                                        text = "Total Active Bots: " + totalActiveBotCount,
                                        type = "mrkdwn"
                        }) },
                    { "markdown", "" }

                updateRequest.Status     = StepStatuses.Successful;
                updateRequest.StatusCode = 0;

            case "_SendSlackMessage:0":
                var client = new SlackClient(_clientFactory);
                await client.PostMessage((string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "webhook_url").Value, new
                    username   = (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "from").Value,
                    icon_emoji = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("icon_emoji") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "icon_emoji").Value : null,
                    icon_url   = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("icon_url") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "icon_url").Value : null,
                    channel    = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("channel") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "channel").Value : null,
                    blocks     = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("blocks") ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject((string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "blocks").Value) : null,
                    text       = step.Inputs.ContainsKey("text") ? (string)DynamicDataUtility.GetData(step.Inputs, "text").Value : null

                updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Successful;

            updateRequest.Status = StepStatuses.Error;
            updateRequest.Log    = "Bot does not have a catch for " + step.StepTemplateId;
Example #7
        public async Task <CommandResult> Handle(ScanWorkflowCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            List <string> messages             = new List <string>();
            bool          workflowStillRunning = false;

            var workflow = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <Workflow>(w => w.Id == request.WorkflowId);

            if (workflow == null)
                throw new MissingWorkflowException("Failed to find workflow " + request.WorkflowId + " as workflow does not exist.");

            //Get the workflow template
            var workflowTemplate = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <WorkflowTemplate>(wt => wt.ReferenceId == workflow.WorkflowTemplateId);

            if (workflowTemplate == null)
                throw new WorkflowTemplateNotFoundException("Failed to scan workflow " + request.WorkflowId + " workflow template " + workflow.WorkflowTemplateId + ".");

            //Get all the steps related to this task
            var workflowSteps = (await _entitiesRepository.GetAsync <Step>(s => s.WorkflowId == request.WorkflowId)).ToList();

            foreach (var workflowStep in workflowSteps)
                workflowStep.Outputs = DynamicDataUtility.DecryptDynamicData((await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <StepTemplate>(st => st.ReferenceId == workflowStep.StepTemplateId)).OutputDefinitions, workflowStep.Outputs, EncryptionProtocol.AES256, ClusterStateService.GetEncryptionKey());
                if (!workflowStep.IsComplete())
                    messages.Add("Workflow step " + workflowStep.Id + " (" + workflowStep.Name + ")" + " is running.");
                    workflowStillRunning = true;

            bool stepCreated = false;

            if (!workflowStillRunning)
                if (workflow.CompletedLogicBlocks == null)
                    workflow.CompletedLogicBlocks = new List <string>();

                //Evaluate all logic blocks that have not been completed
                var logicBlocks = workflowTemplate.LogicBlocks.Where(lb => !workflow.CompletedLogicBlocks.Contains(lb.Key)).ToList();

                foreach (var logicBlock in logicBlocks)
                    var  lockId       = Guid.NewGuid();
                    bool lockObtained = false;
                    while (!lockObtained)
                        while (_clusterStateService.IsLogicBlockLocked(request.WorkflowId, logicBlock.Key))
                            Console.WriteLine("Found " + ("workflow:" + request.WorkflowId + ">logicBlock:" + logicBlock) + " Lock");
                            await Task.Delay(1000);

                        int entryNumber = await _clusterStateService.LockLogicBlock(lockId, request.WorkflowId, logicBlock.Key);

                        //Check whether you got the lock
                        lockObtained = _clusterStateService.WasLockObtained(lockId, request.WorkflowId, logicBlock.Key);

                    //When the logic block is released, recheck whether this logic block has been evaluated
                    workflow = await _entitiesRepository.GetFirstOrDefaultAsync <Workflow>(w => w.Id == request.WorkflowId);

                    workflow.Inputs = DynamicDataUtility.DecryptDynamicData(workflowTemplate.InputDefinitions, workflow.Inputs, EncryptionProtocol.AES256, ClusterStateService.GetEncryptionKey());

                    if (workflow.CompletedLogicBlocks == null)
                        workflow.CompletedLogicBlocks = new List <string>();

                    //If the logic block is ready to be processed, submit the steps
                    if (logicBlock.Value.Dependencies.Evaluate(workflowSteps) && !workflow.CompletedLogicBlocks.Contains(logicBlock.Key))
                        foreach (var substep in logicBlock.Value.SubsequentSteps)
                            if (workflowSteps.Where(s => s.Name == substep.Key).Count() == 0)
                                var verifiedInputs = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                                foreach (var mapping in substep.Value.Mappings)
                                    //find the mapping with the highest priority
                                    var highestPriorityReference = WorkflowTemplateUtility.GetHighestPriorityReference(mapping.Value.OutputReferences, workflowSteps.ToArray());
                                    //if the highest priority reference is null, there are no mappings
                                    if (highestPriorityReference == null && mapping.Value.DefaultValue == null)
                                    // If default value is higher priority
                                    else if (mapping.Value.DefaultValue != null && (highestPriorityReference == null || highestPriorityReference.Priority < mapping.Value.DefaultValue.Priority))
                                        verifiedInputs.Add(mapping.Key, mapping.Value.DefaultValue.Value);
                                    // If the step ref is not -1 it is a step in the array but the workflow
                                    else if (highestPriorityReference.StepName != ReservedValues.WorkflowStartStepName)
                                        var parentStep = workflowSteps.Where(ss => ss.Name == highestPriorityReference.StepName).FirstOrDefault();

                                        //If there is a AND and there is no parent step, throw a error
                                        if (parentStep == null)
                                            throw new InvalidWorkflowProcessingException("Missing source for mapping " + mapping.Key + " from step " + highestPriorityReference.StepName);
                                            if (parentStep != null)
                                                    // Get the output value based on the pre-requisite id
                                                    var outPutValue = DynamicDataUtility.GetData(parentStep.Outputs, highestPriorityReference.OutputId);
                                                    // Validate it is in the definition
                                                    verifiedInputs.Add(mapping.Key, outPutValue.Value);
                                                catch (Exception e)
                                                    //TO DO Move this to logger
                                                    Console.WriteLine("Found error at mapping " + mapping.Key + " for step " + substep.Key);
                                                    throw e;
                                    //Get the value from the workflow ref
                                        // Validate it is in the definition
                                        verifiedInputs.Add(mapping.Key, DynamicDataUtility.GetData(workflow.Inputs, highestPriorityReference.OutputId).Value);
                                stepCreated = true;
                                //Add the step TODO, add step priority
                                await _mediator.Send(new CreateStepCommand()
                                    StepTemplateId = substep.Value.StepTemplateId,
                                    CreatedBy      = SystemUsers.QUEUE_MANAGER,
                                    Inputs         = verifiedInputs,
                                    WorkflowId     = workflow.Id,
                                    Name           = substep.Key //create the step with the right subsequent step

                                messages.Add("Started workflow step " + substep.Key);

                        //Mark it as evaluated
                            new JournalEntry()
                            CreatedBy = request.CreatedBy,
                            CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            Updates   = new List <Update>()
                                new Update()
                                    FieldName = "completedlogicblocks",
                                    Type      = UpdateType.Append,
                                    Value     = logicBlock.Key

                        //await _workflowsRepository.UpdateWorkflow(workflow);
                        await _node.Handle(new AddShardWriteOperation()
                            Data             = workflow,
                            WaitForSafeWrite = true,
                            Operation        = ConsensusCore.Domain.Enums.ShardOperationOptions.Update
                    await _clusterStateService.UnlockLogicBlock(lockId, request.WorkflowId, logicBlock.Key);

                //Check if there are no longer any steps that are unassigned or assigned

                var workflowStatus = workflow.Status;
                workflowSteps = (await _entitiesRepository.GetAsync <Step>(s => s.WorkflowId == request.WorkflowId)).ToList();
                var highestStatus     = StepStatuses.GetHighestPriority(workflowSteps.Select(s => s.Status).ToArray());
                var newWorkflowStatus = stepCreated ? WorkflowStatuses.ConvertStepStatusToWorkflowStatus(StepStatuses.Unassigned) : WorkflowStatuses.ConvertStepStatusToWorkflowStatus(highestStatus);

                if (newWorkflowStatus != workflow.Status)
                        new JournalEntry()
                        CreatedBy = request.CreatedBy,
                        CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Updates   = new List <Update>()
                            new Update()
                                FieldName = "status",
                                Type      = UpdateType.Override,
                                Value     = newWorkflowStatus

                    //await _workflowsRepository.UpdateWorkflow(workflow);
                    await _node.Handle(new AddShardWriteOperation()
                        Data             = workflow,
                        WaitForSafeWrite = true,
                        Operation        = ConsensusCore.Domain.Enums.ShardOperationOptions.Update

                    messages.Add("Updated workflow status " + newWorkflowStatus + ".");

            return(new CommandResult()
                ObjectRefId = request.WorkflowId.ToString(),
                ElapsedMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds,
                Type = CommandResultTypes.Update,
                IsSuccessful = true,
                Messages = messages.ToArray()