public override String Process() { try { BeforeProcessing(); } catch (System.Exception se) { return("Extraction processing exception: " + se.Message); } try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.AllDirectories); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Dispose(); return("Could not access all files in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message); } try { foreach (String currentFile in DwgList) { String newFilePath = String.Concat(_Path, "\\", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(currentFile)); try { File.Copy(currentFile, newFilePath, false); } catch (IOException ioe) { _Logger.Log(String.Concat("File already exists in top directory: ", currentFile, " : ", ioe.Message)); continue; } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(String.Concat("Error copying file: ", currentFile, " : ", se.Message)); continue; } DwgCounter++; try { _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, NumDwgs)); } catch { } if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Extractor cancelled by user at dwg " + DwgCounter.ToString() + " out of " + NumDwgs); break; } } } catch (System.Exception se) { return("Error: " + se.Message); } finally { AfterProcessing(); } return(String.Concat(DwgCounter.ToString(), " out of ", NumDwgs, " DWGs copied in ", TimePassed)); }
// copnvert all layer names to lowercase public override String Process() { //if (!CheckDirPath()) { return "Invalid path: " + _Path; } //try //{ // _Logger = new Logger(String.Concat(_Path, "\\LowercaseLayerErrorLog.txt")); //} //catch (System.Exception se) //{ // return "Could not create log file in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message; //} try { BeforeProcessing(); } catch (System.Exception se) { //_Logger.Dispose(); return("Lowercase layer processing exception: " + se.Message); } try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Could not get dwg files because: " + se.Message); _Logger.Dispose(); return("Could not get all dwg files"); } //StartTimer(); try { foreach (String currentDwg in DwgList) { System.Boolean changeMade = false; using (Database db = new Database(false, true)) { try { db.ReadDwgFile(currentDwg, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndWriteNoShare, true, String.Empty); db.CloseInput(true); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(String.Concat("Can't read DWG: ", currentDwg, " because: ", se.Message)); continue; } using (Transaction acTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { using (LayerTable lt = acTrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable) { foreach (ObjectId oid in lt) { using (LayerTableRecord ltr = acTrans.GetObject(oid, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTableRecord) { String layerName = ltr.Name.Trim(); String layerNameLower = layerName.ToLower(); if (!String.Equals(layerName, layerNameLower)) { changeMade = true; ltr.UpgradeOpen(); ltr.Name = layerNameLower; } } } } acTrans.Commit(); } if (changeMade) { db.SaveAs(currentDwg, DwgVersion.Current); } } DwgCounter++; try { _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, NumDwgs)); } catch { } if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Processing cancelled by user at DWG: " + DwgCounter.ToString()); return("Processing cancelled at dwg " + DwgCounter.ToString() + " out of " + NumDwgs.ToString()); } } } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(String.Concat("Error: ", se.Message)); return("Processing error: " + se.Message); } finally { AfterProcessing(); } return(String.Concat(" ", DwgCounter.ToString(), " out of ", NumDwgs, " dwgs processed in ", TimePassed)); }
public override String Process() { //if (!CheckDirPath()) { return "Invalid path: " + _Path; } try { BeforeProcessing(); } catch (System.Exception se) { return("FBD Updater processing exception: " + se.Message); } if (!xmlPath.isFilePathOK()) { return("Invalid XML file path: " + xmlPath); } if (!String.Equals(".xml", System.IO.Path.GetExtension(xmlPath).ToLower())) { return("XML file does not have '.xml' extension"); } //try { _Logger = new Logger(_Path + "\\updatefbdsLog.txt"); } //catch (System.Exception se) { return "Could not create log file in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message; } XmlReaderSettings xmlRSettings = new XmlReaderSettings(); xmlRSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; try { xmlR = XmlReader.Create(xmlPath, xmlRSettings); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Dispose(); return("XML reader could not be created in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message); } //StartTimer(); try { // if files are specified if (!filesNotSpecified) { try { // Get number of file tags in xml file numFiles = XDocument.Load(xmlPath).Root.Elements("file").Count(); } catch { } while (xmlR.Read()) { if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Processing cancelled by user at dwg " + DwgCounter + " out of " + numFiles); break; } if (xmlR.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && String.Equals(xmlR.Name.Trim(), "file")) { String oldfname = xmlR.GetAttribute("oldfname"); String newfname = xmlR.GetAttribute("newfname"); Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> > map = new Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> >(); map.Add("appendix", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("chapter", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("para0", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("section", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("figure", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("figsheet", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("figzone", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("table", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("tm", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("wp", new Dictionary <string, string>()); while (xmlR.Read()) { if (XmlNodeType.Element == xmlR.NodeType && String.Equals(xmlR.Name.Trim(), "map")) { String reftype = xmlR.GetAttribute("reftype"); String oldVal = xmlR.GetAttribute("old").Trim(); String newVal = xmlR.GetAttribute("new").Trim(); if (String.Equals(reftype, "wp")) { map["wp"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "appendix")) { map["appendix"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "chapter")) { map["chapter"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "para0")) { map["para0"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "section")) { map["section"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "figure")) { map["figure"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "figsheet")) { map["figsheet"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "figzone")) { map["figzone"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "table")) { map["table"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } if (String.Equals(reftype, "tm")) { map["tm"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } } if (XmlNodeType.EndElement == xmlR.NodeType && String.Equals(xmlR.Name.Trim(), "file")) { break; } } DwgUpdater DwgUpdater = new DwgUpdater(String.Concat(_Path, "\\", oldfname), String.Concat(_Path, "\\", newfname), map, _Logger, Coordinates); try { DwgUpdater.Convert(); } catch (System.IO.IOException ioe) { _Logger.Log("Could not convert file: " + oldfname + " because: " + ioe.Message); continue; } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Error processing file: " + oldfname + " because: " + se.Message); continue; } DwgCounter++; _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, numFiles)); } } } // files are not specified else { // Create Converted folder try { Directory.CreateDirectory(_Path + "\\Converted"); } catch { return("Unable to create new directory for converted files in: " + _Path); } if (XDocument.Load(xmlPath).Root.Elements("file").Count() > 0) { _Logger.Log("File tags are being ignored because \"files not specified\" box was checked."); } //List<String> dwgs = new List<String>(); Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> > map = new Dictionary <String, Dictionary <String, String> >(); map.Add("appendix", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("chapter", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("para0", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("section", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("figure", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("figsheet", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("figzone", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("table", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("tm", new Dictionary <string, string>()); map.Add("wp", new Dictionary <string, string>()); while (xmlR.Read()) { if (XmlNodeType.Element == xmlR.NodeType && String.Equals(xmlR.Name.Trim(), "map")) { String reftype = xmlR.GetAttribute("reftype"); String oldVal = xmlR.GetAttribute("old").Trim(); String newVal = xmlR.GetAttribute("new").Trim(); // ignore repeat keys if (String.Equals(reftype, "wp")) { try { map["wp"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "appendix")) { try { map["appendix"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "chapter")) { try { map["chapter"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "para0")) { try { map["para0"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "section")) { try { map["section"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "figure")) { try { map["figure"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "figsheet")) { try { map["figsheet"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "figzone")) { try { map["figzone"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "table")) { try { map["table"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } if (String.Equals(reftype, "tm")) { try { map["tm"].Add(oldVal, newVal); } catch (ArgumentException) { } } } } try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); //dwgs = System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(_Path, "*.dwg", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) // .Where(f => !f.Contains("_Converted")) // .ToList<String>(); numFiles = NumDwgs; } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Could not enumerate files because: " + se.Message); return("Could not access files in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message); } foreach (String currentDwg in DwgList) { if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Processing cancelled by user at dwg " + DwgCounter + " out of " + numFiles); break; } DwgUpdater dwgUpdater = new DwgUpdater(currentDwg, String.Concat(_Path, "\\Converted\\", Path.GetFileName(currentDwg)), map, _Logger, Coordinates); try { dwgUpdater.Convert(); } catch (System.IO.IOException ioe) { _Logger.Log("Could not convert file: " + currentDwg + " because: " + ioe.Message); continue; } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Error processing file: " + currentDwg + " because: " + se.Message); continue; } DwgCounter++; try { _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, NumDwgs)); } catch { } } } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { _Logger.Log("Argument Exception: " + ae.Message); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Unhandled exception outside of dwg conversion: " + se.Message); } finally { AfterProcessing(); // Close XML reader try { xmlR.Close(); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Error closing XML reader: " + se.Message); } } return(String.Concat(DwgCounter.ToString(), " out of ", numFiles.ToString(), " dwgs converted in ", TimePassed, ". ", (_Logger.ErrorCount > 0) ? ("Error Log: " + _Logger.Path) : ("No errors found."))); }
public override string Process() { List <Row> mappings = new List <Row>(); // Check file path if (!MapPath.isFilePathOK()) { return("Invalid File: " + MapPath); } // Open error logger try { BeforeProcessing(); } catch (System.Exception se) { return("Layer Copy processing exception: " + se.Message); } // Get Dwgs try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, (s) => true); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Dispose(); return("Could not access DWG files in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message); } // Get mappings from text file try { String line = String.Empty; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(MapPath)) { while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { String[] substrings = line.Split(new[] { '|' }, 3); mappings.Add(new Row(substrings[0], substrings[1], substrings[2])); } } } catch { _Logger.Log("Error parsing file: " + MapPath); _Logger.Dispose(); return("Error parsing file: " + MapPath); } // Process try { // Save current db Database oldDb = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; foreach (String dwg in DwgList) { String justFileName = String.Empty; String oldDashNumber = String.Empty; String newDashNumber = String.Empty; Row correspondingRow = null; //Check for BackgroundWorker cancellation if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Layer copying cancelled by user at dwg " + DwgCounter.ToString() + " out of " + NumDwgs); break; } justFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dwg); // Find corresponding row in mapping list IEnumerable <Row> correspondingRows = mappings.Where <Row>(r => String.Equals(r.col1, justFileName)); if (correspondingRows.Count() < 1) { _Logger.Log("Skipping file because no mapping was found for: " + justFileName); continue; } if (correspondingRows.Count() > 1) { correspondingRow = correspondingRows.First <Row>(); _Logger.Log("More than one mapping entry was found for: " + justFileName + ", using: " + correspondingRow.ToString()); } correspondingRow = correspondingRows.First <Row>(); // Get old and new dash numbers from corresponding row in text file try { oldDashNumber = DashValueRegex.Match(correspondingRow.col2).Value; newDashNumber = DashValueRegex.Match(correspondingRow.col3).Value; } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(se.Message + ": Error parsing dash numbers for: " + correspondingRow.col2 + " and " + correspondingRow.col3); continue; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oldDashNumber) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDashNumber)) { _Logger.Log("old and new dash numbers not found in: " + correspondingRow.col2 + " and " + correspondingRow.col3); continue; } using (Database db = new Database(false, true)) { try { db.ReadDwgFile(dwg, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndWriteNoShare, true, String.Empty); db.CloseInput(true); } catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception e) { _Logger.Log(String.Concat(dwg + ": Could not read DWG because: ", e.Message)); continue; } using (Transaction acTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { using (LayerTable lt = acTrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable) { if (lt.Has(correspondingRow.col2)) { using (LayerTableRecord layerToCopy = acTrans.GetObject(lt[correspondingRow.col2], OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTableRecord) { // clone layer LayerTableRecord newLayer = (LayerTableRecord)layerToCopy.Clone(); // rename the new layer using third column in corresponding row newLayer.Name = correspondingRow.col3; // upgrade layertable for write and add the new layer to the layertable and db lt.UpgradeOpen(); lt.Add(newLayer); acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(newLayer, true); // Get the block table record for this drawing's model space BlockTableRecord btr = acTrans.GetObject(SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db), OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord; // Go through every entity in the block table record, and check if it's on the old layer, // and if it is, clone the entity, and add the clone to the new layer foreach (ObjectId entOid in btr) { using (Entity ent = acTrans.GetObject(entOid, OpenMode.ForRead) as Entity) { // Check if entity is on col2 layer if (String.Equals(ent.Layer, correspondingRow.col2)) { // Clone entity Entity entityClone = ent.Clone() as Entity; // if ent used for clone is text and a prefix or ms#, change the value // (original entity, not the clone is used here to check type cause dxfname // is still empty for the clone at this point) if (ent.Id.ObjectClass.DxfName == "TEXT") { DBText dbt = entityClone as DBText; // Check if text is a prefix note if (PrefixRegex.IsMatch(dbt.TextString)) { // use new dash number for prefix note on new layer dbt.TextString = String.Concat(dbt.TextString.Substring(0, dbt.TextString.IndexOf("WITH") + 4), " " + newDashNumber); } // Check if text is MS# if (MSRegex.IsMatch(dbt.TextString)) { // use new dash number for MS# on new layer dbt.TextString = String.Concat(dbt.TextString.Substring(0, dbt.TextString.IndexOf('-') + 1), newDashNumber); } btr.AppendEntity(dbt as Entity); acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dbt as Entity, true); dbt.Layer = newLayer.Name; } else { // Entity is not text, so add cloned entity to dwg, and change layer to newly added layer btr.AppendEntity(entityClone); acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(entityClone as Entity, true); entityClone.Layer = newLayer.Name; } } } } } } else { _Logger.Log(correspondingRow.col2 + " layer not found in dwg: " + dwg); } } acTrans.Commit(); } try { db.SaveAs(String.Concat(Path.GetDirectoryName(db.Filename), "\\", correspondingRow.col3, ".dwg"), DwgVersion.Current); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Could not save processed dwg because: " + se.Message); } } // Increment dwg counter DwgCounter++; // Report current progress to progress bar _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, NumDwgs)); } // Put old db back HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = oldDb; } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Unhandled processing exception: " + se.Message); return("Unhandled processing Exception: " + se.Message); } finally { AfterProcessing(); } return(String.Concat(DwgCounter, " out of ", NumDwgs, " dwgs processed in ", TimePassed, ((_Logger.ErrorCount > 0) ? (". Log file: " + _Logger.Path) : "."))); }
public override String Process() { try { BeforeProcessing(); } catch (System.Exception se) { return("Keyfile Generation processing exception: " + se.Message); } //if (!CheckDirPath()) { return "Invalid path: " + _Path; } //try //{ // _Logger = new Logger(String.Concat(_Path, "\\KeyfileErrors.txt")); //} //catch (System.Exception se) //{ // // FATAL ERROR // return "Could not create log file in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message; //} //StartTimer(); // Get all DWG files try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, delegate(String inFile) { return((System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inFile).Length < 15)); }); } catch (SystemException se) { _Logger.Log(" DWG files could not be enumerated because: " + se.Message); _Logger.Dispose(); return(" DWG files could not be enumerated because: " + se.Message); } if (NumDwgs == 0) { return("No DWGs found in: " + _Path); } foreach (String currentDWG in DwgList) { DwgCounter++; try { _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, NumDwgs)); } catch { } if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Keyfile generation cancelled by user at dwg " + DwgCounter.ToString() + " out of " + DwgList.Count); break; } String dwgNameNoExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currentDWG); String dwgNameExt = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(currentDWG); String ms = String.Empty; using (Database db = new Database(false, true)) { try { db.ReadDwgFile(currentDWG, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndWriteNoShare, true, String.Empty); db.Regenmode = true; db.CloseInput(true); } catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception e) { _Logger.Log(String.Concat("Could not read DWG: ", dwgNameNoExt, " because: ", e.Message, "...Continuing to next DWG")); continue; } using (Transaction acTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { // Unlock and thaw all layers ToEach.toEachLayer(db, acTrans, delegate(LayerTableRecord ltr) { if (ltr.IsLocked) { ltr.IsLocked = false; } if (ltr.IsFrozen) { ltr.IsFrozen = false; } return(false); }); XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Encoding = Encoding.ASCII; settings.Indent = true; XmlWriter xmlW = XmlWriter.Create(_Path + "\\" + dwgNameNoExt + "_key.xml", settings); if (xmlW == null) { _Logger.Log("XML writer could not be initialized."); _Logger.Dispose(); return("XML file could not be initialized."); } try { xmlW.WriteStartDocument(); xmlW.WriteStartElement("rpstl_keyfile"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); xmlW.WriteStartElement("filename"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", dwgNameExt); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); // Write dwg extents xmlW.WriteStartElement("extents"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("x1", db.Extmin.X.truncstring(3)); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("y1", db.Extmin.Y.truncstring(3)); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("x2", db.Extmax.X.truncstring(3)); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("y2", db.Extmax.Y.truncstring(3)); double height = db.Extmax.Y - db.Extmin.Y; double width = db.Extmax.X - db.Extmin.X; // Write document height and width xmlW.WriteAttributeString("height", height.truncstring(3)); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("width", width.truncstring(3)); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); // Unlock all layers ToEach.toEachLayer(db, acTrans, delegate(LayerTableRecord ltr) { if (ltr.IsLocked) { ltr.IsLocked = false; } return(false); } ); db.Regenmode = true; ObjectIdCollection oidc = new ObjectIdCollection(); ToEach.toEachEntity(db, acTrans, delegate(Entity ent) { oidc.Add(ent.Id); return(false); }); db.Purge(oidc); //Make Dictionary to map layerIds to layer names // Note neccessary because the DBText .Layer property isn't working Dictionary <ObjectId, String> LayerIdToLayerName = new Dictionary <ObjectId, string>(); using (LayerTable lt = acTrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable) { foreach (ObjectId layerOid in lt) { using (LayerTableRecord ltr = acTrans.GetObject(layerOid, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTableRecord) { LayerIdToLayerName.Add(ltr.Id, ltr.Name); } } } using (LayerTable lt = acTrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable) { foreach (ObjectId oid in lt) { List <DBText> msNos = new List <DBText>(); List <DBText> callouts = new List <DBText>(); List <DBText> viewLetters = new List <DBText>(); List <DBText> miscTexts = new List <DBText>(); List <BlockReference> cards = new List <BlockReference>(); //IEnumerable<DBText> msnos = new List<DBText>(); StringBuilder prefixString = new StringBuilder(); using (LayerTableRecord ltr = acTrans.GetObject(oid, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTableRecord) { List <DBText> linesBelowDesignations = new List <DBText>(); using (BlockTable bt = acTrans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable) { using (BlockTableRecord btr = acTrans.GetObject(bt[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTableRecord) { foreach (ObjectId oidbtr in btr) { Entity ent = acTrans.GetObject(oidbtr, OpenMode.ForRead) as Entity; if (ent.LayerId == ltr.Id) { if (ent.GetType() == typeof(DBText)) { DBText dbt = ent as DBText; String layerName = LayerIdToLayerName[dbt.LayerId]; // Skip everything on "FILENAME" and "SCALE" layers if (String.Equals(layerName, "FILENAME") || String.Equals(layerName, "SCALE")) { continue; } if (dbt.TextString.Trim().ToUpper().EndsWith("(REF)")) { // Skip old refdess continue; } // P/0 instead of P/O if (String.Equals(dbt.TextString.Trim(), "P/0")) { _Logger.Log("P/0 found instead of P/O on layer: " + dbt.Layer + " in DWG: " + dwgNameNoExt); } if (calloutRegex.IsMatch(dbt.TextString) && !dbt.TextString.Contains("-") && layerName.StartsWith("m")) { callouts.Add(dbt); continue; } // Skip view letters that are on layers that aren't m layers if (viewLetterRegex.IsMatch(dbt.TextString.Trim()) && layerName.StartsWith("m")) { viewLetters.Add(dbt); continue; } // Skip msnos that are on layers that aren't m layers if ((msRegex.IsMatch(dbt.TextString.ToUpper()) || letterRegex.IsMatch(dbt.TextString.ToUpper())) && layerName.StartsWith("m")) { msNos.Add(dbt); continue; } if (refDesRegex.IsMatch(dbt.TextString.ToUpper().Trim())) //&& { // Do nothing // Look for refdess on a per-callout basis because refdes // must be within a certain range of each callout continue; } // Check if text refdes if (dbt.TextString.Contains("DESIGNATIONS")) { // Get prefix from line with Designations prefixString.Append(dbt.TextString.Substring(dbt.TextString.IndexOf("WITH") + 5).Trim()); // Get each line below Designations line and add it to list linesBelowDesignations = ToEach.toEachDBText(db, acTrans, delegate(DBText dbtUnderDes) { double yDiff = dbt.Position.Y - dbtUnderDes.Position.Y; double xDiff = Math.Abs(dbt.Position.X - dbtUnderDes.Position.X); return((dbt.Id != dbtUnderDes.Id) && (dbt.LayerId == dbtUnderDes.LayerId) && (dbt.Position.Y > dbtUnderDes.Position.Y) && (yDiff < .5) && (xDiff < .02)); }); // Append each line to String and format it with spaces and commas foreach (DBText lineBelowDes in linesBelowDesignations) { if (prefixString[prefixString.Length - 1] != ',') { prefixString.Append(String.Concat(", ", lineBelowDes.TextString.Trim())); continue; } if (prefixString[prefixString.Length - 1] == ',') { prefixString.Append(String.Concat(" ", lineBelowDes.TextString.Trim())); continue; } } // Delete trailing comma if it exists if (prefixString[prefixString.Length - 1] == ',') { prefixString.Length--; } // TODO ? continue; } miscTexts.Add(dbt); } if (ent.GetType() == typeof(BlockReference)) { BlockReference br = acTrans.GetObject(oidbtr, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockReference; if (br.Name.Contains("PRENOTE")) { _Logger.Log("DWG: " + dwgNameExt + ": layer: " + LayerIdToLayerName[br.LayerId] + ": " + "block reference prefix note found"); } if (br.Name.Contains("HCRDTBL")) { cards.Add(br); } } } } } } xmlW.WriteStartElement("layer"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", ltr.Name); if (prefixString.Length > 0) { xmlW.WriteAttributeString("refdes_prefix", prefixString.ToString()); } foreach (BlockReference br in cards) { Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.AttributeCollection attCol = br.AttributeCollection; AttributeReference attRefRefDes = acTrans.GetObject(br.AttributeCollection[0], OpenMode.ForRead) as AttributeReference; AttributeReference attRefItem = acTrans.GetObject(br.AttributeCollection[1], OpenMode.ForRead) as AttributeReference; xmlW.WriteStartElement("callout"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attRefItem.TextString)) ? "no_itemno_for_card_slot" : attRefItem.TextString); xmlW.writeOutAttRefMinMax(attRefItem); xmlW.WriteStartElement("refdes"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", attRefRefDes.TextString); xmlW.writeOutAttRefMinMax(attRefRefDes); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); } foreach (DBText viewLetter in viewLetters) { TextEntity tent = new TextEntity(viewLetter); xmlW.WriteStartElement("view_letter"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", tent.text); xmlW.writeOutMinMax(tent, _Logger); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); } foreach (DBText msNo in msNos) { TextEntity tent = new TextEntity(msNo); xmlW.WriteStartElement("msno"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", tent.text); xmlW.writeOutMinMax(tent, _Logger); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); } foreach (DBText callout in callouts) { TextEntity tent = new TextEntity(callout); xmlW.WriteStartElement("callout"); xmlW.writeOutMinMax(tent, _Logger); List <DBText> refDess = new List <DBText>(); refDess = ToEach.toEachDBText(db, acTrans, delegate(DBText possibleRefDes) { const System.Double yRange = .15; const System.Double xRange = .15; return(possibleRefDes.Id != callout.Id && possibleRefDes.LayerId == callout.LayerId && refDesRegex.IsMatch(possibleRefDes.TextString.ToUpper().Trim()) && //!possibleRefDes.TextString.Contains(",") && //!possibleRefDes.TextString.Contains("-") && (possibleRefDes.IsAbove(callout, .1135 /*.5*/) || possibleRefDes.IsInRect(callout.AlignmentPoint.X - xRange, callout.AlignmentPoint.Y, callout.AlignmentPoint.X, callout.AlignmentPoint.Y + yRange) || possibleRefDes.IsInRect(callout.AlignmentPoint.X, callout.AlignmentPoint.Y, callout.AlignmentPoint.X + xRange, callout.AlignmentPoint.Y + yRange)) && !callout.IsRefDesBetween(possibleRefDes, acTrans, db) ); }); if (refDess.Count > 1) { if (callout.Justify != AttachmentPoint.MiddleCenter) { _Logger.Log("DWG: " + dwgNameExt + " layer: " + LayerIdToLayerName[tent.dbText.LayerId] + " callout: " + tent.text + " has an alignment point that isn't middle center" + " (" + tent.dbText.Position.X.truncstring(3) + ", " + tent.dbText.Position.Y.truncstring(3) + ") "); } else { _Logger.Log("DWG: " + dwgNameExt + " layer: " + LayerIdToLayerName[tent.dbText.LayerId] + " has more than one refdes for callout: " + tent.text + " (" + tent.dbText.Position.X.truncstring(3) + ", " + tent.dbText.Position.Y.truncstring(3) + ") "); //tent.dbText.Layer); } } xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", tent.text); foreach (DBText refdes in refDess) { TextEntity tentRefDes = new TextEntity(refdes); xmlW.WriteStartElement("refdes"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", tentRefDes.text); xmlW.writeOutMinMax(tentRefDes, _Logger); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); } xmlW.WriteEndElement(); } foreach (DBText otherText in miscTexts) { if (!linesBelowDesignations.Contains(otherText)) { TextEntity tent = new TextEntity(otherText); xmlW.WriteStartElement("other_text"); xmlW.WriteAttributeString("text", tent.text); xmlW.writeOutMinMax(tent, _Logger); xmlW.WriteEndElement(); } } xmlW.WriteEndElement(); } } } } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("DWG: " + dwgNameExt + ": processing error of type: " + se.GetType().ToString() + " : " + se.Message); } finally { xmlW.WriteEndElement(); xmlW.WriteRaw(Environment.NewLine); xmlW.WriteEndDocument(); xmlW.Flush(); xmlW.Close(); } acTrans.Commit(); } } } AfterProcessing(); return(String.Concat(DwgCounter.ToString(), " out of ", NumDwgs, " DWGs processed in ", TimePassed, ". ", (_Logger.ErrorCount > 0) ? ("Error Log: " + _Logger.Path) : ("No errors found."))); }
public override String Process() { Regex pattern1 = new Regex(@"^[ACDFIJKNTVWX][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][A-Z]?((-|–)[0-9][0-9]?)?$"); Regex pattern2 = new Regex(@"^[ABCDEGHKLNPRUTZ][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?((-|–)[0-9][0-9]?)?$"); Regex pattern3 = new Regex(@"^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][A-Z]?((-|–)([0-9]|[A-Z]))?$"); Int32 numErrorsPerDWG = 0, numErrorsTotal = 0; FileInfo textReport; //if (!CheckDirPath()) { return "Invalid path: " + _Path; } try { BeforeProcessing(); } catch (System.Exception se) { return("Layer Checker processing exception: " + se.Message); } try { textReport = new FileInfo(_Path + "\\dwgsource_check_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddHHmmss") + ".txt"); writer = new StreamWriter(textReport.FullName); } catch { _Logger.Dispose(); return("Could not open checker log file in: " + _Path); } //try { _Logger = new Logger(_Path + "\\LayerCheckerErrorLog.txt"); } //catch { return "Could not create error log file in: " + _Path; } //StartTimer(); #region Get dwgs and create checked dir if multi dir box is checked if (MultiDir) { try { IEnumerable <String> dirList = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(_Path); Directory.CreateDirectory(_Path + "\\checked\\"); foreach (String dirToCopy in dirList) { if (dirToCopy.Contains("checked")) { continue; } Directory.CreateDirectory(String.Concat(_Path, "\\checked\\", dirToCopy.Substring(dirToCopy.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1))); } } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Error re-creating directory structure in new folder in: " + _Path + " because: " + se.Message); return("Error re-creating directory structure in new folder in: " + _Path); } try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.AllDirectories, (inFileStr) => !inFileStr.Contains("\\checked\\")); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(" Not all .dwg files could be enumerated because: " + se.Message); return("Could not get all DWG files"); } } else { try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(" Not all DWG files could be enumerated because: " + se.Message); return("Could not get all dwg files in: " + _Path); } } #endregion try { foreach (String currentDWG in DwgList) { Database oldDb = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase; StringBuilder currentDwgErrors = new StringBuilder(); numErrorsPerDWG = 0; String ms = ""; using (Database db = new Database(false, true)) { try { db.ReadDwgFile(currentDWG, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndWriteNoShare, true, String.Empty); db.CloseInput(true); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Could not read DWG: " + currentDWG + " because: " + se.Message); continue; } using (Transaction acTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { using (LayerTable lt = acTrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as LayerTable) { if (MakeChanges) { db.Clayer = lt["0"]; } foreach (ObjectId layerId in lt) { LayerTableRecord layer = acTrans.GetObject(layerId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as LayerTableRecord; String curLayerName = layer.Name.ToUpper().Trim(); if (curLayerName.Equals("FILENAME")) { ms = Utilities.msText(db, "FILENAME"); } if (curLayerName.Equals("MSNUM")) { ms = Utilities.msText(db, "MSNUM"); } if (MakeChanges) { layer.Color = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255); } if ((String.Equals(curLayerName, "0")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "DEFPOINTS")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "COLUMN")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "ST_TABLE_VISIBLE")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "ST_TABLE_INVISIBLE")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currentDWG).ToUpper().Trim())) ) { if (MakeChanges) { layer.IsLocked = false; if (layer.IsFrozen) { layer.IsFrozen = false; } if (String.Equals(curLayerName, "ST_TABLE_INVISIBLE")) { layer.IsOff = true; } else { layer.IsOff = false; } } } else { if ((String.Equals(curLayerName, "IADS_HOTSPOTS")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "TEMPLATE")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "ST_AUTOCONVERT_MARKERS")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "ZONE")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "FILENAME")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "SCALE")) || (String.Equals(curLayerName, "MSNUM")) || (curLayerName.StartsWith("REF_")) || (((pattern1.IsMatch(curLayerName)) || (pattern2.IsMatch(curLayerName)) || (pattern3.IsMatch(curLayerName))) && (!System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currentDWG).ToUpper().Equals(curLayerName)) )) { if (MakeChanges) { layer.IsLocked = false; Utilities.delLayer(db, layer.Name, layer); } } else { currentDwgErrors.Append(layer.Name + "\t\t\t" + ms + Environment.NewLine); numErrorsPerDWG++; } } layer.Dispose(); } } acTrans.Commit(); } if (MultiDir) { try { // Dwg is in subdir if (!String.Equals(Path.GetDirectoryName(currentDWG), _Path)) { //Get subdir path and subdir name String subdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(currentDWG); String subdirName = subdir.Substring(subdir.LastIndexOf("\\")); db.SaveAs(Path.GetDirectoryName(subdir) + "\\checked" + subdirName + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(currentDWG), DwgVersion.Current); } // Dwg is in top dir else { db.SaveAs(_Path + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(currentDWG), DwgVersion.Current); } } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(currentDWG + " could not be saved because: " + se.Message); } } else { try { db.SaveAs(currentDWG, DwgVersion.Current); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log(currentDWG + " could not be saved because: " + se.Message); } } HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = oldDb; } numErrorsTotal += numErrorsPerDWG; if (numErrorsPerDWG > 0) { currentDwgErrors.Insert(0, + currentDWG + + "--------" +; writer.Write(currentDwgErrors); } DwgCounter++; try { _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, NumDwgs)); } catch { } if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Layer Checking cancelled by user at dwg " + DwgCounter + " out of " + NumDwgs); break; } } } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Processing Exception: " + se.Message); return("Processing Exception: " + se.Message); } finally { try { writer.Close(); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Couldn't close layer check file because: " + se.Message); } if (numErrorsTotal < 1) { try { textReport.Delete(); } catch { _Logger.Log("Couldn't delete empty check file"); } } AfterProcessing(); } return(String.Concat(DwgCounter.ToString(), " out of ", NumDwgs.ToString(), " dwgs processed in ", TimePassed, ". ", (_Logger.ErrorCount > 0) ? ("Error Log: " + _Logger.Path) : ("No errors found."))); }
public override String Process() { Regex FileFormat = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^m(\d){6}([a-z]{0,2})?$"); Regex LayerFormat = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"^m(\d){6}([a-z]){0,2}-(\w){1,2}$"); try { BeforeProcessing(); } catch (System.Exception se) { return("RPSTL Delivery processing exception: " + se.Message); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Suffix)) { return("Invalid Suffix"); } // Get all DWG files try { GetDwgList(SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); } catch (SystemException se) { _Logger.Log(" DWG files could not be enumerated because: " + se.Message); _Logger.Dispose(); return(" DWG files could not be enumerated because: " + se.Message); } try { foreach (String currentDWG in DwgList) { Boolean found0 = false; Boolean foundGType = false; Boolean foundmx0 = false; ObjectId foundmx0Id = new ObjectId(); Boolean foundmxSuffix = false; String newfi = ""; List <String> LayersForDelete = new List <String>(); if (_Bw.CancellationPending) { _Logger.Log("Processing cancelled at dwg " + currentDWG + " out of " + NumDwgs); return("Processing cancelled at dwg " + DwgCounter.ToString() + " out of " + NumDwgs); } DwgCounter++; try { _Bw.ReportProgress(Utilities.GetPercentage(DwgCounter, NumDwgs)); } catch { _Logger.Log("Progress bar report error"); } using (Database db = new Database(false, true)) { try { db.ReadDwgFile(currentDWG, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndWriteNoShare, true, String.Empty); db.CloseInput(true); } catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception e) { _Logger.Log("Could not read DWG: " + currentDWG + " because: " + e.Message); continue; } if (!FileFormat.IsMatch(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(db.Filename))) { _Logger.Log("Skipping: " + db.Filename + " because of incorrect name format"); continue; } String dwgMsName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(db.Filename).Trim(); using (Transaction acTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { using (LayerTable lt = acTrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable) { foreach (ObjectId oid in lt) { using (LayerTableRecord ltr = acTrans.GetObject(oid, OpenMode.ForWrite) as LayerTableRecord) { String layerName = ltr.Name.Trim(); ltr.IsLocked = false; if (String.Equals(layerName, "0")) { found0 = true; db.Clayer = ltr.Id; ltr.Color = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255); continue; } if (String.Equals(layerName, "_GTYPE_RPSTL")) { foundGType = true; LayersForDelete.Add(ltr.Name); continue; } if (Regex.IsMatch(layerName, @"^m(\d){6}([a-z]){0,2}-0") && String.Equals(layerName.Remove(layerName.LastIndexOf('-')), dwgMsName)) { foundmx0 = true; ltr.IsFrozen = false; foundmx0Id = ltr.Id; ltr.Color = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255); continue; } if (Regex.IsMatch(layerName, @"^m(\d){6}([a-z]){0,2}-" + Suffix + "$") && String.Equals(layerName.Remove(layerName.LastIndexOf('-')), dwgMsName)) { foundmxSuffix = true; ltr.IsFrozen = false; ltr.Color = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255); continue; } if (String.Equals(layerName, "FILENAME") || String.Equals(layerName, "SCALE")) { LayersForDelete.Add(ltr.Name); continue; } // myLogger.Log("Deleting Unknown layer: " + ltr.Name + " in: " + currentDWG); LayersForDelete.Add(ltr.Name); } } } if (!foundmx0 && !foundmxSuffix) { _Logger.Log("Could not find mx-0 or mx-suffix layer in: " + currentDWG); } if (!found0) { _Logger.Log("0 Layer not found"); } if (!foundGType) { _Logger.Log("GTYPE Layer not found"); } using (LayerTable lt = acTrans.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as LayerTable) { foreach (ObjectId oid in lt) { using (LayerTableRecord ltr = acTrans.GetObject(oid, OpenMode.ForWrite) as LayerTableRecord) { String layerName = ltr.Name.Trim(); if (foundmx0 && LayerFormat.IsMatch(layerName) && ltr.Id != foundmx0Id) { LayersForDelete.Add(ltr.Name); _Logger.Log("Layer: " + layerName + " not allowed in: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(db.Filename)); continue; } if (!foundmx0 && foundmxSuffix && LayerFormat.IsMatch(layerName)) { ltr.IsFrozen = false; ltr.Color = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255); continue; } } } } foreach (String LayerForDelete in LayersForDelete) { Utilities.delLayer(acTrans, db, LayerForDelete); } if (foundmx0) { newfi = String.Concat(db.Filename.Remove(db.Filename.LastIndexOf('.')), "-", "0", ".dwg"); } if (!foundmx0) { newfi = String.Concat(db.Filename.Remove(db.Filename.LastIndexOf('.')), "-", Suffix.Trim(), ".dwg"); } acTrans.Commit(); } try { db.SaveAs(newfi, DwgVersion.Current); } catch (System.Exception se) { _Logger.Log("Couldn't save Dwg: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(db.Filename) + " because: " + se.Message); } } } //if (_Logger.ErrorCount > 0) { return "Log file: " + _Logger.Path; } else { return "No errors found"; } } catch (System.Exception e) { _Logger.Log("Unhandled exception: " + e.Message); return("Unhandled exception: " + e.Message); } finally { AfterProcessing(); } return(String.Concat(DwgCounter, " out of ", NumDwgs, " processed in ", TimePassed, (_Logger.ErrorCount > 0) ? (". Log file: " + _Logger.Path) : ("."))); }