public void ThatPathIsCorrectlyParsedInDiscoveryPhase(string path, string expected) { var file = Substitute.For <IFile>(); var sut = new DumpXml(path, file); sut.AddString("whatever"); sut.DumpForDiscovery(); file.Received().WriteAllText(Arg.Is <string>(o => o.StartsWith(expected, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)), Arg.Any <string>()); }
private void SetupDump(string assemblyPath, IGrouping <string, TestCase> testCases) { executionDumpXml = null; if (Settings.DumpXmlTestResults) { executionDumpXml = new DumpXml(assemblyPath); string runningBy = testCases == null ? "<RunningBy>Sources</RunningBy>" : "<RunningBy>TestCases</RunningBy>"; executionDumpXml?.AddString($"\n{runningBy}\n"); } }
public void ThatEmptyContainsHeaders() { string res = ""; var file = Substitute.For <IFile>(); file.WriteAllText(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Do <string>(o => res = o)); var sut = new DumpXml("Whatever", file); sut.DumpForDiscovery(); Assert.That(res, Does.Contain("NUnitXml")); var sarray = res.Split('\n'); Assert.That(sarray.Length, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(3)); }
public void ThatRandomNameContainsValidCharacters() { var sut = new DumpXml("whatever"); var res = sut.RandomName(); Assert.That(res, Does.EndWith(".dump")); var parts = res.Split('.'); Assert.That(parts.Length, Is.EqualTo(2), $"Too many dots in {res}"); var part1 = parts[0]; var rg = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]*$"); Assert.That(rg.IsMatch(part1)); }
public void ThatWritingClearsBuffer() { string res = ""; var file = Substitute.For <IFile>(); file.WriteAllText(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Do <string>(o => res = o)); var sut = new DumpXml("whatever", file); var string1 = "something"; sut.AddString(string1); sut.DumpForDiscovery(); Assert.That(res, Does.Contain(string1)); var string2 = "new string"; sut.AddString(string2); sut.DumpForDiscovery(); Assert.That(res, Does.Contain(string2)); Assert.That(res, Does.Not.Contain(string1)); }
private void RunAssembly(string assemblyPath, TestFilter filter) { #if LAUNCHDEBUGGER if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Launch(); } #endif var actionText = Debugger.IsAttached ? "Debugging " : "Running "; var selectionText = filter == null || filter == TestFilter.Empty ? "all" : "selected"; TestLog.Info(actionText + selectionText + " tests in " + assemblyPath); // No need to restore if the seed was in runsettings file if (!Settings.RandomSeedSpecified) { Settings.RestoreRandomSeed(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath)); } DumpXml dumpXml = null; if (Settings.DumpXmlTestResults) { dumpXml = new Dump.DumpXml(assemblyPath); } try { _activeRunner = GetRunnerFor(assemblyPath); var loadResult = _activeRunner.Explore(TestFilter.Empty); #if !NETCOREAPP1_0 dumpXml?.AddString(loadResult.AsString()); #endif if (loadResult.Name == "test-run") { loadResult = loadResult.FirstChild; } if (loadResult.GetAttribute("runstate") == "Runnable") { var nunitTestCases = loadResult.SelectNodes("//test-case"); using (var testConverter = new TestConverter(TestLog, assemblyPath, Settings.CollectSourceInformation)) { var loadedTestCases = new List <TestCase>(); // As a side effect of calling TestConverter.ConvertTestCase, // the converter's cache of all test cases is populated as well. // All future calls to convert a test case may now use the cache. foreach (XmlNode testNode in nunitTestCases) { loadedTestCases.Add(testConverter.ConvertTestCase(testNode)); } TestLog.Info($"NUnit3TestExecutor converted {loadedTestCases.Count} of {nunitTestCases.Count} NUnit test cases"); // If we have a TFS Filter, convert it to an nunit filter if (TfsFilter != null && !TfsFilter.IsEmpty) { // NOTE This overwrites filter used in call var filterBuilder = CreateTestFilterBuilder(); filter = filterBuilder.ConvertTfsFilterToNUnitFilter(TfsFilter, loadedTestCases); } if (filter == NUnitTestFilterBuilder.NoTestsFound) { TestLog.Info("Skipping assembly - no matching test cases found"); return; } using (var listener = new NUnitEventListener(FrameworkHandle, testConverter, dumpXml)) { try { _activeRunner.Run(listener, filter); } catch (NullReferenceException) { // this happens during the run when CancelRun is called. TestLog.Debug("Nullref caught"); } } } } else { var msgNode = loadResult.SelectSingleNode("properties/property[@name='_SKIPREASON']"); if (msgNode != null && (new[] { "contains no tests", "Has no TestFixtures" }).Any(msgNode.GetAttribute("value").Contains)) { TestLog.Info("NUnit couldn't find any tests in " + assemblyPath); } else { TestLog.Info("NUnit failed to load " + assemblyPath); } } } catch (BadImageFormatException) { // we skip the native c++ binaries that we don't support. TestLog.Warning("Assembly not supported: " + assemblyPath); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // Probably from the GetExportedTypes in NUnit.core, attempting to find an assembly, not a problem if it is not NUnit here TestLog.Warning("Dependent Assembly " + ex.FileName + " of " + assemblyPath + " not found. Can be ignored if not a NUnit project."); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is TargetInvocationException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } TestLog.Warning("Exception thrown executing tests in " + assemblyPath, ex); } finally { #if !NETCOREAPP1_0 dumpXml?.Dump4Execution(); #endif try { _activeRunner?.Dispose(); _activeRunner = null; } catch (Exception ex) { // can happen if CLR throws CannotUnloadAppDomainException, for example // due to a long-lasting operation in a protected region (catch/finally clause). if (ex is TargetInvocationException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } TestLog.Warning("Exception thrown unloading tests from " + assemblyPath, ex); } } }
private void RunAssembly(string assemblyPath, IGrouping <string, TestCase> testCases, TestFilter filter) { LogActionAndSelection(assemblyPath, filter); RestoreRandomSeed(assemblyPath); Dump = DumpXml.CreateDump(assemblyPath, testCases, Settings); try { var package = CreateTestPackage(assemblyPath, testCases); NUnitEngineAdapter.CreateRunner(package); CreateTestOutputFolder(); Dump?.StartDiscoveryInExecution(testCases, filter, package); // var discoveryResults = RunType == RunType.CommandLineCurrentNUnit ? null : NUnitEngineAdapter.Explore(filter); var discoveryResults = NUnitEngineAdapter.Explore(filter); Dump?.AddString(discoveryResults?.AsString() ?? " No discovery"); if (discoveryResults?.IsRunnable ?? true) { var discovery = new DiscoveryConverter(TestLog, Settings); discovery.Convert(discoveryResults, assemblyPath); if (!Settings.SkipExecutionWhenNoTests || discovery.AllTestCases.Any()) { var ea = ExecutionFactory.Create(this); ea.Run(filter, discovery, this); } else { TestLog.InfoNoTests(assemblyPath); } } else { TestLog.InfoNoTests(discoveryResults.HasNoNUnitTests, assemblyPath); } } catch (Exception ex) when(ex is BadImageFormatException || ex.InnerException is BadImageFormatException) { // we skip the native c++ binaries that we don't support. TestLog.Warning(" Assembly not supported: " + assemblyPath); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // Probably from the GetExportedTypes in NUnit.core, attempting to find an assembly, not a problem if it is not NUnit here TestLog.Warning(" Dependent Assembly " + ex.FileName + " of " + assemblyPath + " not found. Can be ignored if not an NUnit project."); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is TargetInvocationException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } TestLog.Warning(" Exception thrown executing tests in " + assemblyPath, ex); } finally { Dump?.DumpForExecution(); try { NUnitEngineAdapter?.CloseRunner(); } catch (Exception ex) { // can happen if CLR throws CannotUnloadAppDomainException, for example // due to a long-lasting operation in a protected region (catch/finally clause). if (ex is TargetInvocationException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } TestLog.Warning($" Exception thrown unloading tests from {assemblyPath}", ex); } } }
public void DiscoverTests(IEnumerable <string> sources, IDiscoveryContext discoveryContext, IMessageLogger messageLogger, ITestCaseDiscoverySink discoverySink) { Initialize(discoveryContext, messageLogger); CheckIfDebug(); TestLog.Info($"NUnit Adapter {AdapterVersion}: Test discovery starting"); // Ensure any channels registered by other adapters are unregistered CleanUpRegisteredChannels(); if (Settings.InProcDataCollectorsAvailable && sources.Count() > 1) { TestLog.Error("Unexpected to discover tests in multiple assemblies when InProcDataCollectors specified in run configuration."); Unload(); return; } foreach (string sourceAssembly in sources) { string sourceAssemblyPath = Path.IsPathRooted(sourceAssembly) ? sourceAssembly : Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), sourceAssembly); TestLog.Debug("Processing " + sourceAssembly); if (Settings.DumpXmlTestDiscovery) { dumpXml = new DumpXml(sourceAssemblyPath); } try { var package = CreateTestPackage(sourceAssemblyPath, null); NUnitEngineAdapter.CreateRunner(package); var results = NUnitEngineAdapter.Explore(); dumpXml?.AddString(results.AsString()); if (results.IsRunnable) { int cases; using (var testConverter = new TestConverterForXml(TestLog, sourceAssemblyPath, Settings)) { var timing = new TimingLogger(Settings, TestLog); cases = ProcessTestCases(results, discoverySink, testConverter); timing.LogTime("Discovery/Processing/Converting:"); } TestLog.Debug($"Discovered {cases} test cases"); // Only save if seed is not specified in runsettings // This allows workaround in case there is no valid // location in which the seed may be saved. if (cases > 0 && !Settings.RandomSeedSpecified) { Settings.SaveRandomSeed(Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceAssemblyPath)); } } else { if (results.HasNoNUnitTests) { if (Settings.Verbosity > 0) { TestLog.Info("Assembly contains no NUnit 3.0 tests: " + sourceAssembly); } } else { TestLog.Info("NUnit failed to load " + sourceAssembly); } } } catch (NUnitEngineException e) { if (e.InnerException is BadImageFormatException) { // we skip the native c++ binaries that we don't support. TestLog.Warning("Assembly not supported: " + sourceAssembly); } else { TestLog.Warning("Exception thrown discovering tests in " + sourceAssembly, e); } } catch (BadImageFormatException) { // we skip the native c++ binaries that we don't support. TestLog.Warning("Assembly not supported: " + sourceAssembly); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // Either the NUnit framework was not referenced by the test assembly // or some other error occurred. Not a problem if not an NUnit assembly. TestLog.Warning("Dependent Assembly " + ex.FileName + " of " + sourceAssembly + " not found. Can be ignored if not an NUnit project."); } catch (FileLoadException ex) { // Attempts to load an invalid assembly, or an assembly with missing dependencies TestLog.Warning("Assembly " + ex.FileName + " loaded through " + sourceAssembly + " failed. Assembly is ignored. Correct deployment of dependencies if this is an error."); } catch (TypeLoadException ex) { if (ex.TypeName == "NUnit.Framework.Api.FrameworkController") { TestLog.Warning(" Skipping NUnit 2.x test assembly"); } else { TestLog.Warning("Exception thrown discovering tests in " + sourceAssembly, ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { TestLog.Warning("Exception thrown discovering tests in " + sourceAssembly, ex); } finally { dumpXml?.DumpForDiscovery(); NUnitEngineAdapter?.CloseRunner(); } } TestLog.Info($"NUnit Adapter {AdapterVersion}: Test discovery complete"); Unload(); }
private void RunAssembly(string assemblyPath, IGrouping <string, TestCase> testCases, TestFilter filter) { #if LAUNCHDEBUGGER if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { Debugger.Launch(); } #endif string actionText = Debugger.IsAttached ? "Debugging " : "Running "; string selectionText = filter == null || filter == TestFilter.Empty ? "all" : "selected"; TestLog.Info(actionText + selectionText + " tests in " + assemblyPath); // No need to restore if the seed was in runsettings file if (!Settings.RandomSeedSpecified) { Settings.RestoreRandomSeed(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath)); } executionDumpXml = null; if (Settings.DumpXmlTestResults) { executionDumpXml = new DumpXml(assemblyPath); } try { var package = CreateTestPackage(assemblyPath, testCases); NUnitEngineAdapter.CreateRunner(package); CreateTestOutputFolder(); executionDumpXml?.AddString($"<NUnitDiscoveryInExecution>{assemblyPath}</NUnitExecution>\r\n\r\n"); var discoveryResults = NUnitEngineAdapter.Explore(filter); // _activeRunner.Explore(filter); executionDumpXml?.AddString(discoveryResults.AsString()); if (discoveryResults.IsRunnable) { var nunitTestCases = discoveryResults.TestCases(); using var testConverter = new TestConverter(TestLog, assemblyPath, Settings); var loadedTestCases = new List <TestCase>(); // As a side effect of calling TestConverter.ConvertTestCase, // the converter's cache of all test cases is populated as well. // All future calls to convert a test case may now use the cache. foreach (XmlNode testNode in nunitTestCases) { loadedTestCases.Add(testConverter.ConvertTestCase(new NUnitTestCase(testNode))); } TestLog.Info($" NUnit3TestExecutor converted {loadedTestCases.Count} of {nunitTestCases.Count} NUnit test cases"); // If we have a TFS Filter, convert it to an nunit filter if (TfsFilter != null && !TfsFilter.IsEmpty) { // NOTE This overwrites filter used in call var filterBuilder = CreateTestFilterBuilder(); filter = filterBuilder.ConvertTfsFilterToNUnitFilter(TfsFilter, loadedTestCases); } if (filter == NUnitTestFilterBuilder.NoTestsFound) { TestLog.Info(" Skipping assembly - no matching test cases found"); return; } executionDumpXml?.AddString($"<NUnitExecution>{assemblyPath}</NUnitExecution>\r\n"); using (var listener = new NUnitEventListener(FrameworkHandle, testConverter, this)) { try { var results = NUnitEngineAdapter.Run(listener, filter); GenerateTestOutput(results.TopNode, assemblyPath); } catch (NullReferenceException) { // this happens during the run when CancelRun is called. TestLog.Debug(" Null ref caught"); } } } else { TestLog.Info(discoveryResults.HasNoNUnitTests ? " NUnit couldn't find any tests in " + assemblyPath : " NUnit failed to load " + assemblyPath); } } catch (BadImageFormatException) { // we skip the native c++ binaries that we don't support. TestLog.Warning(" Assembly not supported: " + assemblyPath); } catch (NUnitEngineException e) { if (e.InnerException is BadImageFormatException) { // we skip the native c++ binaries that we don't support. TestLog.Warning(" Assembly not supported: " + assemblyPath); } throw; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // Probably from the GetExportedTypes in NUnit.core, attempting to find an assembly, not a problem if it is not NUnit here TestLog.Warning(" Dependent Assembly " + ex.FileName + " of " + assemblyPath + " not found. Can be ignored if not an NUnit project."); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is TargetInvocationException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } TestLog.Warning(" Exception thrown executing tests in " + assemblyPath, ex); } finally { executionDumpXml?.Dump4Execution(); try { NUnitEngineAdapter?.CloseRunner(); } catch (Exception ex) { // can happen if CLR throws CannotUnloadAppDomainException, for example // due to a long-lasting operation in a protected region (catch/finally clause). if (ex is TargetInvocationException) { ex = ex.InnerException; } TestLog.Warning($" Exception thrown unloading tests from {assemblyPath}", ex); } } }