// Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     gManager  = GameManager.instance;
     suiScript = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <ShopUIScript>();
     dpScript  = GameObject.Find("DummyPlayer").GetComponent <DummyPlayerScript>();
     isScript  = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <ActiveInventorySlotScript>();
     mechaPart = isScript.mechaPart;
     Debug.Log("The Unequip Button can see that it is a button on an activeinventory slot representing..." + mechaPart.name);
    private void Start()
        loadedAllThings = false;
        NetworkIdentity _networkIdentity = GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>();

        if (_networkIdentity.isLocalPlayer == true)
            dummyPlayerScript = this;
            player            = gameObject;
            player.name       = LoadedPlayerData.playerData.name;
            networkIdentity   = _networkIdentity;
            loadedAllThings   = true;