internal override Bitmap TakePicture() { if (m_callbackCompleted != null) { return(null); } // m_pictureControl = pictureControl; m_takePictureEnd = false; DsDevice cameraDevice = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)[m_cameraDeviceIndex]; IFilterGraph2 filterGraph = null; IBaseFilter cam = null; IPin camCapture = null; // cam ISampleGrabber sg = null; IPin sgIn = null; // samplegrabber try { // setup filterGraph & connect camera filterGraph = (IFilterGraph2) new FilterGraph(); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(filterGraph.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(cameraDevice.Mon, null, cameraDevice.Name, out cam)); // setup smarttee and connect so that cam(PinCategory.Capture)->st(PinDirection.Input) camCapture = DsFindPin.ByCategory(cam, PinCategory.Capture, 0); // output ConfStreamDimensions((IAMStreamConfig)camCapture); // connect Camera output to SampleGrabber input sg = (ISampleGrabber) new SampleGrabber(); // configure AMMediaType media = new AMMediaType(); try { media.majorType = MediaType.Video; media.subType = BPP2MediaSubtype(m_configuration.BPP); // this will ask samplegrabber to do convertions for us media.formatType = FormatType.VideoInfo; DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(sg.SetMediaType(media)); } finally { DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(media); media = null; } DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(sg.SetCallback(this, 1)); // 1 = BufferCB DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(filterGraph.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)sg, "SG")); sgIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)sg, PinDirection.Input, 0); // input DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(filterGraph.Connect(camCapture, sgIn)); GetSizeInfo(sg); // wait until timeout - or picture has been taken if (m_callbackCompleted == null) { m_callbackCompleted = new ManualResetEvent(false); // start filter DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(((IMediaControl)filterGraph).Run()); m_callbackState = 5; //if (m_pictureControl != null) //{ // m_callbackCompleted.WaitOne(); //} //else //{ if (!m_callbackCompleted.WaitOne(15000, false)) { throw new Exception(); //"Timeout while waiting for Picture"); } //} return(m_capturedBitmap); } else { return(null); } } finally { // release allocated objects if (m_callbackCompleted != null) { m_callbackCompleted.Close(); m_callbackCompleted = null; } if (sgIn != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sgIn); sgIn = null; } if (sg != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sg); sg = null; } if (camCapture != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(camCapture); camCapture = null; } if (cam != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cam); cam = null; } if (filterGraph != null) { try { ((IMediaControl)filterGraph).Stop(); } catch (Exception) { } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(filterGraph); filterGraph = null; } m_capturedBitmap = null; m_callbackCompleted = null; } }
private static DsDevice[] GetDevices(Guid filterCategory) { return((from d in DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(filterCategory) select d).ToArray()); }
public IBaseFilter Create(Guid category, string strName, out string strTitle) { _class.Debug.Log("[3] Create filter: name>" + strName); IBaseFilter filter = null; strTitle = "*NF*"; strName = strName.ToLower(); int hr = 0; int intID = _class.Var.DeviceId; if (strName.IndexOf('(') > -1) { string strID = strName.Substring(strName.IndexOf('(') + 1); if (strID.IndexOf(')') > -1) { strID = strID.Substring(0, strID.IndexOf(')')); } strName = strName.Substring(0, strName.IndexOf('(')).Trim(); _class.Debug.Log("FilterName: " + strName); _class.Debug.Log("DevID: " + strID); try { intID = Convert.ToInt32(strID); } catch { } _class.Debug.Log("Confirm DevID: " + intID.ToString()); } int intDevID = 0; DsDevice[] devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(category); foreach (DsDevice device in DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(category)) { string strDevice = device.Name.ToLower(); _class.Debug.Log("device>" + strDevice); if (strDevice.IndexOf(strName) > -1 || strDevice.ToLower() == "oem crossbar") { bool boolCreate = true; _class.Debug.Log("TargetID=" + intID.ToString() + " [] + DevID=" + intDevID.ToString()); if (intDevID == intID) { boolCreate = true; _class.Var.DeviceId = intID; } else { boolCreate = false; } if (boolCreate == true) { _class.Debug.Log("SetDeviceID (" + intDevID.ToString() + ")"); strTitle = device.Name; IBindCtx bindCtx = null; try { hr = Variables.CreateBindCtx(0, out bindCtx); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); Guid guid = typeof(IBaseFilter).GUID; object obj; device.Mon.BindToObject(bindCtx, null, ref guid, out obj); filter = (IBaseFilter)obj; } finally { if (bindCtx != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bindCtx); } } } else { _class.Debug.Log(intDevID.ToString() + " skipped"); } intDevID++; } } return(filter); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("FocusUF " + Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version); Console.WriteLine("Get the source at"); var argsLists = SplitArgs(args.ToList()); // Get the list of connected video cameras DsDevice[] devs = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); foreach (var argsList in argsLists) { _whatToDo = ProcessArgs(argsList); IAMCameraControl camera; switch (_whatToDo) { case Operation.Usage: Usage(); break; case Operation.ListCameras: foreach (var cam in devs) { Console.WriteLine($"Camera: {cam.Name}"); camera = GetCamera(cam); if (camera != null) { // Focus ranges and Values camera.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Focus, out int focusMin, out int focusMax, out int focusStep, out int focusDefault, out CameraControlFlags focusPossFlags); camera.Get(CameraControlProperty.Focus, out int focusValue, out CameraControlFlags focusSetting); Console.WriteLine($" Focus Capability: {focusPossFlags}"); Console.WriteLine($" Focus Range: {focusMin} - {focusMax}"); Console.WriteLine($" Focus Setting: {focusSetting}, {focusValue}"); camera.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, out int expMin, out int expMax, out int expStep, out int expDefault, out CameraControlFlags expPossFlags); camera.Get(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, out int expValue, out CameraControlFlags expSetting); Console.WriteLine($" Exposure Capability: {expPossFlags}"); Console.WriteLine($" Exposure Range: {expMin} - {expMax}"); Console.WriteLine($" Exposure Setting: {expSetting}, {expValue}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($" Camera does not expose settings through DirectShowLib"); } } break; case Operation.ManualFocus: SetCameraFlag(devs, _cameraName, CameraControlProperty.Focus, CameraControlFlags.Manual); break; case Operation.AutoFocus: SetCameraFlag(devs, _cameraName, CameraControlProperty.Focus, CameraControlFlags.Auto); break; case Operation.SetFocus: SetCameraValue(devs, _cameraName, CameraControlProperty.Focus, _focusSetting); break; case Operation.ManualExposure: SetCameraFlag(devs, _cameraName, CameraControlProperty.Exposure, CameraControlFlags.Manual); break; case Operation.AutoExposure: SetCameraFlag(devs, _cameraName, CameraControlProperty.Exposure, CameraControlFlags.Auto); break; case Operation.SetExposure: SetCameraValue(devs, _cameraName, CameraControlProperty.Exposure, _exposureSetting); break; } } }
public BrCamera() { this.daCamera = new DaCamera(); this.rsCamera = new RsCamera(); this.systemCamereas = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); }
private void DetectSupportedLegacyAmFilterDevices(ref HashSet <string> previouslyKnownDevices, ref HashSet <string> knownDevices) { Log.Log.Debug("Detect legacy AM filter devices"); TvBusinessLayer layer = new TvBusinessLayer(); Setting setting = layer.GetSetting("iptvCardCount", "1"); int iptvTunerCount = Convert.ToInt32(setting.Value); DsDevice[] connectedDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.LegacyAmFilterCategory); foreach (DsDevice connectedDevice in connectedDevices) { string name = connectedDevice.Name; string devicePath = connectedDevice.DevicePath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(devicePath)) { continue; } if (name.Equals("B2C2 MPEG-2 Source")) { knownDevices.Add(devicePath); if (!previouslyKnownDevices.Contains(devicePath)) { Log.Log.Info("Detected new TechniSat *Star 2 tuner root device"); TvCardDvbSS2 tuner = new TvCardDvbSS2(connectedDevice); _deviceEventListener.OnDeviceAdded(tuner); } } else if (name.Equals("Elecard NWSource-Plus")) { for (int i = 0; i < iptvTunerCount; i++) { TvCardDVBIP iptvTuner = new TvCardDVBIPElecard(connectedDevice, i); knownDevices.Add(iptvTuner.DevicePath); if (!previouslyKnownDevices.Contains(iptvTuner.DevicePath)) { Log.Log.Info("Detected new Elecard IPTV tuner {0} {1}", iptvTuner.Name, iptvTuner.DevicePath); _deviceEventListener.OnDeviceAdded(iptvTuner); } else { iptvTuner.Dispose(); } } } else if (name.Equals("MediaPortal IPTV Source Filter")) { for (int i = 0; i < iptvTunerCount; i++) { TvCardDVBIP iptvTuner = new TvCardDVBIPBuiltIn(connectedDevice, i); knownDevices.Add(iptvTuner.DevicePath); if (!previouslyKnownDevices.Contains(iptvTuner.DevicePath)) { Log.Log.Info("Detected new MediaPortal IPTV tuner {0} {1}", iptvTuner.Name, iptvTuner.DevicePath); _deviceEventListener.OnDeviceAdded(iptvTuner); } else { iptvTuner.Dispose(); } } } } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DsDevice[] capDev; IFilterGraph2 m_FilterGraph = new FilterGraph() as IFilterGraph2; IBaseFilter pDeviceFilter = null; IAMCameraControl pCameraControl; IAMVideoProcAmp pVideoProcAmp; CameraControlFlags pCapsFlags; VideoProcAmpFlags pCapsFlags2; int pSteppingDelta; int pMin; int pMax; int pDefault; int pValue; int yLocation = 40; const int yStep = 113; overWindowToggleButton.Appearance = Appearance.Button; // TODO updateButton.Visible = false; // Get the collection of video devices capDev = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); foreach (DsDevice d in capDev) { //listBox1.Items.Add(d.Name); int hr; object camDevice; Guid iid = typeof(IBaseFilter).GUID; d.Mon.BindToObject(null, null, ref iid, out camDevice); IBaseFilter camFilter = camDevice as IBaseFilter; pCameraControl = camFilter as IAMCameraControl; pVideoProcAmp = camFilter as IAMVideoProcAmp; if (pCameraControl != null) { GroupBox gb = new GroupBox(); CheckBox cbFocus = cbFocusHID = new CheckBox(); CheckBox cbExposure = new CheckBox(); Button butForce = new Button(); TrackBar tBarFocus = tBarFocusHID = new TrackBar(); TrackBar tBarExposure = new TrackBar(); gb.Text = d.Name; gb.Width = 295; gb.Height = 106; gb.Location = new Point(13, yLocation); pCameraControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Focus, out pMin, out pMax, out pSteppingDelta, out pDefault, out pCapsFlags); cbFocus.Text = "Auto focus"; cbFocus.Width = 78; cbFocus.Height = 17; cbFocus.Location = new Point(6, 23); cbFocus.Tag = butForce; cbFocus.Checked = (pCapsFlags == CameraControlFlags.Auto); cbFocus.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(this.checkBoxFocus_CheckedChanged); butForce.Text = "Force"; butForce.Width = 75; butForce.Height = 23; butForce.Location = new Point(90, 19); //butForce.Enabled = false; butForce.Tag = pCameraControl; butForce.Click += new EventHandler(this.ButtonForce_Click); // TODO //butBind.Visible = false; //butBind.Text = "Bind key"; //butBind.Width = 75; //butBind.Height = 23; //butBind.Location = new Point(214, 19); tBarFocus.Minimum = pMin; tBarFocus.Maximum = pMax; tBarFocus.Value = pDefault; tBarFocus.Name = "TrackBarFocus"; tBarFocus.AutoSize = false; tBarFocus.Width = 283; tBarFocus.Height = 23; tBarFocus.TickFrequency = pSteppingDelta; tBarFocus.Location = new Point(6, 46); tBarFocus.Tag = pCameraControl; tBarFocus.Enabled = (pCapsFlags == CameraControlFlags.Manual); pCameraControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Focus, out pValue, out pCapsFlags); tBarFocus.Value = pMax - pValue + pMin; tBarFocus.Scroll += new EventHandler(this.TrackBarFocus_Scroll); if (pVideoProcAmp != null) { ggghhh = pVideoProcAmp; //pCameraControl.GetRange(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, out pMin, out pMax, out pSteppingDelta, out pDefault, out pCapsFlags); ggghhh.GetRange(VideoProcAmpProperty.WhiteBalance, out pMin, out pMax, out pSteppingDelta, out pDefault, out pCapsFlags2); cbExposure.Text = "Auto exposure"; cbExposure.Width = 98; cbExposure.Height = 17; cbExposure.Location = new Point(191, 23); cbExposure.Tag = butForce; cbExposure.Checked = true; cbExposure.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(this.checkBoxExposure_CheckedChanged); tBarExposure.Minimum = pMin; tBarExposure.Maximum = pMax; tBarExposure.Value = pDefault; tBarExposure.Name = "TrackBarExposure"; tBarExposure.AutoSize = false; tBarExposure.Width = 283; tBarExposure.Height = 23; tBarExposure.TickFrequency = pSteppingDelta; tBarExposure.Location = new Point(6, 73); tBarExposure.Tag = pCameraControl; tBarExposure.Enabled = false; //pCameraControl.Get(CameraControlProperty.Exposure, out value, out pCapsFlags); //tBarExposure.Value = pMax - value + pMin; tBarExposure.Scroll += new EventHandler(this.TrackBarExposure_Scroll); } gb.Controls.Add(cbFocus); gb.Controls.Add(butForce); gb.Controls.Add(cbExposure); gb.Controls.Add(tBarFocus); gb.Controls.Add(tBarExposure); Controls.Add(gb); yLocation += yStep; } pVideoProcAmp = pDeviceFilter as IAMVideoProcAmp; } this.Height = 13 + yLocation + 39; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; foreach (var x in HidDevices.Enumerate(VendorId, ProductId)) { device = x; device.OpenDevice(); byte data = 0xff; HidReport out1 = new HidReport(data); x.WriteReport(out1); //byte[] str = new byte[x.Capabilities.OutputReportByteLength - 1]; ; //x.ReadManufacturer(out str); // Debug.WriteLine(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(str)); device.ReadReport(OnReport); } }
public static void AddBDATunerAndDemodulatorToGraph(IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, IBaseFilter networkProvider, out IBaseFilter tuner, out IBaseFilter capture) { int hr = 0; DsDevice[] devices; ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capBuilder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) new CaptureGraphBuilder2(); capBuilder.SetFiltergraph(graphBuilder); try { tuner = null; capture = null; devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.BDASourceFiltersCategory); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, networkProvider, null, tmp); if (hr == 0) { tuner = tmp; break; } else { hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); } } devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.BDAReceiverComponentsCategory); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, tuner, null, tmp); if (hr == 0) { capture = tmp; break; } else { hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); } } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(capBuilder); } }
private void AddAndConnectBDABoardFilters() { int hr = 0; DsDevice[] devices; ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capBuilder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) new CaptureGraphBuilder2(); capBuilder.SetFiltergraph(this.graphBuilder); try { // Enumerate BDA Source filters category and found one that can connect to the network provider devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.BDASourceFiltersCategory); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, this.networkProvider, null, tmp); if (hr == 0) { // Got it ! this.tuner = tmp; break; } else { // Try another... hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); } } if (this.tuner == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Can't find a valid BDA tuner"); } // trying to connect this filter to the MPEG-2 Demux hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, tuner, null, mpeg2Demux); if (hr >= 0) { // this is a one filter model this.demodulator = null; this.capture = null; return; } else { // Then enumerate BDA Receiver Components category to found a filter connecting // to the tuner and the MPEG2 Demux devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.BDAReceiverComponentsCategory); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, this.tuner, null, tmp); if (hr == 0) { // Got it ! this.capture = tmp; // Connect it to the MPEG-2 Demux hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, this.capture, null, this.mpeg2Demux); if (hr >= 0) { // This second filter connect both with the tuner and the demux. // This is a capture filter... return; } else { // This second filter connect with the tuner but not with the demux. // This is in fact a demodulator filter. We now must find the true capture filter... this.demodulator = this.capture; this.capture = null; // saving the Demodulator's DevicePath to avoid creating it twice. string demodulatorDevicePath = devices[i].DevicePath; for (int j = 0; i < devices.Length; j++) { if (devices[j].DevicePath.Equals(demodulatorDevicePath)) { continue; } hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, this.demodulator, null, tmp); if (hr == 0) { // Got it ! this.capture = tmp; // Connect it to the MPEG-2 Demux hr = capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, this.capture, null, this.mpeg2Demux); if (hr >= 0) { // This second filter connect both with the demodulator and the demux. // This is a true capture filter... return; } } else { // Try another... hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); } } // for j // We have a tuner and a capture/demodulator that don't connect with the demux // and we found no additionals filters to build a working filters chain. throw new ApplicationException("Can't find a valid BDA filter chain"); } } else { // Try another... hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); } } // for i // We have a tuner that connect to the Network Provider BUT not with the demux // and we found no additionals filters to build a working filters chain. throw new ApplicationException("Can't find a valid BDA filter chain"); } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(capBuilder); } }
private void SetupDialogForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <DeviceItem> items = new List <DeviceItem>(); bool found = false; foreach (DsDevice device in DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.Name)) { continue; } items.Add(new DeviceItem(device.Name)); if (device.Name == Camera.webcamName) { found = true; } } if (!found) { items.Add(new DeviceItem(Camera.webcamName, false)); } items.Sort(this); this.comboBoxWebcam.Items.Clear(); this.comboBoxWebcam.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); for (int index = 0; index < items.Count; index++) { DeviceItem item = items[index]; if (item.Name == Camera.webcamName) { this.comboBoxWebcam.SelectedIndex = index; } } this.textBoxPixelSizeX.Text = Camera.pixelSizeX.ToString(); this.textBoxPixelSizeY.Text = Camera.pixelSizeY.ToString(); ///// items.Clear(); found = false; foreach (string name in SerialPort.GetPortNames()) { items.Add(new DeviceItem(name)); if (name == Camera.comPortName) { found = true; } } if (!found) { items.Add(new DeviceItem(Camera.comPortName, false)); } items.Sort(this); this.comboBoxComPort.Items.Clear(); this.comboBoxComPort.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); for (int index = 0; index < items.Count; index++) { DeviceItem item = items[index]; if (item.Name == Camera.comPortName) { this.comboBoxComPort.SelectedIndex = index; } } Util util = new Util(); if (util.ServicePack > 0) { this.labelPlatformVersion.Text = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Platform Version: {0}.{1} SP{2}", util.MajorVersion, util.MinorVersion, util.ServicePack); } else { this.labelPlatformVersion.Text = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Platform Version: {0}.{1}", util.MajorVersion, util.MinorVersion); } Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; this.labelDriverVersion.Text = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Driver Version: {0}.{1}", version.Major, version.Minor); this.checkBoxTraceLogger.Checked = Camera.traceLogger.Enabled; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the Capture class. /// Use capture device zero, default frame rate and size /// </summary> public Capture() { Initialize(); DsDevice[] capDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); NewCamera(capDevices[0], 0, 0, 0); //force default values }
/// <summary> /// Creates the filter by trying to detect it /// </summary> /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param> /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param> /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param> /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns> private bool CreateAutomaticFilterInstance(Graph graph, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner) { _audioTunerIn = null; DsDevice[] devices; //get list of all crossbar devices installed on this system try { devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCrossbar); devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, graph.Tuner.Name); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found"); return(false); } if (devices == null || devices.Length == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found"); return(false); } //try each crossbar for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter try:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i); //if crossbar is already in use then we can skip it if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i])) { continue; } int hr; try { //add the crossbar to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter to graph"); continue; } if (hr != 0) { //failed. try next crossbar if (tmp != null) { graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp); } continue; } _crossBarFilter = (IAMCrossbar)tmp; CheckCapabilities(); if (_videoOutPinIndex == -1) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossbarFilter no video output found"); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); _crossBarFilter = null; Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp); continue; } // Check that the crossbar has a tuner video input pin. IPin pinIn = null; if (_videoPinMap.ContainsKey(AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner)) { pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(tmp, PinDirection.Input, _videoPinMap[AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner]); } if (pinIn == null) { // no pin found, continue with next crossbar Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no video tuner input pin detected"); if (tmp != null) { graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); _crossBarFilter = null; Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp); } continue; } //connect tv tuner->crossbar int tempVideoPinIndex; if (FilterGraphTools.ConnectFilter(graphBuilder, tuner.Filter, pinIn, out tempVideoPinIndex)) { // Got it, we're done _filterCrossBar = tmp; _crossBarDevice = devices[i]; DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_crossBarDevice); if (_audioTunerIn == null) { _audioTunerIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Input, _audioPinMap[AnalogChannel.AudioInputType.Tuner]); } Release.ComObject("crossbar videotuner pin", pinIn); _videoOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _videoOutPinIndex); if (_audioOutPinIndex != -1) { _audioOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _audioOutPinIndex); } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded"); graph.Crossbar.AudioOut = _audioOutPinIndex; graph.Crossbar.AudioPinMap = _audioPinMap; graph.Crossbar.Name = _crossBarDevice.Name; graph.Crossbar.VideoOut = _videoOutPinIndex; graph.Crossbar.VideoPinMap = _videoPinMap; graph.Crossbar.VideoPinRelatedAudioMap = _videoPinRelatedAudioMap; graph.Tuner.VideoPin = tempVideoPinIndex; break; } // cannot connect tv tuner to crossbar, try next crossbar device graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("crossbar videotuner pin", pinIn); Release.ComObject("crossbar filter", tmp); } return(_filterCrossBar != null); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the filter based on the configuration file /// </summary> /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param> /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param> /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param> /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns> private bool CreateConfigurationBasedFilterInstance(Graph graph, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner) { string deviceName = graph.Crossbar.Name; _audioTunerIn = null; DsDevice[] devices; //get list of all crossbar devices installed on this system try { devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCrossbar); devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, graph.Tuner.Name); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found"); return(false); } if (devices == null || devices.Length == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter no crossbar devices found"); return(false); } //try each crossbar for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; //if crossbar is already in use then we can skip it if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i])) { continue; } if (!deviceName.Equals(devices[i].Name)) { continue; } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter use:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i); int hr; try { //add the crossbar to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter to graph"); continue; } if (hr != 0) { //failed. try next crossbar if (tmp != null) { graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp); } continue; } _crossBarFilter = (IAMCrossbar)tmp; _videoPinMap = graph.Crossbar.VideoPinMap; _audioPinMap = graph.Crossbar.AudioPinMap; _videoPinRelatedAudioMap = graph.Crossbar.VideoPinRelatedAudioMap; _videoOutPinIndex = graph.Crossbar.VideoOut; _audioOutPinIndex = graph.Crossbar.AudioOut; if (_videoOutPinIndex == -1) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossbarFilter no video output found"); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); _crossBarFilter = null; Release.ComObject("CrossBarFilter", tmp); continue; } //connect tv tuner->crossbar IPin tunerOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(tuner.Filter, PinDirection.Output, graph.Tuner.VideoPin); if (tunerOut != null && _videoPinMap.ContainsKey(AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner) && FilterGraphTools.ConnectPin(graphBuilder, tunerOut, tmp, _videoPinMap[AnalogChannel.VideoInputType.Tuner])) { // Got it, we're done _filterCrossBar = tmp; _crossBarDevice = devices[i]; DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_crossBarDevice); if (_audioTunerIn == null) { _audioTunerIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Input, _audioPinMap[AnalogChannel.AudioInputType.Tuner]); } Release.ComObject("tuner video out", tunerOut); _videoOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _videoOutPinIndex); if (_audioOutPinIndex != -1) { _audioOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterCrossBar, PinDirection.Output, _audioOutPinIndex); } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddCrossBarFilter succeeded"); break; } // cannot connect tv tuner to crossbar, try next crossbar device if (tmp != null) { graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("crossbarFilter filter", tmp); } if (tunerOut != null) { Release.ComObject("tuner video out", tunerOut); } } return(_filterCrossBar != null); }
public static List <string> GetDevices() { var devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); return(devices.Select(t => t.Name).ToList()); }
protected DsDevice FindDeviceByName(string name) { var devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.LegacyAmFilterCategory); return(devices.FirstOrDefault(device => device.GetPropBagValue("FriendlyName") == name)); }
public CameraActivity() { ListCamerasData = new List <KeyValuePair <int, string> >(); _SystemCamereas = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); _DeviceIndex = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Configures the DirectShow graph to play the selected video capture /// device with the selected parameters /// </summary> private void SetupGraph() { /* Clean up any messes left behind */ FreeResources(); try { /* Create a new graph */ m_graph = (IGraphBuilder) new FilterGraphNoThread(); #if DEBUG m_rotEntry = new DsROTEntry(m_graph); #endif /* Create a capture graph builder to help * with rendering a capture graph */ var graphBuilder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) new CaptureGraphBuilder2(); /* Set our filter graph to the capture graph */ int hr = graphBuilder.SetFiltergraph(m_graph); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); /* Add our capture device source to the graph */ if (m_videoCaptureSourceChanged) { m_captureDevice = AddFilterByName(m_graph, FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice, VideoCaptureSource); m_videoCaptureSourceChanged = false; } else if (m_videoCaptureDeviceChanged) { m_captureDevice = AddFilterByDevicePath(m_graph, FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice, VideoCaptureDevice.DevicePath); m_videoCaptureDeviceChanged = false; } /* If we have a null capture device, we have an issue */ if (m_captureDevice == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Capture device {0} not found or could not be created", VideoCaptureSource)); } if (UseYuv && !EnableSampleGrabbing) { /* Configure the video output pin with our parameters and if it fails * then just use the default media subtype*/ if (!SetVideoCaptureParameters(graphBuilder, m_captureDevice, MediaSubType.YUY2)) { SetVideoCaptureParameters(graphBuilder, m_captureDevice, Guid.Empty); } } else { /* Configure the video output pin with our parameters */ SetVideoCaptureParameters(graphBuilder, m_captureDevice, Guid.Empty); } var rendererType = VideoRendererType.VideoMixingRenderer9; /* Creates a video renderer and register the allocator with the base class */ m_renderer = CreateVideoRenderer(rendererType, m_graph, 1); if (rendererType == VideoRendererType.VideoMixingRenderer9) { var mixer = m_renderer as IVMRMixerControl9; if (mixer != null && !EnableSampleGrabbing && UseYuv) { VMR9MixerPrefs dwPrefs; mixer.GetMixingPrefs(out dwPrefs); dwPrefs &= ~VMR9MixerPrefs.RenderTargetMask; dwPrefs |= VMR9MixerPrefs.RenderTargetYUV; /* Prefer YUV */ mixer.SetMixingPrefs(dwPrefs); } } if (EnableSampleGrabbing) { m_sampleGrabber = (ISampleGrabber) new SampleGrabber(); SetupSampleGrabber(m_sampleGrabber); hr = m_graph.AddFilter(m_sampleGrabber as IBaseFilter, "SampleGrabber"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } IBaseFilter mux = null; IFileSinkFilter sink = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.m_fileName)) { hr = graphBuilder.SetOutputFileName(MediaSubType.Asf, this.m_fileName, out mux, out sink); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = graphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Video, m_captureDevice, null, mux); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // use the first audio device var audioDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AudioInputDevice); if (audioDevices.Length > 0) { var audioDevice = AddFilterByDevicePath(m_graph, FilterCategory.AudioInputDevice, audioDevices[0].DevicePath); hr = graphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Audio, audioDevice, null, mux); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } } hr = graphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Preview, MediaType.Video, m_captureDevice, null, m_renderer); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); /* Register the filter graph * with the base classes */ SetupFilterGraph(m_graph); /* Sets the NaturalVideoWidth/Height */ SetNativePixelSizes(m_renderer); HasVideo = true; /* Make sure we Release() this COM reference */ if (mux != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(mux); } if (sink != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sink); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(graphBuilder); } catch (Exception ex) { /* Something got fuct up */ FreeResources(); InvokeMediaFailed(new MediaFailedEventArgs(ex.Message, ex)); } /* Success */ InvokeMediaOpened(); }
public void Initialize(ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphics) { //WebCamDevices webCamDevices = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); webCamDevices.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(635, 320); webCamDevices.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 40); webCamDevices.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat; webCamDevices.Name = "WebCamDevices"; webCamDevices.AllowDrop = false; webCamDevices.DropDownStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; cameraDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); // //WebCamera // cameraFeedBox = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(cameraFeedBox)).BeginInit(); stillImageBox = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(stillImageBox)).BeginInit(); //CameraFeed cameraFeedBox.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; cameraFeedBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(635, 165); cameraFeedBox.Name = "CameraFeed"; cameraFeedBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 150); cameraFeedBox.TabIndex = 0; cameraFeedBox.TabStop = false; //StillImage stillImageBox.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; stillImageBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(630, 400); stillImageBox.Name = "StillImage"; stillImageBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(200, 150); stillImageBox.TabIndex = 1; stillImageBox.TabStop = false; //Cameraboxes cameraBoxes = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox(); cameraBoxes.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; cameraBoxes.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); cameraBoxes.Name = "CameraBox"; cameraBoxes.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT); cameraBoxes.TabIndex = 0; cameraBoxes.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; System.Drawing.Bitmap pic = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(VIDEOWIDTH, VIDEOHEIGHT); using (System.Drawing.Graphics graph = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(pic)) { System.Drawing.Pen pen = new System.Drawing.Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Purple, 1); System.Drawing.Brush b = System.Drawing.Brushes.Transparent; graph.FillRectangle(b, 0, 0, 200, 150); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { graph.DrawRectangle(pen, 25 + 25 - 10 + 50 * j, 25 - 10 + 50 * i, 20, 20); } } pen.Dispose(); } cameraBoxes.Image = pic; cameraFeedBox.Controls.Add(cameraBoxes); System.Windows.Forms.Control.FromHandle(GameEngine.WindowPtr).Controls.Add(stillImageBox); System.Windows.Forms.Control.FromHandle(GameEngine.WindowPtr).Controls.Add(cameraFeedBox); System.Windows.Forms.Control.FromHandle(GameEngine.WindowPtr).Controls.Add(webCamDevices); webCamDevices.SelectedIndexChanged += On_WebDeviceChanged; //CameraButton takeImageButton = new Button(new Sprite2D(content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Button"), new Rectangle(635 + 50, 345, 100, 50))); cameraIcon = new Sprite2D(content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/Camera"), new Rectangle(0, 0, 50, 50)); cameraIcon.Center(takeImageButton.Bounds); takeImageButton.Click += On_TakeImageButtonClick; //Background background = new Sprite2D(content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/ColorChooserBackground"), new Rectangle(585, 100, 300, 525)); //Extra exitBtn = new Button(new Sprite2D(content.Load <Texture2D>("Sprites/XMark"), new Rectangle(865, 100, 20, 20))); exitBtn.Click += new EventHandler((sender, e) => { OnExitButtonClick(); }); UpdateCameraDevices(); }
private void DetectSupportedBdaSourceDevices(ref HashSet <string> previouslyKnownDevices, ref HashSet <string> knownDevices) { Log.Log.Debug("Detect BDA source devices"); // MS generic, MCE 2005 roll-up 2 or better bool isMsGenericNpAvailable = FilterGraphTools.IsThisComObjectInstalled(typeof(NetworkProvider).GUID); DsDevice[] connectedDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.BDASourceFiltersCategory); foreach (DsDevice connectedDevice in connectedDevices) { string name = connectedDevice.Name; string devicePath = connectedDevice.DevicePath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(devicePath)) { continue; } if (previouslyKnownDevices.Contains(devicePath)) { knownDevices.Add(devicePath); continue; } // North American CableCARD tuners [PBDA]. if (name.StartsWith("HDHomeRun Prime") || name.StartsWith("Ceton InfiniTV")) { Log.Log.Info("Detected new PBDA CableCARD tuner device {0} {1}", name, devicePath); TunerPbdaCableCard cableCardTuner = new TunerPbdaCableCard(connectedDevice); knownDevices.Add(devicePath); _deviceEventListener.OnDeviceAdded(cableCardTuner); continue; } IBaseFilter tmpDeviceFilter; try { _graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(connectedDevice.Mon, null, name, out tmpDeviceFilter); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Log.Error("Failed to add filter to detect device type for {0}!\r\n{1}", name, ex); continue; } try { // Silicondust regular (non-CableCARD) HDHomeRun. Workaround for tuner type // detection issue. The MS generic provider would always detect DVB-T. bool isCablePreferred = false; if (name.StartsWith("Silicondust HDHomeRun Tuner")) { isCablePreferred = GetHdHomeRunSourceType(name).Equals("Digital Cable"); } Log.Log.Info("Detected new digital BDA tuner device {0} {1}", name, devicePath); // Try the MediaPortal network provider first. ITVCard deviceToAdd = null; if (_mpNp != null) { Log.Log.Debug(" check type with MP NP"); IDvbNetworkProvider interfaceNetworkProvider = (IDvbNetworkProvider)_mpNp; string hash = GetHash(devicePath); interfaceNetworkProvider.ConfigureLogging(GetFileName(devicePath), hash, LogLevelOption.Debug); if (ConnectFilter(_graphBuilder, _mpNp, tmpDeviceFilter)) { TuningType tuningTypes; interfaceNetworkProvider.GetAvailableTuningTypes(out tuningTypes); Log.Log.Debug(" tuning types = {0}, hash = {1}", tuningTypes, hash); if ((tuningTypes & TuningType.DvbT) != 0 && !isCablePreferred) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBT(connectedDevice); } else if ((tuningTypes & TuningType.DvbS) != 0 && !isCablePreferred) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBS(connectedDevice); } else if ((tuningTypes & TuningType.DvbC) != 0) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBC(connectedDevice); } else if ((tuningTypes & TuningType.Atsc) != 0) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardATSC(connectedDevice); } else { Log.Log.Debug(" connected to MP NP but type not recognised"); } } else { Log.Log.Debug(" failed to connect to MP NP"); } } // Try the Microsoft network provider next if the MP NP // failed and the MS generic NP is available. if (deviceToAdd == null && isMsGenericNpAvailable) { // Note: the MS NP must be added/removed to/from the graph for each // device that is checked. If you don't do this, the networkTypes // list gets longer and longer and longer. Log.Log.Debug(" check type with MS NP"); IBaseFilter genericNp = null; try { genericNp = FilterGraphTools.AddFilterFromClsid(_graphBuilder, typeof(NetworkProvider).GUID, "Microsoft Network Provider"); } catch { genericNp = null; } if (genericNp == null) { Log.Log.Error(" failed to add MS NP to graph"); } else { if (ConnectFilter(_graphBuilder, genericNp, tmpDeviceFilter)) { int networkTypesMax = 5; int networkTypeCount; Guid[] networkTypes = new Guid[networkTypesMax]; int hr = (genericNp as ITunerCap).get_SupportedNetworkTypes(networkTypesMax, out networkTypeCount, networkTypes); Log.Log.Debug(" network type count = {0}", networkTypeCount); for (int n = 0; n < networkTypeCount; n++) { Log.Log.Debug(" network type {0} = {1}", n, networkTypes[n]); } for (int n = 0; n < networkTypeCount; n++) { if (networkTypes[n] == typeof(DVBTNetworkProvider).GUID && !isCablePreferred) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBT(connectedDevice); } else if (networkTypes[n] == typeof(DVBSNetworkProvider).GUID && !isCablePreferred) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBS(connectedDevice); } else if (networkTypes[n] == typeof(DVBCNetworkProvider).GUID) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBC(connectedDevice); } else if (networkTypes[n] == typeof(ATSCNetworkProvider).GUID) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardATSC(connectedDevice); } if (deviceToAdd != null) { break; } else if (n == (networkTypeCount - 1)) { Log.Log.Debug(" connected to MS NP but type not recognised"); } } } else { Log.Log.Debug(" failed to connect to MS NP"); } _graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(genericNp); Release.ComObject("device detection generic network provider", genericNp); genericNp = null; } } // Last shot is the old style Microsoft network providers. if (deviceToAdd == null) { Log.Log.Debug(" check type with specific NPs"); if (ConnectFilter(_graphBuilder, _dvbtNp, tmpDeviceFilter)) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBT(connectedDevice); } else if (ConnectFilter(_graphBuilder, _dvbcNp, tmpDeviceFilter)) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBC(connectedDevice); } else if (ConnectFilter(_graphBuilder, _dvbsNp, tmpDeviceFilter)) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardDVBS(connectedDevice); } else if (ConnectFilter(_graphBuilder, _atscNp, tmpDeviceFilter)) { deviceToAdd = new TvCardATSC(connectedDevice); } else { Log.Log.Debug(" failed to connect to specific NP"); } } if (deviceToAdd != null) { Log.Log.Info(" tuner type = {0}", deviceToAdd.CardType); knownDevices.Add(devicePath); _deviceEventListener.OnDeviceAdded(deviceToAdd); } } finally { _graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmpDeviceFilter); Release.ComObject("device detection device filter", tmpDeviceFilter); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the filter based on the configuration file /// </summary> /// <param name="tvAudio">The tvaudio component</param> /// <param name="crossbar">The crossbar componen</param> /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param> /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param> /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param> /// <param name="capBuilder">The Capture graph builder</param> /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns> private bool CreateConfigurationBasedFilterInstance(Graph graph, ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capBuilder, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner, Crossbar crossbar, TvAudio tvAudio) { string audioDeviceName = graph.Capture.AudioCaptureName; string videoDeviceName = graph.Capture.Name; DsDevice[] devices; bool videoConnected = false; bool audioConnected = false; //get a list of all video capture devices try { if (tuner.TunerName == "Adaptec USB TvTuner") { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: Adaptec USB device detected!"); devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); } else { devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCapture); //shouldn't be VideoInputDevice devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, tuner.TunerName, tvAudio.TvAudioName, crossbar.CrossBarName); } } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFiler error in allocating devices collection"); return(false); } if (devices.Length == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter no tvcapture devices found"); return(false); } //try each video capture filter for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { bool filterUsed = false; IBaseFilter tmp; if (_badCaptureDevices.Contains(devices[i].Name)) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter bypassing: {0}", devices[i].Name); continue; } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i); // if video capture filter is in use, then we can skip it if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i])) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: Device: {0} in use?", devices[i].Name); continue; } if (!videoDeviceName.Equals(devices[i].Name) && (audioDeviceName == null || !audioDeviceName.Equals(devices[i].Name))) { continue; } int hr; try { // add video capture filter to graph hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter to graph"); continue; } if (hr != 0) { //cannot add video capture filter to graph, try next one if (tmp != null) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter: {0} to graph", devices[i].Name); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("TvCaptureFilter", tmp); } continue; } // connect crossbar->video capture filter if (videoDeviceName.Equals(devices[i].Name) && FilterGraphTools.ConnectPin(graphBuilder, crossbar.VideoOut, tmp, graph.Capture.VideoIn)) { _filterVideoCapture = tmp; _videoCaptureDevice = devices[i]; if (_audioCaptureDevice != _videoCaptureDevice) { DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_videoCaptureDevice); } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter connected video to crossbar successfully"); videoConnected = true; filterUsed = true; } // crossbar->audio capture filter // Many video capture are also the audio capture filter, so we can always try it again if (audioDeviceName.Equals(devices[i].Name) && FilterGraphTools.ConnectPin(graphBuilder, crossbar.AudioOut, tmp, graph.Capture.AudioIn)) { _filterAudioCapture = tmp; _audioCaptureDevice = devices[i]; if (_audioCaptureDevice != _videoCaptureDevice) { DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_audioCaptureDevice); } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter connected audio to crossbar successfully"); audioConnected = true; filterUsed = true; } // _audioCaptureDevice should never be null - avoids null exception crashes with Encoder.cs else { _audioCaptureDevice = devices[i]; } if (!filterUsed) { // cannot connect crossbar->video capture filter, remove filter from graph // cand continue with the next vieo capture filter Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar"); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("capture filter", tmp); } else { i = -1; // Go through the devices again from the start... } if (videoConnected && audioConnected) { break; } } if (_filterVideoCapture != null) { if (graph.Capture.TeletextPin != -1) { _pinVBI = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_filterVideoCapture, PinDirection.Output, graph.Capture.TeletextPin); } _videoProcAmp = _filterVideoCapture as IAMVideoProcAmp; _analogVideoDecoder = _filterVideoCapture as IAMAnalogVideoDecoder; _streamConfig = _filterVideoCapture as IAMStreamConfig; _videoFormats = graph.Capture.AvailableVideoStandard; _defaultVideoProcAmpValues = graph.Capture.VideoProcAmpValues; _frameRate = graph.Capture.FrameRate; _imageWidth = graph.Capture.ImageWidth; _imageHeight = graph.Capture.ImageHeight; CheckCapabilitiesStreamConfig(graph, capBuilder); SetCaptureConfiguration(graph); } return(_filterVideoCapture != null); }
private void AddAndConnectWDMBoardFilters() { int hr = 0; DsDevice[] devices; Guid iid = typeof(IBaseFilter).GUID; this.captureGraphBuilder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) new CaptureGraphBuilder2(); captureGraphBuilder.SetFiltergraph(this.graphBuilder); try { if (this.VideoCaptureDevice != null) { IBaseFilter tmp; object o; this.VideoCaptureDevice.Mon.BindToObject(null, null, ref iid, out o); tmp = o as IBaseFilter; //MessageBox.Show(this.VideoInputDevice.DevicePath); //Add the Video input device to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(tmp, this.VideoCaptureDevice.Name); this.videoCaptureFilter = tmp; SetCaptureResolution(this.captureFormat); // this.captureResolution); this.videoCaptureFilter = null; //Render any preview pin of the device //int hr1 = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Preview, MediaType.Video, tmp, null, this.videoRenderer); int hr1 = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Video, tmp, null, this.videoRenderer); if (hr >= 0 && hr1 >= 0) { // Got it ! this.videoCaptureFilter = tmp; } else { // Try another... int hr2 = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); if (hr >= 0 && hr1 < 0) { DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr1); } DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); return; } } else { // Enumerate WDM Source filters category and found one that can connect to the network provider devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; object o; devices[i].Mon.BindToObject(null, null, ref iid, out o); tmp = o as IBaseFilter; //Add the Video input device to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(tmp, devices[i].Name); //Render any preview pin of the device //int hr1 = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Preview, MediaType.Video, tmp, null, this.videoRenderer); int hr1 = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Video, tmp, null, this.videoRenderer); if (hr >= 0 && hr1 >= 0) { // Got it ! this.videoCaptureFilter = tmp; break; } else { // Try another... hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); } } } // Assume we found a video filter... AddAndConnectNullRendererForWPF(); //if (useWPF) //{ // IPin pinOutFromFilterOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(this.videoRenderer, PinDirection.Output, 0); // if (pinOutFromFilterOut != null) // { // hr = this.graphBuilder.Render(pinOutFromFilterOut); // Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pinOutFromFilterOut); // } //} if (this.AudioCaptureDevice != null) { if (this.VideoCaptureDevice != null && this.videoCaptureFilter != null && this.AudioCaptureDevice.DevicePath == this.VideoCaptureDevice.DevicePath) { //Render any preview pin of the device int hr1 = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(null, MediaType.Audio, this.videoCaptureFilter, null, this.audioRenderer); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); if (hr1 >= 0) { // Got it ! this.audioCaptureFilter = null; // this.videoCaptureFilter; } else { // No audio? } } else { IBaseFilter tmp; object o; this.AudioCaptureDevice.Mon.BindToObject(null, null, ref iid, out o); tmp = o as IBaseFilter; //Add the audio input device to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(tmp, this.AudioCaptureDevice.Name); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); //Render any preview pin of the device int hr1 = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(null, MediaType.Audio, tmp, null, this.audioRenderer); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); if (hr >= 0 && hr1 >= 0) { // Got it ! this.audioCaptureFilter = tmp; } else { // Try another... int hr2 = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); return; } } } else { // Then enumerate WDM AudioInputDevice category //devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AudioInputDevice); devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCapture); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { IBaseFilter tmp; object o; devices[i].Mon.BindToObject(null, null, ref iid, out o); tmp = o as IBaseFilter; //Add the audio input device to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(tmp, devices[i].Name); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); //Render any preview pin of the device int hr1 = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream(null, MediaType.Audio, tmp, null, this.audioRenderer); if (hr >= 0 && hr1 >= 0) { // Got it ! this.audioCaptureFilter = tmp; break; } else { // Try another... hr = graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(tmp); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLineIf(trace.TraceError, ex.ToString()); } finally { } }
/// <summary> /// Creates the filter by trying to detect it /// </summary> /// <param name="tvAudio">The tvaudio component</param> /// <param name="crossbar">The crossbar componen</param> /// <param name="tuner">The tuner component</param> /// <param name="graph">The stored graph</param> /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graphBuilder</param> /// <param name="capBuilder">The Capture graph builder</param> /// <returns>true, if the graph building was successful</returns> private bool CreateAutomaticFilterInstance(Graph graph, ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capBuilder, IFilterGraph2 graphBuilder, Tuner tuner, Crossbar crossbar, TvAudio tvAudio) { DsDevice[] devices; bool videoConnected = false; bool audioConnected = false; //get a list of all video capture devices try { if (tuner.TunerName == "Adaptec USB TvTuner") { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: Adaptec USB device detected!"); devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); } else { devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCapture); devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, tuner.TunerName, tvAudio.TvAudioName, crossbar.CrossBarName); } } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFiler error in allocating devices collection"); return(false); } if (devices.Length == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter no tvcapture devices found"); return(false); } //try each video capture filter for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { bool filterUsed = false; IBaseFilter tmp; if (_badCaptureDevices.Contains(devices[i].Name)) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter bypassing: {0}", devices[i].Name); continue; } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter try:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i); // if video capture filter is in use, then we can skip it if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i])) { continue; } int hr; try { // add video capture filter to graph hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: cannot add filter to graph"); continue; } if (hr != 0) { //cannot add video capture filter to graph, try next one if (tmp != null) { graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("TvCaptureFilter", tmp); } continue; } int destinationIndex; // connect crossbar->video capture filter if (!videoConnected && FilterGraphTools.ConnectFilter(graphBuilder, crossbar.VideoOut, tmp, out destinationIndex)) { _filterVideoCapture = tmp; _videoCaptureDevice = devices[i]; if (_audioCaptureDevice != _videoCaptureDevice) { DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_videoCaptureDevice); } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter connected video to crossbar successfully"); graph.Capture.Name = _videoCaptureDevice.Name; graph.Capture.VideoIn = destinationIndex; videoConnected = true; filterUsed = true; } // crossbar->audio capture filter // Many video capture are also the audio capture filter, so we can always try it again if (videoConnected && FilterGraphTools.ConnectFilter(graphBuilder, crossbar.AudioOut, tmp, out destinationIndex)) { _filterAudioCapture = tmp; _audioCaptureDevice = devices[i]; if (_audioCaptureDevice != _videoCaptureDevice) { DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_audioCaptureDevice); } Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter connected audio to crossbar successfully"); graph.Capture.AudioCaptureName = devices[i].Name; graph.Capture.AudioIn = destinationIndex; audioConnected = true; filterUsed = true; } // _audioCaptureDevice should never be null - avoids null exception crashes with Encoder.cs else { _audioCaptureDevice = devices[i]; } if (!filterUsed) { // cannot connect crossbar->video capture filter, remove filter from graph // cand continue with the next vieo capture filter Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar"); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("capture filter", tmp); } else { i = -1; // Go through the devices again from the start... } if (videoConnected && audioConnected) { break; } } if (_filterVideoCapture != null) { FindVBIPin(graph); CheckCapabilities(graph, capBuilder); } return(_filterVideoCapture != null); }
public static string[] GetDevicesName() { return(DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice).Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Updates list of devices (cameras) of CameraChoice. /// </summary> public void UpdateDeviceList() { m_pCapDevices = new List <DsDevice>(DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)); }
private void CMB_videosources_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MainV2.MONO) { return; } int hr; int count; int size; object o; IBaseFilter capFilter = null; ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capGraph = null; AMMediaType media = null; VideoInfoHeader v; VideoStreamConfigCaps c; var modes = new List <GCSBitmapInfo>(); // Get the ICaptureGraphBuilder2 capGraph = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) new CaptureGraphBuilder2(); var m_FilterGraph = (IFilterGraph2) new FilterGraph(); DsDevice[] capDevices; capDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); // Add the video device hr = m_FilterGraph.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(capDevices[CMB_videosources.SelectedIndex].Mon, null, "Video input", out capFilter); try { DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } catch (Exception ex) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Can not add video source\n" + ex); return; } // Find the stream config interface hr = capGraph.FindInterface(PinCategory.Capture, MediaType.Video, capFilter, typeof(IAMStreamConfig).GUID, out o); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); var videoStreamConfig = o as IAMStreamConfig; if (videoStreamConfig == null) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to get IAMStreamConfig"); return; } hr = videoStreamConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities(out count, out size); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); var TaskMemPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(size); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var ptr = IntPtr.Zero; hr = videoStreamConfig.GetStreamCaps(i, out media, TaskMemPointer); v = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(media.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); c = (VideoStreamConfigCaps)Marshal.PtrToStructure(TaskMemPointer, typeof(VideoStreamConfigCaps)); modes.Add(new GCSBitmapInfo(v.BmiHeader.Width, v.BmiHeader.Height, c.MaxFrameInterval, c.VideoStandard.ToString(), media)); } Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(TaskMemPointer); DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(media); CMB_videoresolutions.DataSource = modes; if (Settings.Instance["video_options"] != "" && CMB_videosources.Text != "") { try { CMB_videoresolutions.SelectedIndex = Settings.Instance.GetInt32("video_options"); } catch { } // ignore bad entries } }
private void AddCaptureFilter() { DsDevice[] devices; Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: Add Capture Filter"); //get a list of all video capture devices try { devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.AMKSCapture); devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, _tunerDevice, _filterCrossBar, _captureDevice, _filterEncoder); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvCaptureFilter no tvcapture devices found"); return; } if (devices.Length == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvCaptureFilter no tvcapture devices found"); return; } //try each video capture filter for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { if (devices[i].Name != _captureDeviceName) { continue; } Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvCaptureFilter try:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i); // if video capture filter is in use, then we can skip it if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i])) { continue; } IBaseFilter tmp; int hr; try { // add video capture filter to graph hr = _graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: cannot add filter to graph"); continue; } if (hr != 0) { //cannot add video capture filter to graph, try next one if (tmp != null) { _graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("TvCaptureFilter", tmp); } continue; } // connect crossbar->video capture filter hr = _capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, _filterCrossBar, null, tmp); if (hr == 0) { // That worked. Since most crossbar devices require 2 connections from // crossbar->video capture filter, we do it again to connect the 2nd pin _capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, _filterCrossBar, null, tmp); _filterCapture = tmp; _captureDevice = devices[i]; DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_captureDevice); Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvCaptureFilter connected to crossbar successfully"); break; } // cannot connect crossbar->video capture filter, remove filter from graph // cand continue with the next vieo capture filter Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvCaptureFilter failed to connect to crossbar"); _graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("capture filter", tmp); } if (_filterCapture == null) { Log.Log.Error("HDPVR: unable to add TvCaptureFilter to graph"); //throw new TvException("Unable to add TvCaptureFilter to graph"); } }
public static DsDevice[] GetVideoDevices() { return(DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)); }
private void AddEncoderFilter() { DsDevice[] devices; Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddEncoderFilter"); // first get all encoder filters available on this system try { devices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.WDMStreamingEncoderDevices); devices = DeviceSorter.Sort(devices, _tunerDevice, _filterCrossBar, _captureDevice, _filterEncoder); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found (Exception)"); return; } if (devices == null) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found (devices == null)"); return; } if (devices.Length == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder devices found"); return; } //for each encoder Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvEncoderFilter found:{0} encoders", devices.Length); for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; i++) { if (devices[i].Name != _encoderDeviceName) { continue; } //if encoder is in use, we can skip it if (DevicesInUse.Instance.IsUsed(devices[i])) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: skip :{0} (inuse)", devices[i].Name); continue; } Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: try encoder:{0} {1}", devices[i].Name, i); IBaseFilter tmp; int hr; try { //add encoder filter to graph hr = _graphBuilder.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(devices[i].Mon, null, devices[i].Name, out tmp); } catch (Exception) { Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: cannot add filter {0} to graph", devices[i].Name); continue; } if (hr != 0) { //failed to add filter to graph, continue with the next one if (tmp != null) { _graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("TvEncoderFilter", tmp); } continue; } if (tmp == null) { continue; } hr = _capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, _filterCapture, null, tmp); if (hr == 0) { // That worked. Since most crossbar devices require 2 connections from // crossbar->video capture filter, we do it again to connect the 2nd pin _capBuilder.RenderStream(null, null, _filterCapture, null, tmp); _filterEncoder = tmp; _encoderDevice = devices[i]; DevicesInUse.Instance.Add(_encoderDevice); Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvEncoderFilter connected to catpure successfully"); //and we're done return; } // cannot connect crossbar->video capture filter, remove filter from graph // cand continue with the next vieo capture filter Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvEncoderFilter failed to connect to capture"); _graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(tmp); Release.ComObject("capture filter", tmp); } Log.Log.WriteFile("HDPVR: AddTvEncoderFilter no encoder found"); }
/// <summary> /// Program initialization /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Sender</param> /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param> private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { // program title Text = "QRCodeVideoDecoder " + QRDecoder.VersionNumber + " \u00a9 2018-2019 Uzi Granot. All rights reserved."; #if DEBUG // current directory string CurDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string WorkDir = CurDir.Replace("bin\\Debug", "Work"); if (WorkDir != CurDir && Directory.Exists(WorkDir)) { Environment.CurrentDirectory = WorkDir; } // open trace file QRCodeTrace.Open("QRCodeVideoDecoderTrace.txt"); QRCodeTrace.Write(Text); #endif // disable reset button ResetButton.Enabled = false; GoToUriButton.Enabled = false; // get an array of web camera devices DsDevice[] CameraDevices = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice); // make sure at least one is available if (CameraDevices == null || CameraDevices.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No video cameras in this computer"); Close(); return; } // select the first camera DsDevice CameraDevice = CameraDevices[0]; // Device moniker IMoniker CameraMoniker = CameraDevice.Moniker; // get a list of frame sizes available FrameSize[] FrameSizes = Camera.GetFrameSizeList(CameraMoniker); // make sure there is at least one frame size if (FrameSizes == null || FrameSizes.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No video cameras in this computer"); Close(); return; } // test if our frame size is available int Index; for (Index = 0; Index < FrameSizes.Length && (FrameSizes[Index].Width != FrameSize.Width || FrameSizes[Index].Height != FrameSize.Height); Index++) { ; } // select first frame size if (Index == FrameSizes.Length) { FrameSize = FrameSizes[0]; } // Set selected camera to camera control with default frame size // Create camera object VideoCamera = new Camera(PreviewPanel, CameraMoniker, FrameSize); // create QR code decoder Decoder = new QRDecoder(); // resize window OnResize(sender, e); // create timer QRCodeTimer = new Timer(); QRCodeTimer.Interval = 200; QRCodeTimer.Tick += QRCodeTimer_Tick; QRCodeTimer.Enabled = true; return; }
internal override WebcamConfiguration[] QueryFormats() { List <WebcamConfiguration> result = new List <WebcamConfiguration>(); DsDevice cameraDevice = cameraDevice = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice)[m_cameraDeviceIndex]; IFilterGraph2 filterGraph = null; IBaseFilter cam = null; IPin camOutPin = null; try { filterGraph = (IFilterGraph2) new FilterGraph(); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(filterGraph.AddSourceFilterForMoniker(cameraDevice.Mon, null, cameraDevice.Name, out cam)); camOutPin = DsFindPin.ByCategory(cam, PinCategory.Capture, 0); if (camOutPin != null) { IAMStreamConfig config = (IAMStreamConfig)camOutPin; int piCount, piSize; config.GetNumberOfCapabilities(out piCount, out piSize); byte[] temp = new byte[piSize]; GCHandle tempHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(temp, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { for (int x = 0; x < piCount; x++) { AMMediaType mediaType = null; try { DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(config.GetStreamCaps(x, out mediaType, tempHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject())); VideoInfoHeader v = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); if (BPPIsValid(v.BmiHeader.BitCount)) { result.Add(new WebcamConfiguration(new Size(v.BmiHeader.Width, v.BmiHeader.Height), v.BmiHeader.BitCount, mediaType.subType)); } else { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BPP " + v.BmiHeader.BitCount + " was not accepted!"); } } finally { if (mediaType != null) { DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType(mediaType); mediaType = null; } } } } finally { tempHandle.Free(); } } } finally { if (camOutPin != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(camOutPin); camOutPin = null; } if (filterGraph != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(filterGraph); filterGraph = null; } } result.Sort(); return(result.ToArray()); }