private void InitProperties()
     mvarDropHighLightNode      = null;
     mvarDropLinePosition       = DropLinePositionEnum.None;
     mvarDropHighLightBackColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
     mvarDropHighLightForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText;
     mvarDropLineColor          = SystemColors.ControlText;
     mvarEdgeSensitivity        = 0;
     mvarDropLineWidth          = 2;
        private void SetDropHighlightNode(UltraTreeNode Node, DropLinePositionEnum DropLinePosition)
            //Use to store whether there have been any changes in
            //DropNode or DropLinePosition
            bool IsPositionChanged = false;

                //Check to see if the nodes are equal and if
                //the dropline position are equal
                if (mvarDropHighLightNode != null && mvarDropHighLightNode.Equals(Node) &&
                    (mvarDropLinePosition == DropLinePosition))
                    //They are both equal. Nothing has changed.
                    IsPositionChanged = false;
                    //One or both have changed
                    IsPositionChanged = true;
                //If we reach this code, it means mvarDropHighLightNode
                //is null, so it could not be compared
                if (mvarDropHighLightNode == null)
                    //Check to see if Node is nothing, so we//ll know
                    //if Node = mvarDropHighLightNode
                    IsPositionChanged = !(Node == null);

            //Set both properties without calling PositionChanged
            mvarDropHighLightNode = Node;
            mvarDropLinePosition  = DropLinePosition;

            //Check to see if the PositionChanged
            if (IsPositionChanged)
                //Position did change.