Example #1
    //Drop an item in the drop area
    void dropItemInDrop(int index)
        //Setting trigger variables
        originSlot       = draggedSlotIndex;
        destinationSlot  = index;
        droppedItemIndex = draggedIndex;

        //If move in same box swap items and return
        if (itemOrigin == DragDropOrigin.DropBox)
            dropSlots[draggedSlotIndex] = dropSlots[index];
            dropSlots[index]            = draggedIndex;

            //Setting trigger variables
            originIsDrag      = false;
            destinationIsDrag = false;
            dropErrorCode     = DropErrorCode.noError;
            gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);


        //If moves from drag to drop
        originIsDrag      = true;
        destinationIsDrag = false;
        if (itemOrigin == DragDropOrigin.DragBox)
            //If destination is not empty
            if (dropSlots[index] != -1)
                Debug.Log("Valor " + dropSlots[index] + " index " + index);
                //If behavior is move to empty only... returns
                if (dropBehavior == DropBehavior.DropOnlyIfEmpty)
                    //Setting trigger variables
                    dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.notAllowedSlot;
                    gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

                //Look for an empty slot to move destination item
                int destIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dropRows * dropCols; i++)
                    if (dropSlots[i] == -1)
                        destIndex = i;
                //Oops... no room for drop
                if (dropSlots[destIndex] != -1)               //Setting trigger variables
                    dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.noRoomForDrop;
                    gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

                //Move droped destination to new position
                dropSlots[destIndex] = dropSlots[index];
                //Erase origin
                dragSlots[draggedSlotIndex] = -1;
                //Put drop in their slot
                dropSlots[index] = draggedIndex;

                //Setting trigger variables
                dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.noError;
                gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

            //Simpe drop
            dragSlots[draggedSlotIndex] = -1;
            dropSlots[index]            = draggedIndex;

            //Setting trigger variables
            dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.noError;
            gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

        //This point should never be reached
        Debug.Log("Error in STATE dropping in drop area");
Example #2
    //Draw and manage drag and drop icons
    void DrawDragDropIcons()
        Rect cellPos = new Rect();              //Background cell rect

        cellPos.width  = cellSize;
        cellPos.height = cellSize;

        Rect iconPos = new Rect();              //Icon cell rect

        iconPos.width  = cellSize * iconScale;
        iconPos.height = cellSize * iconScale;
        float delta = (cellPos.width - iconPos.width) / 2f;

        for (int i = 0; i < dragRows; i++)
            cellPos.y = dragTitleSize + dragRect.y + cellPadding + (i * (cellSize + cellPadding));
            iconPos.y = cellPos.y + delta;
            for (int j = 0; j < dragCols; j++)
                cellPos.x = dragRect.x + cellPadding + (j * (cellSize + cellPadding));
                iconPos.x = cellPos.x + delta;

                if (cellPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp && draggingItem)
                    dropItemInDrag((i * dragCols) + j);
                    if (autosave)
                    draggingItem     = false;
                    draggedSlotIndex = -1;
                    draggedIndex     = -1;
                    itemOrigin       = DragDropOrigin.None;

                //If dragging this item => draw empty and continue
                if (draggedSlotIndex == (i * dragCols) + j && itemOrigin == DragDropOrigin.DragBox)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(cellPos, dragEmptySlot);

                //If start dragging set the proper variables
                if (cellPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && dragSlots[(i * dragCols) + j] != -1)
                    if (Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag && !draggingItem)
                        draggingItem     = true;
                        draggedSlotIndex = (i * dragCols) + j;
                        draggedIndex     = dragSlots[draggedSlotIndex];
                        itemOrigin       = DragDropOrigin.DragBox;

                        //Trigger variables

                //Draw the drag cell
                drawDragCell(cellPos, iconPos, (i * dragCols) + j);

                if (!draggingItem && cellPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && dragSlots[(i * dragCols) + j] != -1 && showHints)
                    tooltip     = CreateTooltip(dragDropItems[dragSlots[(i * dragCols) + j]]);
                    showTooltip = true;
                if (tooltip == "")
                    showTooltip = false;

        //Goes for drop slots
        for (int i = 0; i < dropRows; i++)
            cellPos.y = dropTitleSize + dropRect.y + cellPadding + (i * (cellSize + cellPadding));
            iconPos.y = cellPos.y + delta;
            for (int j = 0; j < dropCols; j++)
                cellPos.x = dropRect.x + cellPadding + (j * (cellSize + cellPadding));
                iconPos.x = cellPos.x + delta;

                if (cellPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp && draggingItem)
                    dropItemInDrop((i * dropCols) + j);
                    if (autosave)
                    draggingItem     = false;
                    draggedSlotIndex = -1;
                    draggedIndex     = -1;
                    itemOrigin       = DragDropOrigin.None;

                //If dragging this item => draw empty and continue
                if (draggedSlotIndex == (i * dropCols) + j && itemOrigin == DragDropOrigin.DropBox)
                    GUI.DrawTexture(cellPos, dropEmptySlot);

                //If start dragging set the proper variables
                if (cellPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && dropSlots[(i * dragCols) + j] != -1)
                    if (Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.button == 0 && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag && !draggingItem)
                        draggingItem     = true;
                        draggedSlotIndex = (i * dropCols) + j;
                        draggedIndex     = dropSlots[draggedSlotIndex];
                        itemOrigin       = DragDropOrigin.DropBox;

                //Draw the drop cell
                drawDropCell(cellPos, iconPos, (i * dropCols) + j);

                if (!draggingItem && cellPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && dropSlots[(i * dropCols) + j] != -1 && showHints)
                    tooltip     = CreateTooltip(dragDropItems[dropSlots[(i * dropCols) + j]]);
                    showTooltip = true;
                if (tooltip == "")
                    showTooltip = false;

        //Draw the dragged itemS
        if (draggingItem)
            cellPos.x = Event.current.mousePosition.x - (cellSize / 2);
            cellPos.y = Event.current.mousePosition.y - (cellSize / 2);
            iconPos.x = cellPos.x + delta;
            iconPos.y = cellPos.y + delta;
            drawCell(itemOrigin, cellPos, iconPos, draggedSlotIndex);

        //Mouse up in clear area... stops dragging
        if (Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp && draggingItem)
            //Setting trigger variables
            originSlot        = draggedSlotIndex;
            destinationSlot   = -1;
            droppedItemIndex  = draggedIndex;
            originIsDrag      = (itemOrigin == DragDropOrigin.DragBox)?true:false;
            destinationIsDrag = false;
            dropErrorCode     = DropErrorCode.notAllowedArea;
            gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

            draggingItem     = false;
            draggedSlotIndex = -1;
            draggedIndex     = -1;
            itemOrigin       = DragDropOrigin.None;
Example #3
    //Drop an item in the drag area
    void dropItemInDrag(int index)
        //Setting trigger variables
        originSlot       = draggedSlotIndex;
        destinationSlot  = index;
        droppedItemIndex = draggedIndex;

        //If move in same box swap items and return
        if (itemOrigin == DragDropOrigin.DragBox)
            dragSlots[draggedSlotIndex] = dragSlots[index];
            dragSlots[index]            = draggedIndex;

            //Setting trigger variables
            originIsDrag      = true;
            destinationIsDrag = true;
            dropErrorCode     = DropErrorCode.noError;
            gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);


        //If moves from drop to drag
        originIsDrag      = false;
        destinationIsDrag = true;
        if (itemOrigin == DragDropOrigin.DropBox && direction == DragDropDirection.Bidirectional)
            //If destination is not empty
            if (dragSlots[index] != -1)
                //If behavior is move to empty only... returns
                if (dropBehavior == DropBehavior.DropOnlyIfEmpty)
                    //Setting trigger variables
                    dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.notAllowedSlot;
                    gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

                //Look for an empty slot to move destination item
                int destIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dragRows * dragCols; i++)
                    if (dragSlots[i] == -1)
                        destIndex = i;
                //Oops... no room for drop
                if (dragSlots[destIndex] != -1)
                    //Setting trigger variables
                    dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.noRoomForDrop;
                    gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

                //Move droped destination to new position
                dragSlots[destIndex] = dragSlots[index];
                //Erase origin in drop area
                dropSlots[draggedSlotIndex] = -1;
                //Put drop in their slot
                dragSlots[index] = draggedIndex;

                //Setting trigger variables
                dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.noError;
                gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

            //Simpe drop
            dropSlots[draggedSlotIndex] = -1;
            dragSlots[index]            = draggedIndex;

            //Setting trigger variables
            dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.noError;
            gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);

        //Setting trigger variables. Error no bidirectional
        dropErrorCode = DropErrorCode.notAllowedBox;
        gameObject.SendMessage("DropTrigger", this);