public override void AdvanceWaypoints(GameObject waypointReached, Vector3 target, FlyingDroneScript scr)
        scr.prevWaypoint = waypointReached;
        DroneWaypointScript wpScr = scr.prevWaypoint.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();

        scr.nextWaypoint = wpScr.NearestConstrainedNeighborToPoint(target);
     * This recursive function is called only by NearestWaypoint().
     * Find the distance to wp and mark wp as visited.
     * Call the function recursively on each of this wp's neighbors if they have not been visited.
     * Each of the above calls results in a waypoint being returned.
     * If that returned waypoint is closer than those examined previously, it is the new
     * closest waypoint.
    private GameObject NearestWaypointInternal(Vector3 p, GameObject wp, List <GameObject> visited)
        GameObject closestWP        = wp;
        float      shortestDistance = Vector3.Distance(p, wp.transform.position);

        visited.Add(wp);         // Record that we have visited this waypoint.
        GameObject          childWP;
        float               childDist;
        DroneWaypointScript drWPscr = wp.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();

        for (int i = 0; i < drWPscr.waypointList.Count; i++)
            childWP = drWPscr.waypointList[i];
            if (!visited.Contains(childWP))
                childWP   = NearestWaypointInternal(p, childWP, visited);
                childDist = Vector3.Distance(p, childWP.transform.position);
                if (childDist < shortestDistance)
                    closestWP        = childWP;
                    shortestDistance = childDist;
Example #3
    // Set prevWaypoint to be the closest one and nextWaypoint to be the closest neightbor to
    // prevWaypoint.  This assumes that the set of waypoints are connected in a graph and that
    // nextWaypoint is set to one of them.
    public void UpdateClosestWaypoints()
        DroneWaypointScript nextScr     = nextWaypoint.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();
        GameObject          closeWP     = nextScr.NearestWaypoint(transform.position);
        DroneWaypointScript closeScr    = closeWP.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();
        GameObject          nextCloseWP = closeScr.NearestNeighborToPoint(transform.position);

        nextWaypoint = closeWP;
        prevWaypoint = nextCloseWP;
Example #4
    // Set prevWaypoint to the nextWaypoint, and nextWaypoint to be a random neighbor.
    // This assumes that the set of waypoints are connected in a graph and that
    // nextWaypoint is set to one of them.
    // The height of the target is the height of the next waypoint.
    public void RandomNextWaypoint()
        DroneWaypointScript scr      = nextWaypoint.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();
        GameObject          savePrev = prevWaypoint;

        prevWaypoint = nextWaypoint;
        if (patrolNewNext)
            nextWaypoint = scr.randomNeighbor(savePrev);
            nextWaypoint = scr.randomNeighbor();
        target          = nextWaypoint.transform.position;
        effectiveTarget = targetBehavior.GetEffectiveTarget(transform, target, thisScript);
Example #5
 public void SetPatrolMode()
     if (!nextWaypoint)
         Debug.LogError("Error:  nextWaypoint must be set in the Inspector.");
         curMode        = userMode = DroneMode.Patrol;
         targetBehavior = targetWaypointBehavior;
         // Find the closest waypoint.  This may be any of the waypoints if the drone has been controlled manually.
         DroneWaypointScript wpScript = nextWaypoint.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();
         nextWaypoint = wpScript.NearestWaypoint(transform.position);
         //prevWaypoint = null;
         target          = nextWaypoint.transform.position;
         effectiveTarget = targetBehavior.GetEffectiveTarget(transform, target, thisScript);
    public override Vector3 GetEffectiveTarget(Transform xform, Vector3 target, FlyingDroneScript scr)
        Vector3 closePnt, closePntNext, closePntPrev, result;
        float   delta = 1.0f;        // small distance for comparisons.

         * Get the line from prev to next waypoint.
         * Find the closest point of the target to that line.
         * If that closest point is one of the endpoints of the line,
         * that is the effective target.
         * Otherwise check the current line and each adjacent line
         * and determine which line is closest to target.
         * If it is one of the other lines, the effective target is the common waypoint (next or prev).
         * Otherwise, if the closest line is the current line, the effective target is the
         * closest point on that line.
        GameObject          nextWP    = scr.nextWaypoint;
        GameObject          prevWP    = scr.prevWaypoint;
        Vector3             Pnext     = nextWP.transform.position;
        Vector3             Pprev     = prevWP.transform.position;
        DroneWaypointScript nextWPscr = nextWP.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();
        DroneWaypointScript prevWPscr = prevWP.GetComponent <DroneWaypointScript>();

        // Is Pprev the effective target?  If so, return it.
        closePnt = GeometryClass.ClosestPointOnLine(Pprev, Pnext, target, true);
        if (Vector3.Distance(Pprev, target) < delta)
            result = Pprev;

        // Is Pnext the effective target?  If so, return it.
        else if (Vector3.Distance(Pnext, target) < delta)
            result = Pnext;

            // Get the distance of the target point to the current line.
            float distCurLine = Vector3.Distance(closePnt, target);

            // Get the line connected to the next WP that is closest to the target.
            GameObject closestWPtoNextWP = nextWPscr.NearestConstrainedNeighborToPoint(target);
            // Get the closest point on that line.
            closePntNext = GeometryClass.ClosestPointOnLine(Pnext, closestWPtoNextWP.transform.position, target, true);
            // Get the distance from that point to the target.
            float distNextLines = Vector3.Distance(closePntNext, target);

            // Get the line connected to the prev WP that is closest to the target.
            GameObject closestWPtoPrevWP = prevWPscr.NearestConstrainedNeighborToPoint(target);
            // Get the closest point on that line.
            closePntPrev = GeometryClass.ClosestPointOnLine(Pprev, closestWPtoPrevWP.transform.position, target, true);
            // Get the distance from that point to the target.
            float distPrevLines = Vector3.Distance(closePntPrev, target);

            // If the target is closer to a line adjecent to the next waypoint than to a line joining prev and
            // next waypoints and to a line adjacent to the prev waypoint,
            // return the next waypoint.
            if (distNextLines < distCurLine && distNextLines < distPrevLines)
                result = Pnext;

            // If the target is closer to a line adjecent to the prev waypoint than to a line joining prev and
            // next waypoints and to a line adjacent to the next waypoint,
            // return the prev waypoint.
            else if (distPrevLines < distCurLine && distPrevLines < distNextLines)
                result = Pprev;

            // If we have gotten this far, return the closest point on the line joining prev and next waypoints.
                result = closePnt;
        // Adjust result by heightAboveWaypoint.
        result.Set(result.x, result.y + scr.heightAboveWaypoint, result.z);