statis void Main(string[] args) { DrinksMachine myMachine = new DrinksMachine(); myMachine._location = "kitchen"; myMachine._model = "DM1000"; }
//Classes and Delegates are always reference types //Structs are value types static void Main(string[] args) { Module03BasicTypesAndConstructs.Coffee firstBean = new Module03BasicTypesAndConstructs.Coffee(5, "Good Beans", "My Place"); firstBean.OutOfBeans += new Inventory().HandleOutOfBeans; DrinksMachine dm = new DrinksMachine { Age = 2, Model = "BeanSmasher 3000", Make = "Fourth Coffee" }; for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { dm.MakeCappuccino(ref firstBean); } DrinksMachine dm2 = new DrinksMachine(2); DrinksMachine dm3 = new DrinksMachine("Fourth Coffee", "BeanDestroyer 3000"); DrinksMachine dm4 = new DrinksMachine(3, "Fourth Coffee", "BeanToaster Turbo"); //Boxing is converting a value type to a reference type by wrapping it in an object int i = 100; object obj = i; // Unboxing is converting a reference type to a value type and you must explicitly cast the variable back to its original type int j; j = (int)obj; double weightInKilos = 80; double weightInPounds = Conversions.KilosToPounds(weightInKilos); //Using IComparer implentation to sort coffee by rating rather than Variety (default set by coffee class IComparable implentation) //Coffee Class (rather than coffee struct above) Coffee coffeenew1 = new Coffee(); coffeenew1.AverageRating = 4.5; Coffee coffeenew2 = new Coffee(); coffeenew2.AverageRating = 8.1; Coffee coffeenew3 = new Coffee(); coffeenew3.AverageRating = 7.1; //Add the instances to arraylist ArrayList coffeList = new ArrayList(); coffeList.Add(coffeenew1); coffeList.Add(coffeenew2); coffeList.Add(coffeenew3); //Sort arraylist by average rating(passed custom Icomparer implentation) coffeList.Sort(new CoffeeRatingComparer()); foreach (Coffee drink in coffeList) { Console.WriteLine(drink.AverageRating); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DrinksMachine myMachine = new DrinksMachine("Kitchen", "Brand", "DM1000"); // myMachine.Location = "Kitchen"; // myMachine.Model = "DM1000"; Console.WriteLine(myMachine.Location); Console.WriteLine(myMachine.Make); Console.WriteLine(myMachine.Model); myMachine.MakeCappuccino(); }